Ming politicians

Chapter 426 The Dead End

() Inside the Chinese military tent, the sand table clearly outlines the general topography of Mount Qiyue.

At this moment, Sun Chuanting and others deeply realized the important role of the sand table.

Su Tiancheng pointed to three places on the sand table, and continued to speak.

"Qiyue Mountain has a radius of [-] square kilometers. There are three villages in total. To a certain extent, the common people support and sympathize with the bandits. This is a reality, and we cannot avoid it. Then, Zhang Xianzhong and others jumped out of the encirclement. Where they will go, the biggest possibility is that they are stranded around these three villages, the mountains are large and the population is sparse, and the possibility that we can find them directly is almost non-existent."

"If they have the support of the common people and the minimum guarantee for food and grass, even if we search here for a month, it is impossible to have any effect."

"So, the large-scale search and arrest is just a situation. The scout battalion and the pro-military battalion that went deep into the three villages are the teams that really shoulder important missions. The three of us divide the work, and each leads a search and arrest team. A village."

"Don't reveal your whereabouts, everything must be done in secret, and the superficial rules are sufficient, so that Zhang Xianzhong can stay in the mountain with peace of mind."

When he said this, Su Tiancheng looked at Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian.

"You two, victory or defeat depends on one action. We must capture Zhang Xianzhong. Our conquest will be considered a real victory. No matter how difficult we encounter, this goal must be achieved."

"Anyway, pay attention. Zhang Xianzhong needs food and grass. He wants to survive in Qiyue Mountain. Without food and grass, he can't live. Everyone has to eat. Just pay attention to the people in the three villages, who often enters the mountain, And if you send food and grass, you will be able to find Zhang Xianzhong."

"I'll say it again. It must be done in secret. Don't startle the enemy. If we lose this opportunity, it will become more and more difficult for us to catch Zhang Xianzhong."

Su Tiancheng took Liu Tiehan and a hundred soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion Scout Battalion and the Personal Battalion to a village in the deep mountains of Qiyue Mountain.Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian were in charge of the other two villages with their soldiers.

Su Tiancheng chose this village after careful consideration.

From the geographical point of view, Zhang Xianzhong has a great possibility to escape to this generation.Because this place is located deep in the mountains, the surrounding terrain is complicated, and it is difficult to find hundreds of people hiding. Besides, Zhang Xianzhong and others will not concentrate in one place.That kind of target is too big, and they can be hidden in several places so that they can take care of each other. Once there is a problem in a certain place, other people will know and can evacuate quickly. Of course, they will definitely think that the imperial army is hard to endure.Even if it is a search, the time will not be very long. After a few days, they will be evacuated.

Before time travel, Su Tiancheng had watched a lot of movies.There are many ways to deal with the above-mentioned hiding in the deep mountains and evading capture. He is in charge of the Jiangning camp and requires many soldiers to train the leaders for survival in the wild. In fact, he is preparing for the extermination of the bandits. Unexpectedly, This time it really came in handy.

The village is small.

Not many people are willing to stay in a place with a harsh environment. The land here is barren and surrounded by mountains.

There were quite a few people in the village, and when Su Tiancheng led the soldiers in, all he saw were indifferent eyes.

His heart sank a little. It seems that those who are willing to stay in the mountains have more or less stories. There must not be many people who are willing to be here. Although the homeland is difficult to leave, but small places, people There must not be many, but this village is a bit unexpected. There are dozens of households, and there are nearly 500 people.

This is a bit abnormal, barren land can't feed so many people.

Could it be that Zhang Xianzhong is among these people?

Su Tiancheng has become very cautious. Most of the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp have already started to search in the mountains. The impact is still great. Not only the villages in Qiyue Mountain, but also the nearby villages know about it. It wasn't that Bi Maokang brought some soldiers to guard the periphery of Qiyue Mountain. I don't know how many people will enter Qiyue Mountain.

According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, everyone lived outside the village, and set up camp with their own tents.

In half a day, everyone settled down.

Liu Tiehan entered Su Tiancheng's tent.

"Liu Tiehan, the situation in this village is not very normal. There are some strange places. There are so many farmers in a small village. I don't know what they eat on weekdays. According to the land around here, it is difficult to feed them. of."

"My lord, this subordinate also finds it strange."

"Oh, tell me what you think."

