Ming politicians

Chapter 450 The first battle must be won

() Of course, Su Tiancheng would not be so arrogant. He said big things by himself, mainly to appease Zhu Youjian, lest Zhu Youjian get anxious and get confused. According to his own temper, he definitely did not say these words voluntarily.If the emperor bestowed Shangfang Sword on him because of saying these words, it would be too wronged. I didn't expect to have such great power.

Of course, everyone understands that the reason why the emperor gave Su Tiancheng the Shangfang Sword is because of the performance of the Jiangning Camp. It took only four days to arrive in two thousand miles. This kind of performance is shocking. There are a lot of credits, and it is definitely not blown out. Judging from the current situation, only the Jiangning Camp is qualified to directly compete with the Houjin Tartars.

Su Tiancheng was very conscious, took Shangfang's sword, left the Hall of Mental Cultivation, and went directly to the Ministry of War.

Wen Tiren and Yang Sichang are both in the Ministry of War.

"Master Wen, Lord Yang, there are evils in the lower officials. I didn't say it before, but now I want to talk about it."

Neither Wen Tiren nor Yang Sichang spoke, but nodded at the same time.

"The emperor bestowed Shang Fang's sword on his minister. This is his trust and encouragement to his minister. I think that at this very moment, I still have to rely on Shang Fang's sword for some things. The opportunity to fight is changing rapidly. If you can't be arbitrary, it may cause a lot of delays." As for the matter, the subordinate has two requirements. The first is that the Datong frontier army led by Mr. Liang Tingdong should obey the unified command of the subordinate. As for the Beijing camp, the subordinate officials would never dare to dispatch them. The status of the stables is too important. The sergeants in the stables, the subordinate officials will not dispatch a single soldier. Their The duty is still to guard the stables."

Wen Tiren looked at Yang Sichang and spoke slowly.

"Lord Su, your request is reasonable and there is no problem. The Datong frontier army came to the stables to fight against the Houjin Tartars. It is also their duty to cooperate with the Jiangning camp. As for Master Liang, the officials are here to go Said. According to the official's opinion, Mr. Liang should stay in the stable and think about the matter carefully. Mr. Yang, what do you think?"

"Your Excellency, I think the lower officials think. Master Su's proposal is good, but the matter of annihilating the [-] Golden Tartars is not a bit of a mystery."

Yang Sichang had good intentions, Su Tiancheng boasted so much in front of the emperor, that he would not be able to complete the task at that time, so he had to find a way to mend this loophole instead of finding a way after the fact.It is better to prepare in advance.

Wen Tiren nodded slightly, thinking that what Yang Sichang said was reasonable.

Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng opened his mouth very much.

"Since the lower official said to wipe out the [-] Golden Tartars, he must do it. How to face the battle, the lower official has an idea in his mind, but he needs to make adjustments at any time according to changes in the current situation. Please forgive me for not being able to report in detail. gone."

This time, Wen Tiren stood up.

He knew that Su Tiancheng would not just open his mouth to promise.In the past few years, Su Tiancheng has done too many earth-shattering things, but he has always kept a low profile and never publicized them. Why is he so confident this time.Why do you say such words.

"Master Su, there is a joke in the army, do you have any special considerations, just say it."

"The morale can't be discouraged. The late Jin Tartars went deep into our Ming Dynasty, burned, killed and looted, and the sky was angry. If they can't teach them a lesson, there will be more and more troubles in the future. The officials think that the rogues in Shaanxi have not yet Completely wiped out, at this moment, no matter how you want Houjin to feel, you should not underestimate our Da Ming soldiers, and you must not enter our Da Ming territory at will. If you enter our Daming territory at will, you will have to pay a heavy price. This battle is painful. After Jin, they will be really afraid, otherwise, our Ming Dynasty will face the situation of fighting on two fronts, which is very unfavorable."

Wen Tiren nodded frequently, and immediately spoke after Su Tiancheng finished speaking.

"Okay, Lord Su has such determination. Guan and Lord Yang are waiting for your good news. The Datong frontier army brought by Lord Liang is a total of 3 people. All of them are at your disposal. The emperor has given you Shang Fang's sword. How to fight? How to deploy, you can be arbitrary, what supplies the Jiangning battalion needs, just say it."

At this time, Su Tiancheng would not be polite, and spoke without hesitation.

"The lower officials need [-] war horses, and the rest can be solved by themselves."

This request is not low, five thousand war horses is equivalent to nearly 30 taels of silver, but at a critical moment, Su Tiancheng made such a request, it is really nothing, if he can wipe out [-] Tartars, it will be more than just a reward.

Wen Tiren nodded.

"Okay, then Master Yang, please implement it immediately. Five thousand war horses will be in place within tomorrow."

