Ming politicians

Chapter 432 Zhu Youjian's Decision

() There are quite a few people in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

The chief minister of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, stood at the front, and the rest of the cabinet ministers stood behind one by one.

Sun Chengzong and Hong Chengchou are also here.

Under the leadership of the eunuchs, Su Tiancheng entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation. He was startled when he saw so many court ministers. It seemed that his coming to the stables was not just for celebration, but probably for other matters.

However, along the way, Su Tiancheng has already made such preparations, even if the world falls apart, I will stand still.

"My minister, the prefect of Henan Prefecture, and the commander of the Jiangning Battalion, Su Tiancheng, pay homage to the emperor. Long live the emperor, long live the emperor."

"Su Aiqing is dead."

After seeing Su Tiancheng, Zhu Youjian had a smile on his face.

The performance of the Jiangning battalion really made him feel at ease. Zhu Youjian was not that worried when the Houjin invaded Shanhaiguan and Jizhou this time. He didn't even send the Jiangning battalion to guard the stables. The capital, ordinarily Houjin did not have that kind of strength. The ministers in the Nai court, especially Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, were very anxious. For fear of accidents, they argued hard and dispatched Sun Chengzong to the periphery of the capital to guard the capital.

Sun Chengzong led the army, and before he arrived at the capital, Hou Jin took the initiative to withdraw his troops without even fighting a decent battle. Such a situation is rare. When the court ministers celebrated, Zhu Youjian was not very happy.

The Jiangning camp wiped out the rogue bandits like Shanxi, and the most important thing was to capture Zhang Xianzhong alive.

The court ministers already have two opinions, one is to behead Zhang Xianzhong, and the other is to recruit Zhang Xianzhong.

Zhu Youjian wanted to hear Su Tiancheng's opinion, but at the same time, there were still some matters that needed to be consulted.Judging from the pace of development of the Jiangning Camp and the changes in Henan Prefecture, the facts are in front of us, and Zhu Youjian is also slowly changing his views, allowing Su Tiancheng to stay in Fuzhou County for a period of time.There are benefits indeed.

"Su Aiqing, the Jiangning Battalion wiped out [-] bandits and captured Zhang Xianzhong alive. This is a huge contribution. I want to hear your opinion on how to deal with Zhang Xianzhong."

"The minister's thoughts. Kill and pardon."

"Oh, Su Aiqing's words are very murderous. Could it be that she can't give Zhang Xianzhong a way out?"

Hearing what Zhu Youjian said, Wen Tiren spoke up.

"Your Majesty, I think that if Zhang Xianzhong can surrender, it would be a wise move to stay in the stables. Zhang Xianzhong is an important leader among the rogues, and his surrender to the court will have an extraordinary impact. This is especially true for other rogue leaders. A kind of deterrence. The emperor has compassion in mind, thinking that the rogues are the people of my Ming Dynasty, and giving them a way to survive, he is unwilling to kill too much, and believes that many rogues will be able to find their way back."

Seeing Zhu Youjian nodded slightly, Su Tiancheng became anxious.

"Your Majesty, I think this is absolutely impossible."

"Oh, why does Su Aiqing have such a view?"

"I have two reasons, Zhang Xianzhong must be beheaded."

"First. If Zhang Xianzhong is left behind and becomes an official in the imperial court, it will have a very bad influence. Zhang Xianzhong is an important leader of the rogues, and he is rebellious. He used to stay in the Yan'an Mansion of the Ming Dynasty and the border army, all because of violating the rules , was expelled, there is a problem with this person's sexuality, since the rebellion, he has a brutal nature, and has repeatedly feigned surrender, and has no bottom line of principle at all. If this type of person is recruited to surrender, I think it will create an illusion .”

"Anyone who disobeys the imperial court and rebels to a certain extent by strength or abandoning principles can surrender and enter the imperial court. Doesn't this encourage those who disdain to try their best to rebel and make trouble, and finally enter the imperial court? Look at me Officials of the Ming Dynasty did not study hard and take part in the imperial examinations to have their future, or made great contributions to the development of our Ming Dynasty. Wouldn’t this act chill the hearts of everyone and confuse right and wrong.”

"Secondly, this move is obviously raising tigers to cause trouble. As the saying goes, a single spark can start a prairie fire. Many provinces, states and counties in the north have suffered disasters, and the lives of ordinary people cannot be sustained. Under such circumstances, certain riots will inevitably occur. Sao movement, the solution, I have already said that only the court and the local government work together to improve the people's livelihood and improve the lives of the people, so that the people can be stable."

"Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Zhang Xianzhong, and Li Zicheng took advantage of this kind of famine. The common people couldn't survive, they had no food, and they were waiting to die of starvation. Naturally, they rebelled. It is for this reason that the emperor The rogues have a heart of pity and guilt, and once urged to surrender, I thought it was a good idea."

"But the current situation has changed. It has been nine years now. The rogues are plundering. They are used to plundering property. They even think of threatening my Ming Dynasty. The leader of the rogues has enjoyed power. Their understanding has long been There has been a change, that is, the imperial court adopts the policy of recruiting and surrendering. They are also proceeding from the perspective that is beneficial to themselves. After defrauding the imperial court of money, food and grass, they continue to rebel. them."

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, it was very quiet, no one spoke, this was because what Su Tiancheng said was too bold.

