Ming politicians

Chapter 454 The Brave Wins

() Yang Sichang came to Fangshan County on behalf of the court, and Su Tiancheng was not happy at all.

The imprisoned Houjin Tartars have already released five people. These people have gone to report the news. According to the time calculation, the Tartars who rush to rescue Fangshan County will arrive in about two days. Su Tiancheng predicts that the arrogant Azig is not He would believe that five thousand soldiers had been wiped out, but Azig probably thought that Ming Dynasty did not have such an army.

Su Tiancheng can conclude that Azig will not personally lead the army to come to the rescue, and there will not be many Tartars rushing to Fangshan County. The reason why the Tartars will come soon is the gold and silver treasures stored in Fangshan County. These things can boost morale to the greatest extent, and Azig is reluctant to discard them.

Su Tiancheng had already written a letter to Wen Tiren at the risk, explaining his own understanding, and was afraid of being interfered by the imperial court during the battle. If this happened, the great situation might be lost.

Yang Sichang is the minister of the Ministry of War, who knows if he will interfere with the combat deployment of the Jiangning battalion.

Fortunately, Yang Sichang didn't mention the follow-up strategic deployment at all. Su Tiancheng knew that the letter he wrote to Wen Tiren must have played a role, which showed that he had taken the right step.

Yang Sichang didn't stay in Fangshan County for a long time. When he saw the piled up Tartar corpses, his face showed that he was not only shocked, but there were more than 20 carriages pulling the corpses.

Half a day later, Yang Sichang left. Before he left, he told Su Tiancheng that the newly appointed magistrate of Fangshan County was about to take office. After the magistrate arrived, he would take over all matters.

Yang Sichang is wise, the Jiangning battalion will continue to fight, and it will be a fierce battle.Staying here by yourself may have negative effects.

Lu Xiangsheng has woken up from the shock.

It took only two hours for the Jiangning battalion to wipe out [-] Tartars. He led the Datong frontier army and lay in ambush on Dafang Mountain for half a day.He didn't do anything, and when he returned to Fangshan County, all he saw was the dead body of Tartar.

The shock of the [-] Datong frontier troops was unprecedented. The Tartars they had always feared lay on the ground piled up like a mountain.The Jiangning battalion killed [-] Tartars without any effort, what a fear it was, they were all from Ming's army, why the Jiangning battalion could do it, but they couldn't do it themselves.

this moment.The myth that the Tartars were invincible slowly shattered in the minds of these 3 people.

The head coach Liang Tingdong was left in the capital, and the officers of the Datong Frontier Army had a lot of opinions. They even joined forces in private. If they were not prepared to follow the command of Su Tiancheng and Lu Xiangsheng, they could return to Fangshan County.Seeing everything in front of them, everyone stopped talking. When Lu Xiangsheng arranged for everyone to clean up the houses in the county town and bury the corpses, no one objected, and everyone went to work. This is the power of example.

Lu Xiangsheng's thoughts have changed, the next battle.He knew that the Jiangning battalion was going to fight face-to-face with the rushing Tartars, and he fully believed that the Jiangning battalion could annihilate the rushing rescue Tartars' plan.According to Lu Xiangsheng's request, the [-] Datong frontier army under his command must also participate in the battle and not be a spectator.

Because of Lu Xiangsheng's insistence, Su Tiancheng changed the battle arrangement.

This time, the tactical idea proposed by Su Tiancheng is even more domineering. The main battlefield is set outside Fangshan County. The Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army set up camp. Through the duel with real swords and guns, the self-confidence of the Tartars was hit to the greatest extent.

The 2 Datong Frontier Army, [-] people, and [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers formed a cavalry battalion and an infantry battalion to meet the Tatars' charge head-on. Tartars, Sun Chuanting led [-] soldiers from the Jiangning battalion, plus [-] Datong frontier troops. After the fight started, they detoured behind the Tartars, blocked their retreat, and did not allow a single Tartar to let go.

Hearing Su Tiancheng's arrangement and seeing the battle unfolding on the sand table, Lu Xiangsheng gasped. It takes a lot of courage. This is a typical way of making dumplings. In the middle, eliminate bit by bit, and never let anyone go.

In an instant, the blood in Lu Xiangsheng's heart rose.

Su Tiancheng did not specify the command of the infantry battalion that faced the enemy head-on, and the command of the cavalry that flanked the Tartars. This must have a deep meaning. Sun Chuanting went to command the army that surrounded the Tartars' retreat, and the rest were himself and Su Tiancheng. up.

Su Tiancheng is the commander in chief and the backbone of the Jiangning Battalion. There must be no accidents. He should take the initiative to take command of the infantry battalion. Danger is nothing, as long as he can kill the Tartars himself, the risk is nothing.

Lu Xiangsheng insisted on being the commander of the infantry battalion.

