Ming politicians

Chapter 438 Speed ​​up the pace

() Zhang Xianzhong and his seventeen backbones were all beheaded.

Before being beheaded, Zhang Xianzhong asked to see Su Tiancheng. This request was reported to the cabinet by the Ministry of Punishment and Dali Temple. The chief assistant of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, approved the meeting. In Wen Tiren's view, this move just showed the might and benevolence of the Ming Dynasty .

Su Tiancheng will never forget that meeting. A person who is about to die speaks kindly. Zhang Xianzhong said a lot. Zhang Xianzhong, who was usually rebellious, finally said no to his rival before he died. Little truth.

The most important thing is that Zhang Xianzhong talked about the situation of the rogues.

In the fourth year of Chongzhen, the 36th battalion of rogue bandits gathered in Shanxi, with more than [-] people. Zijin Liang Wang was promoted as the leader for his own use. At that time, Zhang Xianzhong followed Zijin Liang, and his prestige was momentary. Thoughts have undergone fundamental changes, and they are dissatisfied with small troubles, and are rushing towards the establishment of political power.

A few years have passed, and up to now, Zijin Liang, the leader of the rogue bandits, was defeated by the Jiangning camp, captured and beheaded alive, and Lao Huihui committed suicide in a similar defeat. Gift from Jiangning Camp.

At this time, pessimism and disappointment had already emerged among the rogues. If Gao Yingxiang hadn't advocated the struggle, it would have been a mess.

This time, Zhang Xianzhong suffered a disastrous defeat in Shanxi, and the blow to the bandits was fatal.

There is indeed disunity among the rogues, and the struggle for power is not the biggest problem. The key is that some leaders think that there is no hope and want to surrender to the court. This kind of thinking spreads very quickly.In addition, the Jiangning battalion was stationed in Henan Province, which is very close to Shaanxi. I don't know when I will encounter the Jiangning battalion. I am afraid that there will be no chance of escape.

Of course, Gao Yingxiang must find a way to prevent the spread of such thoughts.Some coercive measures were adopted, resulting in disunity among the rogue bandits. It was under such circumstances that Zhang Xianzhong rushed to Shanxi with 5 horses, if he could gain a foothold in Shanxi.Gao Yingxiang will be given a lot of support. If he can't gain a foothold, after returning to Shaanxi, many leaders will come to discuss again to see what the next move will be.

I am afraid that no one would have thought that the 5 horses brought by Zhang Xianzhong.The loss was exhausted, people were captured alive, and escorted to the capital for beheading. At this time, the inside of the rogues might be in a mess.

Zhang Xianzhong finally told the truth, in fact, his requirements are not high.It is enough to have a half-time official and not be restrained. I haven’t thought of so many other things for the time being. It’s just that in the process of fighting, the power has gradually increased, and my thoughts have changed. I even thought of it. You can be any, but you rebelled yourself, and you dare not think about being emperor.It's not bad to be a prince. It's because of such an idea that he doesn't care about the imperial court's appeasement at all.

After meeting Zhang Xianzhong, Su Tiancheng hurried to find Sun Chengzong.

What Zhang Xianzhong said is very important.This involves the decision-making of the imperial court, and more importantly, it involves the decision-making of Sun Chengzong.

Sun Chengzong once stated his position in front of the emperor that it would take two years to wipe out the bandits. Now it seems that if it is handled properly, it may not take two years.

Su Tiancheng believed that what Zhang Xianzhong said was true.

After Zhang Xianzhong was beheaded, Sun Chengzong was also preparing to leave the capital.

He also knew about Su Tiancheng's meeting with Zhang Xianzhong. Su Tiancheng's special visit must be because of what Zhang Xianzhong said.

"Kun Yuan, don't worry, just sit down and talk slowly."

"My lord, after talking with Zhang Xianzhong, this junior thought of some ways to deal with the rogues, and came here to discuss with your lord."

"Oh, you know something, tell me in detail."

"There is no unity within the rogue bandits, especially in recent years. They have suffered repeated setbacks and their morale has been low. This time Zhang Xianzhong went deep into Shanxi. In fact, it was a decision made by the rogue bandits to boost internal morale. Beheading, at this time, something big will definitely happen among the rogues, and the younger generation thinks that at this time, after the adults arrive in Shaanxi, they can take some measures to gradually divide and disintegrate the rogues."

"Hehe, Kun Yuan, I am very curious. You have always been reluctant to mention the matter of recruiting. Back then, you insisted on beheading Zijin Liang and forcing Laohui to commit suicide. This time you asked to kill Zhang Xianzhong. Why do you think of recruiting now?"

"My lord, this junior doesn't mean that."

Sun Chengzong was a little strange.

"Then what does this disintegration mean?"

"Well, what this junior means is to wait for disputes and divisions among the rogues, and take advantage of this opportunity to introduce some recruitment measures, but a list must be made. For example, Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others are absolutely not allowed to recruit, and The recruitment policy is also very clear, if the rogues really want to surrender, they must show their courage and help the court to eliminate the rogues, this is like a certificate of honor, if they can capture the leader of the rogues, that is what they wish for."

