Ming politicians

Chapter 442 Zhang Fengyi's Greed

() Zhang Fengyi feels very good about himself. This time, he will be able to fight the Manchurian and Mongolian troops as soon as he assumes the role of Liaodong Economic Strategy, and he has fully anticipated the whereabouts of the Manchurian and Mongolian troops. Of course, he also has some worries , That is whether Houjin will launch such an attack, how many soldiers will be dispatched, and the scale of the attack.

In any case, he has already arrived at Changping Mansion, which is not very far from the capital, and the official road is only more than 100 miles away, which is one day, so there is no need to hurry.

The Datong frontier army had already received the order, and the commander-in-chief Wang Pu led five thousand soldiers to Juyongguan. As for the direction of Shanhaiguan, Zhang Fengyi believed that there was no need to dispatch so many soldiers. No matter how aggressively they will attack, at most it will be just a show of prestige.

The sergeants of the Inspection Department of Changping Mansion had already received the order. More than 1 sergeants from Yanqing Guard and Yanqing Zuowei went to Changping Mansion to be dispatched in a unified way. The place, the terrain there is dangerous, there are many mountains, and the official road runs through the mountains. If you can launch a surprise attack, the effect will be good.

In addition, Zhang Fengyi has two right-hand assistants, Lu Xiangsheng, the former right servant of the Ministry of War and the current governor of Liaodong, and Xiong Can, the former governor of Fujian and the current left servant of the Ministry of War.

When Lu Xiangsheng was in the Ministry of War, he won the trust of Zhang Fengyi. This time, Zhang Fengyi left the Ministry of War and took up the post of Liaodong Economic Strategy. He never thought of taking Lu Xiangsheng away. However, the new minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Sichang, had a mediocre relationship with Lu Xiangsheng. Yang Sichang had just taken office. , In terms of certain opinions, I am at odds with Lu Xiangsheng, seeing this situation.Zhang Fengyi went up to the emperor and recommended Lu Xiangsheng to be the governor of Liaodong, and he went to fight against Houjin with him.

Liaodong Economic Strategy and Liaodong Governor, the two positions should be mutually restrictive, in the sense that the Ming Dynasty emphasized military over military.The governor of Liaodong has even greater powers, but over the years, the fight against Houjin has repeatedly failed, and the military role in dealing with Houjin has become more and more important. Therefore, the importance of Liaodong's economic strategy.It has surpassed the governor of Liaodong.

As for Xiong Can, Governor of Fujian, he was recommended by Yang Sichang.

Xiong Can has been transferred to the Ministry of War as the right servant, and this time following Zhang Fengyi, he is actually supervising the battle on behalf of the Ministry of War.

Ordinarily, for this campaign, the supervisor of the Ministry of War should be Xu Eryi, the right servant.However, Xu Eryi was Su Tiancheng's mentor, because Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion and won successive battles, Xu Eryi naturally rose to the top, and his position in the Ministry of War was very firm. After Yang Sichang became Minister of the Ministry of War, he relied heavily on Xu Eryi.

Xu Eryi has the biggest advantage.No matter who is the minister of the Ministry of War, no matter who is the Minister of the Ministry of War, he will do things conscientiously and do his best. Of course, this is appreciated by Yang Sichang. At the same time, through Xu Eryi, the relationship with Su Tiancheng can also be improved, so the supervisor The matter of the division fell to Xiong Can, who had just been promoted to the left servant of the Ministry of War.

Zhang Fengyi naturally trusted Lu Xiangsheng.

About Lu Xiangsheng.He is clear, courageous and resourceful.

The important military generals of the Ming Dynasty were almost all officials. For example, Liaodong Jinglue, Ji Liao Governor, and Trilateral Governor all held positions, and officials who held these positions.It must be a Jinshi. It was not until 14 years after Chongzhen, when the situation in the Ming Dynasty was in dire straits, that military generals began to be used to hold important positions.

Jinshi-born officials, when they were young, all wrote stereotyped essays, and they did not necessarily have comprehensive military qualities, or even had little military qualities. Such officials, suddenly sent to serve as important military commanders, may not be able to Very good command and combat, but with a solid knowledge base, after a period of honing, most of them are competent.

Many famous generals in the Ming Dynasty were also officials.

Lu Xiangsheng is one of the representatives. When he was a teenager, Lu Xiangsheng not only read the Four Books and Five Classics of Confucianism, but also studied military books and practiced martial arts, which allowed him to establish a good military quality.

Lu Xiangsheng insisted on fighting against the Houjin, and he would never allow the phenomenon of surrender and negotiation. It was precisely because of this incident that there was a direct conflict between Lu Xiangsheng and Yang Sichang. After eradicating bandits and stabilizing the internal affairs, there are many precedents for fighting against Houjin with all our strength. Tang Taizong, who was very talented and bold, also adopted such a strategy.But Lu Xiangsheng’s understanding is different, especially after the founding of the Houjin, Lu Xiangsheng believes that the strategy of the Houjin has completely changed, they will not be satisfied with a corner, and they are plotting to rule the Ming Dynasty. If it was before, the Houjin plundered wildly At the stage of peace talks, things like peace talks can still be mentioned, but not now. Later Jinhui will put forward many requests during the peace talks, some of which are even requests that the court cannot answer.

It is precisely because of this situation that Zhang Fengyi trusts Lu Xiangsheng even more. He believes that Lu Xiangsheng will do his best to fight against Houjin.

