Ming politicians

Chapter 433 You Should Pay Attention

() As soon as Su Tiancheng returned to the mansion, the housekeeper came to report that it was Mr. Sun Chengzong who came to visit.

Su Tiancheng hurriedly followed the housekeeper to the gate of the mansion to meet Sun Chengzong.

The relationship between Sun Chengzong and Su Tiancheng was unusual, so they were not polite. The two entered the study directly. Su Tiancheng told the housekeeper, no matter who came to visit, don't bother them. If there are important guests, the housekeeper will deal with them temporarily.

"Master Su, Hong Chengchou entered the Jiangning camp. The old man also suggested it. The old man knows that you must be a little confused. After all, Hong Chengchou's identity is different. After entering the Jiangning camp, you may not be easy to operate. The old man has already talked to Hong Chengchou. Now, after he arrives at Jiangning Camp, he won't interfere with many things, so don't think too much about it."

"Thank you, Master Sun, for your reminder, this junior understands."

"Kun Yuan, the fate between you and this old man is extraordinary. The two grandsons of this old man work under your command and often write letters to this old man. When it comes to the changes in Henan Province, this old man is very surprised. In the past, the barren Henan In the blink of an eye, the mansion has undergone such a big change, it is too rare, the Henan mansion has already attracted the attention of the emperor and the court, I believe it will not take long, the chief officials of the thirteen counties in one prefecture will be promoted."

"Sun Siming and Sun Sizong's performance is indeed very good. Don't worry, my lord, the younger generation will definitely recommend them to the imperial court."

"Kun Yuan, I don't think of these two boys, but I think of the Zhongxing Academy. To be honest, I have always fully understood the role of the Zhongxing Academy until now. Your advocacy of ideas is actually the promotion of the Zhongxing Academy. Once these ideas can become the mainstream. Great changes will take place in my Ming Dynasty. It is really not easy for you to think of such far-reaching things at such a young age. This old man was once in front of the emperor. I specifically talked about the Zhongxing Academy As for the matter, the emperor may have made up his mind to set up a Zhongxing School in the capital after a while."

Su Tiancheng's expression became a little serious. It is not easy to set up Zhongxing Academy in the capital.The capital has the Imperial Academy and the Imperial Academy. After the establishment of the Zhongxing Academy, it will definitely have a major impact. How scholars think of the Imperial Academy, the emperor also needs to bear a lot of pressure.After all, the concept of Zhongxing Academy has not yet covered all parts of Ming Dynasty.

Even Donglin Academy and Fushe, which had great influence in the past, could not get involved in the capital.

"Okay, when the old man said this, he wanted to let you know something, so that you could be prepared. The old man is here today. The point is to remind you that after you entered the court, you have always been in the local government. , I'm not very clear about some things in the imperial court, the old man is someone who has been here, relying on the old to sell the old."

"The younger generation is a little confused, my lord reminds me, I can't wait to ask for it."

"Five aspects, the old man will talk about them one by one."

Sun Chengzong stretched out his hand.It shows that I am going to say five things.

"First, the battle in the court."

"Master Wen has been the chief assistant of the cabinet for a long time. How should I put it, he has done a good job. At least he can maintain the stability of the court. However, how did Lord Wen become the first assistant of the cabinet? If I don't tell you, you too I know, this is a very bad idea. There must be other people who want to be the chief minister of the cabinet. As the chief minister of the cabinet, they always have to do things. It is impossible to be completely correct. Therefore, it is impossible to be too stable in the court, and there are always fights. In the past, these things may not have much to do with you, but from now on, these things, It must be about you."

"So, you need to pay more attention, pay more attention to the affairs of the court, and don't just do things in the local area. Your conditions are good. As far as I know, some officials' family members often visit your mansion. Find out what's going on in the court, of course, Hong Chengchou has arrived at the Jiangning camp, this is also a good opportunity, Lord Hong still has some connections in the court."

"Second, the bravery of Jiangning Battalion."

"Jiangning Camp is so brave, I didn't even think about it. Looking at the army of the guards of the Ming Dynasty, there is no one that can compare with Jiangning Camp. The tree is big and attracts the wind. You know the truth. Why did the old man suggest that Hong Chengchou go to Jiangning Camp as a prisoner?" According to the rules of the imperial court, eunuchs are the supervisors of the army, which is definitely not good for the Jiangning camp, but the situation is different when Hong Chengchou went to the Jiangning camp. After all, Hong Chengchou has certain experience and knows the principles of combat, at least not Trouble."

"As for the matter of sending a supervisory army to the Jiangning camp, don't think too much about it. The old man thinks that this is just a sign that the emperor trusts you. If you don't trust you, you can't still be in charge of the Jiangning camp."

