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Sun Chengzong and Hong Chengchou came to visit at the same time, Su Tiancheng knew that the court must have made a big move.

The imperial court has never sent a minister to preside over the affairs of the north against the Houjin. This is obviously abnormal, but in the war against the Houjin, many adults have fallen from the imperial court. They are all famous people, starting from Xiong Tingbi and later The famous Yuan Chonghuan and others, including Sun Chengzong, all stumbled in the battle against Houjin, which shows that dealing with Houjin is not an easy matter.

After the three sat down in the study, Sun Chengzong spoke first.

"Lord Su, the old man and Lord Hong are here to tell you one thing. The emperor issued a decree. Zhang Fengyi, Minister of the Ministry of War, appointed the Crown Prince Taibao as the Liaodong Economic Strategy. He presided over the war between the imperial army and the Houjin Dynasty.

Probably thinking that Su Tiancheng was not very familiar with Yang Sichang, Hong Chengchou added on the sidelines.

"Master Su, Lord Yang Sichang, in the first year of Chongzhen, served as the deputy envoy of Henan, the imperial envoy of Youqian Capital, the governor of Yongping and Shanhaiguan. The military affairs of Datong and Shanxi made great contributions in the battle against Houjin, because his parents passed away one after another, and Ding You returned home, this time the emperor used Lord Yang because of his ability."

Of course, Su Tiancheng knew about Yang Sichang, the son of Yang He, the governor of the three sides, history gave mixed reviews to Yang Sichang.There are more negative comments, and the conclusion drawn by Yang Sichang is that he was diligent in his work, deceived his superiors and concealed his inferiors, and ruined the last hope of the Ming Dynasty's survival.

After becoming Minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Sichang's most famous thing is to formulate a plan for encirclement and suppression with four corners and ten sides.To wipe out the bandits in an all-round way, Shaanxi, Henan, Huguang, and Jiangbei are the four divisions, the four governors divide and suppress the special defense, Yansui, Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangnan, Jiangxi, and Sichuan are the six corners, and the six governors divide the defense and cooperate with the suppression, the four Zhengs and the six corners add up .Call it the ten faces.

This method was very good at the beginning, and achieved considerable results. Even Li Zicheng suffered a disastrous defeat and hid in the mountains with 17 remnants.

At that time, Yang Sichang was in power for a while.Zhu Youjian's deep trust is known as Yang Gelao and Yang Xiang among the people.

It's a pity that Yang Sichang made a mistake of principle by employing a superior person. He reused Xiong Can, the prime minister of the military affairs of the five provinces, and was responsible for exterminating the bandits.Xiong Can was a mere person who couldn't recognize the nature of the rogues. When Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others were in a desperate situation, they actually believed the rogues' false surrender and easily let them go.

In addition, Lu Xiangsheng resisted Houjin and disagreed with Yang Sichang's opinion. Yang Sichang actually took advantage of his control over the Ministry of War to constrain Lu Xiangsheng everywhere.Lu Xiangsheng couldn't do anything alone, he lost many battles, and finally died on the battlefield.

Yang Sichang's final outcome was also tragic, because of Xiong Can's failure, he had to personally lead the army to wipe out the bandits.But Li Zicheng captured Luoyang, killed Fu Wang Zhu Changxun, and captured Xiangyang the next day, killing Xiang Wang Zhu Yiming.

History has still undergone fundamental changes.

At least Yang Sichang's encirclement and suppression plan of "four positives, six corners and ten sides" is no longer needed. The rogues are huddled in one province of Shaanxi. Even Sun Chengzong, the prime minister of the military affairs of the five provinces, does not need to pay attention to the military affairs of other provinces. He focuses on the military affairs of Shaanxi. OK.

Of course, judging from Zhu Youjian's attitude, Sun Chengzong is likely to preside over the war against Houjin in the next step, as long as his body can bear it. After all, Sun Chengzong has some record and experience in dealing with Houjin. The Ningjin defense line was planned at the beginning , has now become the main line of defense for defending the capital.

At this time, Yang Sichang took office and became Minister of the Ministry of War. What can he do?

Su Tiancheng was still a little worried. The Jiangning Battalion had been upgraded, and it was directly under the leadership of the Ministry of War. Yang Sichang was appointed Minister of the Ministry of War, and he was his direct leader. Will he dispatch the Jiangning Battalion on a whim, and go directly to Shaanxi to wipe out the bandits.Of course, Yang Sichang should know the prestige and specialness of the Jiangning Camp. Even the emperor Zhu Youjian rarely dispatched the Jiangning Camp directly and let Su Tiancheng take command of the Jiangning Camp.

Su Tiancheng didn't know what kind of person Yang Sichang was. Anyway, he hadn't actually come into contact with him yet. As for cheating and using his power to attack certain people, it seemed that almost all officials in the Ming Dynasty had such problems, not just Yang Sichang. Such.

After traveling through so many years, Su Tiancheng's temperament has long changed. Hearing is believing, seeing is believing. Sometimes, what you see in your eyes may not be true.

The reward for the Jiangning battalion has also come out. The imperial court rewarded 50 taels of silver. Because of the change of the Jiangning battalion's organizational system, the rewards for officers need to be reworked, so this time no promotion of officers is involved.

