Ming politicians

Chapter 425 The Dead End

() Keeping the green hills is not afraid of running out of firewood. This is the principle Zhang Xianzhong follows. When the defeat is decided, there are two options. One is to feign surrender. This method has been used before, and it is not a new routine. The second is to abandon the sergeant and escape alone. As long as he can save his life, there is always a chance to make a comeback. :Reading novels

This time, Zhang Xianzhong chose the second path and escaped alone. Of course, it is not very realistic to escape alone. At least he must have the protection of his own soldiers around him. As long as there are hundreds or even dozens of people fleeing, There will definitely be opportunities in the future, and besides, I'm back in Shaanxi, so I don't know what the situation will be.

The reason why he didn't choose to surrender is because the sergeant under him has completely lost the ability to resist. At this time, the surrender may be in the right mind of the opponent. Besides, in his heart, he has already determined that this army is the Jiangning battalion and surrendered to Jiangning. Camp, I definitely can't save my life.

Just when Liu Tiehan rushed over with people, Zhang Xianzhong had already thought about everything.

The handsome flag is still there, this is the soul of the army, at this time, it can also be used as a bait.

The deputy general beside him had already asked for it, put on his armor, and pretended to be the commander of the army.

This time, without hesitation, Zhang Xianzhong changed his clothes with the fastest speed, rushed out of the encirclement with hundreds of soldiers, and headed for the depths of the mountain. Of course, not only Zhang Xianzhong, but the first soldiers, He also changed into the clothes of an ordinary sergeant, and the guard Zhang Xianzhong broke out of the siege.

Liu Tiehan has always paid attention to Shuai Qi, and the soldiers of the scout battalion are also desperate to kill Shuai Qi.

There was little resistance around.

However, the sergeants around Shuaiqi still have certain abilities, even though they suffered heavy losses.But no one surrendered, raised their steel knives and spears, and resisted desperately. One of the officers in golden armor was surrounded in the middle.

Liu Tiehan didn't care about the sergeants around him.The brothers in the scout battalion around him had already made preparations, charged all the way, and protected their boss to capture the boss of the bandits.

The bandits fell one by one, and the officers in golden armor were right in front of them.

Liu Tiehan mustered his strength.If Zhang Xianzhong can be captured alive, it will be the greatest credit.

But in three or four rounds, Liu Tiehan did not expend much effort, and captured the officer wearing the golden armor alive, and the strange thing is, the sergeant of the rogue.They had no intention of surrendering, nor were they prepared to defend their leader desperately.

The fighting method of the scout battalion is still a little different. They have always been the coaches who catch the opponent. As for the others, they will not kill them all.

Looking at the rogue soldiers who were still desperately resisting, Liu Tiehan felt more and more that something was wrong.

Perhaps Liu Tiehan's expression was wrong.The brothers around did not shout to capture Zhang Xianzhong alive.

When the soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion rushed up, the rogue sergeants didn't last long and completely collapsed.

"This person is not Zhang Xianzhong."

An exclamation came from behind, Liu Tiehan turned around and found that it was He Renlong.

"What, General He, are you sure this person is not Zhang Xianzhong."

"This man is Zhang Xianzhong's deputy general."

The captured officer had a contemptuous smile on his face.I spoke.

"Hmph, if you want to capture my handsome man, you are dreaming."

Liu Tiehan blushed with anger, raised his steel knife and stepped forward, amidst the exclamation of everyone.He cut off the officer's head with a single blow.

Obviously, this person pretended to be Zhang Xianzhong and attracted the attention of all the soldiers in the scout battalion. The real Zhang Xianzhong must have taken advantage of the chaos and fled into the mountains.

Looking at the vast mountain, everyone has Xin Mo. It is not that simple to capture Zhang Xianzhong in Qiyue Mountain.

When it was time to clean up the battle results, Su Tiancheng looked serious.

"I don't care about other results. Even if the 5 bandits led by Zhang Xianzhong were all wiped out or captured alive, but Zhang Xianzhong ran away, this expedition was a failure. If Zhang Xianzhong returns to Shaanxi, it will be very short. Within a short period of time, he can organize another 10 people, or even [-] people. I have said many times that the purpose of the Jiangning camp's campaign is to capture the thief first and capture the king. This is a principle that must be followed."

The surrounding area was very quiet, Liu Tiehan lowered his head, his face seemed to be smeared with pig blood.

"Everyone, don't think I'm joking. In the Battle of the Central Capital, the rogues suffered heavy losses. After returning to Shaanxi, it only took how long it took them to attack the imperial army in turn, and achieved an unprecedented victory. Why, why? It is because Gao Yingxiang, Zhang Xianzhong, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others went back unscathed, so it will be a matter of time before the ranks of rogues grow stronger again."

