Ming politicians

Chapter 424 Massacre

( ) The sound of the guns gradually faded away. :Reading novels

The team came to a slightly calmer place, front, back, left, and right, one after another, most of the sergeants had expressions of horror on their faces, and quite a few had blood stains on their bodies, which were the blood of their comrades.

The heavy loss was beyond Zhang Xianzhong's expectation. It was the first time he had seen such a powerful cannon. After escorting him to the open area, the soldiers around him did not forget to greet the rest of the soldiers.

The [-] army was dizzy by the artillery fire, and I don't know how many people were lost.

Zhang Xianzhong was very surprised. According to the usual practice, after the artillery attack, there should be a fight. Taking advantage of his sergeant, who was still in shock, he rushed forward. After a fight, he must be able to win a huge victory. Why did it take so long? , I haven't seen the officers and soldiers rushing up for a long time.

The firepower is so powerful, it must be the army of the imperial court, and it is impossible for other troops to emerge.

Zhang Xianzhong was a little dizzy, his plan was thorough enough, why did he suffer such a heavy loss, could it be said that all his plans were known to the imperial army, could it be said that all the success along the way was a trap.

He thought of Jiangning Camp, but according to the information obtained by the scouts, Jiangning Camp is still far away in Yueyang County, and it is impossible to come to Wuxiang County at all. What is the situation?

Some officers under him are already organizing sergeants, pay attention to the movement around them, and prepare to start fighting. After all, these officers have seen too many formations, and some of them are sergeants who surrendered in the last battle of Yimaguan , has a wealth of experience.

Sun Chuanting watched all this calmly.

The firing range of the flintlock gun is at a distance of 50 meters to 100 meters, so the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion ambushed not far away.They could clearly see that the rogues, who were still in shock, were gathering their teams and advancing slowly.

It should be said that after the shelling ended.The soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion could rush up and deal a devastating blow to the bandits, but Su Tiancheng did not agree with this plan. In his opinion, the role of artillery and flintlock guns should be maximized.After completely destroying the aura of the rogues, charge again. The attack in the mountains is different from that in the plains, which is not conducive to the full spread of the cavalry. If the rogues still have a certain momentum.The Jiangning camp may suffer greater losses.

Now, the task of the artillery battalion has been completed, and the next step is to see the function of the flintlock.

On the hillsides on both sides of the road, there were 2000 soldiers in ambush, holding flintlock guns in their hands, according to the principle of two rounds of shooting, on the left and right sides.Each time 2000 people shoot, and the remaining [-] people prepare, that is to say, [-] soldiers shoot each time.

Such a shooting density is frightening.

Although the artillery covered a large area, there was always a certain gap, but after the flintlock started shooting, there was almost no gap. To put it bluntly, there was absolutely no place for the rogues to hide.

under such a density.The rogues wanted to rush to the hillsides on both sides, also looking for death.

When the firecrackers sounded, Zhang Xianzhong no longer knew how to give the order.

What I heard before was the sound of thunder, which was the sound of artillery, but now I heard the sound of firecrackers.It must be a musket.

Zhang Xianzhong was absolutely sure that he encountered a carefully designed ambush, this time it might be a matter of life and death, the opponent had a big appetite, and wanted to wipe out all the 5 people he led.

Without hesitation, Zhang Xianzhong once again gave the order to rush forward desperately. Apart from this, there is no other way out. The best choice now is to rush out of Qiyue Mountain, or go deep into the mountain to find the place where the mountains are high and the forests are dense. As for the plan to attack Liaozhou, there is no need to even think about it. It is considered very good to be able to go back to Shaanxi this time.

The sound of firecrackers became more and more intense, and soldiers kept screaming and falling down.

Zhang Xianzhong's eyes began to congest.

Why this is so, who is the opponent, the power of the artillery and the power of the arquebus are all extraordinary.

Zhang Xianzhong is familiar with artillery and matchlock guns, and has seen them before. Needless to say, they are powerful, but they also have great flaws.

After being attacked by the artillery, Zhang Xianzhong was still in shock. This time he was not too panicked when he was attacked by the matchlock gun. After all, the matchlock gun had too many shortcomings.

But the situation around him was beyond his imagination.

The speed of the opponent's shooting is very fast, and I and the sergeant are completely in the situation of being beaten. It is definitely impossible to run back. There are artillery waiting behind, maybe they will die miserably, so they can only bite the bullet and rush forward.

There are more and more people lying on the road, gradually blocking the way. Some people have died, some have been seriously injured, and it is difficult to walk and stand. This situation cannot continue, otherwise everyone should not think about it. Walk out of Qiyue Mountain.

