Ming politicians

Chapter 421 Arrangement

() Qiyue Mountain, located in Wuxiang County, has high mountains and dense forests, and the terrain is complicated. It seems that an ambush here is not the best choice.

Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian, He Renlong and others gathered in the Chinese military tent.

Sun Chuanting has reported the preparations in the early stage. It is not very difficult to ambush in the mountains. It is just that it is not the best place to ambush here. The shortcomings are obvious. The terrain is not open and there are many places for rogues to escape. In the midst of the mountains, the subsequent pursuit will be very troublesome.

Bi Maokang's opinion is also similar, the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion are best deployed in an open area, so that they can be arranged in advance to deal the biggest blow to the rogues.

Including Sun Yuankun and others also have this view.

He Renlong did not speak. He also knew Sun Chuanting's name. He participated in the battle of Zhongdu, not only Sun Chuanting, but all the officers in front of him had participated in many battles and had rich experience.

What was strange to He Renlong was that Jiangning Camp discussed the battle steps as if they were brainstorming, and Su Tiancheng listened carefully to everyone's opinions and finally made a decision.

After everyone finished speaking, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"Choosing an ambush at Qiyue Mountain is indeed not the best choice. I believe everyone understands why we choose this place. We can't ambush in an open area, and we can't keep the news from leaking. The key to an ambush is surprise. If we alarm the military Township and county governments, and even the common people, think about it, can such news be kept secret? Once Zhang Xianzhong gets the information, he will immediately change the marching route, and all our efforts will be in vain."

"The mountains are high and the forest is dense. Rogues are good at fighting in such places. The Jiangning Battalion is also used to fighting in such places. Every time there is a big competition, we arrange field survival training. What is the purpose of this? It is to deal with the current situation. .”

"Ordnance and firearms are very important, but these things require soldiers to operate. In the final analysis, the bravery of soldiers is the most important thing."

"This is the first time for the Artillery Battalion to participate in this conquest of bandits. Master Bi, Lord Xiong, you are the battalion commander and deputy commander of the Artillery Battalion. After such a long training, it is time to play the role of the Artillery Battalion. The Artillery Battalion is very concerned. The better you fight, the soldiers will be able to ensure less bloodshed. This time the Artillery Battalion is carrying all the tiger squatting cannons and Francophones. The terrain of Qiyue Mountain is just right. Just now, Mr. Sun Arrangements have been made. The artillery battalion has been deployed."

Su Tiancheng walked to the front of the sand table while talking.

This time, the sand table played an important role. The topography of Mount Qiyue was accurately displayed on the sand table, including hillsides, forests, rivers, etc., at a glance.

Su Tiancheng pointed to the road with a stick and spoke.

"Through Qiyue Mountain, there is only such a formed road. Zhang Xianzhong will not choose the other roads. After all, he leads [-] rogues. This is not a small number. It is impossible for rogues to fly over the wall. You can only pass through Qiyue Mountain along this road. The location of the artillery battalion is at the entrance of Mount Qiyue, and I think this arrangement has been carefully considered by all of you."

"The range of the tiger squatting cannon and the Fron machine are not very far, but the power is still not small. I have no objection to installing it at the entrance, but I still have to remind you about the relevant arrangements. The task of the artillery battalion is not only Not only to bombard the rogue team, but also to blow up this road."

Seeing Su Tiancheng pointing to the road into Mount Qiyue, everyone was a little surprised.

You know, if this road is blown up, Jiang Ningying's actions will be inconvenient.

"You may be surprised why I made such an arrangement. I have long emphasized that the Jiangning camp needs to make dumplings and wipe out the rogues. Either chase the ducks, blow up the road, or trap the rogues in Qiyue Mountain. We cannot let them Escape, at this time, the flintlock guns in the hands of the soldiers can play a decisive role."

"Fighting in open areas, the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion have great advantages, but there is no way to do it at present. Besides, there are many people in the open area, and it is very likely to hurt Gu. It is the spring farming season, after the rogues and the common people mix. , we can’t tell the difference in a short time.”

"This battle is the biggest test for the Jiangning Battalion. It will test the effectiveness of the daily training of the soldiers. If they can fight calmly in the deep mountains and dense forests, and win this battle well, the Jiangning Battalion will be able to face any environment."

"Jiangning Battalion has to consider the worst case scenario, that is Zhang Xianzhong does not take this route, he should take another route. Each battalion must be ready at all times and make necessary adjustments."

Su Tiancheng didn't say much about Sun Chuanting's and other officers' preliminary arrangements, and if he didn't comment, he approved of such arrangements.

In terms of how to fight, Su Tiancheng focused on the general direction. As for the specific layout, he didn't think too much about it. He was not good at this aspect, so he didn't need to say more.