"My lord, you know that my subordinate once occupied the mountain as king, and he was also active in the depths of the mountain. This subordinate once carefully looked at the location of Qiyue Mountain. It is more than sixty miles away from the county seat and only a few meters away from the official road. Sanlidi, a place like this, is very suitable to occupy, and my subordinates suspect that these people come from a wrong path."

"Well, what you said makes sense. I also have the same idea, but the whereabouts of these people may be very secretive, and they will not be exposed on weekdays."

"My lord, since this is the case, I will lead my brothers to level this place."

"No, the main task of our coming here is to capture Zhang Xianzhong. As for these matters, we will leave them to the local authorities. We will not intervene for the time being. Without clear evidence, we will destroy the other party just based on our suspicions. Do not do things lightly, unless our safety is threatened."

"Yes, this subordinate obeys the arrangement of the adults."

"I didn't expect such a situation to exist in Qiyue Mountain. In this way, it will be much more difficult for us to capture Zhang Xianzhong. We can't wait here, we must take the initiative to attack. There may be a lot of food in this small village. In other words, Zhang Xianzhong probably knew the situation here, so he directly chose to escape here, as long as he has gold and silver, is he afraid that he will not get food and grass?"

"The subordinate understands that we will arrange for the brothers tonight and start monitoring every move here."

"Okay, you must be patient. The grain and grass in the village are not necessarily in everyone's home. They may be hidden in the mountains. In this way, the people in the village may not go out to deliver food every day. There are few people in the mountains here, and Zhang Xianzhong just makes a fire. Cooking, it is also difficult for us to find out, I made some mistakes in my judgment before, so I have to work hard brothers, monitor day and night, and be prepared to suffer."

"Don't worry, my lord, brothers will be ready."

"Well, three days later, we evacuated this place and found another place to set up camp. Now that we are gathered here, the people in the village will not do anything. The identities of these people are unclear. Don't make friends with anyone easily. If I The prediction is good, as long as we evacuate here, the people in the village will definitely move."

After arranging everything, Liu Tiehan led people into the village and made a big publicity. The officers and soldiers came to arrest the leader of the rogues. If someone reported it, he would be rewarded heavily. <Season, inside the mountain, the days are very short, and in the evening, it gets dark all around.

Inside the mountain, it was very quiet, and there was silence all around.

Liu Tiehan took more than ten people and went out to investigate in person. The soldiers of the scout battalion had long been used to such an arrangement.

After one day, nothing was found, and after two days, there was still no movement.

On the third day, many sergeants began to pack their luggage, and tents were dismantled one by one.

No one in the village came to inform.

Su Tiancheng became more skeptical. With hundreds of people working together like this, no one came to inform. This is very unusual.

At noon on the third day, Su Tiancheng and his soldiers withdrew from the outskirts of the village.

While the team was still marching, Su Tiancheng called Liu Tiehan.

"Liu Tiehan, in the evening, you took the sergeants and sneaked into the village. According to my analysis, there will definitely be actions today and tomorrow. This village is not easy."

"The subordinates are ready."

"Okay, tell all the brothers, be vigilant tonight, don't set up camp, everyone is going to sleep in the open, and wait for orders at all times. In addition, send a brother to contact the brothers who are nearby to search immediately, and come over for reinforcements before dark. "

Liu Tiehan nodded, a little nervous, he didn't know what it meant, why did Su Tiancheng make such a judgment.

"Tiehan, in some situations, you need to learn to analyze. Didn't you notice some details during the two consecutive days of investigation? It must have been very quiet here, but during these two days, everyone seemed a little nervous. Restlessness, there must be something wrong here, their origins are unknown, the imperial army arrived here, what actions they will take, they are suspicious in their hearts, they are so united, two days have passed, no one informs, This is very abnormal, what they want most now is that we can evacuate immediately, and the second is that we must get rid of any troubles with the fastest speed."

Liu Tiehan understood a little bit.

"My lord means that Zhang Xianzhong must have escaped here and got help from the villagers, but the brothers came here, which made the villagers nervous and unwilling to continue to cause trouble. For two days, no one Whistleblowing, it shows that they are one, someone makes decisions."

"It should be like this. If the prediction is good, there will be news tomorrow."

A mountain depression five miles away from the village became a hiding place for Su Tiancheng and others.

After Liu Tiehan led people away, Su Tiancheng also felt nervous. He didn't have complete confidence. If Zhang Xianzhong and others had any connection with the people in the village before, it would be difficult to handle. This is a huge wave. The strength is that the Jiangning battalion must have sufficient grasp if it wants to do something.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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