Ming politicians

Chapter 452 But that's it

() Liu Tiehan set off overnight with a thousand brothers from the scout battalion.

The task Su Tiancheng arranged was for him to take five hundred brothers from the scout battalion and find a way to enter Fangshan County. Liu Tiehan's idea was even bolder, and he took a thousand brothers to go in. There are only 5000 Tartars, which is nothing special. Yes, it is nothing in front of Jiang Ningying.

Liu Tiehan and the Tatars have fought face to face, and he clearly knows that the Tatars have good combat effectiveness, which is incomparable to the rogues. When he was in Baoding Mansion, he underestimated the Tartars and caused some losses. He will never forget, this time he met Tartar, he will not make the same mistake.

Departing from the suburbs of Beijing, we rushed all the way to Fangshan County. The road was silent, neither dogs barking nor roosters crowing. It seemed that the whole world fell into a deep sleep. This was a heinous crime committed by the Tartars. They passed by In this place, chickens and dogs are not left behind, and even the people who escaped by chance will not dare to return home in a short time.

Although it was dark and could not be seen, the soldiers of the scout battalion on the Jiuli battlefield all understood.

No one spoke, everyone gritted their teeth and galloped their horses. They were full of anger. This anger must be vented on the Tartars. Su Tiancheng has already made a request that no one will be left alive. It indicates that the brothers can start a massacre, and everyone is looking forward to such a painful battle.

When there were still five miles away from Fangshan County, Liu Tiehan gathered everyone.

Although the scouts had scouted several times, Taziji didn't have any precautions, but he still had to pay attention. If there was any negligence in the scout battalion, which would alarm the Tarzis, it would disrupt the entire Jiangning battalion's operations.

Finally, I saw the city wall of Fangshan County again.

It was dark all around.Indistinct, Fangshan County was plunged into a huge darkness, without any sound.

This abnormal situation just confirmed Azig's brutal acts of massacre after the capture of Fangshan County.The entire county is dead. I believe that the people who are detained here are living a life worse than death, and may be deprived of their lives at any moment.

The gate of the county seat was not closed, and several Tartars were patrolling the gate, with four torches shining.It can be clearly seen that there is a cruel smile on the face of the tartar.

Tartars can be recognized at a glance with their pigtails.

Liu Tiehan led twenty brothers in ambush 20 meters away from the city wall. It has been less than half an hour, and they must persevere.To see how many Tartars are guarding the gate of the city, choose the best time to strike, kill the Tartars at the gate of the city, and then control the gate.

Liu Tiehan did not expect the Tartars to be so arrogant, and Su Tiancheng accurately predicted it.He was once again convinced that if he could accurately predict the state of the Tatars, he would be able to make the best arrangements.

The Tartars who were waiting at the city gate finally came to change shifts. This time, five Tartars took over, and the few Tartars who had completed the task went into the city laughing loudly and went to the last chapter of the robot.

Ten minutes later, Liu Tiehan raised his right hand.Make a gesture.

Soon, fifty brothers came, with bows and arrows in their hands, and every group of ten men came to deal with one Tartar.

Fifty sharp arrows.With the rapid sound of the wind, they galloped towards the gate of the city. Before the tartars standing at the gate understood it, they were shot into hedgehogs, and they didn't have time to utter a cry.

Liu Tiehan rushed to the gate with [-] brothers who were prepared, and moved the already dead body of the Tartars to one side. Five scouts entered the city gate to observe the movement inside.

But a few minutes later, two scouts came out and reported to Liu Tiehan that they didn't see any Tartar vigilance.

Liu Tiehan felt a little emotional. The Tartars were so arrogant, it seemed that they really wanted to die. This also showed how vulnerable the army of the Daming Guard was, and they were no longer opponents by the Tartars.

After leaving 100 people at the city gate, Liu Tiehan quickly entered the city with 900 people.

They headed directly towards the location of the county government. According to Su Tiancheng's prediction, the Tartars would definitely be stationed in the county government. The place is large and the conditions are good. As for where the looted people are detained, they still need to investigate.

Along the way, Liu Tiehan saw corpses lying on the ground in disorder, the houses were burnt to pieces, and the lights could not be seen. Everyone seemed to have entered a ghost town.

Finally seeing the county government office, Liu Tiehan's heart skipped a beat. Su Tiancheng's prediction was correct. The light from the county government office was so conspicuous in the dark county town.

At Yinshi, the brigade set off.

The Jiangning battalion soldiers walked in front, riding their horses in plain sight. After walking out of the barracks, Su Tiancheng, Lu Xiangsheng and others clasped their hands together. The Jiangning battalion had to be faster, and they had to arrive at Fangshan County within an hour, so there was no delay.

At Maoshi, the sky was slightly bright, and nearly [-] soldiers from the Jiangning battalion had arrived in Fangshan County.

The scouts had already reported the situation, the Tatars were resting in the county government office, and the looted people were detained in a deserted open space in the south of the city, and there were less than 100 Tatars in custody.

A sneer appeared on Su Tiancheng's face, the arrogance of the Tartars had reached an incomprehensible level.

"Qu Qingze, take five thousand brothers and wait at the gate of the city. Remember, the four city gates in the south, east, north, and west must be guarded, and no Tartar is allowed to escape. Master Sun, you lead two thousand brothers. Go straight to the south of the city and kill those Tartars who are guarding the people. The rest of the brothers follow me to surround the county government office and prepare rockets. Aren’t they living in the county government office?

1000 people surrounded the county government like a railroad.

At a quarter of an hour, the red flag in Wang Dazhi's hand was raised.

In an instant, thousands of loud arrows shot into the county government office with flames.

After a brief silence, screams and howls came out one after another. The gate of the county government was quickly opened, and some people began to charge out. Unfortunately, they were greeted by arrows and flintlock guns.

After some bodies were left at the gate, the gate was closed.

In just a few minutes, the inside of the county government office was engulfed in flames, and the gate opened again. At the same time, the city wall of the county government office was also overturned, and a large number of Tartars poured out.

The open space in front of the county government office was specially reserved by Su Tiancheng.

A large number of Tartars gathered in the open space, they were still in shock.

The rumbling drums sounded, and the [-] soldiers of the Xiaoqi Battalion and the Pioneer Battalion had been waiting for a long time.

Holding a steel knife in his hand, Su Tiancheng took the lead of the top point guard.

"Brothers, kill the Tartars..."

A row of ten cavalrymen began to charge the terrified Tartars, row after row, screaming loudly, the Tartars, who had been rampantly taboo, looked weak at this moment, squeezed in the middle of the open space, unable to move, watching a One was cut down on the ground, his head was kicked to pieces, and his hands and feet were trampled off by a horse.

This one-sided massacre came too violently.

Inside the county government office, the Tartars rushed out again, riding fine horses. These must be the remaining elites. They had already reacted and knew that they had encountered a siege and surprise attack. The anger and arrogance revealed in their eyes, Daming The army, in their view, is vulnerable, and with such a sneak attack, they think they can win.

It's a pity that their

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