Sun Chengzong was taken aback for a moment, and then laughed out loud.

"Kun Yuan, Kun Yuan, I didn't expect you to have such a side. In this way, the rogues are suspicious of each other and kill each other, and the court is reaping the benefits of the fisherman, with the smallest loss, to get the biggest result. Okay, the way is very simple." Well, it’s just that this method seems a bit cruel.”

"The younger generation thinks that a small amount is not a gentleman, and poison is not a husband, not to mention that it is for the stability of the court."

Sun Chengzong looked at Su Tiancheng, and looked very surprised. He never expected that Su Tiancheng, who seemed gentle and elegant, could say such words. In her impression, Su Tiancheng was always upright in his actions, even if he used tricks , but also through their own judgment and use of wisdom to win.

For example, regarding the matter of Zhongxing Academy, Su Tiancheng did not blindly suppress Donglin Academy and Fushe, but through the influence of Zhongxing Academy, he used facts to refute the claims of Donglin Academy and Fushe, especially when dealing with Zhang Pu. On the issue, he seemed particularly calm.This is also where Su Tian became famous.

"Kun Yuan, the old man didn't expect that you would say these words. Before, the old man always thought that you have a gentle temperament and do things with reason and evidence. Although you are a pillar of talent, you always lack ruthlessness. This is what the old man said , I'm not trying to flatter you, look at the Minister Wu in the court, who is not smooth and smooth, for your own benefit, if you don't dare to do anything, you lack the advantage in this aspect, everything is not a standard , after living for so many years, this old man finally understands rebirth—the second favorite."

What Sun Chengzong said made Su Tiancheng tremble with fear, he almost thought of what Sun Chengzong would say next.

"The old man thinks that you can become an official in the imperial court, and you have always been in the local area. It is inevitable that you will be a little one-sided. For example, it is difficult to grasp the overall situation. Considering many issues, you are always limited to one place. Let's talk about dredging the Yellow River. According to the old man's The understanding should be fully spread out, but it is impossible to consider the overall situation if you are not in Henan Mansion, if you are in the imperial court, the situation will be different."

"My lord, this junior still has a lot of things to do. I haven't considered entering the capital for the time being. The words I just said are also the result of this junior's excitement, and I didn't think carefully about it."

"Okay, Kun Yuan, don't explain yourself. The old man knows what you think, and you can actually do things without pursuing fame and fortune. Such feelings are not something ordinary people can have. The old man is just a suggestion, not If you recommend it to the emperor, you can rest assured that the method you just mentioned is very good, if such a plan is implemented, the old man optimistically estimates that it may not take two years to wipe out the bandits."

"What the adults said is very true, and the younger generation thinks the same way."

"Well, the old man will leave the capital tomorrow. During this period of time, there has been no movement from the rogues. The old man also felt strange, thinking that they might make some big moves. I just heard your analysis, so I know it's like this." In such a situation, after the old man returned to Shaanxi, he sent heavy troops to guard Tongguan to prevent the bandits from leaving Shaanxi, and when they had enough internal troubles, he dispatched a large army to wipe them out in one fell swoop."

"The younger generation feels that the adults might as well add fuel to the flames and propose some appeasement measures, mainly targeting the low-level officers and ordinary sergeants of the rogue bandits. This will cause headaches for the rogue bandit leaders."

"Well, the old man is going to present a memorial to the emperor, and I implore the emperor to allow the old man to appease the bandits."

After talking about the recent measures to deal with the rogues, Sun Chengzong mentioned the matter of Henan Mansion.

"Kun Yuan, you have been in Henan Mansion for more than a year. Great changes have taken place in Henan Mansion. The emperor has seen all of this. The old man feels that your focus of energy may have to be shifted. According to the current development trend, it will become the most affluent place in Shaanxi, Shanxi and Henan provinces."

"The adults think, where should the juniors turn?"

"The old man is just guessing that the rogues are concentrated in Shaanxi, and Shaanxi is also the home of the rogues. The people here are tough, and there are perennial wars. It is impossible for ordinary officials to make any achievements. A few days ago, the emperor once asked the old man how to make Shaanxi long-term peace and stability. The old man said that the practice of the Henan government is worth learning from."

"Junior understands."

Su Tiancheng didn't have much expression on his face.

"Okay, Kun Yuan, I know that you are wronged. People say that if you go to a higher place, at least the place will get better and better. On the contrary, you have just built a place, but you are going to a worse place, but this is also a problem. It has proved your ability, how old are you, if you become the governor of Shaanxi, it will be a big deal for my Ming Dynasty."

"This old man guesses that you may not return to the capital, at least not until the rogues are wiped out. A talent like you can play a big role in the local area."

"The old man has said everything he thought of, and you must know what to do, so you can do it yourself."

"The Jiangnan battalion has been upgraded to the capital. I'm afraid you will have to work for a while. If you want to recruit soldiers, tell the old man that the old man will introduce some people to you. This congratulations to Renlong are interesting. After returning to Shaanxi, I always feel uneasy. I always want to enter the Jiangning camp again." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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