Ming politicians

Chapter 447 Confidence in Fighting

() Thanks to qiuguhan for the evaluation vote, and thanks to Fat Boy Bing for the reward, thank you

Azige's cruelty did not inspire the fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty. Everywhere he passed, there were traces of soldiers running. Seeing such a situation, Azige added to his arrogance. Three days later, the army arrived at the outskirts of Changping Fucheng. Only ten miles away.

The [-] troops finally reconciled.

Azig learned that Mingxi Zong's mausoleum was burned down, and the three thousand Ming troops guarding the mausoleum were all beheaded. He laughed loudly, and immediately pointed in the direction of Changping Mansion ahead, telling his officers to take down Changping Mansion. , The sergeant can slaughter the city for three days and do whatever he wants.

Hall of Mental Cultivation in the Forbidden City.

Zhu Youjian learned that Ming Xizong's mausoleum was destroyed and burned, and he was silent for a long time. He wanted to lose his temper, but he had no place to vent his anger. Wherever they passed, there was no grass growing, no human habitation could be seen, all the crops that had been planted were destroyed, thick smoke billowed everywhere along the way, and the corpses of soldiers and civilians were seen everywhere, people were being buried, it seemed like a hell on earth.

The trajectory of Azig's actions is obviously aimed at Changping Mansion, which is only a hundred miles away from the stables. If Azig goes crazy and takes action against the capital, it will be a headache.

The imperial decree has already been sent out. Liang Tingdong from Datong and Su Tiancheng from Henan Province should both receive the imperial decree in the near future and lead their troops to the stables. Datong is only eight hundred miles away from the stables. It turned out that Lu Xiangsheng stopped Azig at Juyongguan and delayed for three days, which was very precious time.At least it bought time for the Datong frontier army, and it could also make the stables more prepared.

Yang Sichang's face turned pale, and he entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Seeing Yang Sichang's face, Zhu Youjian's heart sank a little.

"Yang Aiqing, has the Datong frontier army set off yet?"

"Your Majesty. Liang Tingdong, the governor of Datong, replied that he was preparing. He said that he was in the direction of Datong. He also found the Houjin Tartars. The frontier army needs to be on guard. I'm afraid they won't be able to mobilize too many troops. They are going to the capital."

Zhu Youjian pointed at Yang Sichang, and was so angry that he was speechless.

This is obviously a fear of death. Although the combat effectiveness of the Datong frontier army is not strong, it is still slightly better than the guard army in Changping. After all, they have more time to contact the Golden Tartars.Unexpectedly, Liang Tingdong found such a reason.

Yang Sichang saw Zhu Youjian's face, and quickly spoke again.

"Liang Tingdong has already said that he is counting the sergeants and making preparations to try to arrive in the capital before June 25th."

A sneer appeared on Zhu Youjian's face.

"Huh, today is only June [-]th. It takes half a month to start from Datong. I don't know how long Liang Tingdong will need to prepare. I think he just waits for the time when the Tartars are besieging the stables, so come over and take a look." lively."

"The emperor appeases his anger, and I will go and urge the Datong frontier army to rush to the capital."

"Is there any news from Jiangning Camp?"

"I haven't received any news from Jiangning Camp yet. Luoyang, Henan Province is nearly two thousand miles away from the capital. It may take some time for Jiangning Camp to reach the stable. I estimate that Jiangning Camp will arrive at the end of the month, which is considered good."

Zhu Youjian sighed softly, Jiangning camp is far away from the stables, there is no other way.It will take time for tens of thousands of soldiers to rush to the stables. What he thinks of at the moment is the reinforcements from all over the country. The sooner they arrive at the stables, the less losses will be possible. If they arrive at the stables after the Golden Tartars have plundered, it is no longer meaningful. .

Yang Sichang walked out of the Hall of Mental Cultivation, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

He was in a panic everywhere, and he was at a loss. The Houjin Tatars had already surrounded Changping Mansion and started to attack. In Changping Mansion, all the sergeants combined, there are only more than [-] soldiers. Against the attack of a [-] army, it is impossible to last for a long time. Time, when the time comes, if the Datong frontier army fails to arrive, the land of Gyeonggi will suffer heavy losses.

The occurrence of such a situation has exceeded his expectations. The frontier troops of the Ningjin defense line will never dare to be mobilized. The Ningjin defense line guards the north gate of the capital. It is because of this line of defense that the pressure on the north of the capital has been reduced a lot.

Judging from the current situation, it is an indisputable fact that Liang Tingdong of Datong is afraid of the Empress Jin Tartars. Zhang Fengyi, governor of Liaodong, Lu Xiangsheng, governor of Liaodong, and Xiong Can, the left servant of the Ministry of War, are all besieged in Changping Mansion. What kind of trouble will arise, if these three people are killed in battle, or captured by the Tartars, it will be an unimaginable situation.

For the time being, the Datong frontier army may not be able to be relied on, and the rest is the Jiangning battalion.

But the distance is too far, and it feels like the water is far away and the thirst is not quenched.

If Azig's invasion of the pass this time caused too heavy losses, he, the Minister of the Ministry of War, would be ready to take the blame and resign before his butt was hot.

