() Seeing He Renlong for the first time, Su Tiancheng didn't show much surprise.

He Renlong is tall, a little thin, and looks very flexible. It is estimated that he has been galloping on the battlefield for a long time, and likes to fight the enemy himself, so he cannot be very fat.

He Renlong's eyes were a bit gloomy and cold, there must have been depressive factors in it.

Facing such gazes, Su Tiancheng thought it was so-called. A person who has lived a long-term life of licking blood can't be exactly the same as a normal person. Compassion does not command soldiers. If he can't make his soldiers awe, such an officer will be difficult to lead. The army wins the battle.

He Renlong was different.

The first time he saw Su Tiancheng, he thought he was wrong. The young man in front of him could be described as suave and suave. He was a little too young. Such a young man should be doing things in the imperial court. A typical scholar, a standard official, but he happened to be the commander of Jiangning's battalion and guards.

In the imperial court, nobles and warriors have always been inferior. Although He Renlong is a Jinshi, there is still a big difference between him and a Jinshi.

Let's just say that Su Tiancheng, although he is the commander of the Jiangning camp, his important position is still the prefect of Henan Prefecture.

The situation is different now. If he was in the imperial court, after meeting Su Tiancheng, He Renlong must be well-behaved and respectful, but now he is going to fight, and scholars cannot be of much use on the battlefield.

After many years of fighting, He Renlong had some different views. He always felt that it was not very suitable for an official to lead the army. Of course, an official like Sun Chengzong was an exception.

For a moment, He Renlong became suspicious.The Su Tiancheng in front of him, this standard white-faced scholar, could it be that he really led the Jiang Ning camp and won so many victories, maybe he is a bit boastful.

"General He. I have received Master Sun's letter. The Jiangning Battalion has already started to move. If I hadn't been waiting for you, I would have set off too. Your mission. I have already considered it and stationed in Yueyang County."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys the order. Sir Sun asked me to obey your command."

"Okay, come here. Let me tell you about the current situation."

Looking at the sand table in the Chinese military tent, He Renlong was a little hesitant, but he couldn't understand the flags marked on it for a while. When he got closer, he looked carefully and seemed to realize something.

"This is a sand table specially marking the movements of the rogues. According to the information we have, Zhang Xianzhong has led [-] rogues and has set off from Jizhou for three days. The specific whereabouts are still in the process of investigation. The direction, the three routes that Zhang Xianzhong may take, the red flag is the route of the Jiangning battalion march, you can see for yourself. If there is anything you don’t understand, tell me later.”

After saying this, Su Tiancheng walked out of the Chinese military tent, and let He Renlong ponder over the sand table by himself, and he also wanted to try it out.Since He Renlong is a Wu Jinshi, there must be something wrong, and he should understand the content on the sand table.

As for the movement of the Jiangning Camp, there is no need to conceal He Renlong. Such a thing must never be done. This is a distrust of others and an insult to the colleagues who fought together on the battlefield.

A few minutes later, Su Tiancheng entered the tent of the Chinese army, and He Renlong's face was full of doubts.

"My lord, this subordinate understands a little bit, but there are still some things I don't understand."

"Oh, now that you understand a little bit, there is one most important question. Please answer it. Which route will Zhang Xianzhong choose and where will he plan to attack?"

He Renlong hesitated for a moment, of course he knew the importance of this question.

"This, I didn't think about it carefully. I felt that it was impossible for Zhang Xianzhong to attack the city of Pingyang. It was very likely that he would go to Qinzhou and Zezhou. The news that the Jiangning battalion was stationed in Yueyang County must have spread, so Zhang Xianzhong is unlikely. I have chosen the route of Yueyang, and there are only two routes left, and the subordinates really can't figure out which route to choose."

"Okay, then tell me about your doubts."

"My lord, my subordinates are mainly concerned about the marching route of the Jiangning battalion. I have some doubts. The Jiangning battalion did not stick to Yueyang County. It seems that they have left Pingyang Mansion and entered Qinzhou. Do you think that Zhang Xianzhong will go directly to Qinzhou to attack Qinzhou? Is it Yangzhou City?"

"Zhang Xianzhong will not attack Qinyang, but he will definitely pass through Qinyang. His purpose is to attack Liaozhou."

"This, this, where did your lord get the information from?"

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"This is based on analysis, relying on the judgment of many officers and men in the Jiangning camp. Take a look at the map."

Su Tiancheng pulled back the white gauze that was covering him, and a map showing the marching route of the Jiangning Battalion appeared in front of He Renlong.

He Renlong took a closer look and was dumbfounded.

"My lord, the Jiangning camp has gone to Wuxiang County, Qinzhou. This, this subordinate really doesn't understand."

