() In the battle of Fangshan, the Jiangning battalion lost less than 500 soldiers and wiped out the [-] Tatars who stayed in Fangshan County. This was an unbelievable victory, although the Tartars were so arrogant that they dug their own graves In addition, most of the Tartars left by Azig in Fangshan County belonged to infantry and logistics troops with low combat effectiveness, but such a victory cannot be ignored.

Even the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were shocked by this huge victory. In the past, they always felt that the Tartars were still very cruel and had good combat effectiveness. After this battle, their confidence was high, and the Tartars did not What a big deal, compared with the rogues, there is nowhere to grab it.

Su Tiancheng's goal has been achieved. However, he also summoned all the officers of the Jiangning Battalion and warned everyone not to get carried away. This time it was a surprise attack, and the next contest at Dafang Mountain would be the real contest. At that time, the Tatar The Zihui dispatched the most elite troops, and the Jiangning Battalion could truly prove its ability to annihilate the reinforcements of the Tartars.

These words made the soldiers of the Jiangning camp very unconvinced, some soldiers wished they could fight the Tartars right away.

Su Tiancheng was counting the time.

It was already the nineteenth day of June, and the rear army of the Jiangning Camp led by Hong Chengchou would arrive in two days. If they wanted to defeat the army led by Azig, they had to rely on the artillery battalion to attack Fangshan County and win an unbelievable victory. It must be a good thing, but we can't take it lightly, thinking that the Tartars are vulnerable.

The real elite, Azig has been taken out to sweep all over Beizhili.

The results were quickly counted out.

A total of 820 Tatars were beheaded in this battle, 190 Tatars were captured, 2 taels of gold and 54 taels of silver were seized.There are [-] shi of grain, [-] horses, [-] pairs of armor, and countless other steel knives, spears, and flags.

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhu Youjian was holding the memorial in his hand, his face flushed with excitement.

Jiang Ningying had just arrived in the capital for four days.He had wiped out five thousand Tartars and nearly two hundred captives. He would never have expected such a big victory.

Wen Tiren, Yang Sichang and the others had smiles on their faces at this time.They completely believed it. What Su Tiancheng said about annihilating [-] Tartars was not a lie, let alone a joke.

Maybe it's been suppressed for too long, Zhu Youjian was so excited that he thought about it.The Jiangning battalion was able to wipe out all the Tartars who entered the pass.

It is also understandable that the majestic emperor of Ming Dynasty was bullied by the Tartars to the point of disrespect. Hundreds of thousands of Tartars entered the pass and ran amok, even the capital was under martial law.After finally having a chance to vent his anger, how could he not seize it.

Of course, Zhu Youjian’s considerations are also realistic. If he can wipe out the [-] Tartars, it will greatly weaken Houjin’s strength. Within a few years, Houjin will not be able to stand up. This will give Daming the opportunity to wipe out the rogues with all his strength. After that, calmly launched an attack on Houjin.Such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, it would be a sinner to miss it.

"My dear friends, please tell me how I should make a decision. The Jiangning camp is amazing. Five thousand Tartars were wiped out in one go. According to this speed, Azig's [-] troops will be wiped out. "

Wen Tiren looked at the crowd and spoke slowly. He had already received a secret letter from Su Tiancheng. Su Tiancheng confessed his worries. Under the current circumstances, it is unrealistic to completely wipe out Azig's [-] troops. The best way to prepare for the rogue bandits in Shaanxi is to wipe out some of the Tartars, so as to persecute Houjin. In a short period of time, they dare not covet my Daming. As for the complete extermination of the Tartars, it will take a certain amount of time ri.

Wen Tiren agreed with Su Tiancheng's opinion very much, and also felt that Su Tiancheng was very smart, and even guessed what the emperor was thinking, and bought the foreshadowing in advance. He was the chief assistant of the cabinet. At this time, of course, he needed to come forward and persuade him tactfully emperor.

"Your Majesty, I think that the Jiangning Battalion has just started to fight against the Tartars, so let them proceed step by step according to the planned deployment. As the saying goes, they will not accept the orders of the foreign emperor. At such an extraordinary moment, let Lord Su decide on his own. The emperor bestowed Lord Su Shangfang the sword, so you can wait for the good news with peace of mind."

The excited look on Zhu Youjian's face still didn't disappear. He looked at Wen Tiren.

"Wen Aiqing's words are very reasonable. I just want to suggest that Jiang Ningying is so brave, so I will have no worries from now on."

Hearing this, Wang Chengen, who was behind Zhu Youjian, felt his heart skip a beat. He didn't know how Su Tiancheng, who was fighting, would feel when he heard the emperor say such words. Although it was a good word, the meaning inside it was too deep Well, if there are people around the emperor with evil intentions and provoke them, it's really hard to say what will happen.

"I see that Yang Aiqing is representing the imperial court and went to condolences to Jiang Ningying. Wen Aiqing, what do you think?"

