Ming politicians

Chapter 439 Development of Henan Province

() Thanks to Changsha Banche, strange friends, Fan Xuanzi, hhhffv for their valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to book friends 130414193632582 for their rewards and evaluation tickets, thank you. )

At the beginning of May, Su Tiancheng finally returned to Henan Mansion.

When he came back this time, he faced a lot of things. Zhang Pu was already so busy that he hardly had time to rest. The main reason was that after the Jiangning camp conquered Zhang Xianzhong, he brought back a large number of family members from Shanxi.

This is actually Su Tiancheng's bad idea.

The population of Henan Province has increased rapidly, which has brought many benefits. The consumption has increased greatly, and the merchants are laughing from ear to ear. No matter what aspect, the consumption has increased significantly, and their business is booming. This prompted many merchants to enter Henan Prefecture, and the Jiangning camp stationed in Henan Prefecture is already well-known in the world. No one dares to cause trouble on the boundaries of Henan Prefecture. The only thing that makes merchants feel dissatisfied is the tax determined by the government. The tax is obviously a bit high, but the government's tax is high, and there is no other expenses. There is no need to honor the officials and do business in a down-to-earth way. This feeling is also very good.

Zhang Pu's main concern was the issue of cultivated land and cities.

On the outskirts of Luoyang County, in less than a year, another market town has formed, and its area is even larger than that of Luoyang City. The people who first lived here were mainly the families of Jiangning soldiers, and later some came to Henan Province Farmers who settled in other places also began to live here.

In the thirteen counties of one prefecture under the jurisdiction of Henan Prefecture, such situations basically exist, even in the most remote counties of Yanxiang, such situations have occurred, and the government has issued a notice.Statistics on the population of prefectures and counties are carried out once a month to try to grasp the population of all Henan prefectures.

There must be more things when there are more people, disputes between locals and outsiders, disputes between the families of Jiangning camp soldiers and locals.Including some disputes between local people, they were all trivial matters, and some of them went directly to the government office. Even though it was the spring farming season, the government offices of prefectures and counties did not release reports, but Zhang Pu still had to deal with these matters.

This time nearly 10 people entered Henan Province.It brought tremendous pressure on Zhang Pu.

Such a large number of people must be settled properly, especially the captives including [-] rogues. If they cannot be properly settled, big things may happen.

Zhang Pu was too busy to touch the ground, but Su Tiancheng went to the capital.And it takes that long to go.

Since Zhang Pu took office in Tongzhi of Henan Province, Su Tiancheng seldom cared about the affairs of the government office. Except for major matters, such as the arrangement of work throughout the year, etc., Zhang Pu was directly responsible for all other matters, including money, food and criminal names. etc.Zhang Pu also understood that what Su Tiancheng meant by doing this was to trust himself on the one hand, and to create opportunities for himself on the other. It is very likely that he will become the magistrate of Henan Province in a short time.

Another important thing for Zhang Pu is to support the Central Society.

The importance of this matter even surpassed the criminal name and money and grain matters.

With the in-depth understanding of Zhongxing Institute.Zhang Pu has long felt that the responsibilities of the Zhongxing Academy are unusual. The important thing is to change some conventional views and opinions of scholars, especially emphasizing that gentry and wealthy households must make necessary contributions to the development of the imperial court.It is impossible to enjoy privileges on the one hand and not make any contributions on the other hand.

This kind of thinking has been fully implemented in Jiangning County and Henan Province, and the changes in the two places have been turned upside down, which shows that this point of view is correct.

Regarding the policy towards merchants, Su Tiancheng's views are different, almost contrary to the rules of the imperial court. Merchants in Jiangning County and Henan Prefecture have a very good status, they can often go to and from all levels of government, and even care about government officials. In the eyes of other places, such a big event is simply outrageous.

But the facts are in front of him. After he actually acted as an agent for the government office, Zhang Pu felt the importance of merchants. Ninety percent of the annual income of the prefectural and county government offices came from these merchants. As for the taxes on agriculture, they seemed insignificant. In one prefecture and thirteen counties in Henan Province, the taxes collected by governments at all levels totaled more than 300 million taels of silver, of which the land tax was less than 10 taels of silver, which was really a drop in the bucket.

Zhang Pu was slowly accepting many of Su Tiancheng's understandings and emphasized points of view. In the process of practice, he felt more and more that Su Tiancheng was a bit supernatural, and seemed to know everything. If it is carried out in reality, it will be able to receive practical results.

Let’s just say that the dredging of the Yellow River in the first half of the year was a stroke of genius. Although the number of farmers who flooded into Henan Province increased unprecedentedly, there were no refugees. In the project of dredging the Yellow River, I got paid and can support my family.

