() On June [-]th, Su Tiancheng received the emperor's imperial edict.

Generally speaking, the Ministry of War issued an edict to send troops. All the armies of the Ming Dynasty were under the direct jurisdiction of the Ministry of War. There were very few emperors who issued orders directly. But this time, the order to send troops from the Jiangning Battalion, It turned out to be an imperial decree. From this, Su Tiancheng knew that Azige led his troops into the pass, and the situation in Beizhili was very critical.

The Jiangning Battalion has already made preparations. After many years of fighting and training, all the soldiers have long been accustomed to the order of emergency assembly. As long as the order is issued, all preparations can be made within a day.

This time, Qu Qingze made up his mind. When the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp stationed in Shanzhou were dispatched to Luoyang, Qu Qingze also followed the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp and went directly to Luoyang County. It was a journey of more than three hundred miles. In one day, the army arrived at the Jiangning Camp in Luoyang County.

Su Tiancheng did not ask Qu Qingze to leave, but acquiesced to Qu Qingze's actions with the army.

Zhang Pu was already at his fingertips with regard to the affairs of the Henan government office, and he didn't need to worry too much. Su Tiancheng also had a hunch that after the Jiangning battalion army attacked this time, he might leave Henan government, or go to the stables, or If it is going to Shaanxi, Ming Dynasty cannot always face the situation of fighting on both sides. It must use the fastest speed to wipe out the rogues, and then deal with the Houjin Tartars with all its strength. .

The development of history has already proved this point.

On behalf of the imperial court, Xu Eryi, the right servant of the Ministry of War, must have endured a lot of hardships along the way when he came to announce the decree. The imperial decree came down on June [-]th, but it took only three days.As soon as Xu Er came to Luoyang.

Bathing clothes, after receiving the imperial decree, Su Tiancheng suggested whether Xu Eryi should rest in Luoyang for two days and make adjustments.Lead the Jiangning battalion army by yourself and set off immediately.

As soon as Xu Er arrived at the barracks, he found that the Jiangning battalion soldiers were ready to go. He felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, and there were already people talking about it in the court.It was said that the Jiangning camp might become Su Tiancheng's private soldiers, and that control must be strengthened to avoid problems in the future. Xu Eryi ruthlessly refuted such views. In private, he was also a little worried.In case the imperial court encounters a crisis and the Jiangning camp refuses to obey the dispatch, wouldn't something big happen.

What he saw dispelled Xu Eryi's worries.

Long before departure, Yang Sichang said with certainty that Jiang Ningying's ultimate hope for the imperial court to deal with the crisis of Hou Jin's entry into the customs.In other words, only when the Jiangning battalion rushed to the stables could all problems be resolved.Moreover, Yang Sichang told Xu Eryi that the Jiangning camp must be ready, and when the imperial decree arrives, they can set off.

The situation in the stable is critical, so of course Xu Eryi will not rest in Luoyang.

Seeing Xu Er's insistence, Su Tiancheng didn't say anything, and issued an order for all the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp to gather at the Cao Cao.Soon, all the officers in the room went out, leaving behind Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou.

"Master Xu, I'm about to issue an order to the officers and men of the Jiangning Camp. Please, Master Xu, speak a few words on behalf of the imperial court."

"sure no problem."

"Master Hong, please read the decree."

Hong Chengchou nodded, the [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Camp, including the [-] soldiers brought by He Renlong, made a total of [-] soldiers, all gathered in the Cao field, this was the first time.

On the grass field, all the soldiers stood neatly, including the horses, and they were very quiet.

But in this quietness, there is an aura, an aura soaring to the sky, like a bow and arrow ready to go, once it is shot out, it will definitely have an earth-shattering impact.

Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and Xu Eryi walked slowly onto the wooden platform.

Both Hong Chengchou and Xu Eryi felt shocked. It was the first time for both of them to see such a formation. There were more than 3000 people, and there was a lot of noise. What kind of training is needed.

In particular, Hong Chengchou, who has led troops for a long time, knows that 3000 people are uniform. The Jiangning camp was only a few days old, and it was affected, and it also complied with the military regulations of the Jiangning camp.

"Inspector Hong please read the imperial decree."

Su Tiancheng shouted loudly, and in an instant, [-] soldiers knelt on one knee, shouting loudly.

"Welcome to the imperial decree..."

Hong Chengchou felt his blood boil, and couldn't help speaking loudly, and read out the imperial decree.

Seeing all this, Xu Er's body trembled slightly. He fully believed that after the more than 3 Jiangning battalion soldiers arrived at the capital, the Houjin Tartars would suffer a severe blow. The days of the Tartars' arrogance are about to pass.

After the imperial decree was read out, all the soldiers stood up, and the voice was very crisp, as if it was an action made by one person.

"Master Imperial Envoy, Mr. Xu, the right servant of the Ministry of War, please speak."

"stand at attention...."

The voices sounded one after another, very short, and all the soldiers stood at attention quickly. This is the rule of the Jiangning camp. When listening to the lecture, they must stand at attention.

Su Tiancheng asked Xu Er to come forward to give a lecture, Xu Er's lips trembled for a long time, and he tried his best to shout out a few words.

