Ming politicians

Chapter 446 Undoubted

() Lu Xiangsheng would not have imagined that he led the sergeant to stop Azig at Juyongguan, which made Azig feel humiliated, which aroused Azig's barbaric atmosphere, and gradually changed Azig's previous plan.

According to Huang Taiji's arrangement, Azig's main task is to promote the might of the Qing Dynasty. The Qing Dynasty has just established a country. Through this conquest, while showing its own strength, it is also revealed that the purpose of the Qing Dynasty is to conquer the Central Plains. To overthrow the Ming Dynasty, the second is to earn the most benefits through this expedition. During the spring farming season, the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty are gradually stretched. Through this expedition, they can usurp wealth and plunder the population of the Central Plains, and further strengthen the Qing Dynasty. Strength.

In this expedition, there is no plan to attack Beishang. Bei Jing is relatively the capital of the Ming Dynasty, the land of the capital, and it is not so easy to attack it. A Ningjin line of defense, the Qing Dynasty spent a lot of effort , have not been able to attack, let alone the capital.

But Lu Xiangsheng's actions inspired Azige's fighting spirit, and he wanted to attack the capital tentatively.

Azig's real idea was not to attack the capital. With [-] soldiers, if the capital could be captured, the Ming Dynasty would have perished long ago, and there would be no need for the father and the emperor to spend so much energy.He put on a stance to attack the capital, which gave Daming the biggest shock, and then plundered the area of ​​Beizhili, making Daming's majesty shattered. I believe that he has done this, and he will definitely be praised by the emperor's elder brother.

After making up his mind, Changping Mansion, which is close at hand, is the city that Azig must attack.

After attacking Changping, it can effectively ensure the stability of the rear.

Although Azig was ambitious, he was not stupid, and attacked the capital of Ming Dynasty.It will definitely attract huge rebellion, all Ming armies will gather towards the capital, with [-] sergeants, although they can resist those useless soldiers of Ming Dynasty, they will suffer their own losses.It must be not small, so from this moment on, Azig must take every step carefully and take every step well.

After the Golden Tatars entered Daming territory from Xifengkou, all the information was obtained.Su Tiancheng knew.

The ability of the dark line is extraordinary, even Huang Zaisheng who is far away in Shanhaiguan also sent valuable information.

Hou Jinduoluo Wuying County King led [-] Manchus and Eight Banners to invade Daming. This was something Su Tiancheng hadn't thought of beforehand, faintly.He remembered that Houjin had entered the customs four times, and this time it seemed that he was quite famous. Azig ran amok in the Beizhili area, looted and looted, and left Beizhili in a big way. when.A sign was also erected, which read "Do not send the Ming army away" to ridicule the capabilities of the Ming army.

For two consecutive days, Su Tiancheng locked himself in the secret room, and carefully looked at the map. On the map, many marks were densely marked. He was trying to recall the battle described in history, and he was also paying attention to A Azige marched to attack the route, and Azige entered the pass from Xifengkou.First assembled in Yanqing, then the troops were divided into two groups, one led by Azig himself, attacked Juyongguan, and the other attacked Tianshou Mountain.Judging from Azig's arrangement.The first thing they targeted was Changping Mansion.

Changping Mansion is only more than 100 miles away from the capital. From Changping to the capital, no matter how brave the sergeant is, Azig can go directly to the capital. It would be too arrogant for thousands of soldiers to take down the capital. However, it is not a big problem for Azig to sweep Beizhili with these [-] soldiers.

Thinking in another way, Su Tiancheng thought that the imperial court must mobilize troops to enter the guard stables of the capital. In any case, Azig is far away from the capital. Just in case, Zhu Youjian will definitely make such a decision .

To a certain extent, Azige's move, or Huang Taiji's move, shocked the entire Ming Dynasty.

Waste of people and money, or heavy losses, these are nothing, as long as the capital can be protected and Azig will not be arrogant, this is the greatest victory of Ming Dynasty.

After two days of analysis, Su Tiancheng got a result that he didn't want to think of. The Jiangning battalion must be mobilized. Facing the powerful enemy, the Jiangning battalion could not hide in Henan Mansion, and had to go out to meet the enemy.

Su Tiancheng had just come out of the secret room, and was still in the process of thinking and preparing for deployment, when Sun Chengzong rushed to Henan Mansion in person.

Sun Chengzong also got the information, he got the information from the direction of Datong, and some news came from the capital.

This time, the meeting between the two was arranged in the third hall of the government office.

Su Tiancheng thought for a while, and sent Wang Dazhi to ask Hong Chengchou to come to the government office quickly.

Sun Chengzong also knew what Su Tiancheng meant, so he didn't talk about serious matters for the time being, and chatted for a while.

After half an hour, Hong Chengchou hurried to the government office.

