Ming politicians

Chapter 437 Doubtful

() Zhang Fengyi was appointed as Liaodong Economic Strategy. On the surface, it seemed that he had been reviled, but he was appointed as the crown prince and Taibao, which shocked the court and military officials. That is the sign of entering the cabinet. As for the title of Sangong or Sangu, that is the highest honor, and there are not many ministers of Wu who can enjoy this honor.

In the third year of Chongzhen, Zhang Fengyi was granted the title of Prince Shaobao and served as Shangshu of the Ministry of War. This time, he was appointed as Liaodong Economic Strategy and was granted the title of Prince Taibao. His status has been significantly improved.

In a certain sense, Zhang Fengyi's appointment as the Liaodong Economic Strategy is actually in charge of the fight against Houjin. It has the taste of an imperial envoy, and even the Ministry of War cannot intervene too much.

With these honors, it is said that Zhang Fengyi should be happy to take office, but the result is not like this.

Although it is said that in the battle of exterminating the bandits, the imperial army has repeatedly won victories, and the bandits have been suppressed to the maximum extent, but in the battles of the Jinman Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners after the battle, the Ming army is still Fa Xiongqi, especially in the field. , More than [-]% of them were failures, which also led to the fact that the Ming army could only stick to the Ningjin defense line, retreating inside Jinzhou City, Ningyuan City and Shanhaiguan.

The biggest difference here is still in the cavalry.

The cavalry of the Manchu Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners are indeed brave. Their sergeants, their life habits are not the same as those of the Ming Dynasty sergeants. Because of the harsh conditions, the Manchu and Mongolian sergeants lived on horseback when they were young, hunting for a living, equestrian skills and arrows Skills are very good, after joining the army, a little training.It is a brave soldier.

The Ming Dynasty was an agricultural society, and most of the soldiers came from pus. The bones of those brave soldiers at the founding of the country were all turned into ashes. In addition, the Ming Dynasty implemented the system of garrison troops.Sergeants and agriculture are still not separated. Many sergeants are both soldiers and farmers, and even for the sake of living and supporting their families, most of their energy is spent.are invested in agricultural production.

This is like a comparison between a professional sergeant and an amateur sergeant. Which one is better and which is worse can be found out without comparison.

The Manchurian and Mongolian armies were not good at attacking cities, and they had no navy. After so many years, the Ningjin line of defense was impenetrable.Hou Jin is always unable to break through, even if Kong Youde and others have taken refuge in Hou Jin, to a certain extent, they have helped Hou Jin enhance his ability to attack the city, but Kong Youde and others cannot be completely trusted by Hou Jin, the opinions they put forward suggestion.Nor can it be fully adopted.

Huang Taiji is really a good person, with an unusual vision, he trusts the Han people, but many county kings under him don't have such a good temper, and when they treat the Han people, they are not so polite. The Han people have always been the target of Huang Taiji's hard work.

these situations.Zhang Fengyi knew very well that after working as Minister of the Ministry of War for so many years, he thought that he would be able to directly enter the cabinet, and then take full control of the Ming Dynasty's military, but he never expected it.He was sent to Liaodong as Liaodong Economic Strategy.

Since Yuan Chonghuan was beheaded, the imperial court did not continue to set up the Liaodong Economic Strategy. It was also because the Liaodong Economic Strategy was very powerful and could completely decide all matters related to the fight against Hou Jin. This time, he was appointed as the Liaodong Economic Strategy. Good or bad.

Zhang Fengyi was fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the Ming army and the Manchurian army. He went to Liaodong, and it was impossible for him to make any major moves. If he could maintain the status quo in Liaodong, it would be considered very good. As for defeating the Manchurian army, then It's a fantasy, unless the Jiangning battalion is dispatched to Liaodong to see how the situation is.

There are not many sergeants in the Jiangning Battalion, only 3, but the Manchu and Mongolian army, out of hundreds of thousands, only 3, even if it is against the sky, it is impossible to wipe out all the Manchurian and Mongolian troops.

In view of this salary consideration, Zhang Fengyi did not go to Liaodong immediately to take up the post.

When Yang Sichang came to visit, Zhang Fengyi was ready to set off immediately to Liaodong. The initial plan was to be stationed in Shanhaiguan.

After all, Zhang Fengyi was the Crown Prince's Taibao, and Yang Sichang made a special trip to visit him, appearing very respectful.

After the two were polite, Yang Sichang spoke directly, explaining his intention.

"Master Zhang, I'm here to visit, mainly because I want to talk about Hou Jin's affairs."

"Master Yang has something to say, just say it, and I will listen attentively."

"Master Zhang, please be polite. Master Zhang has a heavy responsibility on his shoulders, and he is about to go to Liaodong. I am mainly considering the situation in Liaodong. I have some insights and discussed with Master Zhang. Master Zhang has been in charge of the political and military department for many years and is familiar with all the situations. Come today, it's just a matter of class."

"Master Yang is polite, polite."

Zhang Fengyi said so. , with a smile on his face, obviously very helpful.

"After King Kong established the country, it must be to show its own power. The most likely thing is to launch an attack on our Daming Border Town. Therefore, I think that there may be a war in the north."

"Appreciate further details."