"The battle of the Jiangning Battalion is not over yet. Zhang Xianzhong has escaped and cannot escape Qi Yueshan. Even if Qi Yueshan is turned over, he must be caught."

"Master Bi, you lead the Artillery Battalion, the Shenji Battalion, and the 7000 sergeants brought by General He, a total of [-] people, surround Qiyue Mountain and block the exits around it. No matter who they are, as long as they come out of Qiyue Mountain , will be seized."

"The rest of the Xiaoqi Battalion, Jianrui Battalion, Vanguard Battalion, Infantry Battalion, Scout Battalion, and Personal Battalion were all broken down into groups and went deep into Qiyue Mountain to search around."

"There is a village near here, Liu Tiehan, take the soldiers of the scout battalion, go to the village quickly, and invite a group of people from the village to be our guides. Remember, you must have a good attitude, and you will be paid every day."

<Plowing season, there is not much food in the mountains, under such a harsh environment, it is possible to survive only if they are grouped together. Therefore, there must be many soldiers around Zhang Xianzhong. These soldiers must be Has a certain combat effectiveness, so don't take it lightly. "

"All the soldiers involved in the search are equipped with flintlock guns. The distance between them should not be too far to facilitate mutual coordination. As soon as Zhang Xianzhong and others are spotted, a signal is sent immediately. The rockets carried by the Shenji Battalion are sent by you. signal weapon."

"If possible, in principle, capture Zhang Xianzhong alive."

"General He has already described Zhang Xianzhong's appearance. This is what he just drew. You all have to take a closer look. The battalion commander and deputy commander must lead the team. Lord Sun, Lord Xiong and I each lead a team , Enter the mountain to search."

Just as Su Tiancheng finished making arrangements, He Renlong spoke up.

"My lord, this subordinate requests to stay and participate in the capture of Zhang Xianzhong. I know Zhang Xianzhong's appearance very well. As long as I see it from a distance, I will definitely be able to recognize him."

After He Renlong finished speaking, Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian both spoke, their meaning was very clear, Su Tiancheng should not join the team that captured Zhang Xianzhong.

Su Tiancheng agreed to He Renlong's request, but insisted on participating in the search.


The thousand households and deputy thousand households of each battalion went out to assign tasks, and every 200 people formed a search team.

Bi Maokang led the Artillery Battalion and the Shenji Battalion, and was about to go out of the mountain. The road was blown up, and they had to spend a lot of effort to temporarily open a road. It was not a big deal for people to go out. The key was the tiger crouching gun and Fran Fortunately, all the carriages and horses stayed with them, which was much more convenient.

Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian stayed in the Chinese military camp.

There was no one else, and Sun Chuanting finally spoke.

"My lord, Qiyue Mountain is so big, I don't know where Zhang Xianzhong took the remaining soldiers. It is very difficult to search and arrest. If Zhang Xianzhong hides in some corner and stays put, what should I do?"

Xiong Zijian also had a bitter face and didn't say anything, obviously he had the same idea as Sun Chuanting.

Su Tiancheng smiled and spoke.

"My lords, such a large-scale search must be ineffective."

Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian were even more surprised. They didn't understand why they had to waste energy since it had no effect.

"Such a large-scale search is just a formation. Under the oppression of such a formation, Zhang Xianzhong will definitely find a place to hide. If he shows up at this time, he will not be qualified to be the leader of the rogues."

Sun Chuanting seemed to understand something, but it was still a little vague.

"Zhang Xianzhong's personal army battalion has more than 1000 people. According to the results of a rough investigation just now, the loss of the personal soldiers is about 1000 people, and there are still close to 500 people. Where did they go? Even if the investigation is a bit rough, it has not been fully understood. , plus [-] people, but there are hundreds of people whose whereabouts are unknown, these people, needless to say, also followed Zhang Xianzhong to break through."

"There are so many people who always want to eat. They don't have to come out, they can disperse and hide, but they must eat, otherwise no one should think about surviving. We have seized all the food and grass of the rogues. Even Zhang Xianzhong I brought some food and grass with me, and I can last for two to three days at most."

"There is also flattery. Horses are not people. They will neigh at any time. The soldiers of the Jiangning camp no longer ride horses. During the search process, if they heard the neighing of war horses, they could find the whereabouts of Zhang Xianzhong and others, at least roughly. place."

"The consumption of people and horses always requires food and grass. The Jiangning battalion army searched Qiyue Mountain. Zhang Xianzhong didn't dare to kill the horses. If they killed the horses to make a fire for cooking, there would be thick smoke coming out. Didn't they expose their tracks. "

Having said that, Su Tiancheng lowered his voice.

"I brought Sun Yuankun and Liu Tiehan to form the two most important search teams. These two teams are composed of the scout battalion and the personal army battalion. Hehe, we won't search all over the mountains and plains. Our focus is on the villages in Mount Qiyue."

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