Ming politicians

Chapter 456 Iron Blood Jiangning Camp

() Lu Xiangsheng took the lead and led 1 cavalry to charge from the left and right wings.

He was even more anxious than Su Tiancheng, it had been half an hour, and he didn't know how heavy the loss would be if he faced the Tartar brothers head-on, if it wasn't for the request of the military order, he would have led the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion to charge.

When the cavalry on the left and right wings rushed over, A Duoga suddenly felt a trace of despair.

He could feel the aura of the cavalry. After many years of fighting, this feeling was too familiar. The cavalry who rushed over had the same aura as the thousands of cavalry before. There was no difference. What did this situation explain? The five thousand brothers stationed in Fangshan County are really doomed. If such a situation occurs, it will really be a great shame to the Qing Dynasty.

Lu Xiangsheng swung the spear in his hand and lifted a tartar into the air. Before the tartar landed, he rushed to the next target.

The addition of 1 cavalry changed the situation in an instant. The Tartars' troops were smashed to pieces. The strategy of forming a regiment that had been insisted on before could not be realized. The impact of the Ming army was too great, and it was After the Tartars had been fighting for half an hour, these Ming soldiers, with a certain victory belief and overwhelming momentum, already possessed the ability to block people and kill people, and Buddhas to block and kill Buddhas.

A Duoga screamed desperately, telling his brothers to hold on, but unfortunately his shout was drowned out by the loud shouts of killing.

The officers around him had already advised him to withdraw from the battle quickly, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. At this time, if he broke away from the battle and ran away desperately, he still had some hope to save some troops.

Adoka's eyes were already red.Since the conquest of the Ming Dynasty, they have never encountered such a situation, how could they evacuate easily, what is the face of the Qing Dynasty, the emperor has just ascended the throne.Just waiting for the good news from the army, retreating at this time, wouldn't it be slapping yourself and the emperor?

The more brutal fighting began.

The fighting power of the Tartars is really good, and they are tenacious enough, if they meet other Ming troops.The battle had collapsed a long time ago, but what they met was the Jiangning Battalion, an army they had never met before, and an army that was about to become the dream of the Qing Dynasty.

An hour has passed.

A Duoga found that his brother suffered a heavy loss and could no longer support himself.

His eyes were red.Several times I thought about rushing into the battle group, but was stopped by the soldiers around me.

At this time, A Duoga had to admit painfully that the defeat was a foregone conclusion, and he had to evacuate, otherwise, [-] troops would be lost.It is possible to be completely wiped out by the opponent.

It's a pity that he woke up too late. At this time, even if he wanted to evacuate, it was not so easy.

The Datong Frontier Army had slowly withdrawn from the battle group, but they did not leave the battlefield. They regrouped and watched the battle situation all the time. Whenever there were fallen Tartars, a group of people would definitely swarm up and wait on them with swords and guns.There was a Jiangning battalion soldier who fell from the horse, and everyone rushed forward, grabbed the man out, and carried them aside for treatment.

The arrogant Tartars have already dealt with the Datong frontier army, and they are on the verge of collapse.Faced with the Jiangning battalion soldiers who fought more and more bravely in the Vietnam War, they felt fear from the bottom of their hearts. Some Tartars had already started to leave the battle group slowly, waiting for the order to retreat.

The fighting power of the Tartars was beyond his son-in-law Su Tiancheng's expectation. The losses of the Jiangning Battalion were not very large, but the losses of the Datong Frontier Army were heavy, especially during the period of persistence before, when they were smashed by the Tartars. .

The red-eyed Su Tiancheng, his arms were already numb, but he still insisted on beating the drum. The sound of the drum was an order, and the soldiers of the Jiangning camp would rush to kill with all their might, and their aura would become more and more powerful. The Tartars couldn't hold out for too long.

At this time, it is no longer the time to worry about losses. Annihilating the Tartars is the ultimate goal.

This time, the Jiangning camp did not use flintlock guns, and relied entirely on their impressive abilities to fight the Tartars with real knives and guns. This kind of momentum has already made the Tartars terrified.

Two hours passed, and the battlefield was still filled with corpses and blood.

Atuoga finally couldn't hold on anymore, seeing more and more brothers fell down, the rest were already struggling to hold on, collapse was imminent, he finally gave the order to retreat in pain.

The hurried golden gong sounded, and the troops were withdrawn. This was the first time the Tatars heard such an order.

At last the Tartars were about to flee.

When A Duoga's personal guards fled backward, A Duoga found that the brothers who followed him to retreat, the few or many brothers, were trapped in heavy siege, and there was no way to retreat.

His scalp was numb, and he realized that he had made a principled mistake, and his brothers could no longer retreat. At this time, he had to persevere. It was already dark, and the best way was to wait until it was dark and look for opportunities to break through. At this time, Ming Jin withdrew his troops, and the fighting spirit of the brothers was completely lost. What was waiting was not a massacre.

But he didn't have time to regret it.

