Ming politicians

Chapter 431 I have a daughter

() (Thanks to bei jing plastic products, he20hattie, lasoo007, Regal 520, Damazi for their valuable monthly tickets, thank you. Most

Back in the capital, Su Tiancheng was uncharacteristically, normally he needed to go to the official post to wait, since he came to Beijing by order, he had to wait for the emperor's summons honestly, but Su Tiancheng didn't want to do that.

The [-] soldiers of the Jiangning camp who followed to the capital were all stationed in the Beijing camp outside the city, and Zhang Xianzhong was also detained in the Beijing camp.

Su Tiancheng ran home, he wanted to see his son and daughter.

Wang Furong and Liu Rushi, who were already pregnant, also came to the capital this time. Their due dates are both in the second half of the year. After all, the conditions in the capital are better.

His son Su Mingjie is already one year old, and there is too little time to see it. From Zhu Shenxin's letter, Su Tiancheng knows that his son has started to walk slowly, and he is very naughty. At this time, he is just restless when.

As for his daughter Su Mingyue, she is also eight months old, and Su Tiancheng hasn't even met her yet.

After hundreds of years, this is impossible to imagine.

Fortunately, his son and daughter are still young, so Su Tiancheng always feels that he owes them a little.

When entering the mansion, Zhu Shenxin was not prepared. <Ping hardly ever had a full night's sleep, their hearts were already at Su Tiancheng's side, the battlefield situation, who knows what would happen, until the Jiangning Battalion won another major victory and the news spread to the capital, the two of them felt at ease, He also knew that Su Tiancheng was going to the capital soon. <The screen thinks that there are still a few days before the husband returns home. <Ping quickly ordered the housekeeper to bring Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue over. <The eyes of the screen are all sparkling. <Ping can only stay in the capital. <Tears fall from screen.

very.The butler led his servants and brought Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue in.

Su Mingjie probably wanted to leave by himself, but was still struggling.

Seeing Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue, Su Tiancheng hurriedly stepped forward, ready to hug the two little guys, who knows, Su Mingjie is not familiar with Su Tiancheng.His mouth shrunk a little, and he was about to cry. <The screens came forward, and each picked up the child.

While holding the child, Zhu Shenxin spoke and told Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue that her father was back.

Su Mingjie has thick eyebrows and big eyes. Although he is only one year old, he has already shown that he is very angry.It is estimated that Zhu Shenxin often told him the story of his father Su Tiancheng, the little guy looked at Su Tiancheng, his eyes became better.

Su Tiancheng sat down with the two children in his arms.

Zhu Shenxin finally remembered something.

"The master came to Beijing according to the order, has the emperor summoned the master?" <screen two people.They all stood up in shock. They knew that if they went home without going to the palace to meet the emperor, at least they would be impeached by the court ministers, and at worst they would be punished.

"Master, how can this be done? If the emperor blames it, it will be the fault of the concubine." <Ping, with a smile on his face.

"Don't worry, I know what's going on, it's such a big deal, the emperor won't blame it, besides, I'm back in the capital, who knows when I can see the emperor, why don't I go home first, see Look at you and the children."

At this time, the housekeeper came in to report, saying that the third and fourth young masters, Nainai and Fourth Young Master, had already been arranged.

Zhu Shenxin quickly stood up and said that she was going to see Wang Furong and Liu Rushi. They were both pregnant and needed special care. They were probably thinking about Su Tiancheng and seeing their son and daughter just now so as not to disturb them, so they didn't enter Come to the lobby. <screen followed suit.

In the lobby, there were still the nanny and the maid who took care of the two children.

At this moment, something unexpected happened to Su Tiancheng.

One-year-old Su Mingjie saw the jade pendant hanging from Su Tiancheng's waist, which was the emblem worn by the commander of the Jiangning battalion. Su Mingjie was obviously interested in this thing and reached out to grab it.

Su Mingyue, who was eight months old, stared at Su Tiancheng's sword straddling his waist, and actually reached out to grab the sword.

Su Tiancheng was a little dumbfounded.

What happened to the son and daughter, it should be Su Mingjie who went to grab the sword, and Su Mingyue who went to grab the jade pendant.

His son Su Mingjie has already caught Zhou, and it is said that he also caught the jade pendant.

Grabbing the jade pendant is also good. On the surface, it means a lifetime of prosperity and wealth, rich clothes and fine food, but there is another situation, that is, indulging in the Peach Blossom Pond. Su Tiancheng doesn't believe this, but he doesn't want his son to be Kind of love.

Daughter Su Mingjie hasn't caught Zhou yet, but she is interested in swords.

