Ming politicians

Chapter 440 Arrangements for the Jiangning Camp

() The Jiangning battalion was upgraded to the capital, and everything changed, including the configuration of officers.high speed

In the early Ming Dynasty, the Dusi, the Chengxuan Zhengshisi, and the Tijuan Judisi combined to become the three divisions. The Dusi’s main responsibility was to be in charge of the military affairs of one side, and the guards under the command of the commander belonged to the local military command organization. , During the Zhengde period, the emperor was overjoyed, and the restricted cold military organization caused many capable people and young people to enter the capital, which caused the prestige of the capital to plummet.

In addition, the Ming Dynasty put more emphasis on military than martial arts, and the prestige of the capital further declined.

In name, the Dusi was in charge of the guards in various places, but in the Chongzhen reign of Tianqi, the Dusi actually became a display. I can't control anything anymore.

The situation in Jiangning Camp is completely different.

The Jiangning battalion is actually a large army, and its promotion to the capital actually raised the status of the Jiangning battalion. There are no other guards in the Jiangning battalion in charge of a province, and it is enough to take care of its own affairs.

What Zhu Youjian actually meant was to equate Jiangning Camp with Beijing Jingying and Nanjing Jingying.

Sun Chengzong and the others all knew the news, and they had been waiting for Su Tiancheng to come back.

Su Tiancheng became the commander of the capital. Correspondingly speaking, Sun Chengzong and Bi Maokang became the acquaintances of the commander of the capital, and Xiong Zijian became the commander of the capital. As for the commander of the battalion below, he was naturally promoted to the commander of the guard.

However, this move is too big, the Jiangning battalion does not have so many soldiers, and the organization is too large, which is not good.

Besides, this time I came to Jiangning Camp.There is also Hong Chengchou, the supervisor.

When Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou entered the barracks, all the officers and soldiers stood and waited in the grass field.

It was the first time Hong Chengchou saw the military appearance of the Jiangning Battalion, and Jing's light burst out from his eyes.As a general who has led troops for a long time, the combat effectiveness of the army can be seen at a glance. The [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion stood on the grass field without making a sound, and the formation was uniform.In such a situation, he really has not seen the second such army.

Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou went up to the wooden platform.

Su Tiancheng first read out the imperial decree about the promotion of the Jiangning battalion to the capital, and he served as the commander of the capital, and Hong Chengchou served as the supervisor of the army.

Next, Hong Chengchou read out the imperial court's commendation letter to Jiang Ningying.

Chinese military account.The seats had been set up long ago, and there were two chairs on the table in the middle. Su Tiancheng sat in the middle, and Hong Chengchou sat on the right side.

All the officers above the Jiangning battalion commander and envoy went to the Chinese army account.

Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou and spoke first.

"Brothers, the promotion of the Jiangning Camp to the capital division is the emperor's greatest reward for the brothers. Master Hong has been appointed as the supervisor of the Jiangning Camp, making the Jiangning Camp even more powerful. From now on, brothers must obey the orders of the Supervisor."

After the simple opening remarks, Su Tiancheng turned to look at Hong Chengchou.

"Master Hong, please say a few words."

Hong Chengchou stood up, cupped his fists and bowed to everyone.

"Thanks to the trust of the emperor, Hong came to Jiangning camp. As the supervisor of the army, Hong came to Jiangning camp to learn from the brothers sincerely. Jiangning camp is brave and good at fighting, and its power is shocking at home and abroad. It is a great honor, in the future, Hong will share weal and woe with you brothers and create greater glories again, please support us a lot."

Seeing that Su Tiancheng spoke briefly, Hong Chengchou was also simple and clear.

After Hong Chengchou sat down, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Jiangning Camp has achieved a great victory in Shanxi. For the commendations of all brothers, because Jiangning Camp was promoted to the capital, the emperor asked me to wait for the study and report. I have already discussed with Master Hong. Jiang Ningying was suddenly promoted to the capital. Some things need to be taken slowly. Come on, it’s impossible to do it in one step, the specific opinions I discussed with Mr. Hong are as follows.”

"Sun Chuanting and Bi Maokang are both commanding Tongzhi. The things they are in charge of remain unchanged. Mr. Sun is in charge of overall affairs, focusing on the Xiaoqi battalion, Jianrui battalion, forward battalion and infantry battalion. Mr. Bi is in charge of the Shenji battalion and the artillery battalion. , Xiong Zijian served as the commander of the capital, in charge of the law enforcement battalion, scout battalion, and pro-military battalion, including logistics supply matters."

"The first and second battalions of the Xiaoqi Battalion were merged to establish the Xiaoqi Battalion, Liu Shiliang served as the commander of the guard, the first and second battalions of the Jianrui Battalion were merged, and the Jianrui Battalion was established, Ma Huabiao served as the commander of the guard, and the first and second battalions of the Qianfeng Battalion were merged , set up the Qianfeng Battalion, Luo Chang served as the commander of the battalion, merged the first battalion and the second battalion of the infantry battalion, and established the infantry battalion, Qin Rui served as the commander of the guard, Di Huaixiang served as the commander of the Shenji battalion, and Sun Yuankun served as the commander of the personal battalion and guard , Liu Tiehan served as the commander of the scout battalion and guards, Xiong Zijian concurrently served as the commander of the law enforcement battalion and guards, and Bi Maokang concurrently served as the commander of the artillery battalion and guards."

