() From the first day of June to the third day, in three days, a large number of memorials arrived at the Ministry of War and the cabinet.

Azig led one hundred thousand later Jin Tartars, entered the pass from the entrance of Xifeng, and began to attack Juyongguan and Changping Mansions. What Jianfeng pointed at was the capital. For a while, the cabinet and the Ministry of War were in chaos. Someone suggested to call Datong Frontier army, to fight against the Houjin Tartars. Some people suggested mobilizing the frontier troops in the Shanhaiguan area to stop the Houjin Tartars. Of course, there were also voices suggesting to mobilize the Jiangning Battalion. This voice is weaker. The key is that the Jiangning Battalion is too far away from the capital. .

Yang Sichang's bowels were about to turn green with regret.

He still listened to Su Tiancheng's prediction at the beginning, but he didn't expect that Hou Jin would show such a big posture, with one hundred thousand Tartars, this is not something that an ordinary army can compete with.He never thought of it at all, and he didn't report to the court. Now facing such a situation, he was a little at a loss.

He rushed to the cabinet in a hurry. All the way, he was thinking about how to answer the question of Wen Tiren, the chief assistant of the cabinet.

Sure enough, after seeing him, Wen Tiren didn't exchange pleasantries.

"Master Yang, the 10 men of the Houjin Tartars entered the pass from Xifengkou, and the distance from the capital is only more than [-] miles. The events of the second year of Chongzhen are vividly remembered. Such a situation cannot happen. What do you think? Deal with it."

"My lord, I have a memorial from Mr. Zhang here. Mr. Zhang suggested dispatching the Jiangning Camp to guard the capital and resist the Houjin Tartars. I think this suggestion can still be adopted."

"It has been three days since the Houjin Tatars entered Xifengkou. According to the report from the cabinet, the Tatars are attacking Juyongguan and Changping Mansion. It is only a matter of time before they can be captured. Changping Mansion is only a hundred years away from the capital. Lidi, under such circumstances, how will the Ministry of War prepare to deal with it?"

Yang Sichang's face turned pale. What he was most worried about was this problem.The Ningjin line of defense and the Datong area are heavily populated, but only the distance from Xifengkou to the capital, there are not many sergeants, and he is clear about the strength of the Yanqing Guard.Thinking of resisting the attack of the Tartars, Ji didn't have much possibility.

Seeing that Yang Sichang didn't speak, Wen Tiren sighed.

"The official knows that you just took office, and you suddenly encountered such a big event. It is difficult to have a good solution for a while. However, the emperor is still very anxious. The Ministry of War must come up with a plan as soon as possible to dispatch the Jiangning battalion. The cabinet still approves it. In terms of time, there can be no delay, and you will follow the official to see the emperor."

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Youjian's face turned pale.

On the imperial case.Facing a large stack of memorials, all of which were the memorials of the later Jin Tartars entering the customs through the Xifeng Pass, Zhu Youjian felt a little flustered. The one who led the Tartars to attack was Azig, who was the son of Nurhachi. Followed the fight, very fiercely, this time, the Tartar army of [-] invaded the pass, could it be that they wanted to attack the capital?

It is within the distance from Xifengkou to the capital.There are not many sergeants, most of them are guard troops in some places. These sergeants have limited resistance, and it is impossible to resist the Houjin Tartars, even if they are Datong frontier troops.The frontier troops of the Ningjin defense line can only guard inside the city, and it is unlikely that they really want to deal with the Houjin Tartars in a field battle.

All the methods have been considered, and it seems that the only way out is to mobilize the Jiangning camp.

However, the Jiangning camp is close to two thousand miles away from the capital, even if they have received the imperial court's order, and after a little preparation, it will be at least half a month before they arrive at the capital.

The capital camp does not dare to be transferred, and must protect the safety of the capital.

Wen Tiren, Yang Sichang and others entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Youjian's complexion improved a little.

"Wen Aiqing, Yang Aiqing, is there any good way?"

Of course Wen Tiren and Yang Sichang understood that at this time, it was superfluous to say anything else.

Wen Tiren spoke first.

"Your majesty, I believe that protecting the safety of the capital is the most important duty. I suggest that [-] soldiers from the capital should be mobilized to enter the capital. From tomorrow, the capital will be under martial law, the city gates will be closed, and those who enter the capital will be strictly investigated. There are [-] guards from the Beijing camp, presumably there is no danger to the capital for the time being, and at the same time, Liang Tingdong, the governor of Datong, is strictly ordered to mobilize a large army and rush to Changping to guard.

There was no smile on Zhu Youjian's face. Such an arrangement was already in his imagination. The key now is not to worry about the Houjin Tartars attacking the capital, but the many places in the capital. Looting will deal a major blow to the imperial court, how much effect can it have just to protect the capital.

After Wen Tiren finished speaking, Yang Sichang spoke.

"Your Majesty, as Minister of the Ministry of War, I can't predict Houjin's offensive, and can't make timely deployments. I am guilty, please punish me."

"Well, this is not the time to pursue responsibility. If Yang Aiqing has any good suggestions, please speak up quickly."

