Ming politicians

Chapter 422 The Power of the Artillery Battalion

() The scouts sent information one after another, and Zhang Xianzhong led a large group of people, quickly passed through Fenxi, and came towards Qinzhou.most

The movements of the rogues were very quick, and they did not commit any crimes along the way without any delay. Moreover, most of their time, they did not take the official path, but took some small paths.

What makes Su Tiancheng even more depressed is that most of the people in Pingyang Mansion do not seem to resist the rogues. Although they did not join the ranks of rogues, they did not report the whereabouts of the rogues to the government. Secretary, at such a time, Gen will not go out of the city, and hide in the city, without knowing any information.Most of the sergeants from Luzhou Wei and Ningzhou Wei were transferred away. Needless to say, the reason for the transfer was that the Jiangning Battalion was in charge of the bandit suppression in Shanxi, and most of the rest of the sergeants had to be transferred to Shaanxi.

When the scouts reported this information, Su Tiancheng thought of Su Tianran. It was precisely because of the killing of the good and the exploiting of the people that the imperial army lost the support of the people. If his own whereabouts were not accurate, Zhang Xianzhong might really succeed this time.

Rogues move very fast.

The news from the scouts' investigation was very detailed. According to their observation, the bandit army did not carry much food and grass. This was the main reason for the speed of the bandits' march. If food and grass are tight, it will be difficult to maintain an army of [-].

According to the analysis of the scouts, the bandits led by Zhang Xianzhong may reach Wuxiang County and pass through Qiyue Mountain within two days.

Jiangning Battalion has already entered the final stage of preparation.

The happiest one was He Renlong, who had attended several meetings.According to the news from the meeting, Zhang Xianzhong led the rogues towards Qinzhou, which showed that Su Tiancheng's prediction was astonishingly accurate.

He Renlong once thought about it.Reported the news to Lord Sun Chengzong, but he still didn't do it in the end. There were too many changes in it, and if it was not done well, the letter was lost.Or leaked the secret in advance, such a crime cannot be borne by oneself, besides, the information, if necessary.Su Tiancheng will naturally report.

The Jiangning Battalion specially set up an artillery battalion, which was very surprising to He Renlong. Isn’t the Shenji Battalion just an artillery battalion? Why set up an artillery battalion alone? Lost.

Anyway.The [-] sergeants led by him have finally become a member of the vanguard. Although they are charging behind the cavalry, this is also normal. A blow to the morale of the opponent.

Although the troop was moving very fast, Zhang Xianzhong always paid attention to it, spreading it out in all directions.He is also continuously providing information for him.

Zhang Xianzhong also knew about the news that Crazy He had come to Shanxi to participate in the fight.

The Jiang Ning camp was no longer easy to deal with, and when Madman He came again, Zhang Xianzhong felt a headache, if the Jiang Ning camp and He Renlong split up.It's really difficult for them to guard their own roads.However, he knew very well that He Renlong led the sergeant directly to Yueyang County.

Zhang Xianzhong patted his forehead and shouted that God help me too.

As long as he can capture the city of Liaozhou and obtain a large amount of supplies and equipment, Zhang Xianzhong will not be so afraid of the Jiangning camp. They are all human beings. As long as the weapons are in place, no one is afraid of anyone.

After entering Qinzhou, nothing happened. Because of the quick action, the government didn't even notice that the bandits were coming. Under such circumstances, Jiang Ningying naturally didn't know about it.

Time is everything, Zhang Xianzhong will not delay for a moment, the better, the best is to pass through Qinzhou as quickly as possible, go directly to Liaozhou, travel day and night, increase the speed of the march, and even march in broad daylight, anyway, the common people in Shanxi, He hates the government and doesn't know how to report. As for those gentry and wealthy households, they have already fled to the county seat.

The sergeant acted quickly, and Zhang Xianzhong was always very cautious, sending out a large number of scouts every day to observe the situation before, after, left, and right, and be careful of big mistakes.

The army's food and grass were not sufficient, this was a situation that could not be avoided, and this also caused Zhang Xianzhong to delay a lot of time. He had to rush to Liaozhou in the shortest possible time, attack Liaozhou City, and solve all problems.

When the news came that Zhang Xianzhong had entered Qinzhou, Su Tiancheng focused all his attention on the sand table.

Jiangning Camp's plan has reached the most thorough level, now it depends on what Zhang Xianzhong will choose, these days, Su Tiancheng has been looking at the sand table, and at the same time looking at the maps of Qinzhou and Wuxiang counties.

There is a terrible thing, the road passing through Wuxiang County is not only the road of Qiyue Mountain.

There is also an official road, which is more than three miles away from Qiyue Mountain. If Zhang Xianzhong loses his mind and makes a bold decision to pass the official road, he will make a big joke.