"There are a lot of things in it, and it's hard to explain for a while. I'm afraid Zhang Xianzhong is thinking about making another glory and continuing to win big in Liaozhou. The Jiangning Battalion will set up an ambush at Qiyue Mountain in Wuxiang County, and strive to wipe out Zhang Xianzhong in this place. This group of rogues, you have come to Yueyang County, the task is also very clear, the actions of the Jiangning Camp must be kept secret, and they must be taken by surprise, so as to ensure the greatest victory. The Jiangning Camp is located in Yueyang County. Everyone has left, which may arouse everyone's suspicion. If such news spreads, Zhang Xianzhong may become suspicious if he knows the situation. So, you lead five thousand soldiers to garrison in the camp, and you must create momentum , indicating that the army is still stationed here."

"Besides, you have to pay attention. If Zhang Xianzhong really comes to Yueyang County, you need to resist them. You can't let them pass through Yueyang County. Jiangning Battalion will return to defense at the shortest possible time."

He Renlong was confused by what he heard, and he never dreamed that the Jiangning Battalion would go directly to Mount Qiyue in Wuxiang County to set up defenses.

In an instant, the great victory in the Jiangning camp came to his mind. At that time, no one would have thought that the rogues would have the courage to directly attack Zhongdu. It was the Jiangning camp who made an accurate judgment and set up an ambush in advance. , Annihilated the most elite force of the bandits in one fell swoop.

He couldn't tell whether it was shock or admiration, but He Renlong suddenly felt that his view of Su Tiancheng was too superficial. When Su Tiancheng was arranging tactics, he actually thought of Chongzhen five years ago. Zhang Xianzhong once won a big victory in Liaozhou. After making a judgment in turn, Zhang Xianzhong will attack Liaozhou.

Combining the front and back, such an analysis is indeed reasonable.

Some things are particularly clear after piercing the household paper, but it is rare to see through this layer and make accurate judgments. Being able to make such judgments shows that Su Tiancheng is extraordinary.

He understood the task that Su Tiancheng arranged for him at the end.

"My lord, the subordinates, the subordinates are here to fight, not to garrison..."

He Renlong's face flushed anxiously, and he was a bit awkward in speaking. He couldn't lose his temper in front of Su Tiancheng. After all, he was directly under Su Tiancheng's control and had to obey orders.

"General He, I have already decided on this matter. Your task is very clear. Stick to the camp in Yueyang County, and keep leaking the news, saying that the Jiangning camp will stick to it again and must wipe out Zhang Xianzhong."

Hearing Su Tiancheng's tone and seeing Su Tiancheng's resolute expression, He Renlong became anxious. If he stayed in Yueyang County, this battle would have nothing to do with him.

In desperation, He Renlong knelt down on one knee, cupped his fists and saluted Su Tiancheng.

"My lord, I sincerely ask you to participate in the killing of the enemy. The sergeants you lead can be stationed in the camp. Your subordinates petition to be the vanguard and charge ahead. I beg you to give your subordinates a chance."

Su Tiancheng looked at He Renlong, but didn't help He Renlong up.

"General He, do you feel a little unconvinced when you think about the fiasco last time?"

"My lord, please give me a chance."

"Do you know why you came to Yueyang County? Why did Lord Sun send you here? You need to think about it seriously. You have suffered a big loss and want to make it back. This kind of mood is understandable. On the battlefield, you are holding your breath When you kill the enemy, the power that erupts is enormous, but you are an officer, commanding tens of thousands of sergeants, you need to consider the overall situation, not killing the enemy with personal pain, it is your duty to strategize."

"My lord, this subordinate really can't hold back his breath. I implore my lord to give this subordinate a chance. This subordinate petitions to be an ordinary sergeant."

Su Tiancheng sighed softly, it seems that Sun Chengzong had expected it a long time ago and left this problem to himself.

"General He, I'm just reminding you that there will be many opportunities for conquest in the future. You are now a thousand households, and you may become the commander of the guards and the general soldier in the future. You must always understand your identity so that you can truly fight against the enemy." After winning the battle, the rogues called you Madman He, which means that you are indeed brave and good at fighting, which makes the rogues afraid, but you can't always be like this."

"My subordinates thank you for your teachings. I will definitely pay attention to them in the future. But this time, not only my subordinates, but also the sergeants led by my subordinates are also holding their breath. They must fight the bandits. They have lost too much. Brother, I'm not willing."

Su Tiancheng stood up, he was really in a bit of a dilemma, if He Renlong went out with him, his deployment would need to be adjusted, some of the soldiers in the Jiangning Battalion must stay in the big camp.

In fact, this kind of arrangement is not bad, leaving a thousand households from the Jiangning Camp here to preside over the overall situation and create the necessary situation to confuse Zhang Xianzhong. If He Renlong is forced to stay, the effect may not be very good.

In a short time, Su Tiancheng made a decision.

"General He, get up and get ready. After dark, follow me. However, out of the 2000 soldiers you brought, [-] must be left behind to be stationed in the camp. Make arrangements quickly and don't waste time."

Qin Rui entered the tent of the Chinese army and came out with a very dark face. He never expected that he would lead two thousand brothers to station in the camp. However, this was a task arranged by Su Tiancheng, including the 2000 people left by He Renlong. Unification is under his command. This is a military order that must not be violated.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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