Ming politicians

Chapter 427 The Dead End

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A hillside more than ten miles away from the village.

In the middle of the hillside, there is a cave. The entrance of the cave has been covered by big trees. If it is not known that there is a cave here, no matter who it is, it is impossible to find that there is a cave here.

The road leading to the cave has been carefully covered, and no trace of the road can be seen. From a distance, it is all green, and this is an original ecological mountain.

The two men had already arrived at the bottom of the mountain. They did not rush up the mountain, but took a leisurely walk at the bottom of the hill. After half an hour passed, the two simply sat down at the bottom of the hill.

An hour passed.

The two finally stood up, confident enough to believe that no one was following them.

The two began to walk cautiously up the hill, and a road miraculously appeared at their feet.

Soon, the two of them found themselves behind a big tree, and they could no longer be seen.

Liu Tiehan felt his body go numb.

Early in the morning, he and a few brothers set off with them. Of the hundreds of people in the village, these two were the only ones who came out, and they seemed to be sneaky. They paid attention along the way to see what was behind them Not being followed.

If it weren't for Liu Tiehan and the brothers having amazing collars, they would have been discovered long ago.

He stared at the two people's route up the hill, and recorded it silently in his mind.

The two disappeared behind the big tree, which surprised him a little. Could it be that there is a road in the middle of the hillside, so that the two don't need to go up the mountain.

Liu Tiehan made a gesture to the brother behind him.Another person followed him forward.

The two walked to the foot of the mountain very carefully, followed the route they had just taken, and slowly groped towards the top, approaching the tall grass that was one person tall, which could well cover their whereabouts.

Come to the side of the big tree.Liu Tiehan got down on the ground. He didn't know what was going on in front of him. If he threatened the snake and exposed himself, he would be in danger.

Crawled for a while.He didn't hear any movement, Liu Tiehan got up and slowly approached the tree, and the other person observed the movement around him.

Liu Tiehan was very cautious. He didn't go around the big tree directly, but climbed up the big tree carefully.

Behind the big tree.The entrance of the cave can be faintly seen, and there is a lot of grass at the mouth. If you don't look carefully, or if you don't have enough experience, you can't find it at all.

At the entrance, there seemed to be someone standing guard.But it's not very clear.

Liu Tiehan broke out in a cold sweat. The entrance of the cave is relatively high. If you go around the big tree, you will be spotted by the people at the entrance of the cave. As for who is hiding in the cave, you don’t need to use your brain. You can guess it.

No wonder the brothers in Jiang Ningying have worked hard these days.Searching around, there is no effect at all. Zhang Xianzhong and others seem to have evaporated from Qiyue Mountain, and they can't find it.

Hiding in such a cave.Even if tens of thousands of troops come to search, I am afraid they will not find it.

Liu Tiehan came down very carefully, greeted the brothers who followed, and slowly went down the mountain, trying not to make any noise.

When they arrived at the place where many brothers were ambushing, Liu Tiehan gave an order. The three brothers rushed to inform Lord Su Tiancheng to lead the army here. The rest of the brothers stayed with him and continued to observe to see if there would be any accidents. .

The inside of the cave is very large, and the ground is dry, hiding hundreds of people, there is no problem at all.

Zhang Xianzhong was resting his eyes with his eyes closed, and many personal soldiers were scattered around.

In order to be able to escape, he paid a price. Hundreds of war horses were all given to the people in the village. The gold and silver he carried on his body could not afford a lot. He also felt that something was wrong when he came into contact with the people in the village, but this Sometimes, I need to save my life, and don't worry about the rest.

Fleeing to the depths of Mount Qiyue, Zhang Xianzhong knew that he had to rely on the people in the mountains to avoid being hunted down.

His luck is still good, hundreds of horses, plus gold and silver, people in the village nodded, someone said they brought here, a natural hidden place, what is safe is that there are a lot of storage in the cave Food, enough for them to consume for a while.

Zhang Xianzhong didn't know what was going on outside, and he didn't dare to send his personal soldiers out to investigate. If he was caught and his hiding place was exposed, the loss would not be worth the loss.

There is also some dissatisfaction. According to the past practice, hundreds of people need to disperse and hide, so that they can grasp some outside situations and facilitate mutual coordination and echoing. But if the people in the village don't do it, Zhang Xianzhong has nothing to do.

The surrounding area has been quiet all the time. Seeing the time slowly passing by, Zhang Xianzhong began to think about this fiasco, and even thought about how to learn the lesson of this time after fleeing Qiyue Mountain and returning to Shaanxi.

The loss of tens of thousands of sergeants, of course he feels distressed, but what is more distressing is this group of soldiers, two thousand soldiers, and less than 500 people who followed them. The loss is too heavy. These soldiers are the elite of the elite Rui, it is not easy to cultivate.