A dead horse is regarded as a living horse doctor. At this time, Yang Sichang can only continue to urge Liang Tingdong of Datong in the name of the Ministry of War to lead the army to rescue the siege. The key point is to solve the troubles in Changping, at least to rescue Zhang Fengyi, Lu Xiangsheng and Xiong Can .

Changping Fucheng.

The air was extremely heavy, and the entire city of Changping was under martial law.

After Lu Xiangsheng led Wang Pu and others to enter Changping Mansion, the city gate was closed immediately.

This is the result of Lu Xiangsheng's insistence. The city gate is closed, and the time for opening the city gate every day is no more than one hour. The inspection procedure is very strict. This way, on the one hand, it is to prevent Hou Jin's spies from mixing into the city. Prevention, another purpose, is also to show the determination to live and die with Changping Fucheng.

The low morale of the sergeants was the most troublesome thing for Zhang Fengyi, Lu Xiangsheng, and Xiong Can. In fact, not only the sergeants below, but also Zhang Fengyi himself did not have much confidence. How could a mere 2 sergeants resist a [-] army siege, and without reinforcements.

The Changping government office has been temporarily requisitioned as the army headquarters.

Zhang Fengyi, Lu Xiangsheng, and Xiong Can entered the secret room, where they wanted to discuss what to do next.

Looking at Lu Xiangsheng and Xiong Can, Zhang Fengyi forced a smile on his face.

"Your Excellency Lu did a great job against the Golden Tatars after fighting at Juyongguan. After gaining time, the emperor still issued an order to recruit the Datong Frontier Army and the Jiangning Camp and rush to the stables. I believe it will not take long. The crisis in the capital will be resolved. lifted."

There was not much expression on Lu Xiangsheng's face. The Changping Mansion was facing a fierce battle. At this time, Zhang Fengyi still said that this evil was of no use. He had already experienced the bravery of the Houjin Tartars in the battle of Juyongguan. Logically speaking, the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, Fighting face-to-face with the Houjin Tartars will not have any chance of winning, but if they are united against each other and guard the city, there is still hope. After all, the [-] Houjin Tartars do not have much support.

There are still quite a few people in Changping Prefecture. At the very moment, organizing these people can at least make up for the shortage of manpower.

Zhang Fengyi should have talked about this matter instead of reviewing the battle at Juyongguan.

Xiong Can lowered his head and said nothing.

Seeing this situation, Zhang Fengyi spoke again.

"Second lords, the [-] Tartars of the Empress Dowager are besieging Changping Mansion. It is estimated that it will be more or less auspicious. I see if it is a memorial to the emperor and the Ministry of War. If they cannot hold on, break out of the encirclement and keep the limited force. "

Just after Zhang Fengyi finished speaking, Lu Xiangsheng spoke.

"My lord, I think it's wrong. The Tartars lack the equipment to attack the city. Most of them are cavalry. Although they are brave, they may not be able to fully display them. There are more than 2 soldiers in Changping Mansion, and there are more than 7 civilians. It is close to 10 people. At the very moment, these people can be organized to resist the Jin Tartars. You must know that when the city is broken, jade and stone will be burned. I believe the common people understand. Datong must be able to rush to the capital. Datong is not far from the capital. It is less than [-] miles away from Changping Mansion. As long as we stick to the city, the Datong frontier army will arrive soon. Being surrounded by soldiers is also not good for them."

Xiong Can, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

"The lower officials think that it is better to be prepared. Although there are so many people in Changping Fucheng, they have never experienced battles on the battlefield. They may not be able to play a big role. Don't count on them until the critical moment. As for The Datong frontier army still doesn't know when they will rush to the stables, and whether they will go to Changping Mansion to rescue them. Therefore, they must report the situation of Changping Mansion to the imperial court and organize soldiers to resist desperately. Consider ways to break through."

Lu Xiangsheng was so angry that he stood up, the battle was imminent, and among the main generals, there were such thoughts, such vacillations, how could it be possible to organize the soldiers to resist with all their strength, and how could they mobilize the people to resist.

"Master Lu, don't get excited. I know what you think. In the past two days, a large number of people have fled from Changping City. There is a way out, the later Jin Tartars are all cavalry, and it is easy to deal with the unarmed common people."

Lu Xiangsheng's heart began to sink. At such a moment, how could the people in the city be allowed to leave? The people don't know that panic and fear are normal, and there is no shame in thinking about running away. But when the army is stationed in Fucheng, the people's psychology must be stabilized. , Tell the people that there is no way to survive if they escape, this is the most basic way to deal with it.

"My lord, I think that the people in the Fucheng can't be allowed to leave. They can't escape. The reason why the Houjin Tartars didn't immediately besiege Changping Fucheng may be their trick. The people going out of the city are actually sending them to their deaths. ,Yesterday and the day before yesterday, the subordinate officials saw that some pus poured into the Fucheng, and these people should strictly check to prevent the spies of the Houjin Tartars from mixing in."

Zhang Fengyi nodded, but he was obviously absent-minded, as if he didn't really care about Lu Xiangsheng's opinion.

"Lord Lu, you still have the full authority to command the defense of the city, and you will make all the arrangements."

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