Ming politicians

Chapter 451 The first battle must be won

() (Thanks to jesonshers for the reward and evaluation ticket, and to xiaoyuanmcu for the monthly ticket, thank you. High speed

Su Tiancheng quickly got to the point.

He came to consider letting Sun Chuanting directly command the Datong Frontier Army, but finally changed his mind. After all, Lu Xiangsheng has been in the Ministry of War for so many years, and he is stronger than Sun Chuanting in terms of seniority and influence. After all, Sun Chuanting's influence is only In the Jiangning camp.The Datong Frontier Army is a very important force and must be fully utilized.

"Everyone, please come to the sand table."

After Lu Xiangsheng approached, he finally saw the sand table clearly.

"According to the information detected by the scouts, Azig led the Tartars to capture Fangshan County. He may have lost his mind, leaving five thousand Tartars stationed in Fangshan County. These [-] Tartars must have been waiting in Fangshan County, waiting for Azig’s return, or they may have plundered too many people and money, which is not easy to carry, which affects the speed of the march, so they chose to put it here.”

"The army led by Azig has already entered the territory of Baoding Mansion. The troops are divided into two groups, heading towards the city of Baoding Mansion all the way, and heading towards the city, Xiong County and Hejian Mansion all the way. It can be seen that their hearts are very big. Yes, the plan is to plunder around Beizhili in an all-round way."

"Azig is very arrogant. Wherever the army passed by, he didn't hide his whereabouts at all. It seemed that he didn't care about me, Sergeant Ming. This is our advantage. Azig would never have thought that we would take the initiative to launch an attack."

"Look at the terrain, everyone. The distance from the capital to Fangshan County is about 240 miles. The cavalry can attack in half a day. Fangshan County is [-] miles away from Baoding Fucheng. Azig led the army and has rushed to Baoding Fucheng. That is to say, Azig's army is more than two hundred miles away from the defenders in Fangshan County."

"I have to say that Azig is too arrogant. This is our best chance."

"Today is June [-]th, and Azig is the last chapter of the peerless genius doctor who captured Fangshan County on June [-]th. He left Fangshan County yesterday, led the army, and entered Baoding Mansion in two ways. They were basically cavalry. Very, the scouts detected the news last night. It is estimated that Azig can reach Baoding Fucheng today."

"The white flag indicates the location of the army led by Azig, and the black flag indicates the position of the Tartars staying in Fangshan County. You can take a closer look."

"Okay, that's it for the specific situation. I've decided. The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion will all attack and rush to Fangshan County to wipe out the [-] Tartars guarding Fangshan County."

As soon as these words came out, Lu Xiangsheng was stunned. He didn't expect that Su Tiancheng had such a big appetite, and the fighting power of the Tartars was very good. He didn't know how long it would take to wipe out these 5000 people.If Azig got the information and led the army to come to the rescue, wouldn't the Jiangning battalion be under the enemy's back and forth, and there would be a big event, and it would be difficult to resist.

Su Tiancheng saw Lu Xiangsheng's hesitation.

"Lord Lu. What's your suggestion?"

"Lord Su, is this a bit hasty? To be honest, the fighting power of the Tartars is still good. Let alone the time it takes to wipe out five thousand Tartars. If Azig gets the news, come and Hurry up, Baoding Fucheng is only 200 miles away from Fangshan County. Azig led all cavalry, and they can arrive in less than a day. "

"Lord Lu, your consideration is very reasonable. However, the time for the Jiangning Battalion to exterminate five thousand Tartars does not exceed half a day. If it takes more than half a day, it is a joke. Eighteen thousand soldiers encircled and suppressed five thousand Tartars." Son, if it’s been more than a day, then it’s not Jiangning camp anymore.”

Before Lu Xiangsheng continued to speak, Su Tiancheng continued.

"Lord Lu, your task is to lead the [-] Datong frontier troops and set up an ambush in Dafang Mountain, which is more than ten miles away from Fangshan County. If Azig leads troops to come to help, slow his pace here, and the Jiangning Battalion will wipe out the Tatars. After that, I will join you very soon, aren’t the Tartars very arrogant, Jiang Ning Ying will confront them head-on.”

Lu Xiangsheng's body trembled slightly.

For so many years, the ministers of the imperial court and martial arts have always been fearful when talking about the post-golden tartars. It is unexpected that Su Tiancheng is so confident that he does not see the tartars in his eyes. This is too arrogant, and he still has Full grasp.

Su Tiancheng did not continue talking to Lu Xiangsheng, and many officers also returned to their seats.

"Everyone, this is the first battle after the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army rushed to help the capital. The first battle must be won. This is the rule. I won't say much about the military order. The brothers are all clear. Tonight, set off at Yinshi and rush to Fangshan County at Maoshi , to encircle Fangshan County, a surprise attack must be adopted. In the same sentence, what the Jiangning Camp needs is to make dumplings, not to chase ducks. Everyone must remember that when entering Fangshan County, there are many people in the county. Don’t hurt the people. To save their lives, the scouts have investigated, the defense of the Tartars is very lax, their arrogance is digging a grave for themselves."