At this time, Sun Chuanting also came in, and soon knew the deployment of the next battle.

The quarrel started, and Sun Chuanting also insisted that he himself be the commander of the mixed formation of the infantry battalion, cavalry battalion, and confront the Tartars head-on. Lu Xiangsheng commanded the cavalry on both wings to launch a charge. .

Lu Xiangsheng also insisted that he command the mixed formation of the infantry battalion and the cavalry battalion, and asked Sun Chuanting to command the cavalry on both wings, while Su Tiancheng was in charge of commanding the sergeants to block the escape route of the rogues.

The debate lasted for less than half an hour, and Su Tiancheng made a final decision.

"Lord Lu, Lord Sun, don't quarrel. I have already decided to be the commander of the mixed formation of the infantry battalion and the cavalry battalion. The Jiangning battalion's personal battalion and the scout battalion will be the cavalry to lead the [-] Datong frontier army to face the Tartars head-on. It's a bloody battle, a real bloody battle, I'm on the front line, and I can make a decision, when the two-winged cavalry will charge, follow my command, and that's the decision."

Both Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting were not convinced, and they were still thinking about arguing.

"This battle is about the overall situation. There can be no mistakes. I have been thinking for a long time. You must obey orders. The Datong frontier army has relatively weak combat effectiveness. In this battle, how to be sure of their bloody nature is in my heart." There are many, if there is any problem with me, Master Lu will directly command the next battle, Lord Hong Chengchou will rush to the capital soon, and he will be in charge of the battle in the future."

Lu Xiangsheng stood up.

"My lord, my subordinates disagree with such an arrangement. You are the commander in chief, and you must not make any mistakes. If there is an accident, it will be a devastating blow to all the soldiers, and the good situation may be lost."

Su Tiancheng smiled.

"Don't worry, my fate is big, there won't be any problems. I still want to wipe out the bandits and unify Liaodong. There is nothing so easy to happen. There are still many things to be done. Lord Lu, Lord Sun, you should also have this There are too many things waiting for you to do in the future, on the battlefield, swords are ruthless, you must pay attention, you must pay attention."

June 21st, Mao time.

More than 4 soldiers stood neatly outside Fangshan County.

After Su Tiancheng spoke, they said that the troops would be divided into three groups, each of which was ready.

The scouts had sent the news, and Qu Qingze had also inquired about the information. This time, Azig really did not lead the army, and his deputy A Duoga led [-] cavalry, galloping in the direction of Fangshan County. come.

At noon, [-] Tatars will arrive at Fangshan County.

The bloody battle is about to begin, and the atmosphere before the battle is serious.

Su Tiancheng walked onto the temporary wooden platform, he walked very slowly, every step made the soldiers' hearts beat.

"Brothers, [-] Tartars are coming soon. This time, we will fight face to face with the Tartars to see if they are invincible. The Tartars have invaded our Daming several times. They are violent and arrogant. I, the common people of the Ming Dynasty, rob me of the wealth of the Ming Dynasty, can we still make them arrogant, no, absolutely not, we are soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, we cannot defend our family and the country, what does the imperial court want us to do?"

"Three days ago, we were here and wiped out five thousand Tartars. Such a victory is indeed worth celebrating, but I want to remind my brothers, forget about the victory. The victory has passed. Next, we will face the Tartars." What we are facing is a ruthless fight, which requires us to unleash the greatest blood and overwhelm the Tartars in terms of momentum. I believe that the Tartars will tremble in front of us in the future fight."

"When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins. We want to wipe out these [-] Tartars. No matter how arrogant they are, they will only perish in front of the Datong frontier army in the Jiangning camp."

"On the battlefield, the sword is ruthless. Although brothers kill the enemy, I don't want to see the situation of running away. I don't want to see too much fear. It's nothing special to see a big scar on the head. Only when a man is cowarded is he really killed. People look down on it."

"Okay, brothers, let's kill the Tartars, let's go to victory."

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins..."

"When you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins..."

The deafening shout came out, and it went straight to the sky. At this moment, everyone's blood was boiling. This kind of atmosphere can infect people. Even some fearful Datong frontier soldiers felt their backs straighten up.

Before setting off, Sun Chuanting called Wang Dazhi, Liu Tiehan, and Sun Yuankun to him.

"Three brothers, even if the pro-barracks and the scout battalion have been wiped out, you must also protect the safety of your lord. If there is any accident with your lord, you will be dereliction of duty, and you are the biggest sinner of my Ming Dynasty. Number one, do you understand?"

The three nodded, and Sun Yuankun, who was the oldest, answered.

"Master Sun, please don't worry, we will wait until we are exhausted, and we must protect your safety. The Jiangning camp can do without me, Sun Yuankun, Liu Tiehan, and Wang Dazhi, but it cannot be without you." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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