Without delay, Su Tiancheng took the jade pendant and handed it to Su Mingjie, and also took the sword and handed it to Su Mingyue.

After getting the jade pendant, Su Mingjie struggled to get to the ground.

Su Tiancheng stared at Su Mingjie.

Su Mingyue is very obedient, compared to her, the sword is very heavy, she cannot lift it, so she obediently lay in Su Tiancheng's arms, rubbed the sword, and laughed. <Screen follows.

Seeing the scene in the lobby, everyone laughed. <Ping is indeed a little strange. It is said that their husband Su Tiancheng is not very old. Judging from his eyes, he loves the child from the bottom of his heart. This is a sign of maturity.It can't be pretended. The two of them are already mothers and understand the meaning of this.

Su Tiancheng nodded, and stood up holding Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue.

Before the nanny caught up, she took over the two children.

Su Mingjie held the jade pendant in his hand, with a smile on his face.He didn't care at all, his attention was all focused on the jade pendant. Of course, the nanny was very attentive, and kept staring at the jade pendant, whether this thing could be broken.

Su Mingyue couldn't hold the sword.Seeing that he could not touch the sword, he opened his mouth and cried.

Su Tiancheng shook his head with a wry smile.

"Hey, my family has a girl, she doesn't like red clothes, she likes being armed."

As he spoke, he handed the sword to the nanny who was holding Su Mingyue. The nanny turned pale and took the sword.

After washing up, I took a short rest.Meals are ready.

The nai mother came over with Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue in her arms.

Su Tiancheng turned to ask Zhu Shenxin.

"My son has started to eat, how much can he eat, or I will feed him."

"Master, look at what you said, Jie'er is so young, how can he eat rice?"

Su Tiancheng shook his head.

"Ma'am, this is not good. I still need to eat more, and eat some meat when appropriate, so that my health will be better. Jie'er is growing up slowly, and I have to tell you something, otherwise I will grow up." Time is not at home, some things are out of control.”

"My thoughts. The meaning of this sentence is to raise a poor son and a rich daughter. It means that you should be stricter with Jie'er, not to be pampered and indulged, and be more tolerant of Yue'er, and not be stingy. I understand this. To put it bluntly, the knowledge of the two is different. Boys will start a family and start a business in the future. They must be strict when they are young. When they grow up, they will be able to honor their ancestors. As for the daughter, she is destined to run a family. She must have a broad mind. To be able to manage things at home well.

Wang Furong didn't quite understand, thinking that Su Tiancheng loved his daughter more.

Seeing Wang Furong's expression, Su Tiancheng sighed slightly. It seems that Zhu Shenxin needs to talk more about these things to Wang Furong in the future.

The Su Mansion has long established a rule that some men and women in the family can sit down when eating, but the servants still stand by and wait on them.

While Su Tiancheng was still talking, the butler hurried in.

"Master, the father-in-law from the palace is here."

Not only Su Tiancheng was surprised, but even Zhu Shenxin and others were surprised. The emperor summoned her husband just after returning to the capital. The speed was too fast, not to mention it was already past noon.

"Housekeeper, please wait a moment, eunuch. I'll go clean up and follow to the palace immediately."

When the housekeeper was about to leave, Zhu Shenxin spoke.

"Housekeeper, go to the cashier to get ten taels of gold. Father-in-law has come to the mansion. Thank you for your hard work."

Seeing Su Tiancheng coming out, the eunuch bent over and spoke with a smile on his face.

"Lord Su, the emperor is waiting in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and the servants are here to inform you."

"Eunuch, thank you for your hard work, Eunuch Wang is fine."

"The prince is very good. When the servant girl came just now, the prince specially instructed the servant girl to come to the mansion if the adult cannot be found in the official post."

"Oh, that's right, please ask the father-in-law to lead the way."

"The servant girl has to go and inform that the bandit Zhang Xianzhong is escorted to the palace."

"Hehe, don't bother Eunuch about this matter, let's go to the official post and wait for a while."

After finishing speaking, Su Tiancheng called Wang Dazhi, and quickly sent people to the Beijing camp to inform Liu Tiehan to escort Zhang Xianzhong to wait outside the Forbidden City.

Chatting along the way, Su Tiancheng learned that Wang Chengen had completely controlled the power in the palace, and Cao Huachun fought against Wang Chengen with all his might.

At this time, Su Tiancheng thought of Wu Sangui again. In history, Wu Sangui relied on Cao Huachun to advance step by step. He didn't know how Cao Huachun could help Wu Sangui after losing power, and whether Wu Sangui would find a way to curry favor with Wang Chengen.He thought Wu Sangui would do this.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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