Lu Xiangsheng, who was still in Changping Mansion, was very surprised when he received the imperial edict from the imperial court. He never imagined that he would be transferred directly to the Jiangning camp to fight against the Jin Tartars. Quickly rushed to the Jingying camp located in the suburbs of Beijing, the soldiers of the Jiangning camp and the Datong frontier army were all waiting here.

As soon as it got dark, Lu Xiangsheng rushed to the Jingying in the suburbs of Beijing.

All the sergeants of the Beijing camp have been transferred to the stables and are responsible for guarding the capital. The Houjin [-] Tartars led by Azig are still active in the area around the capital. At this time, the soldiers of the Beijing camp will not withdraw So, the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army who rushed to the stables are naturally stationed here.

Entering the camp, Lu Xiangsheng found a strange scene. The left side of the camp was quiet and sergeants could be seen walking back and forth, but no one spoke. , Noisy, many sergeants walked around casually, still talking, and even swearing.

There is a big difference between the sergeants on the left and right.

Needless to say, those stationed on the left must be soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion, and those on the right are the frontier troops from Datong.

Outside the tent of the Chinese Army, there were quite a few officers standing.

Under the leadership of the sergeant, Lu Xiangsheng walked straight into the tent of the Chinese army.

There were not many people in the tent of the Chinese army, but there was a young man sitting in the middle, whom Lu Xiangsheng knew, this man was Su Tiancheng, the magistrate of Henan Prefecture and commander of the Jiangning Battalion.On both sides of the head, sat some officers with very serious expressions. Among them, Sun Chuanting and others, Lu Xiangsheng was familiar with.

In front of Su Tiancheng, there was a sand table, which was very big, with many flags planted on it.

"Master Lu is here, I have been waiting for you for a long time."

"Master Su, Lu is here to report by order."

Lu Xiangsheng knew about Jiang Ningying and Su Tiancheng's prestige, but he had only heard about it before, and this time he really saw Jiang Ningying. He had to see the specific situation himself before he believed it.

"Master Lu, the army will be ready to launch tomorrow. The military situation is urgent, so I won't repeat it. The corresponding procedures have also been simplified. Your main task is to lead the [-] Datong frontier army to cooperate with the Jiangning battalion."

Lu Xiangsheng was stunned for a moment, and frowned slightly.

Of course, this action cannot escape Su Tiancheng's eyes.

It seems that people who have something to do are a little arrogant. There is nothing strange about it. People who are low-key and have something to do are rare after all. Facing people like Lu Xiangsheng, they can only speak with the results of their battles.

"Lord Lu, your task is not light. The governor of Datong, Mr. Liang Tingdong, led [-] soldiers to the stables day and night. They arrived yesterday, but Lord Liang was not feeling well and was recuperating in the stables. Therefore, these [-] soldiers, The unification is under your direct command. I don't need to introduce the situation of the Tartars. You know very well that I have issued a military order in front of the emperor. This time, I want to wipe out [-] Tartars, so that Houjin dare not underestimate me, Daming. Dare to enter my Daming territory at will."

This time, it was Lu Xiangsheng's turn to open his mouth and wipe out [-] Tartars. This is not a joke. Even if the Jiangning Camp is brave and good at fighting, the Houjin Tartars are not easy to use. Who knows, so many years have passed, Every time the Hou Jin Tartars entered the pass, they would show off their might. The frontier soldiers and guards had no choice but to stick to the important cities.

Su Tiancheng's expression became serious.

"Lord Lu, I know that you are brave and good at fighting, so I implore the emperor to join us in the battle to exterminate the Tartars. If you feel inconvenient, or have doubts about the Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army, you can do so." Say it, I won't force it. Once you accept the mission, the army jokes that at this critical moment, you can't have the slightest hesitation. If you make decisions on your own and don't obey the dispatch, resulting in a change in the battle situation, I will not forgive you lightly .”

"First the villain and then the gentleman, according to the rules, I must first tell Mr. Lu that the emperor gave me the Shangfang sword for the purpose of unifying the military order. I admire Mr. Lu's demeanor, and I don't want to quarrel with each other over small things. Unpleasant."

Lu Tianming finally came to his senses.

"Master Su, this subordinate obeys orders."

"Okay, my request is very simple, but it is also very difficult to fulfill. The Datong frontier army rushed to the stables yesterday. I observed carefully. Their discipline is a little lax. The sergeants don't have much confidence. To put it bluntly, they are just afraid." The post-gold Tartars and the sergeants are pessimistic, how can they fight against the post-gold tartars in such a state."

"Your task is to lead the [-] Datong frontier troops in the next period of time, and complete the corresponding tasks according to the steps we have discussed. On the battlefield, what is needed is blood, and running away is a taboo, which seriously affects the morale of the army."

"Since the Datong frontier army has participated in the battle, I will not take special care of them. The tasks they undertake will not be much easier than the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion. I hope they will show their blood in the next battle."

"Master Lu, I believe that you will be able to do it."


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