"To sum up, I believe that the leader of the rogues should never be treated lightly, and must be eradicated. I have always believed that showing mercy to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Therefore, Zhang Xianzhong must be killed, not only Zhang Xianzhong, Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and other leaders of the bandits cannot be forgiven and must be completely killed."

After a while, Zhu Youjian spoke.

"A single spark can start a prairie fire. Compassion to the enemy is cruelty to oneself. Well said, I almost don't understand such a simple truth."

Wang Chengen raised his head and looked at Su Tiancheng with deep eyes.

"Well, what Su Aiqing said is very reasonable. There is no need to discuss this matter. The Ministry of Punishment will draw up a report. In my opinion, there is no need to waste time and kill Zhang Xianzhong as soon as possible."

The matter of Zhang Xianzhong is not something that needs to be discussed today. For Jiang Ningying's reward, the Ministry of War will draw up a statement.

So, Zhu Youjian directly entered the topic.

"Su Aiqing, the Jiangning battalion has made great contributions and deserves to be the nemesis of the bandits. I am very pleased. Sun Aiqing recommended you to me and the imperial court to be in charge of the military affairs of the five provinces and to be responsible for exterminating the bandits. After discussing with the cabinet, I think this move is not right. Well, Sun Aiqing has a high reputation. Since she presided over the extermination of the bandits, she has worked steadily and steadily. The scope of activities of the bandits has been greatly reduced. This time Zhang Xianzhong went deep into Shanxi and all of them were wiped out. I think that in the future, the bandits will not dare to leave Shaanxi. Judging from the actual situation, Sun Aiqing's decision is correct, I believe that Sun Aiqing should still preside over the extermination of the bandits."

"Your majesty is wise, and my qualifications are shallow, so it is difficult for me to take on such an important task. I am willing to do my best under the command of Lord Sun."

"Okay, I knew that you would answer like this."

Su Tiancheng was a little strange. Of course, Zhu Youjian's words had a deep meaning. He was helping Sun Chengzong to unify the command of the military affairs of the five provinces, including the Jiangning battalion. In fact, he was also ready. The Jiangning battalion obeyed Sun Chengzong's dispatch. , After all, the Jiangning battalion is the imperial army.

"The Ministry of War recommended Hong Chengchou to me. I will consider letting Hong Aiqing enter the Jiangning camp. What do you think?"

Su Tiancheng blinked his eyes, and didn't realize it for a while. Hong Chengchou used to be the minister of the Ministry of War, a second-rank court official, what can he do when he enters the Jiangning camp? Could he be a commander? Ah, the rank is not enough, such an arrangement is obviously inappropriate.

However, judging from Zhu Youjian's meaning, it seems that he has made up his mind, and he has no room to refute.

"Submit to the arrangement of the court."

"Hehe, okay, I see, Hong Aiqing will go to the Jiangning Camp as a military supervisor, and still hold the title of Minister of the Ministry of War."

Su Tiancheng took a breath, he finally understood what Zhu Youjian meant.

In this, the first problem reflected is that Zhu Youjian has a little distrust of himself. The reason is very simple. The Jiangning battalion is too brave and good at fighting. Of course, the imperial court must firmly grasp such an army. , It's not appropriate to always direct by yourself. Besides, there must be many people in the court who suggested it.

Logically speaking, the Jiangning battalion's supervising army should be selected from among the eunuchs, so Zhu Youjian can feel relieved, but Zhu Youjian didn't take such measures, which shows that generally speaking, he still trusts himself.

Sending Hong Chengchou to be the supervisor of the Jiangning Camp has many benefits. When Hong Chengchou led the military affairs of the five provinces and wiped out the rogues, he still encountered some things. First, the rogues attacked Fengyang, the central capital. If it weren't for the resistance of the Jiangning Camp, I don't know What is the situation? The next step is the imperial army, who suffered heavy losses from the bandits' plan to encircle Wei and save Zhao. It is said that under such circumstances, Hong Chengchou would be severely punished, but the emperor did not pursue the matter. Hong Chengchou is grateful and will definitely do his best.

In addition, Hong Chengchou may also have such an idea, thinking of being able to enter the Jiangning camp.

After all, Hong Chengchou was the one who led the troops to fight, so he didn't have much to do while staying in the court.

In the light of calcium carbide and fire, Su Tiancheng made up his mind.

"I will follow the arrangement. Lord Hong is highly respected. After arriving at the Jiangning Camp, the Jiangning Camp will definitely achieve good results. I can also ask Lord Hong for advice from time to time."

There was a smile on Zhu Youjian's face, and this smile was very sincere.

"Okay, okay, Su Aiqing, you really care about the overall situation. I see that within two days, the Ministry of War will draw up a statement that the Jiangning Battalion has made outstanding military achievements, and must be rewarded heavily."

When leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Sun Chengzong and Hong Chengchou walked in front, and Su Tiancheng walked behind them.

Hong Chengchou clasped his fists to salute Su Tiancheng.

"Master Su, please take care of me when I come to Jiangning Camp."

"My lord, you're being polite. The next official will definitely learn from you and ask for advice."

"Master Su, you are too polite. What the old man said is true. The bravery of the Jiangning camp has already surpassed the Ming Dynasty. The old man asked to go to the Jiangning camp because he wanted to learn more."

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