As for Xiong Can, Zhang Fengyi wasn't very interested.

Xiong Can is a person Yang Sichang trusts. This first violated Zhang Fengyi's taboo. He thought that Yang Sichang was a little restless in doing things, or that he might have gained the trust of the emperor, and he was a little carried away. How could he send someone he trusted to go to the Supervising the campaign of the former Minister of the Ministry of War, Yang Sichang should know what kind of consequences will be caused by doing so.

On the surface, Zhang Fengyi was very polite to Xiong Can, but he never asked Xiong Can when it came to the deployment of troops, as if Xiong Can followed him just to see if the sergeants were fighting, so he didn't bother to ask about the specific arrangements.

Zhang Fengyi and Lu Xiangsheng have talked and discussed many times about the Jin army's attack after this resistance.

Contrary to Zhang Fengyi's expectation, Lu Xiangsheng's opinion is very different from his, and Lu Xiangsheng is very stubborn, insisting on his own point of view, in desperation, after coming to Changping Mansion, Zhang Fengyi specially discussed with Lu Xiangsheng, if they can't unify this time Opinion, he is even going to find Xiong Can to help him from the side.for a unified understanding.

Zhang Fengyi was very cautious about the matter of fighting against Houjin. For so many years, almost all the officials who served in the position of Liaodong Economic Strategy did not end well, and he did not want to repeat the same mistakes.

Seeing Lu Xiangsheng enter the room, Zhang Fengyi closed the door and poured tea for Lu Xiangsheng himself.

"Lord Lu, I came here for our discussion. You see, we have already arrived in Changping. Wang Pu led the sergeants of Datong to travel both starry and night. In two days after tomorrow, we will reach Juyongguan. Yanqingwei, Yanqing Zuo The more than 1 sergeants of the guard will arrive at Changping Mansion tomorrow, so the opinions between you and me should be unified."

"My lord, I still have the previous opinion. We all know that the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty is not strong in fighting power. Therefore, we should guard the dangerous borders. You can ambush heavy troops at Xifengkou and Juyongguan. First, stop the Manchurians at Xifengkou. When the army enters the border of our Ming Dynasty, the Manchu and Mongolian troops will definitely retreat when they see our frontier troops of the Ming Dynasty waiting in full force. If they need a successful surprise attack, if they know that our Ming Dynasty is ready, they must have some concerns."

Zhang Fengyi had a headache.

"Master Lu, I, the Ming Frontier Army, have been afraid of the Manchurian and Mongolian troops for many years. Why is this? If it is said that my Daming Frontier Army is weak in combat power, I will never admit it. I can't deal with the soldiers of the Eight Banners alone. , Two people are fine, three people are fine, this time the opportunity is very good, we have predicted the invasion of Hou Jin, and have accurately grasped the location, all favorable conditions are on our side, at this time, if we can It would be a pity to make a clever arrangement and win a big battle, but it would be a pity to lose such an opportunity."

Seeing that Lu Xiangsheng was still frowning, Zhang Fengyi spoke again.

"Think about it, if I were able to severely injure the Eight Banners of Manchuria and the Eight Banners of Mongolia, it would be a morale-boosting thing. After King Kong just founded the country, I came here to show off my strength. It would be a heavy blow to them to suffer such heavy losses. Attack, this is a multi-purpose thing."

Lu Xiangsheng looked at Zhang Fengyi and spoke anyway.

"My lord, the strength of the frontier army of the Ming Dynasty is known to the lower officials. If it has an absolute advantage in terms of military strength, it is possible to fight against the post-gold sergeants. This also requires us to have sufficient geographical advantages. The frontier army is afraid of the Manchurian army, isn't it? The matter that can be solved overnight, the sergeant has some fears in his heart. This is also the actual situation. This time, if Jin Jianguo attacks our Daming, he will definitely send elite sergeants. Compared with the two, the strategy determined by the adults is somewhat difficult to achieve. ah."

Lu Xiangsheng said it very euphemistically. This is not the first time this kind of debate has occurred, but Lu Xiangsheng has always insisted on his own point of view and disagreed with the establishment of pocket formations. He believed that the Ming Dynasty frontier army lacked such strength. The sergeants of the Manchu Eight Banners and the Mongolian Eight Banners contended. If they directly fought against the soldiers of the Houjin Army, the situation would be very tense.

In his heart, Lu Xiangsheng also wanted to support Zhang Fengyi's opinion. After all, if the Ming frontier army can be arranged well, it will be of great significance to win a battle against the Houjin soldiers.But his rationality told him that such an idea cannot exist, commanding operations needs to be based on the actual situation, and cannot be overheated.

Seeing such a situation, Zhang Fengyi knew that it was unnecessary to continue arguing, and the time was too late, so he made up his mind and insisted on his own understanding.

"Lord Lu, I have made up my mind. I will proceed according to the deployment of the pocket array. You and I will divide the work. You will go to Juyongguan immediately, directly command Wang Pu, and set up an ambush at Juyongguan. The arrogance of the Jin soldiers will be hit as much as possible. Remember, Don't love to fight, evacuate as quickly as possible, and guide the Houjin soldiers into the ambush circle. No matter how many soldiers Houjin sends, there can't be many people in the vanguard. If it can reach [-] sergeants, it's not bad. My Ming Dynasty is close to two Sergeant Wan, we must find a way to wipe out Houjin's vanguard." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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