Ming politicians

Chapter 455 Iron Blood Jiangning Camp

() Thanks to Mauser 98k, yang8008, Xiudaoxian, and Feiying for their valuable monthly tickets, thank you

A Duoga received a report from the scouts that the Ming army had already set up a posture outside Fangshan County, ready to fight.most

Hearing the scout's report, Aduoga froze for a moment, and then a cruel smile appeared on his face.After entering the customs for so long, it was like chasing ducks. The chasing Ming army hid everywhere, and there was no real fight. This feeling was very unpleasant. The sergeant stationed in Fangshan County reported that there were [-] defenders, all of whom were wiped out by the Ming army. , The coach Azig was furious, he didn't believe it at all, he immediately killed the sergeant who reported the report, and planned to personally command the army to help Fangshan County.

The counselors thought it over carefully, thinking that this was probably a lie of Daming, and the purpose was to solve the crisis around Baoding Mansion and let the army run back and forth, so that they could not really attack the city.

Of course, Azige did not believe that the Ming army could annihilate the [-] sergeants stationed in Fangshan County, so he adopted the counselor's suggestion and sent his deputy A Duoga to lead [-] elite soldiers to help Fangshan County.A Duoga is not only his lieutenant general, but also his family general. He is brave in battle and completely trustworthy.

A Duoga accepted the mission and set off immediately with [-] elite soldiers to Fangshan County.

Hearing suddenly that the Ming army was forming a formation outside Fangshan County, A Duoga was also a little flustered, thinking that there were five thousand brothers stationed in Fangshan, and he didn't know what was going on. I believe that the Ming army has such a thing, not to mention the scouts reported it, it seems that these Ming troops are the Datong frontier army, and he is clear about the Datong frontier army.Gen is not an opponent of the Manchurian Eight Banners Army, and has long been frightened by the Eight Banners Army.

A Duoga's mind is not so bent, he is straight, he thinks, the brothers who are stationed in Fangshan County.I'm afraid I can't be idle anymore, and I went somewhere to attack the city and pull out the stronghold.

He issued an order that all the soldiers should be whipped and beheaded to kill the Ming soldiers, such a battle.He longed for it for too long.

The Hou Jin Tartars stepped up their march and came directly towards Fangshan County. Su Tiancheng knew all the news.

He sighed for Hou Jin's commander, this is not a level of battle, if Huang Taiji led the army into the pass.Su Tiancheng didn't dare to do this, he had to think carefully to make sure that he would be able to make a battle deployment only in case of a mistake. It's a pity that Huang Taiji trained a group of enemy generals, but he failed to cultivate their wisdom well .

Perhaps it was because the Hou Jin Tartars were too smooth and did not encounter any resistance.This kind of state of mind is definitely something that the army must be wary of. Once a feeling of pride and complacency is bred, it will not be far from failure.

It was Su Tiancheng's heartache to bring out the personal battalion, the scout battalion and the Tatars for a head-to-head confrontation, but he had to do it. He needed to arouse the blood of the Datong frontier army. I believe that the next head-on confrontation will definitely be feared by the Datong frontier army. Yes, this mentality.It can only be stimulated by fighting, otherwise the Datong frontier army will be saved.

200 soldiers, [-] soldiers from the Jiangning battalion, at the forefront, [-] Datong frontier troops.Formed in a square team of [-] people, neatly lined up in the back, they can witness with their own eyes how the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion killed the enemy and how they fought hard.

The earth began to tremble, and very soon, the dull sound of horseshoes began to appear, which was a sign of the arrival of the army.

There were some subtle changes in the waiting sergeants. The Jiangning battalion soldiers at the front looked calm and calm, but the Datong frontier army behind them trembled a little, and some people's bodies even began to tremble.

There was no expression on Su Tiancheng's face, and he looked calm and calm.

"All brothers, muster up your courage to kill the enemy. Brothers in the Datong frontier army, you can be afraid, you can be afraid, but you can't retreat, and you can't mess up your own positions. If you do this, you will never be able to hold your head up."

Su Tiancheng's roar appeared, and the team finally became a little quieter.

Su Tiancheng was in the middle of the team, surrounded by a hundred soldiers guarding him, and a huge banner was erected, with the three gilt characters of Jiangning Camp embroidered on it. Many Datong frontier soldiers turned their heads and looked at Su Tiancheng secretly. They found that, There was no trace of fear on Su Tiancheng's face, his eyes were looking straight ahead, with a drum in his hand, ready to signal to charge at any time.

Atuoga finally saw the Ming army on the opposite side.

There were a lot of people, but there were not many cavalry, and a large flag could be seen faintly. He didn't know the characters on it, but the scouts had already reported that it was Jiangningying.

A Duoga had never heard of Jiangningying's name, and since he hadn't heard of it, it was nothing.

