() It was noon when Su Tiancheng received the news.

The number of soldiers around him has already reached 500, relying on these soldiers, there is no problem in capturing Zhang Xianzhong alive, the only thing to consider is whether Zhang Xianzhong is in that cave, if Zhang Xianzhong has other hiding places, This move is likely to scare the snake away.

The fighter plane is fleeting, no matter what the situation is, Su Tiancheng can't waste time.

The team is off.

In the middle of the journey, I met the scout who came to report again.

Su Tiancheng was overjoyed when he learned that five of Zhang Xianzhong's personal soldiers came out of the cave, following the two people from the village.It was already certain that Zhang Xianzhong must be in the cave. As for the soldiers sent out, they must have gone to investigate something.

Su Tiancheng asked all soldiers to increase their speed and reach their destination before dark.

To achieve this, it is not as simple as it is said in the mouth. Marching in the mountains cannot be very fast. In some places, there is simply no road. They are well-trained. After years of field survival training, they are able to cope with the current situation.

Su Tiancheng himself became the most time-wasting object.

Liu Tiehan was a little anxious.

Around the cave, some people came out one after another, constantly observing the surrounding situation, there was not much expression on the faces of these people.Liu Tiehan's feeling is very bad. He just went out with five people and followed two people in the village. How long has it been? Why do so many people leave the cave and look around.Could it be that Zhang Xianzhong was about to leave the cave?

If this is the case, then there is some trouble.

Brothers from Jiangningying, it will take some time to rush here, after all, the mountain road is difficult.The speed can't be very fast.

At this moment, Liu Tiehan can only beg God to bless him, so that there will be no deviation.

Inside the cave, Zhang Xianzhong became more and more anxious.

Such a situation has never occurred before.

Zhang Xianzhong has a violent temper, which is among the rebels.He is relatively famous, and most people dare not confront him face to face. Even Zijin Liang, the former leader of the rebel army, took good care of his emotions, but Zhang Xianzhong was still very calm when facing things.Never irritable, able to make accurate judgments.

The battle of Zhongdu and the battle of Yimaguan are the final explanation.

In the Battle of Zhongdu, seeing that the elite troops attacking ahead could not be rescued, Zhang Xianzhong spoke decisively, suggesting that the army should withdraw from Fengyang and not stay any longer.It is because of his suggestion that Gao Yingxiang made up his mind and quickly withdrew from the battlefield with a small number of soldiers and returned to Shaanxi.

The Battle of Yima Pass was the result of his meticulous layout. With a crowd of [-], he was fighting against [-] imperial soldiers. Even Gao Yingxiang thought that the investment was too big.But Zhang Xianzhong persisted in doing so, and finally won a huge victory. When the victory came, even Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others were surprised.

It is precisely because of these achievements.Zhang Xianzhong's status in the rebel army gradually changed, second only to Gao Yingxiang, and at certain times, the prestige of speaking and doing things was not lower than Gao Yingxiang.

It may be because of this reason that Gao Yingxiang's attitude has changed a little, and he strongly recommends his own general and breakthrough general Li Zicheng.

Zhang Xianzhong's impression of Li Zicheng is good. Li Zicheng has a very clear mind. In terms of formation, almost no one in the rebel army can surpass him. The more difficult the time, the more Li Zicheng can deal with it calmly, and he will not be discouraged at the lowest point. , can continue to develop slowly step by step.

It's a pity that Gao Yingxiang's swinging attitude caused a rift between Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng.

Zhang Xianzhong would not tolerate Li Zicheng riding on his head. He believed that no matter how brave Li Zicheng was, in terms of qualifications, he could not be compared with himself, and he could not be on an equal footing.

As time passed, Zhang Xianzhong found that there were more and more problems. Gao Yingxiang always listened to Li Zicheng's opinions first when discussing many things, and there were not many taboos. Basically, all the battalions of the Rebel Army knew that Li Zicheng was Gao Yingxiang's most important The generals, on the other hand, don't have much say in major issues.

When discussing the future development of the Rebel Army, Zhang Xianzhong and Li Zicheng finally had a conflict.

Li Zicheng believes that the rebel army has recovered its previous strength, and it can start to consider developing in Henan, Shanxi, and even Shandong. The people in these places live in poverty and support the rebel army. development and growth.Zhang Xianzhong's view is the opposite, he believes that the rebel army still needs to take root in Shaanxi and slowly gather strength.

Just at this time, the news of the imperial court's suppression of the bandits came.

Gao Yingxiang supported Li Zicheng's opinion.

Angrily, Zhang Xianzhong took the initiative to undertake the task of going to Shanxi to develop and grow.

After accepting this task, he regretted that he left Shaanxi, and his influence in the rebel army might be affected, but he had already accepted the military order, and there was no room for retreat.

Therefore, Zhang Xianzhong made up his mind to do something earth-shattering in Shanxi, and it is undoubtedly the best choice to attack Liaozhou again.