The Minister of the Ministry of War directly came forward to condolences to an army. This kind of treatment is indeed very good. Since it is a matter decided by the emperor, Wen Tiren can't directly object, not to mention the Jiangning battalion won the first battle and fought an unbelievable For a big victory, it is also appropriate for the imperial court to send people to condolences and rewards.

After leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Wen Tiren called Yang Sichang aside.

"Your Excellency Yang, you represent the imperial court to condolences to the Jiangning camp. The responsibility is heavy. The official has some ideas. After thinking about it, it is better to say it. Su Tiancheng has extraordinary abilities. He has just been in the capital for four days. Under such circumstances, the ministers of Wu in the imperial court must have thought that the Jiangning Battalion could continue their efforts and annihilate the army of Tartars led by Azig in one go. This is unrealistic. After all, there are 10 Tartars People, even if 5000 people are lost, the main force still exists. The Jiangning battalion is full of more than 3 people, a ratio of three to one. It is difficult for some strongmen to ask the Jiangning battalion to wipe out the Tartars. Su Tiancheng stated his position in front of the emperor and wiped out the two Wan Tazi, it seems that it is the result of serious thinking, the cabinet and the Ministry of War must support Lord Su and the Jiangning camp."

Yang Sichang nodded frequently, and after Wen Tiren finished speaking, he quickly spoke.

"My lord, I understand that this time I will go to Fangshan County on behalf of the imperial court to condolences to the Jiangning camp. I will not interfere with any arrangements and deployments of the Jiangning camp. The Jiangning camp has seized a lot of gold, silver, grain and grass this time. I will consider it. These are all under the direct control of Mr. Su."

"Well, you have to take the soldiers of the Beijing camp and rush to Fangshan County quickly. Master Su suggested that all the captives and corpses of the Tartars should be transported to the suburbs of Beijing. It is already summer. These corpses must be dealt with in time. Otherwise, the plague will be caused. It is said that the situation in Fangshan County is terrible. The Tartars burned, killed and looted, inhumane, and there are corpses everywhere. Concentrate on the local area, and the Jiangning battalion is going to prepare for the battle with all its heart and soul."

"The subordinate officer knows."

"The more than [-] people looted by the Tartars were detained in Fangshan County. This time, they were all rescued by the Jiangning Camp. The local government has to arrange them properly. The cabinet has sent a note to Shuntian Prefecture to quickly consider the rebuilding of Fangshan County. Let’s not drag Jiangning Camp down.”

When Yang Sichang set off, he brought five thousand sergeants from the Beijing battalion with him.

His time is still very tight. He arrived in Fangshan County in one day, and after seeing Su Tiancheng and others, he was about to return to the capital. The Jiangning camp had other arrangements in the future. If he wanted to continue fighting the Tartars, it was impossible for him to participate. In Fangshan County, it actually affected Su Tiancheng's related arrangements.

In his heart, Yang Sichang already had other ideas. After this incident, he will make a suggestion to the imperial court to let Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ning Ying go directly to Shaanxi to completely wipe out the bandits. Not to mention, if after the rogue bandits are completely wiped out, Su Tiancheng can take the Jiangning battalion to the Ningjin defense line. At that time, it is a matter of course for Su Tiancheng to be the Liaodong economic strategy.

Although Su Tiancheng is young, but he has something to do, the Jiang Ning camp trained can be said to be invincible in the world, and the others are envious and jealous, so they can't speak.

The commotion in the imperial court was even greater. Officials above the fourth grade in the capital had already learned that the Jiangning battalion had won the first battle and wiped out 5000 Tartars. Numerous memorials came up one after another. Tartar, most of these memorials were suppressed by Wen Tiren.

The same is true for these officials. When the capital was in an emergency, they were all dumb and stopped talking. Now that the situation is getting better, they all jumped out and made unrealistic suggestions. Well, the emperor was agitated for a moment and asked the Jiangning battalion to face the Tartars in an all-round way. Wouldn't it be a catastrophe?

The Jiangning battalion is precious. The Ming Dynasty currently has only one such army, and it must be carefully protected. If the Jiangning battalion suffers heavy losses due to the intervention of outsiders and fails, the cabinet will become a sinner.

Remind Yang Sichang of those words, Wen Tiren said it after repeated consideration. After all, Su Tiancheng wrote him a secret letter, and he was really thinking about the future of Ming Dynasty. If you can express your attitude, it is too unqualified.

Wen Tiren could not suppress such a trend in the imperial court. After all, this was a rare victory with great significance. It was not just as simple as annihilating five thousand Tartars. Tartars, this is an indisputable fact. In some places, the fighting power of Tartars is even mythological. This time, Jiangningying has proved with practical actions that Tartars are not invincible, they can be defeated and annihilated.

With this fact, the imperial court can make a big publicity, boost the morale of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, and attack the arrogance of the Hou Jin to the greatest extent. Wen Tiren understands the role of this kind of propaganda and public opinion, and he will not miss it.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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