Su Tiancheng's mission has been completed, and he needs to return to Henan Mansion immediately.

He has a lot of tasks, the organizational system of the Jiangning Battalion has changed, the internal organization settings, and the arrangement of officers are completely different. These specific matters must be taken care of by him. These days, many people have come to visit. Some of them wanted to enter the Jiangning Camp, and some wanted to go to Henan Mansion.

Xu Eryi has already served as the right servant of the Ministry of War, and this is due to Su Tiancheng's glory. Su Tiancheng accompanied Xu Eryi and had a drink. Both Chen Yutai and Wu Weiye have visited, and they are still in Hanlin The courtyard has not been moved, probably because Wen Tiren was merciful and did not plot against the two, but he would not promote them either.

Su Tiancheng also thought about whether to let Chen Yutai and Wu Weiye go to Henan Mansion at the right time, but he finally gave up on this idea. Their ideas may not be the same, let alone Chen Yutai and Wu Weiye, generally speaking, He is still a proud person who has not encountered many twists and turns, far inferior to Zhang Pu.

I am afraid that this matter will not be possible until after Zhang Pu takes over the Henan government.

The housekeeper came to report in a hurry.

"Master, Mr. Yang from the Ministry of War has come to visit."

"Which Lord Yang from the Ministry of War?"

Su Tiancheng didn't realize it for a while. In his mind, the Minister of War was still Zhang Fengyi.

"It's Lord Yang Sichang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War."

Su Tiancheng was very surprised, and couldn't help standing up. Yang Sichang, as Minister of the Ministry of War, came to visit him, the magistrate of Henan Prefecture. It is rare to come to visit a subordinate.

"Housekeeper, you go and accompany Master Yang, I'll be right there."

After tidying up, without time to think, Su Tiancheng quickly came to the reception room.

A middle-aged man with a pale face caught Su Tiancheng's eyelids.

Yang Sichang, with his hands behind his back, was looking carefully at the map hanging on the wall.

There is a map hanging in the reception room, this is Su Tiancheng's request, he is not interested in calligraphy and painting.

"I didn't know that Lord Yang came to visit, but the officials neglected him."

"Master Su, you are polite. The official just took office. I admire Mr. Su's demeanor, so I came to pay a special visit."

"Your Excellency, please don't say that, the lower officials are terrified."

Yang Sichang had a smile on his face, but his eyes showed surprise. In his impression, Su Tiancheng, who had outstanding military exploits, should be a stately man. He came second in the palace examination and asked to be released. In a few years, Jiangning County has become the purse of the imperial court. It has only been more than a year since he arrived in Henan Prefecture. Henan Prefecture has become the most concentrated and prosperous place in Shaanxi, Shanxi, and Henan, faintly surpassing Kaifeng Prefecture.

Such a prodigy, such a young prodigy, has such a low-key attitude.

In an instant, Yang Sichang felt that this Su Tiancheng was really not simple.

"Lord Su, I'm here to visit you sincerely and to ask you for advice. In my opinion, the Jiangning Camp can be regarded as the enemy of the world. They captured Zijinliang and Zhang Xianzhong alive, forced Laohui to commit suicide, and wiped out more than [-] bandits. In the battle, Mr. Su saw through the tricks of the rogues with foresight and foresight. He set up an ambush in advance, defeated the rogues, and wiped out their elites. With four thousand soldiers, they resisted the [-] people of the rogues. In the battle of Qiyue Mountain, with minimal losses, Defeat fifty thousand bandits and capture Zhang Xianzhong alive, this is a classic battle."

Su Tiancheng looked at Yang Sichang and didn't speak. He didn't know what Yang Sichang's purpose was. As Minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Sichang must have his own ideas, especially in today's good situation, and strive to wipe out the bandits in the shortest possible time. Turn to deal with Hou Jin with all his strength. If he has made such a military exploit, Yang Sichang is likely to become a cabinet minister, or even become the cabinet chief minister. Sun Chengzong is too old to seize power and profit.

"Lord Su, I'm here today to hear your opinion on whether we can launch a full-scale attack on the rogues within this year."

Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help but think of Yang Sichang in history, who once boasted in front of Zhu Youjian that he went to Haikou and wiped out the bandits in three months, which turned out to be a joke.

"My lord, I think that it is possible to wipe out the bandits within this year, but doing so is not the best choice."

"Oh, I want to know why."

"The reason why the rogues have been able to plunder for so many years is mainly because the people live in poverty, and they joined the rogue ranks in desperation. At the beginning of the rogue rebellion, some soldiers of our Ming Dynasty mutinied and joined the rogue ranks. In [-], the situation of the guards in various places was better. There were basically no mutinous soldiers, but the lives of the people were still unsatisfactory, especially after years of famine. Gao Yingxiang and Ma Yingxiang will come out, and the refugees can become the source of the rogue soldiers, and there will be an endless stream."

"Now that the rogues are trapped in Shaanxi, they probably can't do much. They must know Zhang Xianzhong's ending. This period is relatively peaceful. If we take advantage of this opportunity to improve people's livelihood and let the people have enough food and clothing, at least they can eat If you are full, slowly disintegrate the team and fighting spirit of the bandits, and when the time is right, the imperial court can use the minimum cost to wipe out the bandits." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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