Wrapped in the middle by the personal soldiers, he beat his horse and galloped wildly. The hope at this moment was as many brothers as he could escape.

A Duoga believed that the Ming army had done their best, and if they wanted revenge, they had to run away, find their master, Azig, and lead the army to wipe out this section of the Ming army.

Su Tiancheng, with red eyes, gave an order to Wang Dazhi beside him.

"Tell Sun Yuankun, Liu Tiehan, Luo Chang and the others not to pursue them for the time being, but to annihilate all the surrounded Tatars. If there are any Tartars who dismount and surrender, they should be detained on the spot, the better. After the battle here, we will pursue them again. "

Just after Aduoga led the retreat of the few Tartars, the Jiangning camp launched a big attack. The besieged Tartars had lost the courage to resist, and some Tartars had already dismounted and surrendered.

The Jiangning battalion soldiers ignored the Tartars who surrendered, and turned to besiege the rest of the Tartars who were still resisting. The surrendered Tartars were handed over to the Datong frontier army. Perhaps it was because they had been angry with the Tartars for a long time, or because the Tartars were too far in the Ming Dynasty. The Datong frontier army was not polite at all when dealing with the surrendering Tartars, and even chopped them to the ground.

Su Tiancheng discovered this problem, and hurriedly asked Wang Dazhi beside him, with dozens of personal soldiers, to stop the killing of prisoners. This is not an act of bravery.

Adoka, who was fleeing, felt confused. He even had the idea of ​​committing suicide and apologizing. He led 3000 brothers to come to help, and followed the evacuated brothers. It seemed that there were no more than [-] people. What a loss. , How can I bear it? If I knew this, I might as well die in battle.

His wish will soon come true.

It took only a few minutes to escape, and within two miles of the attack, the drums on the opposite side sounded again.

The leading general, holding his spear flat, rushed over with a roar. Behind him, densely packed cavalry rushed over. The momentum of these people was exactly the same as that of the previous Ming army.

It was Sun Chuanting who rushed over at the head.

Adoka's eyes turned black, he fully understood what all this meant.

The five thousand brothers in Fangshan County must have been exterminated. Facing such a brave Ming army, the five thousand brothers have no chance. For such a brave Ming army, there is absolutely no chance of survival.

A Duoga pushed away the soldiers around him, shouted loudly, and told all the brothers to charge after him, defend the honor of the Qing Dynasty with their own lives, and repay the respect of the emperor and the county king.

The final round of charge began.

The two sides had just played against each other, and the pros and cons immediately became apparent.

The leader of Aduoga is a tired teacher, and their hearts have already suffered heavy injuries. They already have fear, and they rush for thousands of miles, and go deep into Daming. Their purpose is to rob money, not to die, but the situation in front of them makes them desperate. There is no chance to go back to my hometown.

Sun Chuanting held back his anger, and more than two hours passed. The loud shouts of killing in the distance made him extremely anxious. It was the first time for him to take on the blocking mission, and he watched his brothers fight in front of him. But it's too uncomfortable to be able to wait behind.

Not only Sun Chuanting, the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion were also extremely anxious, looking forward to participating in the battle sooner.

The opportunity has finally come, how can soldiers who are recharging their batteries miss such an opportunity.

The devastating fight began.

The situation this time was completely different from the fight at the beginning. The Tartars fell one after another, and Sun Chuanting led the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion, rushing from left to right, fighting like a human being.

The Datong frontier soldiers, who were still a little scared, were shocked when they saw this situation, and immediately began to follow and charge.

The charge of more than 1 frontier troops in Datong became the last straw that crushed the Tartars.

The Tartars finally gave up fighting and began to scatter for their lives.

The scattered Tartars became the targets of massacres. Under the pursuit of the soldiers of the Jiangning battalion, and in front of the spears of the Datong frontier army, they became moving targets one by one.

There are fewer and fewer soldiers around Aduoga.

The sky gradually darkened, and Aduoga's heart sank more and more. He mechanically waved the spear in his hand, and the fifteen thousand brothers he led, just like the sky, darkened. Chance escaped.

Sun Chuanting had been eyeing A Duoga for a long time. He led two hundred soldiers, surrounded A Duo Ga, and issued an order to capture A Duo Ga alive.

Half an hour later, how many Tartars are left.

Lu Xiangsheng led the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion to charge forward and join up with Sun Chuanting's blocking force.

There is no suspense in the battle situation.

A Duoga drew out his sword and was about to commit suicide, when a loud arrow hit his arm accurately, A Duo Ga fell off his horse, and the Datong frontier soldiers who swarmed up immediately came up, and someone snatched the sword from his hand , Someone pinned down his body, someone pinned down his legs, Aduoga couldn't move, and was captured alive.

There is no chance of mutual death, this is absolutely unexpected by A Duojia, the [-] brothers led by him were wiped out. In the morning, he was still full of confidence and decided to slaughter the Ming soldiers. At this time, the situation was completely reversed. coming.

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