The smile on A Duoga's face became even more cruel, and the Ming army in front of him seemed to be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The officer around him suggested to observe for a while before launching an attack, but A Duoga refused. Facing the Ming army, as long as he led his brothers to charge and fight for a while, the opponent would collapse, and the next step would be massacre. Even if the Ming army set up an ambush, it wouldn't be a big deal. With [-] elite soldiers under his leadership, even if he faced a [-] Ming army, he could guarantee a complete victory.

A Duoga raised the spear in his hand and gave the order to attack.

He took the lead and charged at the forefront.

This kind of attack obviously did not pay attention to the Ming army on the opposite side.

Su Tiancheng noticed all this early on.

Just as the Tartars began to charge, the drum hammer in his hand was knocked down, and in an instant, the rumbling drum sounded, which was earth-shattering.

Sun Yuankun, Liu Tiehan and others raised their spears.

"Brothers of the Jiangning Camp, follow me and kill the Tartars..."

"Come on, kill the Tartars..."

The soldiers of the three thousand pro-barracks and the scout battalion launched a charge. This was a rebellious charge. They didn't care how many people there were in their opponents. The sound of drums was an order.

A Duoga, who was charging, was startled, what kind of army is this? There are only a few thousand people, and they dare to attack [-] elite soldiers. Is there something wrong with the Ming army's mind?

There was a huge impact sound, and the two armies finally fought against each other.

It's easy to say it, but it's not that simple to actually do it. 3000 people against 5000 people. From anyone's point of view, this is a suicidal move, but Jiang Ningying Dare to do it.

Adoka found that his own judgment had gone wrong.

The aura of the three thousand Ming army seems to only appear when the first emperor and the emperor led the soldiers to kill the enemy. They have followed their masters to fight against the Ming Dynasty for so many years, and have never seen such an army. It is the Guanning cavalry back then , nor such a frightening momentum.

A Duoga thought of the five thousand brothers who were stationed in Fangshan County, and his heart trembled. Could it be that the sergeant's report was true.

However, at this time, it is useless to think about anything. Fortunately, there are not many people on the other side. As long as these thousands of people are killed, all problems will be solved.

Blood was flying, and people kept rolling off their horses.

A Duoga became more and more anxious. He found that the combat power he dealt with was extraordinary. His brother, a quarter of an hour passed, and his brother always wanted to separate from the Ming army, but he always couldn't do it. They are always hugged into two groups, like two fists, which cannot be separated no matter what.

This is the essence of cavalry tactics. Cavalry duel is the most important team strength. Teams cannot be dispersed, otherwise they will fight on their own, and will be divided and surrounded by the opponent, gradually lost, and finally defeated.But it is not as simple as it says to be in a group. Ordinary cavalry can't do it at all, and they are easily overwhelmed by the opponent.

When did the Ming Dynasty have such an elite army, how many such troops were there, when did they appear, and why did they fail to find such an army in so many expeditions before.

A Duoga's heart began to tremble, faintly feeling that something was wrong.He was not worried about the brothers he led, but the five thousand brothers stationed in Fangshan County.

3000 people against 5000 people, no matter what, you will be at a disadvantage. The opponent can use the most stupid method, using the tactics of crowds, to attack you continuously, but you can't disperse, you must form a group, so Only in this way can we maintain our own strength to the greatest extent and minimize losses.

Seeing his brothers fall down, Su Tiancheng's heart was bleeding.

The drumming began to increase in intensity, which was the signal for the infantry battalion to attack.

The Datong frontier army held up their spears and began to charge.

Su Tiancheng's goal was finally achieved. Seeing the momentum of Datong's frontier army charging, he no longer had any fear or fear. The three thousand brothers in the Jiangning camp faced fifteen thousand Tartars without fear. This kind of courage finally inspired Datong. The fighting spirit of the frontier army is gone.

The effect of joining the infantry battalion is obvious. The pressure on the opponent suddenly increases. The infantry armed with spears still poses a great threat to the cavalry.

A Duoga had to allocate part of his troops to deal with the infantry rushing over.

The two sides began to fight together, and the casualties began to increase significantly.

Seeing the Datong Frontier Army keep falling and the phalanx being scattered, Su Tiancheng felt sad. No wonder the Houjin Tartars were invincible. Such opponents are no match for them.

Half an hour passed, and the goal had been achieved. Seeing that the Datong frontier army could no longer hold on, and the square team had been rushed to pieces, Su Tiancheng knew that it was time to launch a general offensive. If it continued, the Datong frontier army might If you run away, you will be in trouble.

Fifty big drums sounded at the same time.

The ground began to tremble again.

The sound of the drum was like a shot in the arm. Seeing the unsupported Datong frontier army, they began to rush forward crazily like chicken blood. With strength, he launched a flood-like attack towards the opponent.

A Duoga obviously felt bad, as if he had entered a trap.

The earth trembled. This was the arrival of a large group of cavalry. He led his brothers to face [-] cavalry, but he could not easily win the victory. If he faced a large group of people, he could hardly imagine the result.

Could it be that today is really my last day?

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