Ming politicians

Chapter 429 Responding to the Great Famine

() It is already the beginning of March, and the Jiangning Battalion has finally successfully completed the task of exterminating the rogue bandits.

The results of the battle are brilliant. The 5000 bandits who entered Shanxi no longer exist. The number of bandits wiped out by artillery and flintlock guns is more than [-]. After the soldiers charged, they killed thousands of bandits. However, the sergeants led by He Renlong were merciless and killed many rogues.

This is a battle worth summarizing seriously. Artillery and flintlock guns completely wiped out the fighting spirit of the rogues, made the rogues lose their confidence in resistance, and reduced the losses of the Jiangning battalion to a minimum. After nearly a month of battle, the Jiangning battalion The number of soldiers lost was less than 500. Zhang Xianzhong, the leader of the rogue bandits, was captured alive, and more than 2 prisoners were captured by the Jiangning Camp.

There are still some rogues who have escaped. Su Tiancheng will not pay attention to these people. These people are refugees and have no choice but to join the team of rogues. Even if they flee back to Shaanxi on foot, their hearts are full of fear. I am afraid they will not continue. Joining the ranks of rogues, you need to find a way to make a living.

Problems still exist. Some governments in Shaanxi and Shanxi have a rough attitude towards the people. They don’t care about the lives of the people. They regard the refugees as scourges. To a certain extent, they force the refugees to join the bandits.

Su Tiancheng has no way to solve this kind of matter for the time being, he doesn't have that much power.

Before I had time to think about how to deal with the captives, the problem of war broke out.

In the seventh year of Chongzhen, most of Shanxi suffered from drought. In the eighth year of Chongzhen, it was plagued by locusts, and almost all of them were harvested. This year.All the bad results came out.

The hungry people in some places had no food and could only eat bark and grass leaves. At the end of February and early March, there were only a few bark and grass leaves left.The hungry are on the brink of collapse.

The situation in Taiyuan Prefecture, Lu'an Prefecture, Liaozhou, Fenzhou, and Qinzhou is particularly prominent.

Pingyang Mansion is a little bit better. Many people went to Henan Mansion to participate in the project of dredging the Yellow River, and earned money to maintain their basic life.

The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion began to evacuate Qinzhou.Ready to go back to Henan Mansion.

Along the way, Su Tiancheng saw a shocking scene.

Crowds of hungry people walked on the official road, and some people fell down at any time due to lack of energy. Human corpses could be seen on the official road at any time, and no one paid attention to these corpses.People pick up the funeral.

Su Tiancheng ordered the soldiers of the Jiangning camp to help the people along the way and collect the corpses.

The news spread quickly.

The flock of hungry people made it difficult for the Jiangning camp to move forward.

More and more hungry people followed the team, and the Jiangning camp carried more food.The root method is maintained.

Seeing this situation, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others all spoke up, meaning that the Jiangning camp has done its best, and that so many places in Shanxi have suffered disasters, and with the strength of the Jiangning camp, there is no way to relieve them. , according to the current situation, the delay continues.There is also a food crisis in the Jiangning camp.

Their suggestion is that the Jiangning camp should go back to Henan Prefecture, and the hungry people here should be dealt with by the local government.

After Su Tiancheng calmly listened to the audience, he shook his head decisively.

"Everyone, we came to Shanxi to exterminate the rogues. What is the purpose? We want the common people to live a peaceful life. Looking at the situation in front of us, do these people still have a way out? If the government can care about them, it will be like this , we left, no matter what is the way out for these people, they can only join the ranks of rogues, burn, kill, loot, and barely survive, such things, Jiangning Camp must take care of."

Everyone looked at Su Tiancheng and stopped talking. They didn't mean to ignore it, but Jiang Ningying couldn't control it.

"Xiong Zijian, you lead a thousand soldiers to the city of Taiyuan to find King Jin. This is a letter I wrote to King Jin. Please ask King Jin to set up a special relief site in Taiyuan Prefecture to help the hungry people survive the famine."

"Liu Tiehan, you led five hundred soldiers and rushed to Pingyang Fucheng. This is a letter from me to my father. I ask my father to set up a porridge shed to help the victims."

"Sun Yuankun, you carry gold and silver, go to the counties along the way, and buy a lot of food. All the hungry people who follow the Jiangning camp will not starve to death. The battle is over. All soldiers, try to save food and help more. Hungry people, think about it carefully, if these hungry people were your parents, what would you think."

"Master Sun, this is a letter I wrote to the governor of Shanxi. Please submit it directly to the governor and ask him to open a granary to help the people. At this time, if the granary is still strictly guarded, the people will have no way out."

The method proposed by Su Tiancheng quickly spread, and the hungry people who followed the Jiangning camp knew the news very well.

This kind of action can stabilize the hearts of the hungry people, but a big problem has also come. There are more and more hungry people behind the Jiangning camp. In just a few days, there are close to 10 people, most of whom are old, weak, women and children.

