() (Thanks to my surname Peng Chen for the precious monthly ticket, thank you.)

Lu Xiangsheng was still very cautious. He always believed that it would be safer to keep Houjin's army out of the gate.

But Zhang Fengyi is the Liaodong economic strategy, in charge of the military and political affairs of Liaodong. Although he is the governor of Liaodong, he used to be Zhang Fengyi's subordinate, and Zhang Fengyi recommended him to be the governor of Liaodong. If he just took office, he would fight against Zhang Fengyi. There are some unreasonable things.

Ordinarily speaking, as the governor of Liaodong, there is not much problem in commanding Wang Pu, the commander-in-chief of Datong. The governor of Liaodong can also control the frontier troops in Xuanfu, Datong, Yulin, Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou, and Ningyuan. The main tasks of these frontier troops are It was against Hou Jin's army, but Lu Xiangsheng was still a little worried.

After years of evolution, the Ming's frontier army has undergone some changes in quality. In name, it is the army of the imperial court, but in the actual combat process, it only obeys the orders of the officers. Most of the time, it obeys the orders issued by the imperial court.

After all, the imperial court failed to provide enough military pay.

At this very moment, he couldn't think of so much. After accepting the mission, he didn't delay in Changping Mansion and rushed directly to Juyongguan with a few sergeants.

Lu Xiangsheng and Wang Pu arrived at Juyongguan almost at the same time.

Juyongguan was part of the Great Wall of the Ming Dynasty. There was a small city built here, which was mainly used to garrison troops. However, on weekdays, this was not a key area for defense, so there were not many soldiers stationed there.

Wang Pu arrived with [-] soldiers, which quickly aroused the curiosity of the garrison soldiers, and Lu Xiangsheng, governor of Liaodong, also came.Even a fool would know that it may be that Hou Jin's soldiers are going to attack this area.

The air in Juyongguan became tense.

Just at this time, there were some small conflicts between Lu Xiangsheng and Wang Pu, before the big battle.Conflicts between major generals are fatal.

The main reason is the difference in combat thinking.

Lu Xiangsheng believed that no matter how many soldiers Houjin sent, they would rush all the way from Xifengkou to Juyongguan.There will be a period of time, and many frontier troops will fight along the road. Therefore, out of the 2000 soldiers from Datong, [-] soldiers can be sent along the road from Xifengkou to Juyongguan.Find a good ambush location and give the Houjin soldiers a sudden attack. Even if you can't get a big victory, you can still shock the morale of the rear army sergeants.

The two thousand sergeants should not love to fight. After the sneak attack was successful, they quickly withdrew from the battlefield.Go back to Juyongguan and do a good job of defense. I believe that with the joint efforts of many soldiers, Juyongguan will be able to defend.

Unexpectedly, Wang Pu's thoughts are not like this at all.

Wang Pu led [-] soldiers and rushed to Juyongguan day and night. The first problem he mentioned was food and pay.

Wang Pu believed that the sergeants worked so hard to arrive at Juyongguan, thinking it was a temporary deployment.Who knew that it was actually a sergeant who fought against Houjin, and who knew how many Houjin soldiers there were. How could these five thousand soldiers be able to resist Houjin's invasion? Such an idea is too bold.Besides, if the sergeant was not prepared and attacked rashly, it might backfire.

When it came to the end, Wang Pu said unceremoniously, since he wanted to fight against the Houjin soldiers, he had to solve the problem of food and pay. The imperial court mobilized a large army to fight against Houjin, and they solved the problem of food and pay every time. The soldiers worked hard To fight a war, there must still be sufficient guarantees for silver.

As for dispatching [-] sergeants to ambush the rear Jin soldiers on the way, Wang Pu unceremoniously refused, thinking that such an approach would be tantamount to suicide. Jin's attack, if he took the initiative to separate, it would be even more impossible to meet the enemy.

Wang Pu insisted on his opinion that all the soldiers should guard Juyongguan and occupy a favorable terrain, so they can always resist for a while.

Lu Xiang raised his beard and stared.

If he had followed his previous personality, he would have lost his temper a long time ago. As the governor of Liaodong, he could mobilize the frontier army to fight against Houjin, but at this time, Lu Xiangsheng did not lose his temper. To be able to be useful, many frontier troops, to a certain extent, have become the private soldiers of the generals from all walks of life, and will not obey the orders of others.

The key is to deal with the current situation.

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng's real shortcoming is that he still doubts whether Houjin will attack, and whether he will choose Xifengkou as the real attack location. These are all due to Zhang Fengyi's arrangement. , hard work and arrangement, there will be no results.

The so-called inconsistency means that you lose completely.

Wang Pu insisted on his opinion, but Lu Xiangsheng did not continue to insist.

The last coordination meeting was held in the barracks at Juyongguan.

There were only three people attending the meeting, Lu Xiangsheng, Wang Pu and the officer in charge of Juyongguan.

