Ming politicians

Chapter 436 Sincere Advice

() Yang Sichang nodded frequently, it seemed that he agreed with what Su Tiancheng said.most

Su Tiancheng did not get carried away. Yang Sichang's thoughts had already been revealed from the beginning of the question. This may involve a struggle within the imperial court, or it may be that Yang Sichang wanted to maximize his ability, just like Yang Sichang. The Ming Dynasty is rare. His father, Yang He, was once prominent. The governor of the three sides was once the main person in charge of exterminating the bandits. He made a comeback and devoted himself to eradicating bandits. Who knows if Yang Sichang will be eager to show his abilities.

Seeing that Su Tiancheng had said so much and didn't continue to speak, Yang Sichang was very open.

"Master Su said that it touches on the root of the problem. I almost forgot that Master Su is both armed and armed. He considers the problem from a comprehensive perspective. He not only wants to wipe out the bandits, but also considers the people's livelihood. This is the best way to completely wipe out the bandits, be taught, be taught.”

"My lord, please be polite. It's easy for me to talk about these things, but it's not easy to actually do them. Thinking about them is just a theory."

"Lord Su is not just talking about war on paper. Looking at the situation in Jiangning County and Henan Province, Master Su is doing what he does. Now it seems that the salaries of the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion are commendable. But this time the emperor ordered that the military salary allocated by the Ministry of War should be paid according to The standard of the Beijing camp may be a little insufficient, and Master Su needs to find a way to raise money by himself."

"Your Majesty, thank you for your concern for Jiangning Camp."

"Lord Su, don't say that. This is the emperor's concern. I'm just following the order to carry out the reading of the best immortal gourd."

The atmosphere obviously eased, and after chatting for a while, Su Tiancheng felt it.Yang Sichang's attitude was indeed sincere, and he said that the Jiangning camp's salary was not deducted layer by layer, but the situation in Jiangning camp was different.According to the standard, the Ministry of War directly allocates the funds in place without any interception in the middle. This is the rule established by Yang Sichang after he took office.

There is a process for the payment of salaries.The national tax and silver are directly put into the treasury, and the head of the household department will allocate them in sequence according to the priority of expenditure. Military pay is at the top, especially in the past few years.The imperial court spent a lot of money to suppress the bandits. When it came to military pay, not only the household department had a headache, but Zhu Youjian also had a headache. Fortunately, the municipal bureaus all over the country followed the rules of the Jiangning county municipal bureau.Coupled with the collection of taxes, the income of the imperial court has increased significantly, and it can be maintained in front of it.

There is also a process for the Ministry of War to fight for military pay, which is not as simple as it seems. Although the military pay should be allocated, the Ministry of Households can find many reasons. The expenditure of military pay is too large. The Ministry of Households may use the lack of so much money as an excuse , to withhold payment.Or reduce the amount of appropriation, Zhu Youjian knows about this situation, and there is nothing he can do about it.

The Jiangning battalion was upgraded to the capital, and the imperial court needed to allocate military salaries.The pressure suddenly increased. Under such circumstances, Yang Sichang first ensured that the Jiangning battalion's military salary was in place. This was a great sincerity. It was impossible for Su Tiancheng to see it by himself. Su Tiancheng wanted to admit this love.

Yang Sichang had just taken office, and there were still many problems to face, the key being Houjin's attack.

Huang Taiji has just founded the country and established the Qing Dynasty. He needs to boost morale to show the strength of the Qing Dynasty. At this time, it is the best choice to choose to attack the weak frontier army of the Ming Dynasty first. Therefore, after Yang Sichang took office, he must face to this question.

Su Tiancheng thought for a while, and then spoke slowly.

"I don't know if your lord is aware of the news about Jin Jianguo."

"I know about this matter. The emperor specifically informed me of it. I also know about Master Su's suggestion. However, I think that after the founding of King Kong, Huang Taiji might be busy with the appointment of officials and making wishes."

Su Tiancheng was a little stunned. It seems that the officials of the Ming Dynasty were accustomed to a kind of thinking, that is, when every emperor came to the throne, he wanted to amnesty the world, stabilize the internal affairs, reward meritorious ministers, and did not consider external expansion Above, probably because the emperor ascended the throne, he must first stabilize his own position. Sometimes, he even condoned external forces and focused on dealing with internal opposition.

The appearance of this kind of thinking is also the continuation of thousands of years of history. The emperor's ascension to the throne is often accompanied by bloody storms. Zhu Youjian's ascension to the throne is no exception. Wei Zhongxian's power was purged wantonly, and many officials within the court were punished.

Perhaps seeing Su Tiancheng's expression of surprise, Yang Sichang spoke again.

"Master Su, this is just my idea, there may be something inappropriate, if Master Su has any suggestions, feel free to speak up."

Su Tiancheng sorted out his emotions a little bit.

