Ming politicians

Chapter 444: Unexpected

() No one thought that Hou Jin spent so much money this time, even Su Tiancheng, he only thought of Hou Jin Jianguo, thinking of proving himself, at most disturbing the Ming Dynasty, and after getting some benefits, he would Leaving the pass and going back to his old lair, Azige, the most valiant general of the Jin Dynasty sent by Huang Taiji, led an army of [-] into the Ming Dynasty.

Azige is the son of Nurhachi and the younger brother of Huang Taiji. After Jin Jianguo, he was named the king of Doro Wuying County. Because of the influence of Nurhachi, Azige was brave and good at fighting, and he had a certain strategy. Huang Taiji sent Azi Ge's crusade against Daming, of course, has its own profound ideas.

Azig went deep into the Ming Dynasty many times, leading troops to conquer, and his reputation was not small. The frontier soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were very afraid of this desperate Saburo.

Most of the Houjin army led by Azig were cavalry. These sergeants were brave and good at fighting. They fought against the Ming army several times, and basically returned with great victories. Therefore, following Azig to conquer Ming Dynasty was what they wished for.

After receiving the order, Azig made some preparations and led the army to set off. He would not attack the Ningjin defense line.

Azig participated in the siege of Bei Jing in the second year of Chongzhen, and he was deeply impressed. This time, he also planned to follow the example of Huang Taiji, enter the territory of Daming through Xifengkou, and ruthlessly sweep it. He has full authority to deal with related matters, because of this reason, Azig is even more excited.

The imperial court did not have such mental preparations, even though Su Tiancheng accurately predicted that Hou Jin would take advantage of the founding of the country to harass Daming in order to show its own strength.Both Yang Sichang, Minister of the Ministry of War, and Zhang Fengyi, Liaodong Governor, agreed with this point of view, but they did not directly report to the emperor and did not discuss this matter in the court, which led to the lack of preparation of the court.

Clearly foreseeing that Houjin will launch an attack, but because of insufficient preparation.It is a sad thing to let opponents plunder, and it is also something that makes Zhu Youjian furious afterwards.

Zhang Fengyi rushed to Changping Mansion, and the preparation he made was to mobilize more than 2 sergeants, of which 7000 were to stop the Houjin army at Juyongguan.Still can't think of a pocket array, and severely hit Houjin's arrogance. Such an arrangement looks so ridiculous.

On May [-]th, the army led by Azig suddenly appeared at the mouth of Xifeng.

There were as many as 2 people in the vanguard, and they were all full of Eight Banners cavalry.They are all brave soldiers.

Faced with such a situation, the guards at Xifengkou couldn't resist at all, and even gave up their resistance, dodged aside, and watched the Houjin army enter Xifengkou.

The scouts rushed to Juyongguan with bloodless faces, where Lu Xiangsheng was waiting for news.

"Report. My lord, the army of Hou Jin raided Xifengkou, and has already broken through Xifengkou and entered the pass."

Lu Xiangsheng stood up abruptly.

"Quickly report in detail what's going on."

"Hou Jin's coach is Azig, who claims to lead an army of 20. According to information from various sources, Hou Jin's vanguard troops number as many as [-]. They have already broken through Xifeng Pass and are heading towards Xifeng Pass. Azig led it himself."

Lu Xiangsheng shook his body and sat down on the chair.

The expression of Wang Pu beside him also changed.

After Jin made such a big move, they really didn't expect that all the previous predictions were accurate.But what was unexpected was that Hou Jin actually dispatched a large army and entered directly from Xifengkou. The 20 army is a bit exaggerated, which may be the need for Hou Jin's propaganda, but with such propaganda, Hou Jin's sergeants reached at least 10. According to the strategic arrangement, 2 troops will go deep into the territory of Ming Dynasty, and the vanguard will not be less than [-].

Lu Xiangsheng suddenly felt how ridiculous it seemed that [-] sergeants were waiting at Juyongguan. Facing the [-] cavalry and [-] sergeants of Houjin, there was not enough teeth.

Wang Pu's face turned pale, and he didn't say anything. At this time, he was already afraid in his heart. Facing such a huge lineup of Houjin, what role could the 5000 people he led play? I am afraid that if there is no chance to fight, the whole army will be wiped out.

Lu Xiangsheng waved his hand feebly.

"Explore again, and report quickly if there is any information."

The scouts withdrew, and there was a deathly silence in the room, no one spoke.

After a while, Wang Pu spoke cautiously.

"My lord, the military situation is urgent. Do you want to report to the imperial court? After 20 Jin Tartars invade, Juyongguan and Changping Mansions will be irresistible. According to the opinions of the subordinates, it is necessary to mobilize the armies of Shanhaiguan, Jinzhou, and Ningyuan."

"Nonsense, if they mobilize the army of the Ningjin defense line, wouldn't it be a chance for Hou Jin? If they send another army to attack the Ningjin defense line, what should they do?"

Wang Pu was a little unconvinced.

"My lord, the Tartars are making a big move this time, and the [-] soldiers in the Juyongguan area cannot resist."

