Ming politicians

Chapter 441 Unknown Premonition

() Hong Chengchou's statement reassured Su Tiancheng that he no longer needed to worry too much about the specific matters of the Jiangning Camp. Facing this army he had created with his own hands, he could just care about the big things. For example, regarding the Jiangning battalion’s salary issue, although the Ministry of War has begun to be responsible for the Jiangning battalion’s salary, the monthly payment of silver taels is less than 5 taels, which is a drop in the bucket.

The business of Song Sijun, Wan Chenggui and others has been completely booming, and there is no problem in being responsible for the salary of the Jiangning Camp. In terms of taxes, Su Tian is very clear about his position, which is different from when he was in Jiangning County , It should be the taxes received by the prefectures and counties. Jiangningying will never intervene. The taxes paid by merchants have become the most important source of income for Henan Province. Of course, all these taxes are the collection standards determined by the government itself. Ship's standard.

The development of Henan Mansion is similar to that of the Jiangning Camp in the early days, and it has already embarked on a healthy development track. Unfortunately, at this time, Su Tiancheng faintly felt that he might have to leave this place, and he would stick to it until the end of this year at most.

Su Tiancheng still felt a little bit of resentment for such a frequent adjustment of work. Fortunately, the Jiangning Camp has gradually grown and has not been affected too much. This is what Su Tiancheng feels lucky for, but the current strategy needs a little adjustment. It has changed. If they are transferred to Shaanxi and take Song Sijun and others away, it may be unlikely. After all, the operation of commerce is different from other industries. It has a process of gradual development and growth, and frequent adjustments cannot be made.

Henan Province is not far from Shaanxi, and it belongs to the Central Plains. Even if the Jiangning Camp has arrived in Shaanxi, they can still rely on merchants such as Song Sijun.Besides, the Jiangning camp has long started to manufacture its own arms, and the arms trading is enough to make the Jiangning camp's silver sufficient.

When the Fuya and Jiangning Camp were busy, Su Tiancheng received a letter from Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War.

Letter from Yang Sichang.He introduced the results of his conversation with Zhang Fengyi in detail, saying that he suggested that Zhang Fengyi pay special attention to the attack of Houjin. Zhang Fengyi followed the advice and went to Changping Mansion to set up a pocket array to wait for the attack of Houjin army.

Zhang Fengyi did not set up an ambush at the entrance of Xifeng.Or to strengthen the guard, instead choose to set up heavy troops in Juyongguan and Changping areas, and mobilize the frontier troops of Datong, even the troops in Shanhaiguan area are on standby at any time, ready to rush to the Changping mansion area.

Yang Sichang also made a special explanation in his letter.Zhang Fengyi appreciated Su Tiancheng's judgment very much, and decided to arrange according to this method to face Hou Jin's army.

After reading the letter, Su Tiancheng's heart skipped a beat, and soon he had an ominous premonition.

Whether it is the frontier army in Datong or the army in Shanhaiguan.Accustomed to defending the city against the Manchurian and Mongolian troops, they would never start field battles with the Manchurian Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners. To a certain extent, the frontier troops of the Ming Dynasty were afraid of a direct collision with the Manchurian and Mongolian troops.

Although Zhang Fengyi used to be the Minister of the Ministry of War, he had always been in the capital. It had been seven years since the third year of Chongzhen, and he was not very familiar with specific operations. He had just assumed the post of Liaodong Economic Strategy.It can be said that it is a huge challenge to face the Manchu and Mongolian army. At such a time, what is needed is caution, not boldness.Once you become familiar with specific command operations, you can set up such a pocket formation to beat the Manchurian army.

But judging from Yang Sichang's letter, Zhang Fengyi was a little overjoyed.

Without being able to accurately predict the strength of the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty, and only through the movement of the Manchu and Mongolian troops, they rashly set up pocket formations. If the soldiers were afraid of fighting and refused to face the Manchurian and Mongolian troops, all plans would be useless.

Su Tiancheng put the letter on the table and thought about it carefully.

It is not easy for him to reply directly to Yang Sichang. After all, Zhang Fengyi was the former Minister of the Ministry of War, and he was granted the title of Prince and Taibao. He has enough decision-making power. If he is writing a letter, please Zhang Fengyi to act cautiously. Well, the rest of the Ming soldiers are all idiots. Could it be that only you, Su Tiancheng, are talented, and everyone else is mediocre.

But considering the actual situation, Su Tiancheng felt that Zhang Fengyi must be in trouble, maybe not a small trouble.

Qu Qingze hurried to Luoyang County.

He had received the notice from Su Tiancheng, and he didn't say anything. The more such an arrangement, the more important the matter seemed. Therefore, Qu Qingze rushed to Luoyang without any delay.

It was already dark, and when he came to the government office, Wang Dazhi was waiting.

After Qu Qingze entered the third hall, he saw Su Tiancheng carefully looking at the map.

"Old Qu, you're here. Sit down. This is a letter from Mr. Yang, Shangshu of the Ministry of War. Take a look."