"Qu Qingze, you are responsible for providing information. The more detailed the better, including the actions of the army led by Azig, etc., there must be no mistakes. The information must be absolutely accurate."

"Liu Tiehan, brothers from the scout battalion, continue to investigate tonight and provide accurate information on Fangshan County. If possible, lead five hundred brothers from the scout battalion to sneak into Fangshan County, wait for the army to arrive, and attack inside and outside. Credit goes to that."

"Master Lu, the Datong frontier army also set off at Yinshi and rushed to Dafangshan. This is the route map along the road. The scouts have clearly marked it. According to this route, all the Datong frontier army will fortify Dafangshan. There are suggested fortification positions in the map. The exact location is up to you to determine."

"This battle is very important. It plays a decisive role in combating the arrogance of the Tartars. Brothers must do their best and cannot take chances. I clearly tell you that the Jiangning Camp does not need prisoners."

After the task was arranged, Lu Xiangsheng stayed alone.

"Lord Lu, the military situation is urgent, and it's too late to host a banquet for you. Please forgive me, super part-time agent chapter."

"My lord, don't say that. The subordinates are here to fight, not to eat."

"Okay, with such arrogance, you and I will join hands and we will definitely be able to severely injure the Tartars. I admire Lord Lu for his bravery in fighting and taking the lead. This time, Lord Lu led the Datong frontier army and set up an ambush on Dafang Mountain. A very important move is arranged, of course, the quality of this move depends on the situation of the Fangshan battle."

"Appreciate further details."

"According to my estimation, Azig would not believe that the Jiangning camp wiped out the Tartars in Fangshan County. He would only think that this was a rumor from the court. It is certain that the Tartars rushed to help Fangshan County. They returned to Fangshan County. , must go through Dafang Mountain, my consideration is to fight face-to-face with the Tartars at Dafang Mountain, don’t the Tartars think my Ming’s army is weak, then let them see what the real Daming’s army looks like. "

"My lord, if all the Tartars come back to help, what should we do?"

"Lord Lu, you are worrying too much. I can be sure that all the Tatars will not come back to help. Even if they get the news, the number of people who rushed to help Fangshan County will not exceed 2, and it is not even led by Azig himself. I am afraid." The battle at Dafangshan was a face-to-face fight between us and the Tartars, after this battle, Azig has no time to regret it."

"This, my lord has such confidence, my subordinates will definitely do their best."

Hearing what Lu Xiangsheng said, Su Tiancheng had a smile on his face, and did not continue to explain. He knew that Lu Xiangsheng would not believe it. He wiped out five thousand Tartars in one go, and was going to set up a pocket formation in Dafang Mountain. The design was too perfect, beyond Lu Xiangsheng's comprehension.

In fact, Lu Xiangsheng cannot be blamed for this, as he has already learned his lesson.

Back then, Zhang Fengyi also had the same design. He set up a pocket array in Changping Mansion to deal a severe blow to the Tartars. Will you be hit by love?

Lu Xiangsheng stood up, and when he was about to leave, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"My lord Lu, I have always believed in a truth. There are no second-rate soldiers, only second-rate generals. Soldiers use their lives, and the three armies work hard. If they can strategize, lead the soldiers, and charge ahead, the soldiers will see it in their eyes and remember it in their hearts. There is no one who does not work hard." Reason, I really believe in you, and you can lead the [-] Datong frontier troops well."

Lu Xiangsheng looked at Su Tiancheng, and didn't know what to say. He was really surprised, how did Su Tiancheng know about his affairs, and specifically asked him to lead the [-] Datong frontier army and participate in such an important battle. This is absolute trust. Yes, if this battle is completed according to Su Tiancheng's design, it will cause a sensation in the court.

Of course, he understands that the responsibility on his shoulders is not light. Frontier soldiers are generally afraid of the Tartars and are unwilling to contact the Tartars head-on. This time, Su Tiancheng's arrangement is completely different, that is, to fight with the Tartars. Fighting against each other, I don't know if this fight can arouse the blood of the frontier army.

Walking out of the house, Lu Xiangsheng found that all the officers of the Datong Frontier Army were waiting outside. The house where he rested was next to him. Although it was a bit hard to get from Changping to the Beijing camp, Lu Xiangsheng did not intend to rest.

All the officers were waiting here, which meant that everyone knew about Su Tiancheng's arrangement long ago, and they didn't show any obvious objections. It can be seen that Su Tiancheng is powerful, and it is not easy to do this.

Lu Xiangsheng felt that the responsibility was heavy.

He waved his hand and spoke.

"All officers of the Datong Frontier Army, come to my room."

Then Su Tiancheng, who walked out of the room, saw Lu Xiangsheng entering the room with all the officers of the Datong Frontier Army. He had a smile on his face. If Lu Xiangsheng entered the room, he would be more pleasantly surprised, because there was still a sand table in that room. The topography around Dafang Mountain is clearly marked.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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