Another question is how to arrange the three thousand soldiers led by He Renlong.

This was not considered before.

The [-] sergeants led by He Renlong may have a certain gap with the quality of the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion. This is also the actual situation. After all, the treatment of the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion is not comparable to that of the other guards.

"Master Sun, the [-] soldiers led by General He will assist the Jiangning Battalion to wipe out the bandits. You can think about the specific arrangement and make arrangements immediately. From now on, you will be responsible for the specific deployment of the battle, and I will also obey it." Commander, all soldiers must obey Master Sun's arrangement and deployment, and no one is allowed to disobey the military orders."

When Su Tiancheng said this, he didn't look at He Renlong. In fact, he said this to He Renlong.

Su Tiancheng didn't know He Renlong very well, but he knew He Renlong's urgent mood. Once he went to the battlefield, he always wanted to show his personal heroism. He Renlong could understand the meaning.

The deployment of the Jiangning battalion was basically in place, which battalion was in which position, all were marked on the sand table, but the positions of the [-] soldiers led by He Renlong were not marked on it.

This also shows that the [-] soldiers led by He Renlong can do anything.

He Renlong's face turned red.

"Master Su, Lord Sun, the subordinates obey the arrangement, but there is only one request, that they must go to battle to kill the enemy."

Su Tiancheng looked at He Renlong and had a different feeling.

He Renlong is not a scheming officer. In such an occasion, if there are some officers who are secretive, they will probably not open their mouths. They will keep their thoughts in their hearts. Unexpectedly, He Renlong can't be bored. It seems The long-term battle, the mind is still simple.For some reason, Su Tiancheng thought of Wu Sangui. If Wu Sangui met such an occasion, he would behave differently, either fully support him, or remain silent.

Generally speaking, Su Tiancheng appreciates officers like He Renlong.

After the assignment was completed, everyone left the Chinese military tent one after another, and Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian stayed behind.

Xiong Zijian was mainly in charge of logistics support, and Bi Maokang was going to assign tasks to the artillery battalion, so there was little time left.

He Renlong also left the tent of the Chinese army and went outside to wait.

Sun Chuanting spoke.

"The sergeant led by General He, please show me how to arrange it."

"What were you thinking before?"

"I think about letting General He lead [-] sergeants to follow the artillery battalion. This can protect the safety of the artillery battalion to the greatest extent. Once the bandits disperse, the next task will be very heavy. The rest of the battalions are impossible. Specially to protect the artillery battalion, it happens that General He can complete this task."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"This arrangement is somewhat inappropriate. Most of the [-] soldiers led by He Renlong were soldiers who were slaughtered at Yima Pass last time and desperately broke through. , need to be evacuated, the best way is to let them fight the rogues face to face, in my opinion, let them join the vanguard battalion and participate in the charge after the Artillery Battalion and Shenji Battalion have hit the rogues to the maximum."

"My lord, the Xiaoqi Battalion is directly responsible for the charge. Most of the [-] sergeants are infantry, and it is difficult to keep up with the rhythm. If it drags down the charge as a whole, it may not be very suitable."

"It's not easy. When charging, the Xiaoqi Battalion was in front, and He Renlong led three thousand soldiers to follow behind."

Sun Chuanting frowned, as if he felt that such an arrangement was unnecessary.

"Master Sun, as I said before, these sergeants have suffered heavy injuries and have resentment in their hearts. To vent this resentment, they have to kill on the battlefield. After defeating the opponent, the shadow in their hearts will naturally dissipate. Jiang Ning The camp still wants to give people such opportunities.”

"I see, my lord, I will arrange it right away."

"Well, you can assign specific tasks to He Renlong directly. It is best that you personally take He Renlong to the defensive position. I will go to the artillery battalion first."

Seeing that Su Tiancheng was about to leave, Sun Chuanting quickly spoke.

"My lord, there is one more thing."

"Oh, what else is there?"

"Your Excellency said just now that I am responsible for the tactical deployment. Since that is the case, Your Excellency must also obey my arrangements. In this fight, Your Excellency is not allowed to go into battle to kill the enemy, even if you are in the command of the Central Army tent."

Su Tiancheng was a little annoyed. Sun Chuanting wanted to sit in the tent of the Chinese army by himself, and there were probably a thousand soldiers guarding it outside.

"Master Sun, I am the commander in chief, and the soldiers kill the enemy, can't I go and have a look?"

"No, my lord has just said that I am responsible for all the specific arrangements."

Su Tiancheng looked at Sun Chuanting, speechless.

Xiong Zijian on the side also spoke.

"What Master Sun said is correct, you still have to obey."

Su Tian nodded reluctantly, he thought of it, Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian both said this, could there be shadows of Wang Furong, Liu Rushi and Gu Hengbo in it.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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