"Sending Hong Chengchou to serve as the supervisor of the Jiangning Battalion was also considered by the emperor. The old man and the Ministry of War can only suggest, and the emperor finally made the decision."

"Third, completely wipe out the bandits."

"The old man thought that the emperor would arrange for the Jiangning camp to directly enter Shaanxi to wipe out the bandits. I didn't expect that the emperor would not have such an arrangement. Now, the old man understands that what you said is good. In life, it is impossible to completely wipe out the rogue bandits. Now, the rogue bandits are huddled in Shaanxi, and it is impossible to do much. This is a very good opportunity. Governments at all levels put the people first, pay attention to people's livelihood, and improve the lives of the people. The rogue bandits will naturally lose Without support, at that time, launching the final attack on the rogues will be twice the result with half the effort."

"But this time will not drag on for a long time. After all, no one can fully predict the changes in the current situation. The emperor will not allow the rogues to exist for a long time. The emperor said it today. Jiang Ningying is the nemesis of the rogues. Then, The task of exterminating the bandits is none other than the Feijiang Ningying Camp, and the old man is in charge of the extermination of the bandits, just to maintain the situation temporarily."

"The Jiangning camp is always ready to enter Shaanxi."

"Fourth, Hou Jin's harassment."

"The old man is very sorry. The matter of exterminating the bandits in Shaanxi, because of the invasion of the Hou Jin, failed. They fought directly, at that time, they desperately plundered, desperately seized the territory, just like the way of local gangsters, I haven't really taken it to heart, but judging from the current situation, Hou Jin's ambitions are not small."

"The imperial army suppressed the rogues, which could stabilize the interior to the greatest extent, but Houjin paid attention to such things all the time, and did not want my Ming Dynasty to have a stable interior. Every time the imperial army launched an encirclement and suppression of the rogues, Houjin would take advantage of this opportunity, Take the opportunity to invade our Daming Border Town, and even threaten the safety of the capital."

"Hou Jin didn't want me to stabilize the Ming Dynasty. He thought that the imperial court would be exhausted during the harassing of the rogues, and they would have a chance. If the rogues continued to plunder for a long time, the court really couldn't bear it."

"This old man has a premonition that the Jiangning Battalion will be able to deal with the rogues easily, and it won't take too much effort. But the real opponents of the Jiangning Battalion are the Manchurian Eight Banners, Mongolian Eight Banners, and the Han Army of Hou Jin."

"Maybe in a few years, you and Jiang Ningying will go to the north."

"Fifth, the question of the vassal king."

"The relationship between you and King Jin is unusual. Speaking of which, you are already a relative of the emperor, so your attitude towards the prince must be somewhat different. This is a very normal situation, Your Majesty. I'm afraid I also thought of this, so I didn't blame you too much."

"Jiangning battalion went to Shanxi to fight against bandits. How dare you suggest that Zhu Yousong, the son of Prince Fu, follow the army to fight. If the commanders of other guards made such a suggestion, they would have been directly detained. I didn't expect that you would dare to propose it Such a suggestion."

"On the positive side, you are able to make such a suggestion because you are selfish and have no selfish thoughts, but on the other hand, you have violated the emperor's bottom line, and the ancestors' rules are very strict for the king's requirements. , vassal kings are absolutely not allowed to participate in politics."

"The old man specifically mentioned this matter, just to remind you, no matter how good your reasons are, don't think about such things for the time being, unless you come to the capital, unless you enter the cabinet, you can bring it up to the emperor According to your current strength, you are still unable to make such a suggestion for things like this."

"I have guessed your idea, I don't really support such an idea, but judging from the results you have made, I feel that as long as you decide to do something, it is correct and you can get the best effective."

Sun Chengzong said so much in one breath, Su Tiancheng was very grateful.

Ginger is old and spicy, and there are many words in it, which are words from the heart.

"My lord, this junior remembers this. This junior must keep your lord's teachings in mind and pay attention to it at all times."

"Hehe, you are calm and wise, and you have an extraordinary understanding. I don't worry about it. It's just that I'm old and have seen too many things, so I wanted to remind you to pay attention. Maybe you already knew about it. These things may be the old man talking too much."

"Your Excellency, please don't say that. The younger generation thinks that you can always accept your teachings."

"Okay, the old man has said everything that needs to be said. Tomorrow, the old man will leave the capital and rush to Shaanxi. It will be a while for the old man to come to the capital. We can't delay any longer. The rogues in Shaanxi have not been hit. Fortunately, the Jiangning camp wiped out Zhang Xianzhong, so that the bandits did not dare to act rashly."

"The younger generation will send off the adults tomorrow."

"No need, the old man reckons that you won't be able to stay for long. After the Ministry of War has already drafted an edict to reward the Jiangning battalion, you may also go to Henan Mansion. It's spring farming season, and the local affairs are too complicated. You can't waste too much time." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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