() Su Tiancheng led [-] soldiers to the capital, day and night.

Luoyang is close to two thousand miles away from the capital, and before departure, Su Tiancheng has already made a request that he must arrive at the capital within five days, time is tight, and there must be no delay on the way.

The army set off on June [-] and had to arrive at the capital on June [-].

As for the Shenji Battalion, Infantry Battalion, and Artillery Battalion led by Hong Chengchou, they must arrive at the capital within ten days, and there must be no delay. The meeting place of the front army and the rear army is determined according to the battle situation.

Just when the Jiangning battalion rushed to the capital, the land of Beizhili was already panicked.

Azig is not dead wood, he only left [-] soldiers to attack Changping Mansion, and the remaining [-] soldiers detoured Changping Mansion and headed directly towards Bei Jing. One piece, after all, soldiers still need to get gold and silver treasures in battle, so leaving fifty thousand soldiers to attack Changping Mansion is already very good.

Azig divided his troops again, causing great panic.

Azig personally led the Tartars who bypassed the Changping Mansion, and the journey was overwhelming. In just four days, they arrived in the suburbs of Beijing, which is only more than twenty miles away from the North Stable.This day is June thirteenth.

Sure enough, Zhu Youjian was right. The Datong frontier army still didn't feel that the stables were coming. I'm afraid they were waiting to see the Tartar army and besieged the stables.

All the people I met along the way were Ming army sergeants who were fleeing.

Azig had already ordered not to pay attention to the villages and towns along the way. The main target of the army was still the towns. In fact, there were almost no people in the villages and towns that the army passed by.Those who could escape, all escaped.

After Azig led the army to the outskirts of Beijing, the tension in the stables became high.

No one thought.Azig was so bold that he wanted to attack the stables with [-] soldiers. He was too arrogant. The capital had already been under martial law and the city gates were closed.Even though the people outside the city howled, they would not open it.

Inside the stable, no army could face the Tartars led by Azig head-on. What could be done was to close the city gates tightly, and Azig did not have the ability to attack the stable.

But no one is sure.Who knows if Azig will go crazy? If he leads an army to attack the stables and causes losses, who can bear the responsibility.

Wen Tiren and Yang Sichang are like ants on a hot pot, one is the chief assistant of the cabinet, and the other is the minister of the Ministry of War.Both of them have direct responsibilities. In the past few days, the emperor's temper has become more and more serious. When the two faced the emperor, they were even speechless. Did Liang Tingdong, the governor of Datong, have taken the courage of the leopard? The situation is so critical, and he still doesn't send troops to the stables.

Yang Sichang has tried his best and sent several imperial edicts to Datong in succession.His tone became more and more severe. Liang Tingdong always said that he would lead troops to Beijing immediately, but he couldn't see him for a long time.

As for the Jiangning camp, based on the time calculation, it can reach the stables on June [-].Even if it's amazing.

On June [-]th, Azig led an army of [-], marched forward again, and set up camp ten miles away from the stable.

Inside the stable, a high degree of martial law was imposed, and on the city wall, densely packed sergeants, red cannons, general cannons, bows and crossbows were all placed, and there must be no mistakes in the stables.

Wen Tiren and Yang Sichang personally went to the city wall to check the preparations of the soldiers.

On June [-]th, Azig led the army to set off, which aroused high tension in the capital.

Unexpectedly, Azig didn't attack the capital, and headed towards Fangshan with a feint shot. The [-] troops who attacked Changping Mansion also rushed directly to Fangshan.

Such a marching route was beyond everyone's expectations.

In fact, Azig followed the counselor's advice. Because the army was aggressive and the Ming capital was under martial law, almost all the soldiers in the territory were transferred to the area around the Changping capital, regardless of whether they dared to confront the army or not.

From Fangshan to Baoding Mansion, there were almost no soldiers guarding them. This was the best opportunity for the army to loot.

Yang Sichang was the first to understand Azig's arrangement, but there was nothing he could do, he could only watch the Tartars plunder around the capital, and Da Ming had no power to fight back.

This is not just a disgrace, Azig led a hundred thousand of the Golden Tartars, plundered the capital, talked about the Ming Dynasty, but there was nothing to do.

Fangshan County was quickly captured, and news of the massacre spread to the stables.

Zhu Youjian's face was ashen, and he was even going to bring the Beijing camp to the imperial conquest. Of course, this idea was stopped by Wen Tiren and others. Just kidding, the emperor is the root of the country.

The [-] soldiers of the Jiangning Camp led by Su Tiancheng entered Beizhili via Huaiqing Mansion and Weihui Mansion.

This is the shortest route. Coincidentally, the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp did not meet the Tartars led by Azig. This is also because Su Tiancheng considered the situation differently. The main purpose was to reach the capital as much as possible, and ignore the rest for the time being.

On June [-]th, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion led by Su Tiancheng arrived in the suburbs of the capital. At this time, Azig had already led the army, left the suburbs of Beijing, and headed for Fangshan County. Su Tiancheng knew all the information. But he couldn't lead the army to meet the enemy, he had to go to the stable first to meet the emperor.

In the early morning of June [-], [-] soldiers from the Jiangning camp arrived at the stables.

The stables were still under martial law. Some soldiers had spotted the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion long ago. After all, the military uniforms that Jiangning Battalion wore were the military uniforms of the Ming Dynasty. They were flaming red and easily recognizable.

