Ming politicians

Chapter 423 The Power of the Artillery Battalion

() One hundred tiger squatting guns and one hundred Francophones were lined up on the mountainside, and the surroundings were tightly camouflaged.welcome to read

At this time, Bi Maokang finally discovered the benefits.

The range of the Tiger Crouching Cannon and Franji is about 1000 meters and 500 meters, and the distance from the road is more than 1000 meters. There are hillsides on both sides, because the distance from the entrance of Qiyue Mountain is not far, and the hillside is not very steep. Two hundred cannons on both sides are more than enough, and they can be well camouflaged so that Liu Kogen cannot detect them.

When firing artillery, the focus is on aiming and distance. Just imagine, when [-] bandits pass Qiyue Mountain and enter the mountain, the distance must be very long. The coverage area reaches ten square kilometers, even if the rogues pull the longest distance, they can be completely covered.

Artillery has become the main force of the attack, that is to say, the artillery battalion will play an absolutely important role in this battle to wipe out the rogues, which no one expected.

Artillery mostly plays an important role when attacking cities and villages. As for the field battle process, because the army is too mobile, it is difficult for artillery to play a decisive role. At times, they tend to be the most vulnerable targets.

The most important reason is that the cannons of this period are basically solid. The power of this kind of cannon looks great. If it is hit by a solid shot, it will be terrible, but the affected The area is small, and the firing time of the artillery is relatively long. After the gun bore becomes hot, it must be cooled down.Continuous firing may cause the chamber to explode, which weakens the effect of the artillery to the greatest extent.

The artillery battalion under the jurisdiction of the Jiangning battalion is very large.Overcoming such problems, the invention of Huahua enhanced the power of the artillery. After each artillery was fired, the shock waves and fragments produced by Huahua were extremely lethal.As for the problem of exploding the chamber, use the quantity to make up for it. Two hundred artillery pieces are fired in batches with long intervals, which can overcome the problem of heating the chamber to the greatest extent.

Su Tiancheng brought along the soldiers of the barracks.Came to the command position of the artillery battalion.

He was still a little worried, Bi Maokang was impeccable technically, but the real situation of commanding operations still needs to be verified. This time, the extermination of the bandits led by Zhang Xianzhong was the biggest reliance.It was in the artillery battalion.

Regardless of the combat ability of the bandits, there are 5 people, not to mention killing people, even killing pigs, [-] pigs will consume a lot of energy. The best way is to completely overwhelm the opponent in terms of momentum.

In this regard, the artillery battalion can play an unexpected role.The blow of the artillery can scare the rogues and instantly lose their combat effectiveness, and the effect of the flintlock gun will also make the rogues frightened.After these two rounds of blows, very few people were able to survive. The next attack by the cavalry and infantry felt like sweeping the battlefield.

War relies on strength and technology, and technology can be used to the highest limit. Such a war is actually a massacre.

Seeing Su Tiancheng coming, Bi Maokang and Xiong Zijian rushed to meet him.

"Master Bi, Master Xiong, I am here to watch the battle."

"My lord, this is the frontier position. It's dangerous. My lord, it's better to go to the central army tent to command."

"As long as it is a battle, there is danger anywhere. Besides, let's say there is danger. If you can stick to your position, there is nothing I can't stick to. Don't say it, the bandits are already coming towards Qiyue Mountain. It is expected There are still two hours before we will enter Mount Qiyue, the role of the artillery battalion is very important, remember to wait until all the bandits have entered Mount Qiyue before blowing up the road."

"Don't worry, my lord, everything is ready."

Liu Tiehan came back panting with thirty scouts.

This means that the bandits are already close to Qi Yueshan.

The war is about to begin.

There was a sense of restlessness in the air. The soldiers who had experienced many battles were able to hold their breath, but Bi Maokang was a little excited. It was probably the first time he had experienced such a scene. However, when he saw Su Tiancheng and the others, the expression on his face There is no expression, the expression is very calm, and it gradually quieted down.

The scouts sent by the bandits have already entered Mount Qiyue.

These scouts did not conduct large-scale investigations, and did not even go to the hillsides on both sides to check the situation. In their view, once the army entered the mountain, it would be the same as returning home. The mountain is the blessing of the rebel army, and the rebel army is best at In the mountains, they dealt with the imperial army.

Dense rogues began to come along the road into the mountain.

Su Tiancheng stood at a high position, holding a binocular in his hand.

This monocular is a treasure. It was given to him by Sun Chengzong. When Sun Chengzong took office, the emperor gave him this monocular. At that time, no one cared about it, but Su Tiancheng knew the important function of the telescope.

It's a pity that the effect of the telescope is very poor, and it is far from being able to compare with the telescope hundreds of years later.

The road on Qiyue Mountain is a bit narrow, and after the army entered the mountain, the speed of travel was slow.