"Soldiers of the Jiangning camp, the emperor has high hopes for you. Seeing is better than hearing a hundred times. I have seen your demeanor today. I believe that after you arrive in the capital, you will definitely defeat the arrogant post-gold tartars. I don't have much to say. I wish you all the best!" You started victorious and returned triumphantly..."

It was Su Tiancheng's turn to speak, and this was also the rule, Su Tiancheng always spoke last, sometimes he said a few more words, sometimes he didn't say anything, and asked the soldiers to go straight away.

Everyone's eyes were focused on Su Tiancheng.

"Brothers, the imperial decree has come, and we are about to set off. We will rush to the stables to exterminate the Tartars. The Jiangning camp has fought numerous battles, and each time it has won brilliant victories. The contributions of the brothers have created the prestige of the Jiangning camp and achieved great success. The military soul of the Jiangning Camp, I want to thank my brothers."

"Later Golden Emperor Taiji sent his younger brother Azige to lead a hundred thousand elite Tatars to enter the customs through the entrance of Xifeng, and they are now looting in our Daming territory. Brothers know that the Tartars are brutal, they burn and kill Jianyin, and they do no evil. , As soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, can we watch all this happen? No, we are soldiers, defending our home and country, resisting foreign invasion, this is our natural duty."

"Azig is known as the No. [-] brave general of the Houjin. I am very happy to hear such rumors. The Jiangning camp needs to prove itself. We are the strongest. Let the strongest brave general of the Houjin Tartars be in the Jiangning camp. Trembling in front of you."

"But I also want to remind my brothers that we underestimate the Golden Tatars strategically, but we must attach great importance to our opponents tactically. We must never underestimate our opponents or be negligent. We must admit that under the current situation, The Houjin Tartars are the strongest opponents of the Jiangning camp, and we will face the most severe test."

"Finally, I would like to emphasize a few words, don't give up and don't give up, this is the military rule of the Jiangning Camp. What's more important is that the cooperation between brothers is a matter of life and death. When the Jiangning Camp was first established, I said that all the brothers in the Jiangning Camp , Take care of each other with breath, care about pain and itching, walk together through fire, walk through water together, raise a glass to make way for victory, and use all one's strength to save each other if you lose, if you can't do this, you don't deserve to stay in Jiangning camp."

"Swords and swords, fighting and fighting, there will always be sacrifices. Many brothers in Jiangningying have done great things and got married. It is the same sentence. There are three heirs who are unfilial. Those whose family members have not conceived children, or have not yet Those who have a family will all serve as the reserve team, and they cannot go to the front line, but to go to the front line to fight, so you will work harder at home from now on."

Having said that, there was a burst of laughter from the playground, and it became very quiet.

"Brothers, let us kill the enemy and destroy the Tartars..."

"Destroy the Tartars, protect Ming Dynasty..."

The deafening shouts sounded and went straight into the sky.

The family members and common people near the barracks had been waiting outside the barracks for a long time. The people in Luoyang City also knew that the Jiangning camp was about to go out. Needless to say, judging by the posture, they were also ready to fight.

The Jiangning Camp was stationed in Henan Mansion, and they had never committed any crimes. They had already formed a deep relationship with the people around them. This time, all the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp went out to fight, which was unprecedented.

The army marched out and walked out of the barracks.

A dense crowd of people stood outside the barracks.

Seeing the sergeant walking out silently, the surrounding voices rang out.

"The Jiangning battalion is mighty, and it will definitely win..."

"Brothers kill the enemy as much as you want, come early..."

"Jiangning camp is the enemy of the world..."

Slogans one after another, Xu Er watched all this silently, and there were too many things that he couldn't think of.

He had even seen that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion fought fiercely on the battlefield, and the Tartars they killed were defeated.

Zhang Pu led the officials of the Henan government, and they were already waiting by the official road.

Behind him, there is a row of wine jars, which are farewell wine.

Su Tiancheng picked up the wine bowl and spoke to Zhang Pu.

"Master Zhang, the Jiangning camp is rushing to the stables to wipe out the tartars. I entrust you and your colleagues with regard to all matters concerning the government office and the military camp. The Jiangning camp will definitely come back within a month or two at least, or half a year at the most."

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely do my best. I wish the Jiangning camp an early triumph."

After the army walked out of the five miles, the surrounding gradually became quiet.

Soon, Wang Dazhi came to Su Tiancheng's side.

"My lord, look at the hillside opposite."

Su Tiancheng looked up and saw a girl in red clothes standing on the opposite hillside.

Seeing this familiar figure, Su Tiancheng waved his hand, it was Gu Hengbo.

Knowing that Su Tiancheng was going to lead the Jiangning battalion soldiers to the stables to exterminate the Tartars, Gu Hengbo cried at home for a whole night, but she also knew that this time it was the emperor's imperial decree that Su Tiancheng had to go to the stables. It was impossible to stop him at all, but when Su Tiancheng set off, her heart was empty, she couldn't help it, she came to the hillside ahead of time, just to see her husband and send him off to the expedition.

"My lord, are you going to have a look?"

"Nonsense, the army has already been dispatched, how can there be love between children and daughters."

After waving his hand, Su Tiancheng raised his whip, and the steed let out a long cry, and quickened its pace, leaving behind a trail of dust.

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