"My lord, I think that after Huang Taiji ascended the throne, he might think of expanding abroad. The actual control of Houjin is not large. Although there may be internal struggles, but for many years, Houjin is used to speaking with strength. Nurhachi has conquered all his life. To put it bluntly, Hou Jin has already developed the habit of conquest, even if there are internal instability factors, he will rely on attack to speak, if Huang Taiji can win the conquest, wouldn't his position be strengthened."

Yang Sichang nodded and spoke.

"Master Su's words are very reasonable. I don't know which direction you think Hou Jin will attack if he launches an attack."

This is the most critical issue. The area where the Ming Dynasty bordered the Houjin had a vast territory. It is very important to figure out where the Houjin would attack from. The Eight Banners, if they can't focus on defense, they will definitely suffer a disadvantage during the battle.

Especially after the Hou Jin completely conquered Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningxia, Shanxi, Beizhili and other places could all become places where the Hou Jin attacked Fujin ferociously.

Su Tiancheng couldn't be absolutely sure, but he had thought about this issue a long time ago.

"The lower officials are not completely sure, but the Jiangning Battalion has gained a lot from the extermination of the bandits in Shanxi this time. It is said that Zhang Xianzhong, the leader of the bandits, chose to attack Liaozhou for a reason. He had captured the city of Liaozhou before and felt very I am sure, so when I came to Shanxi again, I chose to attack Liaozhou without hesitation, if this kind of thinking is transferred to Huang Taiji, there is some reason."

"After King Kong just founded the country, for a long time, they have attacked the Jinzhou area, but they have not gained any actual benefits. The Ningjin defense line is still very strong. If Huang Taiji chooses this offensive route, he may not be able to achieve much results, so the officials think , Houjin will not choose to attack the Ningjin defense line."

"Huang Taiji led the army and fought two major battles. In the second year of Chongzhen, they invaded Daming through Mongolia through Xifengkou, and attacked the capital. In the fourth year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led the army to justice Dalinghe City , in these two battles, Huang Taiji really won, so the lower officials think that Huang Taiji is likely to choose one of these two routes."

"The battle of Daling River City was done by Houjin to destroy our Ming dynasty and strengthen the Ningjin defense line, so as to pose a threat to them. This offensive line is actually a part of the Ningjin defense line. I have already analyzed it before. The emperor Taiji will not choose to attack from the Ningjin defense line, so it seems that there is still one route left, and that is to invade our Daming from the mouth of Xifeng via Mongolia."

"Your Excellency, you can see the markings on the map. There are multiple routes to attack our Daming from Xifengkou, which can directly threaten the capital of our Ming Dynasty. In the second year of Chongzhen, Houjin chose to capture Zunhua. After passing through Jizhou, Sanhe, Shunyi, Tongzhou and other places are directly approaching the capital, which shocked the capital, and that time it was Huang Taiji who personally led the army."

"Later King Kong had just established the country and attacked my Ming Dynasty, not thinking of showing its own power, not thinking of really threatening the capital, so my consideration is that Huang Taiji will not personally conquer, at most send a certain county king to attack my Ming Dynasty, choose If we attack from Xifengkou, we will not choose Zunhua for the next route."

"In this way, there is only one direction of attack left in Houjin, and that is to invade Juyongguan and attack Changping."

Following the movement of Su Tiancheng's fingers, Yang Sichang fixed his eyes on Xifengkou, Juyongguan, and Changping area. He didn't speak all the time, obviously thinking nervously.

After a while, Yang Sichang spoke.

"Master Su, why do you know that Hou Jin will not attack from Datong, Yulin and other directions?"

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face. It seemed that Yang Sichang had already accepted his point of view. Later Jin would launch an attack on the Ming Dynasty at the beginning of the founding of the country.

"The lower official said just now that after the founding of the King Kong, they launched an attack on our Ming Dynasty just to show their own strength. Under such circumstances, they will choose the place that is most likely to cause a sensation to attack and break through from Xifengkou , It directly threatens the capital of Ming Dynasty, which will cause the biggest sensation. If we choose to attack Datong and Yulin, it will only cause Shaanxi and Shanxi to be threatened, and it is impossible to cause a big sensation. The officials think that the Houjin will not Make that choice."

Yang Sichang nodded and spoke.

"Master Su's analysis is justified and well-founded. I am convinced. No wonder the Jiangning Battalion has won so many victories. This is inseparable from Master Su's strategizing. It seems that the military department must focus on strengthening Xifeng The defense of the Kou, Juyongguan and Changping areas."

After saying this, Yang Sichang looked at the map and sighed slightly.

"Unfortunately, the Ningjin defense line back then, now only the two isolated cities of Jinzhou and Ningyuan are left outside the pass. The surrounding areas have all been controlled by Houjin. The Jin defense line is more than [-] miles long, if this line of defense can be further consolidated, Hou Jin has nothing to fear."

The way Su Tiancheng looked at Yang Sichang changed a little bit. No wonder Zhu Youjian trusted Yang Sichang so much. No wonder Yang Sichang was famous in the government and the public for his knowledge of soldiers. It seemed that Yang Sichang had something to do, and he could see the crux of the problem at a glance.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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