Wang Dazhi has already taken Su Tiancheng's personal letter and led people to rush to Luoyang, planning to drop some of the grain from Luoyang to help the hungry people here.

The hungry people followed, slowing down the marching speed of the Jiangning battalion.

In desperation, Su Tiancheng could only ask Luo Chang to bring most of the soldiers back to Henan Mansion, and he took a few thousand soldiers to stay to take care of the many hungry people.

As for the [-] captives, most of them were young and strong, and they were escorted back to the Henan Prefecture. Only the Henan Prefecture can find a way to digest and resettle these captives. If they are handed over to the government along the way, I don’t know what they are ending.

Killing too many people is never a good idea.

Ten days later, Su Tiancheng and his party finally reached Yueyang.

The base camp of Jiangning Camp is located here.

The hungry people who followed along the way were still close to 10 people. These people had become a heavy burden for the Jiangning camp. The food purchased along the way could be maintained in front of them. There were too many people, and even a little food was not enough.

Sun Yuankun, Xiong Zijian, Liu Tiehan and others have rushed back and waited in Yueyang Camp.

Inside the Chinese military tent, Su Tiancheng frowned.

"The Governor has received the letter, but it is still difficult. Shanxi's important duty is to wipe out the bandits. The food in the warehouse is all military food, so I dare not use it lightly."

"The king of Jin has already started to set up porridge sheds to help the people. The situation around the Taiyuan mansion is still good. This is the letter from the king of Jin to your lord."

"Porridge sheds have been set up around the city of Pingyang, and we have started to help the hungry..."

The thing that Su Tiancheng is most worried about is still happening. The attitude of the governor of Shanxi is the most important thing. The government cannot come forward to help the victims. This is impossible for a long time. The government opened warehouses to relieve the victims, but doing so was tantamount to overstepping the boundaries and offending officials at all levels in Shanxi.

Su Tiancheng finally spoke out the solution he had considered for a long time.

"Everyone, many of the soldiers in the Jiangning camp are unmarried. I wonder if it is possible to find a suitable girl for the soldiers among these hungry people. One soldier can marry a girl to save the whole family. In this way, the greatest Minimize the number of hungry people, these days, I have carefully observed, among the hungry people, there are quite a few girls."

After Su Tiancheng uttered this opinion, he found that everyone looked very strange.

After a long time, Sun Chuanting finally spoke.

"My lord, why did you come up with such a method? I'm afraid it's not easy to arrange this matter because of the order of the parents and the words of the matchmaker."

Su Tiancheng rolled his eyes. At this time, he was still shackled by these thoughts. Liu Tiehan's wife, Zhao Xicui, was also rescued by the Jiangning Camp when they wiped out the Jin soldiers in Baoding, Beizhili.When the soldiers of the Jiangning camp were in the south, it was difficult to find a wife, but when they came to the north, this situation will definitely change. The reputation of the Jiangning camp has gradually gone out, and many gentry and wealthy households know that Jiang Ning The soldiers of the battalion are not military households, their monthly salary is very high, and the conditions are very good.

Besides, the soldiers of the Jiangning camp always want to get married, and some of them are not young anymore.

Of course, it is impossible for such a large-scale marriage to last forever. The only way is for the officer to come forward and consult the girl's opinion. If it is possible, it will be considered a success.

"Master Sun, it's a critical time, so don't worry about it. From my point of view, this matter has been settled like this. Xiong Zijian is in charge of handling it. We are all officers of the Jiangning Battalion. Seeing that so many brothers have no families, Unfilial piety has three heirs, Jiang Ningying's future tasks are still very difficult, and they are always facing conquests, if they go like this, they will be sorry for their parents."

Xiong Zijian opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't speak. He didn't expect this task to fall on his head.

Not to mention, the idea that Su Tiancheng came up with really solved a big problem.

After many years of disasters, the girl from the peasant family is not so particular. Knowing that marrying a soldier in Jiangningying can support the whole family and follow her to Henan Province to farm, her parents agreed in a hurry.

However, there is something that Su Tiancheng didn't expect. After the decision he made was passed to the court, he was actually impeached. Many court officials who believed in Confucianism thought this move was indecent. Anyway, Su Tiancheng was a palace test. The second place should be clear about these etiquettes.

After learning about these accusations, Su Tiancheng faced it with a smile, and didn't even go to the memorial to defend himself.

There is no need to argue.

In late March, Su Tiancheng finally returned to Luoyang.

Just after returning to the government office, the eunuchs in the palace were already waiting.

The imperial decree was very clear, requiring Su Tiancheng to escort Zhang Xianzhong to Beijing.

Finally, he could go back to the capital to see his son and daughter, but Su Tiancheng was not very happy because there were some situations he already knew, and they were not very good.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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