A sergeant reported to the superior officer very much.

The officers didn't dare to open the city gate, and shouted on the city wall. When they learned that the Jiangning battalion from Henan Province had arrived, the officers felt incredible. It was originally estimated that it would take at least five days for the Jiangning battalion to arrive at the capital.

The officer did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly reported to the next level.

Zhu Youjian learned that Su Tiancheng led the Jiangning battalion soldiers and had arrived at the stables, so he hurried to the Hall of Supreme Harmony without taking a shower.

Seeing Wen Tiren and others waiting here, Zhu Youjian spoke.

"Hurry up and open the gate of the city, let the soldiers of the Jiangning camp enter the city, order, don't delay, let Su Tiancheng enter the palace, I want to see him."

After saying this, Zhu Youjian muttered to himself.

"It's unbelievable, it's unbelievable, so I'm in the capital."

At this moment, Zhu Youjian's mood suddenly improved. Jiang Ningying came to the capital, and he had a backbone. Anyway, he finally had an army that could face the Houjin Tartars head-on.

Riding horses was not allowed in the stables, but this time was an exception. Su Tiancheng and Sun Chuanting rode their horses and galloped, and did not get off their horses until they were outside the Forbidden City.

Zhu Youjian is still waiting in the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Seeing Su Tiancheng, Sun Chuanting and Xu Eryi who came in, all three of them had black eye circles, Zhu Youjian was filled with emotion.

"Su Aiqing, Sun Aiqing, Xu Aiqing, you have worked hard."

"After receiving the imperial decree, I led the Jiangning battalion soldiers to set off immediately. I and Mr. Sun led the [-] soldiers of the Jiangning battalion and arrived at the stables first. Master Hong led [-] soldiers and arrived five days later. The minister was late. Please punish the emperor."

Just as Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Xu Er spoke up.

"Your Majesty, I arrived in Luoyang on the evening of June [-]th, and set off early in the morning on the twelfth day of the Jiangning Camp. Lord Su and Lord Sun led the army and traveled day and night. It took only four days to arrive at the stables. Along the way, Lord Su and Lord Sun Mr. Sun leads the way, and hardly rests."

Zhu Youjian waved his hand.

"Even if Xu Aiqing didn't say anything, I knew it. Four days, two thousand miles, nearly [-] troops rushed to the stables. This is not something ordinary soldiers can do. Su Aiqing and the Jiangning battalion rushed to the stables. My heart is at ease. "

Wen Tiren finally waited for the opportunity to speak.

"Master Su, the Jiangning battalion has [-] soldiers, and the Tartars have an army of [-]. I don't know how Lord Su plans to meet the enemy."

"Returning to my lord, this official has already thought about it along the way. This time, the Jiangning battalion will face the Empress Jin Tartars head-on. If they fight, they will beat the Tartars to death. Don't think that if you enter my Daming realm, you can run amok. This official has already thought about it." After that, this time against the Tartars, at least [-] Tartars will be wiped out."

The Hall of Mental Cultivation was very quiet, even Zhu Youjian didn't speak, annihilating 3000 Tartars, you know, Jiangning Camp only has 10 people, how can they annihilate [-] Tartars, there are [-] Tartars Ah, if they are all overwhelmed, it is unknown whether the Jiangning Battalion can bear it. After all, the Tartars are different from the rogues, and their combat effectiveness is not at the same level.

The surroundings became quiet, and Su Tiancheng knew that everyone had doubts.

"Your Majesty, I am willing to issue a military order to wipe out [-] Tartars within a month and expel Azig. If Azig is arrogant, I will even take his life."

Zhu Youjian's lips trembled, and he stood up suddenly.

"Okay, okay, Su Aiqing doesn't need to issue a military order, just do what you can. The Jiangning battalion needs all the equipment, food, horses, and war horses. The Ministry of War will satisfy all of them. Yang Aiqing, this matter will be implemented immediately without delay."

Yang Sichang looked at Su Tiancheng, his eyes were a bit complicated, he felt that Su Tiancheng's tone was too loud, don't think that after destroying many rogue bandits, he can despise the Houjin Tartars, the fighting power of the Tartars is different from ordinary ones.

As for the provision of food, grass, army and horses, the Ministry of War can certainly satisfy, with less than 2 people, not much food and grass will be consumed.

The eunuch entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation and reported it.

"Your Majesty, the right servant of the Ministry of War, the imperial envoy of the right capital, and the governor of Datong, Mr. Liang Tingdong, led the army and arrived at the stable."

Zhu Youjian's eyes almost burst into flames. Datong is less than [-] miles away from the capital, and it took such a long time to get there. Didn't it happen that he saw the Houjin Tartars attacking Fangshan, so he came to the capital? up.Compared with Jiang Ningying, he felt that the gap was too great, and this Liang Tingdong deserved to be killed.

Wen Tiren realized that something was wrong and spoke up.

"Your Majesty, Master Liang has arrived with the Datong frontier army. After the fight, the Jin Tarzi's army is much stronger."

After a while, Zhu Youjian spoke.

"I won't see Liang Aiqing anymore. I passed the decree to give Su Tiancheng the Shangfang sword. With this Shangfang sword, Su Tiancheng can control all the troops that guard the capital and fight against the Houjin Tartars. If there are any who don't follow his orders, he can kill them first and then attack them. It's easy to do."

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