Ming politicians

Chapter 430 Properly Arranged

() After receiving the imperial decree, Su Tiancheng did not leave Luoyang immediately. He still had some things to arrange.

There are a total of 10 people who followed Jiangning Camp into Henan Province, including 2000 captives. These people must be resettled. According to Su Tiancheng's opinion, [-] people will be left behind after entering Jiangning Camp. , the rest were sent to the prefectures and counties, and the prefectures and counties were required to do a good job of resettlement.

Economic development is inseparable from the support of people, especially in an agricultural society. These people can open up wasteland and cultivate land and repair ditches when they come to the prefectures and counties of Henan Prefecture.

The project of dredging the Yellow River is coming to an end, and Liu Zunxian, Minister of the Ministry of Industry, has returned to Beijing to return his order.

Because of the renovation project of the Yellow River, the people in Henan Province have received real benefits and money. Therefore, the prefectures and counties are very stable. In the first month and February, almost no one came to the government to complain. After entering March, because During the busy season, government offices in prefectures, prefectures and counties all stopped releasing reports. <After the festival, the population of Henan Prefecture increased significantly.

The reputation of this place has spread, and people in Shaanxi, Shanxi, and other prefectures and counties in Henan know that they can earn money and have enough food when they come to Henan. A large number of people gathered in Henan Province. As for the rich and gentlemen who left Henan Province for Kaifeng and other places before, they have already returned.

The biggest change was in Shanzhou, where the rapidly increasing population caused the city to slowly expand.

Qu Qingze has already received Su Tiancheng's true biography, and knows how to deal with these things.

Before leaving Henan Mansion and rushing to the capital, Su Tiancheng called the officials of the prefecture and county again and held a meeting.

Regarding the major victory of the Jiangning battalion, he briefly reported the situation at the meeting.Regarding the matters to be done in the future, he would like to emphasize that there are more and more foreigners in the counties under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture. This is an inevitable situation.Since the conditions in Henan Province are better than those in the surrounding areas, the common people will naturally flock here, and the local governments must not refuse, but must accept these common people. <In plowing season, the most important thing is to urge the people to cultivate the land.The dredging and renovation project of the Yellow River has taken into account the drought problem around Henan Province. Several counties have been able to solve the drought problem. Crop species such as corn go down.

The government should encourage the people to open up wasteland.The government only needs to register the cultivated land that has been reclaimed, and within three years, all taxes will be exempted. Not only that, but the government will also provide seeds, etc. to assist the people who have just arrived in Henan.

The government should make great efforts to support merchants.Encourage merchants to expand their business scale and hire as many people as possible, so that the people can not only get income from the land.

Su Tiancheng's arrangement this time has attracted a lot of attention.

Some of his arrangements are far beyond the understanding of this era. Emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce is the root understanding of many literati. Although the commerce and trade in the south are already very developed, most of them are the product of the combination of government and business. They really support the development of commerce and trade. , is still very rare.

Su Tiancheng would not care about these discussions.He is determined to follow his own ideas, as long as it can achieve practical results.

Qu Qingze entered the third hall.

When Qu Qingze came to Luoyang for the meeting, he always had a regretful expression on his face. Jiang Ning Ying won a major victory this time, and he was not able to participate in it.Of course it's a pity.

Su Tiancheng could also see that Qu Qingze was one of the founders of Jiangningying, and he must feel a little uncomfortable not being able to participate in the battle.

"Old Qu, don't have any ideas, build Shanzhou well, you've done a good job."

"My lord, I'm still used to following the Jiang Ning battalion."

"Hehe, there will be opportunities in the future. How long do you think I will be able to stay in Henan Mansion? I have calculated it myself. It will take at most two years. The next task of Jiangning Camp will be heavy."

Qu Qingze nodded, he also expected this situation.

"My lord, the information sent by the secret line has been sorted out by the lower officials. The situation in Shaanxi to suppress the bandits is not good, and there is not much success. The main reason is the harassment of Hou Jin, which scattered the power. I don't know where the Hou Jin got it from." The news is that they have attacked Shanhaiguan and Jizhou."

"Old Qu, there is nothing unusual about such a situation. Houjin's strategy is to not let me, Ming Dynasty, settle down, and take advantage of the opportunity of my Ming Dynasty to suppress the bandits, to attack on a large scale and gain benefits. This is the real wisdom."

"But Hou Jin won't get any benefits. It's the busy farming season, and they can't plunder property."

"You need to improve your understanding. The strategy of Houjin has changed. In the past, their main purpose of invading the pass was probably to rob money. But after the Battle of Daling River, their purpose has taken root. Changes, not only thinking about money, if we still maintain the original understanding, then there will be a lot of wrong analysis."

Qu Qingze was a little surprised. Although he said that the Houjin Manchu Eight Banners and Meng Eight Banners were brave and good at fighting, they have always been regarded as aliens, that is, some uncivilized people who just want to rob money.