"As for the establishment of posts such as Wei Commander Tongzhi and Commander Shi, I don't think we should be so wordy. As the saying goes, one person can ascend to heaven if he is enlightened. Baihu and others have made great achievements in battle and should be promoted as appropriate. I think Master Hong should be directly responsible for this matter, and each battalion will come up with a specific plan."

"Through this incident, Master Hong can also become familiar with the Jiangning Camp, including many officers and soldiers of the Jiangning Camp."

Hong Chengchou was shocked. It is said that the appointment of Jiangning battalion officers is the biggest thing, and it is also a manifestation of power. He has just arrived in Jiangning battalion, so it is impossible to integrate into Jiangning battalion. There is still a familiar process. Besides, The Jiangning camp was established by Su Tiancheng, so of course it must be firmly in his hands.

"Master Su, the matter is very important, I think it is better to ask Master Su to be directly responsible."

Su Tiancheng smiled and continued speaking.

"Since Mr. Hong is the supervisor of the Jiangning camp, he must be responsible for it. I am a straightforward person, and I don't like to turn corners. If I have anything to say, I will talk about it. If Mr. Hong can't I feel sorry for the real things. The division of labor between Mr. Hong and me will be discussed in detail in a while. Mr. Hong will be responsible for the appointment of officers and must be handled as quickly as possible. , The brothers have won the battle, and they are still waiting for the court's reward."

"Master Su said so, respect is worse than obedience, I will definitely finish this matter quickly."

Of course, there is a reason for Su Tiancheng to give Hong Chengchou face in this way.

Hong Chengchou became the supervisor of the Jiangning Camp, so he must work with him for a long time. It is impossible for Hong Chengchou to ignore anything. After a long time, the two will definitely have conflicts, which is not conducive to the construction of the Jiangning Camp. Besides, the ministers of Wu in the imperial court will definitely discuss it, and even Zhu Youjian will be puzzled in his heart.

So, grasp the big and let go of the small.

I have already proposed candidates for the main officers of the Jiangning Battalion. As for the following officers, even though Hong Chengchou is in charge, besides, even if Hong Chengchou is in charge, he is not familiar with the Jiangning Battalion. .

The biggest advantage of doing this is that it unites Hong Chengchou.

In the next step, Su Tiancheng wants to let Hong Chengchou understand that since he has arrived at the Jiangning Camp, even though he is a supervising army, he must consider everything from the perspective of the Jiangning Camp, instead of standing at the height of the overall situation as before. The future responsibilities are extraordinary and must be self-centered.

Very soon, the matter of rewarding soldiers was also clarified. The imperial court rewarded 50 taels of silver, and the Jiangning battalion took out 50 taels of silver. According to the results of each battalion, the reward was given to individuals. On the head of 100 people, this number is not small.

Hong Chengchou was shocked once again, Jiang Ningying made such a generous move, which is remarkable, the average reward for each person has reached more than 30 taels of silver, in this way, Jiangning Ying is very rich.

After arranging things, everyone pushed out, and only Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou were left in the Chinese army tent.

Hong Chengchou still had an expression of astonishment on his face. When he came to Jiangning camp for the first time, too many things were beyond his expectation.

"Master Hong, I have an idea about the division of labor between you and me, and I will discuss it with Master Hong."

"Your Majesty Su is polite. As a military supervisor, I shouldn't be in charge of the specific matters of the Jiangning Battalion. I am already very surprised and surprised by Master Su's consideration."

"Master Hong is joking. Master Hong has been leading troops in battle for a long time. Now that he is in Jiangning Camp, he has to be responsible for one aspect of things. How can he stand by and watch? Jiangning Camp doesn't have so many rules, Master Hong just relax."

"In this way, I will obey Master Su's arrangement."

"The responsibilities of the Jiangning Battalion will be very heavy in the future. In my opinion, after the Jiangning Battalion is upgraded to the capital, it will definitely expand its troops. The current Jiangning Battalion has 3 people. The matter of recruiting sergeants cannot be rushed. But it is time to start. Master Hong will be responsible for this matter. There are strict requirements and high standards for recruiting sergeants in the Jiangning Battalion. Besides, there are no military households in the Jiangning Battalion. They are all professional sergeants. The Jiangning Battalion is responsible for all the expenses of the sergeants, and also pays the soldiers, and their capacity is limited. I think that within this year, 5 sergeants will be recruited, and the total number of soldiers will reach [-]."

"I don't know how Mr. Su considers the source of troops."

Hong Chengchou didn't refuse, and hit the key point in one sentence.

Su Tiancheng had a smile on his face, it seemed that his prediction was correct, and Hong Chengchou was indeed a man of knowledge.

"Jiangning Battalion once recruited sergeants in Baoding Mansion, but in the Battle of Zhongdu, they suffered heavy losses. The sergeants recruited recently lack basic quality. My idea is that they can recruit elite soldiers and strong generals from the guards of various places. Master Sun Chengzong has already told me about this matter, Master Hong can contact Master Sun specifically, Master Hong's favorite general He Renlong, just thinking of entering Jiangning camp, I think it is also possible."

Hong Chengchou stood up, cupped his fists and saluted Su Tiancheng.

"Hong learned something today. The reason why the Jiangning Camp is so brave and good at fighting has a lot to do with Mr. Su. Hong is lucky to be in the Jiangning Camp and serve as the supervisor. He will do everything he can to the best of his ability."

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