When entering the mountain, Zhang Xianzhong also breathed a sigh of relief, this is the world of the brothers, although the combat effectiveness of the army cannot be very strong, but as long as they enter the mountain, their abilities will be fully displayed.

The army is divided into the front army, the middle army and the rear army. The front army has only 3000 people, the middle army has 4 people, and the rear army has 7000 people. Zhang Xianzhong is surrounded by two thousand personal soldiers. He is in the middle of the team and surrounded by him. All are cavalry.

The [-] troops finally entered the mountain, and the distance between them was nearly ten miles.

The mountain roads are rugged, but the sergeants are very used to such mountain roads. When they were in Shaanxi, they often squatted in the mountains, and they had long been familiar with the environment in the mountains.

All the bandits entered Qiyue Mountain, which was the beginning of the attack.

After the scout reported the situation, Bi Maokang looked at Su Tiancheng.

"Master Bi, do whatever you want. All the soldiers of Jiangning Battalion are waiting for the artillery battalion's action."

Bi Maokang nodded and raised the red flag himself.

Soon, more than [-] red flags were raised, which was the signal to start the offensive.

When the rumbling thunder sounded, Zhang Xianzhong looked at the sky habitually. Although it was cloudy, there was no sign of rain. Why did the thunder come from?

The cannons fell around and began to cover the army, and flesh and blood continued to rise into the sky. At this time, Zhang Xianzhong suddenly realized that he had entered the encirclement.

He didn't have time to think about it, and immediately asked the soldiers around him to send an order, and the army quickly retreated and left Qiyue Mountain. Since the other party was carefully prepared, they couldn't entangle in Qiyue Mountain.

The war horses neighed continuously, and some frantic war horses rushed around, injuring the sergeants constantly.

The power of flowering began to be truly manifested. Every time a cannon exploded on the ground, there was a bloody light all around. With the huge shock wave, there were continuous bandits being blasted into the air. The pieces of the cannon exploded like a The steel knife cut the rogue's body, leaving them nowhere to hide.

The rogues have never seen such a cannon before. They have seen cannons before. Ordinary cannons will form a blood groove, but the surrounding area will not be affected. But this time the cannon is completely different. It blooms on the ground, scattered pieces in all directions, hesitating Hades' soul ecstasy pen.

Although the ranks of the rogues were not concentrated, the coverage of the artillery was so wide that they were hiding everywhere.

The team of rogues was in a mess, and they rushed towards Qiyue Mountain in a swarm, and they were about to escape.

The rear army carrying food and grass suffered heavy losses. They fell to the rear and became the target of the main attack.

The chaotic situation made Zhang Xianzhong's heart bleed.

He has not yet started to face-to-face with the opponent, and the loss is so heavy. At this time, he can only withdraw from Qiyue Mountain desperately. After going outside the mountain, the terrain is open, and then think of a way.

He was shocked by this strange cannon. What kind of cannon is it? Why is it so powerful? It blooms when it hits the ground. People around the cannon have almost no chance of escaping.

The news from the scouts made Zhang Xianzhong furious.

Since the road to the mountain was blown up, the army could not withdraw at all, which also showed that the opponent wanted to wipe out his team.

After all, he has experienced many battles, Zhang Xianzhong calmed down a little, and issued the next order, all sergeants, don't panic, charge forward, the imperial army can't have so many cannons, as long as they rush out, everything will be fine up.

Zhang Xianzhong is wise. He didn't ask the sergeant to rush towards the hillsides on both sides, but directly asked to rush forward. This is the best choice. Under the current situation, he can only rush out of the range covered by the gun at the fastest speed. .

Cannons kept falling into the crowd, and some people were already stunned by the blast, and didn't even know to avoid it, they blindly followed the people in front and ran forward.

A shot landed about ten meters away from Zhang Xianzhong. Several soldiers fell down screaming and their horses were even blown away. Zhang Xianzhong couldn't help roaring.

"Damn it, I'm not afraid, come for me..."

The surrounding soldiers, surrounded by Zhang Xianzhong, advanced quickly, and the guns did not have eyes.

After entering Qiyue Mountain, there is a section of road that is slightly flatter. The soldiers of Shenji Camp have been waiting here for a long time.

Not only the Shenji battalion, but also the soldiers of the infantry battalion and Jianrui battalion all held their flintlock guns, waiting for the rogues who fled here. Sun Chuanting personally commanded and determined when to launch an attack.

The scouts soon came to Sun Chuanting's side.

"Report, the shelling of the artillery battalion is about to end, and the bandits are escaping."

Sun Chuanting nodded and ordered the heralds around him to make all preparations quickly.

He didn't know the record ahead, but he heard the rumbling gunfire. The intensity was beyond his belief. It was foreseeable that the losses of the rogues would be heavy, and the blow they encountered would be fatal.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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