() The battle at Yima Pass in Anhua County lingered in He Renlong's mind all the time.

He was hailed as Crazy He by the rogues, relying on his tenacity in fighting and not being afraid of death. This title carried the fear of the rogues, but after the First World War in Anhua County, this title gradually disappeared.

He Renlong was still a little unconvinced when he was escorted to the capital together with the commander Hong Chengchou. Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. He cannot be beheaded by the court just because of a defeat in a battle. If this is the case, who would dare to lead the army in battle?

However, in the Battle of Yimaguan in Anhua County, the losses were too heavy. Of the two 4000 sergeants, only [-] escaped. Most of the remaining [-] sergeants were killed, and a small number surrendered. Such a disastrous defeat can be called It is the shame of He Renlong's life. If he can't gallop on the battlefield again, wipe out the bandits, and win the greatest victory, he will never think about raising his head in his life.

Fortunately, Sun Chengzong interceded with him for Hong Chengchou, and the Ministry of War also proposed a lighter punishment.

Zhu Youjian adopted Sun Chengzong's opinion and released Hong Chengchou and He Renlong after a period of time. Hong Chengchou stayed in the capital and did not arrange anything for the time being. He Renlong was sent to Shaanxi to obey Sun Chengzong's dispatch.

He Renlong is known as the madman He, and there is another detail, that is, he is also a rebellious figure.

It is an advantage to be tenacious and brave in battle, but after fighting for a long time, it is inevitable that you will be a little rough and arrogant. Most people don't see it in their eyes, and they regard the soldiers under their hands as their own private property, which is quite unrestrained Taste it.

Speaking of which, He Renlong is a Wu Jinshi, a native of Mizhi, Shaanxi. To some extent, he is the same as Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, and Li Zicheng.There are some similarities.

This time, He Renlong was sent to Shaanxi to follow Sun Chengzong for his crime and meritorious deeds. It can be said to be a very good opportunity.

In front of Sun Chengzong.He Renlong still didn't dare to be arrogant, Sun Chengzong's qualifications were different, he was a complete junior in front of Sun Chengzong, and Sun Chengzong also interceded for him, let alone He Renlong.Any general who followed Sun Chengzong was honest.

Fortunately, Sun Chengzong didn't care about He Renlong's defeat. After He Renlong arrived in Shaanxi, he was appointed as a general with the status of a thousand households and commanded five thousand soldiers.Always at your disposal.

Sun Chengzong's decision to wipe out the bandits made He Renlong ecstatic. He felt that his chance for revenge had come.

When He Renlong entered Sun Chengzong's camp, he strongly suppressed his excitement.

Sun Chengzong was sitting in the tent of the Chinese army, and was making deployments before the war. Many officers came in and out.Obviously they all accepted the military order.

"Commander He, you lead your troops to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi at the fastest speed, and obey the command of Commander Su Tiancheng of the Jiangning Camp. Remember, you have a heavy responsibility. Zhang Xianzhong has led [-] bandits and has broken through the encirclement of the army. , fled to Shanxi. These people must not be allowed to continue to roam around, it is best to exterminate them within the territory of Shanxi, if these people flee and return to Shaanxi, it will affect the deployment of the army, I ask you."

"Yes. This subordinate rushed to Pingyang Mansion in Shanxi, but..."

"Commander Su is currently in Yueyang County, which is under the jurisdiction of Pingyang Mansion. You go directly to Yueyang County."

"Your subordinates know, let's go immediately."

Sun Chengzong looked at He Renlong and changed the topic.

"He Renlong, I know you have a nickname, known as He Crazy, which shows that you are very good at fighting, and the rogues are afraid of you. Bravery, the imperial court knows that they fought hard. In the first battle of Zhongdu, 4000 people fought against tens of thousands of bandits. They resisted desperately. The Jiangning camp finally wiped out nearly [-] bandits. So, you have arrived in Yueyang The county must obey the command and not make decisions without authorization, do you understand?"

He Renlong's body trembled.

When Sun Chengzong arranged the task just now, He Renlong had other ideas. After entering Shanxi, he knew exactly how to arrange it. At least he had to face-to-face with the rogues, and he couldn't be a coward.

"My lord, my subordinates know that when they arrive in Yueyang County, they should immediately report to Commander Su and wait for dispatch."

"Okay, you go to prepare, set off tomorrow morning, find the food and grass you need, find the military supply department, try to bring as much as possible, try not to trouble the local government along the way, and you will arrive at Yueyang County within five days."

The military order fell like a mountain, and he accepted the task, but He Renlong simply started to arrange and coordinate.

Most of the [-] sergeants led this time were former veterans, including the sergeants who broke out after the fiasco at Yimaguan.