Lu Xiangsheng changed his strategy and asked Wang Pu to lead [-] Datong soldiers to guard Juyongguan without the slightest mistake. He took the [-] soldiers guarding Juyongguan and set up an ambush halfway.

Wang Pu agreed with such an opinion, and he was eager to do so.

As for the officer waiting at Juyongguan, of course he dared not refute. Facing the governor of Liaodong, he was not qualified to refute.

Such an arrangement was in line with the intentions of both parties. Wang Pu did not mention the matter of food and salary for the time being, and he could not go too far. Besides, Lu Xiangsheng was the governor of Liaodong, and he would be his immediate boss from now on. If he was really offended, life would be difficult.

Considering that Lu Xiangsheng led too few sergeants and their combat effectiveness was not very good, Wang Pu also dispatched [-] sergeants for Lu Xiangsheng to dispatch, which also laid the foundation for himself in the future.

On the surface, this meeting was held very well, but the fatal flaw was also exposed, that is, Lu Xiangsheng, Wang Pu and others did not really believe that Hou Jin would attack Daming from the mouth of Xifeng, Moreover, Juyongguan was chosen as the real attack location. It is precisely because of this idea that when arranging combat missions, everyone is in a relaxed mood, and it is not as tense as the sergeants below.

Having said that, if it is true that Houjin has already come from Xifengkou towards Juyongguan, the defenders of Juyongguan will never dare to leave the fortress to meet Houjin's army.

The sergeants that Lu Xiangsheng can command include the five thousand Datong sergeants brought by Wang Pu. These sergeants have slightly stronger combat effectiveness. After all, they have been at the border for a long time and are always shrouded in the shadow of war. At least their psychological quality is stronger.In addition, there are two thousand sergeants guarding Juyongguan. These people belong to the squadron, that is, the army that takes turns performing duties at the border. After a period of time, they will leave here to perform military duties in other places, and they are always in a state of flux.

The four major arms of the Ming Dynasty army, the Garrison Army, the Tun Army, the Transport Army, and the Squad Army, among which the Squad Army has the worst combat effectiveness. The general sergeant is unwilling to become a Squad Army. It is bitter and tiring, so most of the sergeants who become squad soldiers are poor in combat effectiveness or are rejected.

Lu Xiangsheng led a group of troops in an ambush. I have to say that this choice is stupid, but there is no way around it.

Twelve miles away from Juyongguan, there is a canyon. The mountains on both sides are not high, but they are very steep. , the terrain is good, and without much hesitation, Lu Xiangsheng chose this place.

It's not far from Juyongguan, even if it can't completely limit the attack of the Houjin army, it can also return to Juyongguan quickly to help defend the fortress. Besides, the guards of Juyongguan are the Datong frontier army led by Wang Pu.

Lu Xiangsheng went up the mountain himself and looked around.

Wang Pu also watched here with him.

"Wang Zongbing, look at the officer, I am here to ambush Sergeant Jin, what do you think?"

"My lord, this subordinate thinks that this place is good, but I just have a suggestion, and I don't know whether to say it or not."

"Oh, if you have any suggestion, just say it directly."

"Your Excellency, you don't have to wait here. It's better to sit in Juyongguan and command."

This sentence was very useful. Lu Xiangsheng had some opinions on Wang Pu, and when he heard this sentence, a smile appeared on his face.

"Wang Zongbing is bothering, but this battle is no small matter. The officer still has to wait here and command the sergeant to fight against the Houjin army."

"My lord's demeanor is worth learning from my subordinates. The five hundred soldiers sent by my subordinates are all brave and good at fighting. These soldiers will definitely protect my lord's safety."

Lu Xiangsheng nodded and stopped talking.

There was still no expression on Wang Pu's face, but his heart was full of joy. Lu Xiangsheng had just been in office, and he was fawning on him. He will definitely get benefits in the future. This time he came to Juyongguan. By the way, as for Hou Jin's attack on Juyongguan, the horoscope has not been written yet. There are so many places not to attack, but Juyongguan is chosen. How can Juyongguan be a fortress? Could it be that the commander of Houjin has something wrong with his head.

However, these are all matters considered by the above, as long as I am in charge of the battle, I will really meet Hou Jin's elite soldiers.

Wang Pu even thought that if the post-Jin soldiers chose the direction of attack, it was very likely that they would be in Datong and the Xuanfu area. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise when they came to Juyongguan.

After choosing the location for the ambush, Lu Xiangsheng sent out scouts to start investigating information. The scouts sent out earlier did not get any news. The area around Xifengkou seemed to be calm. Both Xifengkou and Juyongguan are important passes of the Great Wall.

Two days passed, and still did not get any news, Lu Xiangsheng was a little suspicious, whether there was something wrong in Zhang Fengyi's judgment, could it be said that the Houjin army would not invade Daming at all.

The sergeants waiting at Juyongguan also gradually relaxed. The generals were not nervous anymore, and they became more relaxed.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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