Zhang Xianzhong didn't know which army the opponent was from the court. From the beginning to the end, they didn't see each other's commander, and they fell into a situation of fleeing for their lives before they even had time to start a fight. He vaguely felt that this time they must have met The Jiangning battalion was gone, and thinking of Su Tiancheng, the commander of the Jiangning battalion, Zhang Xianzhong was so angry that his teeth were about to be gritted.

The disastrous defeat in the Battle of the Central Capital was due to this Su Tiancheng, who had already laid down his pockets. This time, he made every possible calculation, thinking that if he lost it, he would not expect to be surrounded again, and all [-] soldiers would be reimbursed. .

In the past few days, he often loses his temper, and the soldiers around him dare not speak casually. The atmosphere in the cave is very depressing.

Two people came from the village, Zhang Xianzhong stood up quickly.

Staying in the cave, deaf and blind, knowing nothing, such a life is not easy.

One of the two spoke directly.

"Everyone, the imperial army came to the village and stayed for three days. They just evacuated yesterday. The master said that you came to the village and caused trouble, but the master has promised you and didn't say anything, but you have to Find a way to leave here, after all there are so many people in the village, after a long time, it is uncertain who will tell the truth, the master does not want to lose his credibility."

Zhang Xianzhong waved his hand to stop the soldiers who were about to lose their temper.

"We have no problem leaving. We will leave sooner or later, but can you tell me something about the outside situation?"

"I don't know much. The imperial army seems to be searching the mountain, but you can rest assured that the imperial army cannot search here. Even if they reach the foot of the mountain, it is impossible to know about this cave."

"Understood, little brother, go back and tell your master that the green mountains will not change, and the green water will flow forever. Give me two days, and I will leave here and won't cause trouble for you."

Zhang Xianzhong knew that the village was driving him away, and he was afraid of getting into trouble.

When I came here with my brothers, not many people in the village knew about it. It is impossible for everyone to know about such a secret place. According to his previous temper, when he encountered such a thing, he would have cut off the heads of the two of them long ago, but not now. If you can do this, how dare you not bow your head under the eaves of others. I am not very familiar with Qiyue Mountain. If I get lost, or if I accidentally meet the imperial army, I will lose my life. All efforts will be in vain.

The two people in the village nodded and prepared to leave.

"Two little brothers, wait a minute. Our team is not familiar with Qi Yueshan. Even if we leave here, we don't know which direction to go. Please, two little brothers, tell your master that if someone is willing to guide us, there will be no one who knows. To leave Qiyue Mountain, I am willing to pay 1000 taels of gold."

The eyes of one person in the village are bright, and no one can be moved by 1000 taels of gold.

"It's easy to say, after we go back, we will immediately report to the master that we will come here at noon tomorrow, no matter whether we succeed or not, we will come here."

Zhang Xianzhong smiled. He already understood what the two of them were thinking. Even if the village leader did not agree, the two would happily come here on the basis of 1000 taels of gold.

Zhang Xianzhong took out two ingots of gold and handed them to the two.

"The two little brothers have worked hard, and I must help to talk about it. At noon tomorrow, I will be waiting for you two."

After watching the two leave the cave, the soldiers around Zhang Xianzhong spoke.

"Marshal, my subordinates feel that the people in the village are untrustworthy, so we have to guard against it."

Zhang Xianzhong looked at the soldiers and motioned for him to continue.

"The subordinates feel that we should be more careful and send people to follow these two people to see if they have returned to the village. If the village is going to betray us, wouldn't we be blocked here?"

This time, Zhang Xianzhong did not hesitate.

"This opinion is very good. You take a few people, follow them, and go to the village. Be careful and observe along the way. Before noon tomorrow, you must bring back news."

Liu Tiehan saw two people from the village come out.

This time, he could see a little more clearly, and he could even hear the laughter of the two of them.

After the two left, within a few minutes, five people came out again.

Liu Tiehan's eyes widened. The clothes of these people had exposed their identities. They were the soldiers beside Zhang Xianzhong.

Liu Tiehan was excited, and finally found Zhang Xianzhong's hiding place.

The five people who came out of the cave were very cautious, kept looking around, and followed the direction of the two people in the village.

Liu Tiehan began to feel the seriousness of the situation. He remembered Su Tiancheng's words. Maybe Zhang Xianzhong really wanted to run away. If he left here and went to other places in Qiyue Mountain, he would have to spend a lot of energy to find him. up.

After the figures of the five people disappeared, Liu Tiehan whispered instructions to the soldiers around him.

"Use the fastest speed to report to Master Su, saying that Zhang Xianzhong is hiding here and may run away. Please send heavy troops to come here as soon as possible. There is no time to lose." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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