This time, Zhang Fengyi was very straightforward and didn't talk too much at all. He had thought about the possibility that Su Tiancheng mentioned in front of the emperor, but he was skeptical about this kind of statement. Huang Taiji had just ascended the throne and became emperor, so he didn't want to calm down internally? , and still have the strength to attack Daming's border town.

Yang Sichang took out the map from his pocket and spread it out.

Zhang Fengyi was startled. He didn't expect Yang Sichang to be so fully prepared. This was a real help to him. Although the Ministry of War was in charge of the country's military affairs, he continued to hold the title of Minister of the Ministry of War. As the Liaodong Economic Strategy, he was actually in charge of the entire aftermath of the confrontation. Regarding Jin affairs, when Yang Sichang took office, the situation was a bit delicate. Sun Chengzong was fully responsible for the extermination of bandits, and he was in charge of fighting against Hou Jin.

On the map, Xifengkou is highlighted.

Zhang Fengyi's eyes were very focused on Xifengkou, and from Xifengkou, two routes were drawn, one was through Zunhua and went straight to the capital, and the other was to pass through Juyongguan and Changping and go straight to the capital.

Seeing such markings, Zhang Fengyi already understood a little bit, with a filial complexion.

"Master Zhang, these are the two routes that I think Houjin may attack. The markings on the map are very clear."

"Master Yang, how can you be so sure? What you mean seems to be that Hou Jin will invade our Daming territory from Xifengkou, and then attack Juyongguan and Changping."

Yang Sichang nodded, but did not speak for a while.

"Master Yang, this is not a small matter. Making such a judgment involves the deployment of the army. If there is a slight difference, there will be major problems. The imperial army is concentrated in Jinzhou, Ningyuan and Shanhaiguan. Xifeng Ningjinkou, Juyongguan, and Changping are not the key defensive areas. It is impossible to deploy the troops of the Ningjin defense line to the Changping and Xifengkou areas. Only the Datong frontier army can be mobilized. In this way, the defense of Datong border town is weak. With quasi-Datong as a breakthrough point, wouldn’t the problem be big.”

"No, after King Kong just founded the country, they conquered my Ming Dynasty, they just wanted to prove their own ability. What Mr. Zhang said is right. There are still many things that need to be dealt with in Hou Jinhuang Taiji. They invaded my Ming Dynasty from the entrance of Xifeng , passing through Juyongguan, invading Changping, can directly threaten the capital, and the shock caused by this is extraordinary."

Zhang Fengyi looked at the map carefully again.

"Master Yang, have you asked Su Tiancheng?"

Yang Sichang was very surprised when Zhang Fengyi said such words suddenly. Unexpectedly, Zhang Fengyi could guess that there was Su Tiancheng's analysis in it. It seemed that Su Tiancheng's influence in the court was really extraordinary.

"To be honest, this is Su Tiancheng's analysis. I only started to pay attention to Xifengkou after I visited Su Tiancheng. Mr. Zhang should remember that in the second year of Chongzhen, Huang Taiji led an army to attack from Xifengkou. Entering our Daming territory, contributing to Zunhua, and approaching the capital, the influence formed at that time was extraordinary."

"Su Tiancheng has ruled out many possibilities of attack. He definitely believes that Hou Jin will launch an attack, and the location of the attack will be Xifengkou, and then occupy Juyongguan, threatening Changping. After listening to Su Tiancheng's analysis, I am convinced."

Zhang Fengyi's expression became serious.

"My lord Yang, to be honest, I still have doubts about it. Now I believe it. Su Tiancheng's analysis and prediction ability is indeed extraordinary. The battle of Zhongdu, the battle of Qiyue Mountain, including the victory of Yingshan, are all Jing. Only after making a correct judgment can Su Tiancheng achieve a major victory, especially in this battle of Mount Qiyue, Su Tiancheng was able to accurately predict Zhang Xianzhong's thoughts, judge the route of Zhang Xianzhong's activities, and achieve an incredible victory at the smallest cost."

Zhang Fengyi stood up and took two steps.

"Master Yang, since this is the case, I am ready to take risks."

"Oh, Master Zhang, what's the plan?"

"Didn't Houjin want to come in through the entrance of Xifeng? Well, I will set up a pocket in Juyongguan. I don't believe it. The Manchurian army is really the enemy."

"Master Zhang, do you intend to set up an ambush at Juyongguan? That would require dispatching a lot of soldiers."

"Well, I will dispatch from Datong, and some of the sergeants can also be dispatched from Shanhaiguan. I am planning to go directly to Shanhaiguan. Now it seems that I will not go for the time being. I will go directly to Changping. This involves the dispatch of sergeants. Please also ask Yang My lord, please support me a lot, and things like this must be kept secret."

"This is no problem, the Ministry of War will definitely support it."

Zhang Fengyi's face was brightened. He was able to foresee Houjin's actions just after taking office as the Liaodong Economic Strategy, and he was able to set up an ambush to fight a planned battle. This is the most comfortable thing. If this campaign can be achieved A major victory must be a major blow to Hou Jin. Huang Taiji had just established a country, so he must be thinking of showing off his force. If he failed, wouldn't he be furious.

"Master Yang, thank you for your reminder. We will set off next day and go directly to Changping. There is no time to lose. Thank you Su Tiancheng for me. If his prediction is really accurate, it will be a great achievement."

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