This time, Lu Xiangsheng was really angry, stared at Wang Pu, and spoke word by word.

"As an official of the imperial court, no matter how many people there are in the other party, we will swear to defend Juyongguan to the death. If we flee without a fight, how can we live in the world with shame? Let alone other reasons, order all the soldiers to make all preparations, Although 7000 people can't resist the Tartar army, it may be possible to delay the time, and it also won the opportunity for Mr. Zhang to arrange the arrangement, well, Wang Zongbing, hurry up and arrange it."

After Wang Pu left, Lu Xiangsheng quickly began to write the memorial.

For such a big event, Zhang Fengyi must be informed as quickly as possible, and even the court must be reported.

Lu Xiangsheng knew very well that according to the imperial court's deployment of troops in Changping, it was impossible to contend with the Houjin army, but if they did not resist, the Houjin army could threaten the capital at any time, even if the Houjin army did not intend to attack the capital, but bypassed the capital , the Northern Zhili area is about to suffer heavy losses, and the imperial court cannot afford such a situation.

I don't know why, at this time, Lu Xiangsheng thought of Jiangning Camp, but unfortunately he didn't have that kind of power. If possible, he would mobilize Jiangning Camp in the shortest time and rush to the capital to fight against the Empress Jin Tartars.

Two days later, the news began to become clear.

The total number of soldiers who invaded Daming from the Later Jin Dynasty was 10, and [-]% of them were cavalry. Coming here, the speed is not very fast, bypassing Juyongguan all the way, and heading directly to Changping Mansion.

The Houjin army did not hide its whereabouts, and walked swaggeringly on the official road. The Ming army along the way did not dare to resist, and it was too late to escape. They watched the Houjin army looting everywhere. In just one day, all kinds of people Tragedies have occurred. Wherever the Houjin army passed, there was almost no grass. A large number of houses were burned down, the population was looted, those who refused to follow were mercilessly killed, and some girls were humiliated.

The information was constantly being gathered to Lu Xiangsheng. He felt that all the preparations discussed by Zhang Fengyi and himself were in vain. The Later Jin Tartars didn't care about the Ming army at all. Meet the fate of being annihilated.

In such a situation, Lu Xiangsheng has no other choice. He must guard Juyongguan. Even if he is the last person in the battle, he must stick to it and buy time for the rear. He believes that the imperial court will definitely get the information and make arrangements for deployment. Mobilizing the frontier army from Datong, or mobilizing the Jiangning camp from Henan Province is one of the ways. Of course, he thought in his heart that it would be best to mobilize the Jiangning camp and rush to the Changping area. Looted.

As for what Master Zhang Fengyi of Changping Mansion planned, he couldn't think of so much.

Zhang Fengyi also got the information.

When he got the information, Zhang Fengyi's face turned pale, and he sat slumped on the chair. Originally, he still wanted to make meritorious deeds. Through this battle, he gathered credits, but he never expected to encounter such a situation.

Among the many officers around him, none of them had a good-looking complexion, and even two officers trembled.

The sergeants of Yanqing Guard did not have strong combat effectiveness, and they were very afraid of the Houjin Tartars. Thinking of relying on these sergeants to protect Changping Mansion was tantamount to nonsense.

But he lost the Changping Mansion, let the Tartars plunder in Beizhili, and even directly threatened the capital. He, the Liaodong manager, was waiting to commit suicide and apologize.

Zhang Fengyi didn't know what kind of mood he was in. He had just encountered such an unlucky thing when he took office.

No one spoke up, and no one could think of a good way.

Seeing the emotions in the room, Zhang Fengyi suddenly thought of something.

"Hurry up, send people to Juyongguan and ask all the soldiers guarding Juyongguan to withdraw to Changping Mansion. With such a large number of troops, they can resist the Houjin Tartars and cannot divide the troops."

"My lord, if you abandon Juyongguan, you will have no danger to defend."

Zhang Fengyi stared, wanting to see who said such words, there were many officers in the room.

After a while, he gave up this idea, also, if he gave up Juyongguan directly and relied on Changping Mansion, it would be impossible to contain the post-Gold Tartars.

Zhang Fengyi panicked, and after arranging many officers to make preparations, he immediately gave the court an order.

He couldn't think of a good way, mobilizing the Datong frontier army would not have much effect. The Datong frontier army would also be unable to resist the Houjin Tartars, let alone a hundred thousand Tartars. It would be even more impossible to mobilize the Ningjin defense line army. Losing the Ningjin line of defense may lead to catastrophic consequences.

After much deliberation, only Jiangning camp is left.

But the Jiangning Camp is far away in Henan Prefecture, which is close to two thousand miles away from the capital. Even if they reach Changping Prefecture, it will be ten and a half months later. At that time, I don’t know what will happen.

Of course, if the sergeants from all over the place can resist reluctantly, they can still delay the attack time of the later golden tartars.

Zhang Fengyi finally gritted his teeth and wrote a memorial, suggesting that the court mobilize the Jiangning camp to go north to fight against the Houjin Tartars.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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