According to Su Tiancheng's arrangement, the governments at all levels will do their best to improve agricultural production, so that the grain harvest in Henan Province will be bumper, the common people will be able to eat their stomachs, and they will generally settle down. This year's spring farming situation is very good. In a good harvest year, it is estimated that after the plowing and production of the common people, some farmers enter the merchants' workshops to do things, and they can get a certain income, which is of great help to improve the lives of their families.

After such a long time, Zhang Pu finally understood why Su Tiancheng often emphasized that a virtuous circle must be followed, and certain rules must be followed, and one should not take things for granted. After such a long period of exploration and conclusion, he finally understood a little bit, What does this virtuous circle mean.

Su Tiancheng returned to the government office, before he had time to catch his breath, Zhang Pu and Tan Changluo arrived in a hurry.

"My lord, I'm too busy to know what to do."

"During this time, Mr. Zhang has worked hard. I know many things about the prefecture and county. Recently, it is mainly about personnel resettlement. The population of Henan Prefecture has exceeded 200 million. Last year's statistics are still 53 people, with such a sudden increase, there must be many problems, but fortunately, the current situation is stable, and you have contributed a lot."

"Everything is due to the adults. Xiaguan and Tan adults are just doing things according to the requirements of the adults."

"Credit is credit. I am in the capital, and I have already asked for credit for the two lords. Mr. Tan, how did you solve the problem you considered, tell the truth."

Tan Changluo grimaced. His task was not ordinary. It mainly required the rich gentry and wealthy households in Henan Province to collect taxes that met the government's requirements when leasing land, which was 20% of the total income. Such a requirement , was once resisted by many gentry and wealthy households, but the government office is relentless in this regard. For those who do not comply with the gentry and wealthy households, the government office will try their best to make them unsafe, and even use some despicable methods.

As a result, Tan Changluo was scolded miserably.

"My lord, the lower officials have done as required. Generally speaking, the situation is good. Especially since this year, the government has required the states and counties to strictly implement the policies without any overstepping. However, individual problems still exist."

A smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

"Master Tan, thank you for your hard work. I know where the problem is. Isn't it where King Fu is? It is very difficult to ask you to do such a thing. I will go directly to King Fu."

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, Tan Changluo stood up quickly.

"I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed that I haven't done these things well, and I'm ashamed of my lord's entrustment."

"It's not your responsibility."

Su Tiancheng knew that Zhu Yousong wanted to go to Shanxi with Jiang Ningying to fight, but Zhu Youjian didn't allow it, and even reprimanded him. Even Sun Chengzong asked him to be careful when it came to the vassal.

What Zhu Youjian entrusted himself to do, he did not do, and what the government asked him to do, Zhu Yousong naturally had to embarrass him. In fact, what Zhu Yousong thought of was to see himself, not because he was particularly embarrassing to the government. Next, of course Tan Changluo couldn't do the job well.

Su Tiancheng doesn't want to see Zhu Yousong for the time being. He has already written a letter to Zhu Yousong. I believe that after reading this letter, Zhu Yousong will be able to understand the truth.

"Master Tan, tomorrow you go directly to Fu Wang's mansion and hand this letter to the son of Fu Wang. You don't leave for now, just wait for the news in the palace. If Fu Wang is still unwilling to act according to the requirements of the mansion, I will visit in person gone."

Tan Changluo took the letter and immediately spoke.

"My lord, it's still early, I'm going to Fu Wang's mansion right now."

"That's fine, otherwise the tenants who leased the land of King Fu will feel uneasy, and those gentry and wealthy households will also look at King Fu."

After Tan Changluo left, Su Tiancheng faced Zhang Pu and said what he wanted to say a long time ago.

"Master Zhang, you have done a good job during this period of time. Back then, we used to be rivals, and our understanding was very biased. As you, I am grateful for making such a change. , this time I went to the capital and recommended you and Lord Tan Changluo. It is estimated that the imperial edict of the imperial court will arrive soon. Lord Tan may leave Henan Mansion and return to the capital. You need to think about the staffing of officials in the government office. When I come down, my main force is still in the Jiangning camp, and the Jiangning camp has changed its organizational system, you already know, so I won't say more."

"My lord, the recommendation of the officials in this government office, the subordinate officials still have to listen to your lord's opinion."

"Don't hesitate any more. Since you are in charge of government affairs, you must have a few capable subordinates and trustworthy officials. Things will go smoothly. The development of Henan Province is very fast. You must be mentally prepared. The Henan government is also paying more and more attention to it."

Although Su Tiancheng didn't say it clearly, Zhang Pu already understood that in a short time, Su Tiancheng might leave Henan Mansion, and he might be in charge of Henan Mansion.

Hearing Su Tiancheng say this suddenly, Zhang Pu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. Although it wasn't long, he was used to working under Su Tiancheng's subordinates.

"My lord, I understand, I must recommend talents with all my heart."

"Well, I have a suggestion. Your student Wu Weiye is pretty good. Let's see if it's possible and let him come to Henan Mansion." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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