"I think that the Jiangning battalion will be mobilized and rushed to Changping to fight against the Houjin Tartars."

Zhu Youjian frowned.

"Oh, is there enough time to mobilize the Jiangning camp?"

"I think that the military situation is urgent, and the Jiangning battalion can reach the capital within ten days."

"Okay, the cabinet will immediately draw up a statement, and I will approve it today, and quickly mobilize the Jiangning camp to resist the Houjin Tartars."

Inside the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Zhu Youjian and Wang Chengen were left.

"Father-in-law, I heard that Su Tiancheng had expected that the later gold would invade my Ming Dynasty, but I didn't notice it. This is what I regret."

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks Master Su's prediction is very accurate, but he may not have imagined that Houjin would send so many Tartars. Master Su holds the secret line of Jinyiwei in his hand, and must have known the information about Houjin's invasion of Ming Dynasty. It is estimated that the Jiangning Camp may be ready, and if the decree is made quickly, the Jiangning Camp will be able to rush to the capital as quickly as possible."

"Well, what you said makes sense, but what task should the Jiangning Battalion take on, whether it is to protect the capital, or to fight against the Empress Jin Tartars? The Empress Jin Tartar suffered a heavy loss, and my heart really aches."

"Your majesty can let Mr. Su choose on his own."

"Well, the only one who can directly confront the Tartars is the Jiangning Camp."

No one would have thought that Lu Xiangsheng led [-] soldiers to defend Juyongguan for three days.

After the reunion in Yanqing, the soldiers of the Later Jin Dynasty divided their troops into two groups, attacking Juyongguan all the way, and heading towards Tianshou Mountain all the way. Tianshou Mountain is the tomb of Emperor Xizong of the Ming Dynasty. The Ming army from all walks of life did not dare to rush to help, watching the Houjin Tartars burn down the tomb of Emperor Xizong of Ming Dynasty.

Azig personally led a group of sergeants to attack Juyongguan. In his opinion, winning Juyongguan was a blink of an eye, but he did not expect that the bone of Juyongguan was so difficult to crack.

Lu Xiangsheng went all out.

Relying on the city wall and dangerous terrain of Juyongguan, Lu Xiangsheng divided 4000 sergeants into two batches, with 3000 guarding the city wall and [-] as a reserve team.

The most important thing is that Lu Xiangsheng set an example and always stood at the front. No matter how fierce the attack of the Houjin Tartars was, he would not retreat.

The power of role models is infinite. The governor of Liaodong stood at the front and killed the enemy himself. What else did the rest have to say? Wang Pulai thought about it and withdrew with a single shot. He hurried back to Changping Fucheng, where it was relatively safe. Unexpectedly, Lu Xiangsheng was so powerful that he was not allowed to retreat at all. In desperation, he risked his life and urged the sergeant to guard with his life.

Most of the cavalry led by Azig were cavalry, and the effect of cavalry attacking the city was not very good.

Besides, above Juyongguan, there are several large general cannons, and the cavalry are most afraid of these things.

After three consecutive days of attack, Juyongguan became a sea of ​​blood. Azig's eyes were red and he was furious. Unexpectedly, the small Juyongguan could not be taken in three days.

In the early morning of the fourth day, he issued an order that Juyongguan must be captured today, otherwise the officer in charge of the attack would be beheaded for public display.

When the black sergeants rushed forward, it was very quiet above Juyongguan, with almost no movement.

The officer in charge of the attack thought he had encountered some kind of formation and didn't understand it. However, the military order had been signed, and there was a mountain of swords and flames ahead, and he wanted to launch an attack.

The sergeant went all the way to the bottom of Juyongguan, but he didn't see the launch of the crossbow and artillery. The officer suddenly understood something, and frantically asked the sergeant to attack across the board.

Azig stood on Juyongguan, his eyes turned green with anger.

Unexpectedly, the defenders of Juyongguan all evacuated overnight. For many years, he led troops to attack the Ming army, and they all went to brilliant victories. This time, he suffered a defeat. He is not reconciled. Come.

After receiving Zhang Fengyi's order, Lu Xiangsheng quickly evacuated from Juyongguan and rushed to Changping Mansion. Although he didn't want to evacuate, the military order fell like a mountain. The army must shrink all its troops to defend Changping Mansion.

Changping Mansion cannot be lost easily, otherwise the capital will be in sight.

At times like this, we must focus on the overall situation.

Lu Xiangsheng also knew that, in fact, he could no longer defend Juyongguan. After three days of fierce fighting, 3000 sergeants lost more than 4000 people, leaving less than [-] people. No one knows how long he can guard. The key is that there is no The news of the reinforcements, the morale of the sergeants is getting lower and lower, knowing that there is no hope, who will always maintain a passionate fighting spirit, if he has not been at the forefront, the team will have collapsed long ago.

How long the Changping mansion can be guarded, he is not sure in his heart.

The post-Gold Tartars led by Azig this time are elite troops, brave and fearless, and know how to avoid losses when attacking cities and villages. After three days of fierce fighting, the losses of the Tartars will not exceed a thousand. Facing such a situation Tartars, I'm afraid the only option is to dispatch the Jiangning camp.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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