Although judging from Zhang Xianzhong's marching habits these days, more than [-]% of the rogues may not follow the official path, but Su Tiancheng must guarantee [-]% without making the slightest mistake.

When Liu Tiehan entered the tent of the Chinese army, he saw Su Tiancheng's face was very serious, and Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others did not have any smiles on their faces.

"Liu Tiehan, you go to complete a mission and take [-] brothers from the scout battalion to set up a checkpoint on the official road three miles away from Qiyue Mountain to check the passing people. It is said that it is to prevent bandits, and the attitude should be stricter. Let the common people complain everywhere, and when necessary, collect some copper coins."

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

"Liu Tiehan, you have to remember that the more airs you put on, the better. Your purpose is not to prevent bandits, but to extort money."

After Liu Tiehan left the Chinese military tent, Sun Chuanting spoke.

"My lord, do you want to report the situation to the Wuxiang county government? Zhang Xianzhong has entered Qinzhou, and will enter Wuxiang county tomorrow. At this time, the situation will not be leaked. Liu Tiehan led thirty brothers Zhang Xianzhong sent a large number of scouts. If they realized that there were only about [-] people on the official road, would they decide to pass through the official road? If they could mobilize the sergeants of the county government inspection department, they would make a show of it. , will definitely confuse Zhang Xianzhong."

"No, I can't report the information. It's the most critical moment. The news must not be leaked. The officials of Pingyang Mansion are hiding in the city at this time, like turtles. Relying on them, what can be done well? Maybe something bad will happen. As for Liu Tiehan, as long as he puts on a posture, there will be no danger, and the establishment of a barrier on the official road is just to dispel Zhang Xianzhong's luck and let the bandits go from Qi Yueshan's side."

"If Zhang Xianzhong must go through the official road, it will be a little troublesome."

"This matter cannot be completely perfect. We can only do our best. Zhang Xianzhong must go through the official way. We can only follow and chase. The division of troops mentioned above is inappropriate. The Jiangning Battalion is like an army. The palm, the five fingers stretched out and fanned out, and hit the face, at most people can still act, even self-defense, but they can be squeezed into a fist, and with one punch, they can knock down the opponent, so that the opponent has no chance to fight back. force."

Sun Chuanting nodded and stopped talking.

"The most important task of exterminating the bandits this time is to wipe out Zhang Xianzhong, the leader of the bandits. No matter how much the price is paid, Zhang Xianzhong cannot be allowed to escape. When necessary, the bandits can be let go, rather than capturing or beheading Zhang Xianzhong."< During the plowing season, the climate is a bit cloudy and cold. In many places of Qiyue Mountain, you can still see white snow. The snow on the mountain will not melt for a while, but the official road is very dry.

Liu Tiehan didn't understand why Su Tiancheng asked him to have a bad attitude and act like extorting money, but Su Tiancheng asked him, this is a military order, and he must do it.

In just half a day, the ordinary people who passed by the official road were exploited and blackmailed. Everyone complained and quickly spread the news.

Zhang Xianzhong soon learned the news.

The army is about to enter the territory of Wuxiang County, and the journey is very peaceful, without encountering any officers and soldiers. It should be said that after entering Qinzhou, Zhang Xianzhong has always been very cautious, and patrol inspections suddenly appeared on the official road As a sergeant of the division, he also felt strange, could it be that his whereabouts were exposed.

However, the information that was fed back reassured him. It turned out that it was a group of sergeants from the inspection department who continued to interrogate the bandits and exploit the people's money. He had seen many such things.

Some people suggested that since this is the case, the army should simply go through the official road, kill the small group of sergeants from the inspection department, and go straight to Liaozhou.

Zhang Xianzhong decisively rejected this suggestion.

It is very easy to wipe out a small group of inspection sergeants, but the matter will be leaked out very soon. It is impossible to keep it secret. If he heard the news, he would definitely rush over as fast as possible, which would greatly reduce the time for him to attack the city of Liaozhou.

Besides, the sergeants of the inspection department guarding the official road can also become the best cover for the army. The army passed by Qiyue Mountain and bypassed the official road, and the sergeants of the inspection department still guarded the official road. According to the news, everything in Wuxiang County is normal.

Zhang Xianzhong had been to Qiyue Mountain before. The mountains are high and the forests are dense, so it is easy for the army to hide, and his whereabouts will not be exposed.

The army began to speed up, and quickly entered Wuxiang County, heading towards Qiyue Mountain.

There were still scouts along the road constantly checking for news, but because of time constraints, Zhang Xianzhong didn't want to waste time on the road. The distance between the army and the scouts was only about five miles away.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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