It's a pity that Zhang Xianzhong was caught off guard by the cruel reality. Before he had time to launch an attack, he didn't even start a battle with the imperial army directly. His [-] soldiers were completely lost.

At this time, many strange thoughts appeared in his heart, whether he was destined to go downhill, just like Guan Yunchang back then, and began to lose in Maicheng.

If the heart cannot calm down, there will inevitably be mistakes in judgment.

For a few days, Zhang Xianzhong thought over the course of the defeat. He believed that there must be informers among the sergeants, otherwise the army would not have suffered such a disastrous defeat.

After people from the village came to urge him, Zhang Xianzhong became more suspicious.

He couldn't wait any longer, and ordered some personal soldiers to go out of the cave and investigate in all directions.On the one hand, pay attention to the surroundings to see if there are any changes. On the other hand, you should also be familiar with the surrounding terrain when evacuating here.Methodical.

The sky gradually darkened, and the several soldiers sent to the village returned to the cave one after another. The news they brought made Zhang Xianzhong feel relieved that there was nothing abnormal in the village.Everything is quiet, the direction of the imperial army's search has been shifted, and this generation is very safe.

Zhang Xianzhong issued an order that everyone should rest well tonight and prepare to leave at noon tomorrow.Before leaving here, everyone should carry as much food as possible. This time, we must leave Qiyue Mountain and return directly to Shaanxi.

A mountain depression two miles away from the cave.

Su Tiancheng led the soldiers and finally arrived.

It was already dark, and Liu Tiehan reported everything.There was nothing unusual around the cave. The rogues who had gone to the village during the day had returned, and no one left the cave.

What Liu Tiehan meant was to surround the cave while it was dark, and launch an attack when it was dawn.

Su Tiancheng agreed with this opinion.

At dawn, in the direction of the cave.More than ten people came out and began to observe the movement around them.

These people were neatly dressed and seemed ready to leave the cave.

Following Su Tiancheng's order, the flintlock guns rang out, and more than ten people came out.Caught off guard, fell in a pool of blood.

Liu Tiehan shouted to the cave.

"Zhang Xianzhong, you are surrounded by the Jiangning camp, come out and surrender immediately..."

"Come out and surrender immediately..."

All the soldiers roared angrily, echoes echoed from everywhere in the valley.

There was silence in the cave, no one continued to rush out, and no one spoke.

Half an hour passed, and the sky gradually became brighter.

Liu Tiehan looked at Su Tiancheng, who was calm and relaxed, and admired him very much. Seeing Su Tiancheng's appearance, he was already a sure winner. He didn't ask the soldiers to attack immediately, but surrounded the cave firmly.

"Su Tiancheng, tell the brothers to shoot into the cave and don't rush in for now."

A round of firecrackers sounded, and there was a short scream in the cave, and it became very quiet.

Su Tiancheng finally spoke.

"Zhang Xianzhong, I am Su Tiancheng, the commander of the Jiangning Battalion. My patience is limited. You are surrounded by the Jiangning Battalion. You are doomed to escape. I don't want to hurt too many people. There were too many casualties in the previous battles. , Against the harmony of heaven, I will give you a chance. Half an hour has passed, and I will give you another half an hour to think about it. After half an hour, I will use fire to deal with you. At that time, in the cave, don’t think about it. There is one alive."

This time, it didn't take half an hour.

Half an hour passed, and a person came out of the cave.

This man was tall and thick, with a fleshy face, and looked rebellious.

He saw Su Tiancheng standing opposite him.

"This is Commander Su, and I'm Zhang Xianzhong."

"Hehe, the official is Su Tiancheng, long time no see."

"Being king or defeating bandits, I have nothing to say. I was defeated by the Jiangning battalion. This is my fate. The commander-in-chief said that back then, the rebels would fall under the banner of the Jiangning battalion. It seems that this is what I said It's very accurate."

Su Tiancheng was not interested in this evil. Seeing the so-called expression on Zhang Xianzhong's face, he knew that Zhang Xianzhong must still have illusions, thinking that he would receive preferential treatment after surrendering.

"Liu Tiehan, bring someone up and tie them up."

When the rope was on his body, Zhang Xianzhong's expression changed a little.

"Master Su, you are a lord of the imperial court, how can you treat an opponent who surrendered like this? If such a thing gets out, who will trust the imperial court?"

"Zhang Xianzhong, you are wrong. The officials never believed in that. If the opponent surrenders wisely, the loss will be smaller. If the opponent is tough to the end, the Jiangning camp will wipe him out mercilessly."

With a smile on his face, Su Tiancheng said the words that Zhang Xianzhong was most afraid of hearing.

"Fake surrender doesn't work for me, nor does it work for the Jiangning battalion, but I can guarantee that most of the soldiers around you can save their lives."

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