According to Su Tiancheng, Hou Jin didn't just think about money, it had already been transferred to Jiangshan.

"My lord, does Houjin really have such a climate?"

"Lao Qu, Hou Jin's thinking has changed a long time ago. You may not believe what I said before. Take a look at the map. The places other than Xuanfu, Yanqing Prefecture, Shuntianfu and Yongpingfu in Beizhili are almost They were all occupied by Houjin, and outside the pass, the Ningjin defense line that the imperial court relied on was almost based on an isolated city like Jinzhou. The year before last, Houjin had already occupied Lushun, and the waterway for the imperial army to reinforce had been cut off."

"After the Hou Jin conquered the tribes of Mongolia, Datong in Shanxi and Yulin in Shaanxi all became border towns, facing the threat of the Hou Jin at all times. The attack launched by the Hou Jin from the direction of Datong last year has already illustrated this point."

"In fact, the occupation of Lushun after the Jin Dynasty has already explained everything."

"Let's talk about Hou Jin's attacks in recent years. In the past, they focused on plundering money. That was because the land they occupied was barren and it was difficult to feed many people. Moreover, their strength was not enough to attack my Ming Dynasty. However, during the Wanli period, Sarhu After Jin won the battle, the situation began to change from that time on.”

"The battle of Daling River, because I, Da Ming, built Daling River City 45 miles away from Jinzhou, and further strengthened the Ningjin defense line, this is not allowed by Houjin. If Houjin only wanted to plunder wealth, I don’t care about my Ming Dynasty building Daling River City, but what they planned was the Central Plains and the world, so Huang Taiji launched a war while Daling River City was still under construction, and the result was that our Daming army suffered a disastrous defeat, which is exactly what happened. It is because of this disastrous defeat that further strengthened Hou Jin's delusion."

"The purpose of the imperial court's extermination of bandits is to stabilize the internal affairs. In any case, in terms of financial resources and material resources, Hou Jin cannot be compared with our Ming Dynasty. As long as our soldiers and civilians of the Ming Dynasty unite and work together, one day we will be able to wipe out Hou Jin."

"How can Huang Taiji not understand this kind of truth? He doesn't want the court to wipe out the bandits. The more chaos the Central Plains gets, the greater his chances. Therefore, he will always pay attention to the movements in the pass. Once the court starts to wipe out the bandits, he will We must look for opportunities to invade our Daming border, making it difficult for the imperial court to take care of both ends, so we have to allocate troops to deal with their harassment."

"Houjin's Huang Taiji is indeed formidable. This is a very unusual opponent."

Qu Qingze looked at Su Tiancheng, dumbfounded.

It is said that Su Tiancheng did not do anything in the imperial court. After the imperial examination, he went directly to Jiangning County, and then to Henan Prefecture. It took only five years before and after, how could he analyze the overall situation of the Ming Dynasty so accurately.

"My lord, do you mean that Houjin is about to launch a large-scale attack on Jinzhou, Shanhaiguan, and Jizhou?" <At the time of plowing, there were people who wanted to eat in the areas under their jurisdiction. Besides, people in Shanhaiguan and Jinzhou Frontier soldiers, the combat effectiveness is still acceptable, although not enough for field battles, they are still capable of defending the city. "

"So it's not a big problem for now."

"Problems will come soon. Don't forget Kong Youde and Shang Kexi. They used to be generals of my Ming Dynasty. They are familiar with many firearms. Moreover, a large number of soldiers they led also took refuge in Houjin and attacked the city. , It used to be Houjin's weakness, but with the passage of time, this weakness no longer exists, and at that time, it was time for Houjin to attack aggressively."

Qu Qingze nodded, but did not speak.

"The information provided by Lao Qu, the dark line, and Huang Zaisheng is very important. We must analyze the accurate dynamics from these information, so that the Jiangning Camp can really prepare. Hou Jin harassed the area around the capital, and was forced to divide his troops to defend the capital, which happened to fall into Hou Jin's scheme."

"Actually, the Houjin's disturbance, the Shanhaiguan army, can completely handle it. There is no need to deploy troops from Yulin and Datong. If you can accurately analyze Houjin's intentions, you can deal with it very well. It's a pity, such a truth , In the imperial court, some adults understand, but no one dares to say such a thing."

"Precisely because of these circumstances, our task is very heavy. We must do our best to build Henan Mansion well. I believe that the facts speak for themselves. Some people think that Jiangning County is a small place. It used to be a rich place. There is no What is representative, but the situation in Henan Prefecture is different. It used to be a barren place. If Henan Prefecture can be developed rapidly in the shortest time, let's see what some adults in the court have to say. "

"I've said so much, just to make you understand, don't think about the war for the time being, since you are serving as the magistrate of Shanzhou, then do things in a down-to-earth manner with peace of mind, and focus on building Shanzhou well. .” To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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