Although the number of people is a little small, He Renlong is also satisfied. He had suffered such a big defeat not long ago, and beheading was enough. This time he came under Sun Chengzong's command, and he can let him lead the army regardless of past suspicions, which is very good. up.

As long as there is fighting, the rest don't need to worry about.

He Renlong was somewhat curious about the Jiangning Camp. The brilliant achievements of the Jiangning Camp once made him puzzled and suspicious. Many officers liked to exaggerate the results of the battle, and even killed the good ones. What is so magical about the Jiangning Camp? Zijinliang forced Laohui to commit suicide, especially in the battle of Fengyang, the central capital, beheading and capturing [-] bandits, including [-] elite.

It is impossible to fake the battle of Zhongdu. This kind of record has passed the test of many parties, and it is said that Zijin Liang and Lao Huihui were indeed killed by Jiang Ningying. , the rogues will eventually fall into the hands of the Jiangning Battalion. This time, he is going to Shanxi, and he will be directly controlled by Su Tiancheng. Such a big deal.

Su Tiancheng has received a letter from Sun Chengzong.

This will have a certain impact on the battle arrangements of the Jiangning Battalion. Sun Chengzong's letter made Su Tiancheng a little depressed.What is even more annoying is that according to the previous history, He Renlong was beheaded by Sun Chengzong. Dragon's.

Sun Chengzong arranged for He Renlong to lead [-] soldiers to obey his orders. This seemed to increase the strength of the Jiangning battalion, but it was not the case. If He Renlong obeyed his orders, everything would be fine. If He Renlong wanted to make contributions, Thinking of being a hero might affect Su Tiancheng's plan.In addition, He Renlong suffered a disastrous defeat a few months ago, and almost none of the [-] soldiers led by him were wiped out. Such a shame is unbearable.

There is an even more secretive reason here, which Su Tiancheng will not reveal.

Suppressing the rogues is a huge achievement. Everyone wants to get a piece of the action. The court is optimistic about the Jiangning camp. It has been a few months for the rogues, and there hasn't been much direct contact. Although this is Sun Chengzong's tactic, the officers below are anxious.

Affected by this level of thinking, some officers may be impatient, but due to Sun Chengzong's prestige, they dare not act rashly. Now that the opportunity has come, Sun Chengzong has decided to wipe out the bandits on a large scale. Everyone is thinking about getting ahead.

It is impossible for the mature and prudent Sun Chengzong not to know about such a situation.

Impatience and aggressiveness are taboos in war. Sun Chengzong must adopt a steady and steady tactic, which will inevitably affect the morale of many officers, especially officers like He Renlong.

Sending He Renlong to him now, does it mean to shift the burden?

Anyway, He Renlong has already brought five thousand soldiers over, and most of these soldiers are those who suffered a disastrous defeat last time. I don't know if they came out of the shadow of the disastrous defeat.

The reason why Su Tiancheng set off with the rear army a day later was actually waiting for He Renlong.

His thoughts have matured. The Jiangning Battalion has all left Yueyang County. It is not a big problem for a day or two, but it will inevitably arouse suspicion after a long time. Moreover, the sergeants of the Yueyang County Inspection Department are on guard outside, so it is impossible not to know With such a thing, if the five thousand soldiers led by He Renlong came and could be stationed in the camp, they could completely confuse the officials of Yueyang County.

If the Jiangning battalion wants to wipe out the bandits led by Zhang Xianzhong, the action must be kept in absolute secrecy without the slightest leak, otherwise Zhang Xianzhong may temporarily change his intentions, and the arrangement of the Jiangning battalion will fall short.

Of course there are difficulties.

When He Renlong came to Shanxi, he thought it was a big fight, but he accepted the order and was stationed in Yueyang County, watching the Jiangning battalion go to wipe out the bandits. Such an arrangement would be uncomfortable for any officer. of.

Su Tiancheng has been hesitant, thinking over and over about his own arrangement.

Su Tiancheng didn't know much about the officer He Renlong, so he didn't have any opinions or opinions. Anyway, he was very brave in battle. As for the tendency to support his troops, that was normal. In the last years of the Ming Dynasty, many All the officers have such thoughts, not just He Renlong.

Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, and Xiong Zijian, with [-] soldiers from the Jiangning Camp, had already left the camp and went to Wuxiang County. Su Tiancheng could not have wasted too much time. According to the time requirement of Sun Chengzong's letter, He Renlong should be here this afternoon. When he arrived in Yueyang County, and Zhang Xianzhong probably knew the news, it is not necessarily a bad thing for He Renlong to come to Yueyang County. To a certain extent, he can confuse Zhang Xianzhong.

Perhaps Zhang Xianzhong thought that He Renlong came to Yueyang County to command the Jiangning Battalion to fight under the order of Sun Chengzong. .To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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