"Lord Su, Lord Hong, I came here specially from Shaanxi, thinking to see if you have any good strategies, the army of Hou Jin Tartars invaded our Daming from the mouth of Xifeng with an army of [-], the pass must not be peaceful, Aji Ge, I have heard that the son of Nurhaci, he has been with the army since he was a child, and he is very good at fighting. He leads an army of [-] and enters the pass. Will he directly attack the stables?"

Su Tiancheng looked at Hong Chengchou and spoke slowly.

"My lord, this junior thinks that Azig won't attack the capital. With an army of [-], he has no ability to attack the capital. It is too arrogant to do so. Back then, Yu Qian led [-] old, weak, sick and disabled, and they were able to defend the capital. Now there are still guards in the capital, so there shouldn't be too much of a problem, but Beizhili will suffer."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, he signaled Wang Dazhi to take out the map in the secret room.

Sun Chengzong nodded, looking at Hong Chengchou, Hong Chengchou shook his head, expressing that he had nothing to say, he was not relaxed in the past two days, after Su Tiancheng read all the information about Houjin, he passed it on to him, and he knew it too In all situations, we are also thinking about countermeasures, but we have never thought of a good solution.

Soon, Wang Dazhi brought a map and spread it out.

Sun Chengzong began to look at the map carefully, his face became more and more dignified. Su Tiancheng had already marked on the map the possible attack route of Azig. There were more than 20 county towns along the road. If there were no accidents, these county towns would suffer disaster Now, at the critical moment, Su Tiancheng's pen pointed directly at Baoding Mansion, which was Sun Chengzong's hometown.

"Master Su, this old man has received a letter from Zhang Fengyi. Mr. Zhang may be in a hurry. Speaking of one thing, did you expect that Hou Jin would launch this attack?"

"The younger generation did expect it, but the younger generation did not expect that Huang Taiji made such a huge determination to send [-] soldiers to invade our Daming, and the place he chose was Xifengkou. This junior also thought of it. At that time, Huang Taiji threatened the stables and chose to enter the pass through the entrance of Xifeng. Speaking of it, this junior was still negligent."

Hong Chengchou looked at Su Tiancheng, very surprised. For the first time, he felt that Su Tiancheng, who looked weak on the outside, had such a talent in military affairs that he could foresee Hou Jin's actions.

"No, you have already done meritorious service. The old man is always concerned about the situation in Changping. The old man has many acquaintances there, and he has also received some information. It is said that Mr. Lu Xiangsheng led the army and effectively contained Azig's offensive. If there is no preparation in advance , it is impossible to do this.”

Su Tiancheng nodded and didn't speak. If Zhang Fengyi can't do this well, then the Minister of War will be in vain.

"Kun Yuan, the old man came to Luoyang specifically to tell you that the Jiangning camp must be ready to go. We cannot deny the fierceness of the Houjin Tartars. There is no one in Changping Prefecture that can resist. The army, to put it bluntly, even the frontier army of Datong, can't stop Houjin's spirit. To complete such a blocking mission, only the Jiangning battalion. Entering Beijing."

"My lord, this junior has already started preparing."

Su Tiancheng turned his head and spoke to Hong Chengchou.

"Master Hong, I have already considered that the 5000 soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion, after receiving the imperial decree, were dispatched and divided into two armies, the front and rear, and rushed to the capital. Battalion, a total of [-] people, set off first, travel day and night, rush to the capital, you lead the rest of the soldiers, and then arrive, must, deal with the post-Gold Tartars, the artillery battalion is very important, it is only the action of the artillery battalion, it is impossible very."

Before Sun Chengzong could speak, Hong Chengchou spoke.

"Lord Su, you are the commander in chief. You should be in charge of the overall situation. I will lead the front army and rush to the capital, and you will lead the rear army and rush to the capital."

Su Tiancheng shook his head lightly.

"Lord Hong, we don't need to argue. I have already decided on this matter. From now on, the Jiangning Battalion will begin to assemble. All the soldiers will rush to Luoyang to gather and prepare for departure. Sun Chuanting will follow me and start first, and Bi Maokang and Xiong Zijian will follow. Lord Hong, arrived later, the specific meeting place is impossible to decide at the moment, we will make a decision according to the situation, time is urgent, I am afraid we are running out of time for preparation."

After Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Sun Chengzong spoke very seriously.

"Kun Yuan, the old man knows that you must have considered this matter, and you are already making preparations in advance. This is very good. Looking at this map, the old man is relieved. I remember that when we were in Baoding Mansion, the Jiangning Camp beheaded The matter of the Jinzheng Red Banner Tartars, now that I think about it, my blood is still boiling. The old man knows that when you arrive in the capital, you will definitely shine. ability, the old man is waiting for your good news."

"Kun Yuan, He Renlong led [-] sergeants and came to seek refuge. This is the old man's permission. The Jiangning camp is going to expand the army. Even if He Renlong is the first batch of soldiers sent by the old man, the old man also has a strong general Zuo Liangyu also wanted to come here, but at this very moment, the old man wants to prevent the bandits from Shaanxi from being restless, so Zuo Liangyu was left behind."

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