Zhang Xianzhong pulled out the steel knife and issued an order loudly. This time, the order was cruel. Leave the wounded alone. You can use the wounded as a shield to block the approaching bullets. The rest of the people must rush forward desperately to leave this open area. .

At the same time, the crossbowmen began to shoot a rain of arrows towards the hillsides on both sides.

Most of the sergeants among the rogues have not experienced much fighting, and they are not so resolute in carrying out orders.

Seeing such a situation, Zhang Xianzhong knocked down a few fainted sergeants, and after the rest of them came to their senses, they immediately started to act, and the team began to move forward quickly.

The Scout Battalion was at the front, followed by the Xiaoqi Battalion, followed by the [-] sergeants led by He Renlong.

The sound of cannons and gunshots stimulated their nerves.

The war horses are very quiet, completely different from the situation of the rogues. It is not that there is anything special about these war horses. In the barracks, all the war horses have received special training. , but after hearing the cannons for a long time, I gradually got used to it, and later, I even saw it with my own eyes.

In the mountains, the role of cavalry cannot be maximized, but the terrain of this generation is a little flatter, and the horses are still useful, at least much faster than the bandits. After being hit by artillery and flintlock guns, I believe that the bandits will not How much morale and fighting power may be there, I am afraid that at this time, I only hate that my parents have lost two legs, and escape is the most important thing.

Very soon, Sun Chuanting came over.

"Brothers, get ready, the rogues are coming, everyone remember, don't kill the rogues who put down their weapons and surrender on their knees."

Such an order is rare. The Jiangning battalion's rule is that it is not allowed to kill an opponent who has completely lost the ability to resist.

He Renlong's face turned slightly red. These words were actually meant for him.

The sound of firecrackers gradually faded away.

Zhang Xianzhong was already on the verge of mania.

He knew that it must be the time for the officers and soldiers to charge, but he knew that he had already organized an effective resistance, and the sergeants under him were in a state of desperation, scurrying around, just trying to escape for their lives.

The soldiers around him could do nothing, some officers and elite sergeants slowly approached him.

No one was in charge of counting the damage, and no one knew how much it was, and there was chaos all around.

No one believes that this is still an army.

The final charge was finally launched.

Liu Tiehan rushed to the front. His mission was very clear, that is to go for Zhang Xianzhong. Although he said he didn't know Zhang Xianzhong, as long as he aimed at the handsome flag, there would be no problem.

This can no longer be regarded as a fight, it can only be regarded as a massacre.

The bandits completely lost the ability to resist. Seeing the cavalry and infantry rushing towards them, they turned and ran for their lives.

The sergeants of the Jiangning Battalion rushed over from the hillsides on both sides and from the front, and the only way to escape was to run back.

The rogues in the back ran forward desperately, and the rogues in front rushed back desperately. When the two met, neither of them retreated. Without the command of an officer, the team was completely chaotic.

When He Renlong led the soldiers to rush up, he couldn't believe the scene in front of him.

The rogues didn't resist, they ran around like flies on the head, and the sergeant didn't need to work hard, he raised his knife and chopped down.

Some rogues already knelt on the ground and threw away the steel knives and spears in their hands.

The carnage has just begun.

He Renlong felt depressed, and he didn't understand why all the rogues he encountered in the Jiangning camp were so pussy that he didn't even have the consciousness to resist. When he was at Yima Pass, where did those desperate rogues go now? Now, those rogues who went on and on, completely fell into a frenzy, and they were not afraid of death at all.

It's only been a few months, why did it become like this.

Among the rogues, some former brothers probably surrendered to the rogues during the battle at Yima Pass.

Seeing these sergeants, He Renlong's mood became more complicated.

These sergeants were very smart. After seeing the imperial army rushing over, many of them immediately put down the steel knives and spears in their hands and knelt on the ground, so that they could at least save their own lives.

Many rogues chose to escape.

This is the most stupid choice.

The rogues kneeling on the ground are ignored by people. The imperial army is completely facing the rogues who are fleeing. Of course, these rogues kneeling on the ground absolutely dare not move. On the battlefield, people are red-eyed. Surrendering may not save your life. If there is any change, the steel knife and spear will be on your body immediately.

The fighting didn't take long, and soon, most of the rogues knelt down and surrendered. They threw away their steel knives and spears, and held their heads in their hands.

This battle, before they even had time to react, it ended like this.

He Renlong was depressed, Zhang Xianzhong felt useless, there was no chance of fighting, no chance of escaping, Qi Yueshan seemed to be a big piece of paper, tightly enclosing the brothers, first the bombardment, then the shooting, and finally the fighting , Every step of the design is so accurate, the choice of place is so appropriate, there is no chance to breathe, there is no room for adjustment, and when the shock is still undecided, the army completely collapsed.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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