Qu Qingze quickly read the letter.

"My lord, I think that Master Zhang's arrangement is feasible."

Su Tiancheng looked away from the map and looked at Qu Qingze with a very serious expression.

"Old Qu, why do you have such a view? Look at the map. If the Manchu and Mongolian troops enter Xifengkou, there are multiple roads to choose from. In case they encounter resistance at Juyongguan, it is the same to attack from Dushikou. As a result, Xifengkou is like a general defensive position. Holding Xifengkou can contain the Manchu and Mongolian troops to the maximum extent, but Mr. Zhang actually gave up Xifengkou. Instead, he blocked the Manchurian and Mongolian troops at Juyongguan and set up a Pocket array, such an arrangement is too risky."

"It is also possible to set up a pocket array in Changping."

"Old Qu, you have been with the Jiangning Camp for a long time. To put it bluntly, if the Jiangning Camp is to carry out the mission, it is completely acceptable for such an arrangement. The Jiangning Camp is capable of annihilating the invading enemy, but what is the combat effectiveness of the frontier army?" , You and I have heard that the frontier army faced the Manchurian army, the victory was less than the defeat, and there was already fear. Is it a wise choice to fantasize about annihilating the Manchu and Mongolian troops to the maximum extent."

Qu Qingze was stunned for a moment, and soon understood the serious relationship.

"Your Excellency is right. I have followed Jiangning Camp all these years, and almost equated the frontier army with Jiangning Camp. By the way, Your Excellency has been to the capital during this period, and Huang Zaisheng sent some information."

Qu Qingze did not read or open the information sent by Huang Zaisheng, it was still sealed.

During this period of time, the weather was calm, no major incidents occurred, and Hou Jin showed no signs of attacking. Under such circumstances, Qu Qingze would not open these letters.After reading Yang Sichang's letter just now, Qu Qingze realized that the situation might be a little urgent.

Su Tiancheng accepted the letter.

"Old Qu, if I'm not in Henan Mansion, you can confidently open these letters and read them. If you have any important information, you can report to me in time."

"The lower officials will remember that when they arrived in Shanzhou, they were all focused on the affairs of the state government."

Seeing that Qu Qingze was about to complain again, Su Tiancheng smiled and said.

"Don't worry, I know what you're thinking. Even if you go back to Jiangningying, you have to build Shanzhou well. Jiangningying is the capital, and there's still room left for you. Don't think too much about it."

After half an hour, Su Tiancheng finished reading the letter.

After a little thought, Su Tiancheng spoke slowly.

"The information provided by Huang Zaisheng is nothing special. The celebration ceremony of the founding of the Houjin Kingdom lasted for more than [-] days, and he was willing to spend money. The celebration ceremony is over. If I predict correctly, Houjin is about to launch an attack. Huang Zaisheng is in the Shanhaiguan area and has not received any missions, which shows that the route of Houjin's attack must not be the Ningjin defense line, but the Xifengkou area."

"My lord, should I write back to Mr. Yang to inform you of your forecast?"

"No, this is Master Zhang's direct command of the battle after all. If we interfere with every step, what will people think? Now, we can only hope that the frontier army can fight the enemy bravely. After all, the situation is beneficial to me, Daming. , To be able to predict Hou Jin's attack in advance and make full preparations, this is probably something Hou Jin did not expect."

Hearing what Su Tiancheng said, Qu Qingze's expression changed a bit.

"My lord, if we lose in the front, we will directly threaten the capital. If Changping arrives in the capital, there is no danger to defend. If the scene in the second year of Chongzhen repeats itself, the problem will be serious."

Su Tiancheng's expression also became serious.

"I have already thought about this level. It seems that the Jiangning Camp should stop thinking about resting. If the situation we expected really happens, the Jiangning Camp must be dispatched this time."

"Is it too late?"

"No problem. Hou Jin's attack this time is nothing more than to prove his own ability. He would never think of attacking the capital. They don't have that ability for the time being. But if the scene in the second year of Chongzhen happened in this attack, It is very unfavorable to my Ming Dynasty, this kind of thing cannot happen."

"My lord, if the Jiangning camp is going to fight this time, the lower officials can participate. The affairs in Shanzhou are basically handled properly. There won't be too many things in the near future."

Su Tiancheng looked at Qu Qingze and shook his head helplessly.

"Okay, since you think so, then make preparations as soon as possible. Your time in Shanzhou cannot be too long."

Qu Qingze suddenly understood something.

"My lord means to leave Henan Mansion. The situation in Henan Mansion is very good. Wouldn't it be a loss to leave now?"

"You don't need to say this. I know it in my heart. As an official of the court, there is nothing I can do. It must be uncomfortable to leave here after seeing the construction of Henan Mansion. You are the same as me, Shanzhou The construction is very good, but if you want to stay in Shanzhou, I have no objection."

"That won't work. The lower officials must follow the adults. Besides, the lower officials are still used to the days in the barracks. Things in this place are too cumbersome, and it is really difficult for the lower officials to deal with." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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