Ming politicians

Chapter 457 Huge Shock

() At Xu time, the sky gradually darkened.

Outside Fangshan County, tranquility was restored, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense.

The piles of corpses and the Lord's war horses show that there have been more tragic fights here.

From noon to Xu time, the four-hour fight was already breathless.

The result is gratifying. Fifteen thousand Tartars were all wiped out. Such a record can no longer be described as a complete victory. This battle will definitely cause a huge sensation in Da Ming and Hou Jin.

It was the first time for Lu Xiangsheng to experience such a painful fight. After the fight, he galloped on his horse and laughed loudly. He didn't expect that in two battles, 2 Tartars were annihilated. Especially this time, he fought face to face with the Tartars. The abrupt encirclement and annihilation of [-] Tartars, such an astonishment, cannot be described in words.

He Renlong's feelings were even more prominent, he was covered in blood, he didn't even clean up his shirt, he ran straight in front of Su Tiancheng, knelt down on one knee, and spoke passionately, which meant that he would always follow Su Tiancheng, always follow Jiang Ningying fighting.

Su Tiancheng was much calmer.

The results of the battle are already being cleared up, and the most rewarding ones are the horses. Except for the horses that were injured and killed in the fighting, more than [-] horses were captured this time.

It was getting dark, and the torches lit up the surroundings.

At this time, the results of the battle were finally cleared up.

Annihilated 720 nine Tartars, captured 720 Tartars alive, killed 720 five soldiers from the Jiangning Battalion, and [-] seven soldiers from the Datong Frontier Army. The remaining serious and minor injuries have not yet been counted.

Fangshan County has become a busy place for doctors, and all injured soldiers are treated here. When Yang Sichang came to Fangshan County on behalf of the court.Bring a large number of doctors, and even the imperial physician, which will come in handy at this moment.

Nearly 5000 people were killed in battle, and [-] Tartars were wiped out, even though they were soldiers who died in battle.Most of them are the Datong Frontier Army, but Su Tiancheng knew that if the Datong Frontier Army didn't fight head-on, the Jiangning Battalion would suffer great losses.

Such a result made Su Tiancheng calm down a lot.

The Jiangning battalion still needs a large-scale cold, so that it can take on the important task of exterminating the bandits and the Tartars in the future.

this night.Su Tiancheng did not rest, and neither did Lu Xiangsheng.

It was dawn, and many ministers were preparing to enter the Forbidden City to participate in the early court.

In the past few days, there has been agitation in the stables. The Jiangning camp has wiped out 5000 Tartars.It stimulated everyone, but there were also sober ministers. After all, there are [-] Tatars, and the loss of [-] people is nothing, the main force is still there.

When the crisp sound of horseshoes sounded, many ministers were surprised.Who is so bold that he dares to run wildly in front of the Forbidden City? Doesn't he want to live?

"Great victory, great victory, the Jiangning Camp and the Datong frontier army wiped out 5000 Tartars, and captured Tartar lieutenant Aduoga alive..."

"Great victory, great victory, the Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army wiped out and reinforced Fangshan's [-] Tartars..."

Like a bomb, many ministers were immediately shocked.

The gate of the palace opened.

Soon, the great eunuch Wang Chengen came out in a hurry.Beside him, the chief assistant of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, had an uncontrollable excitement on his face. He knew the news one step ahead, and the emperor also knew the news, so he arranged for the soldiers of the Jiangning camp to report the news.With the assistance of the Sergeant Ma Si of the Wucheng Army, the city reported the news on horseback. This was Wen Tiren's decision after careful consideration.

Zhu Youjian sat in the Hall of Mental Cultivation, his face flushed.

In just a few days, the Jiangning Battalion wiped out [-] Tartars. He felt a bit unnatural and unreal for such a victory, but all of this was real. After dawn, Su Tiancheng would personally escort A Duoga , rushed to the stables.

The court meeting was postponed, and it was held in the Hall of Supreme Harmony instead, and all officials above rank six in the stables participated.

This is a rare victory for the Ming Dynasty, and it must be celebrated properly.

From this moment on, Zhu Youjian really began to feel happy in his heart. The ambition established when he ascended the throne is expected to be realized. He not only wants to stabilize the situation of Ming Dynasty, but also to build the most prosperous and powerful Ming Dynasty.

Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying had become his greatest reliance.

Sun Yuankun and Liu Tiehan, who entered the Hall of Mental Cultivation, had bloodstains on their faces and bodies, and looked filthy. Before they had time to clean up, they were dispatched to the stables to report their victory. The soldiers of the Beijing camp who were on guard at any time and waiting at the gate of the city were carefully inspecting After being identified, he quickly reported it. Wen Tiren, Yang Sichang and others who had already fallen asleep heard the news and rushed to the city gate in person, and only then did many subsequent arrangements be made.

Zhu Youjian stood up, walked in front of Sun Yuankun and Liu Tiehan, and helped them up to salute.

"Sun Yuankun, Liu Tiehan, hehe, I know you well. The Jiangning Camp is amazing. I think that the Jiangning Camp is my first army in the Ming Dynasty. You have worked hard. Take a good rest and participate in the grand court held at Sishi."

"Your Majesty, the Jiangning Camp must be loyal to the Emperor and protect my country."

"Good, good, good..."

The excited Zhu Youjian didn't know what to say. He felt that all the decisions he had made were correct. At the beginning, he decided to release Su Tiancheng, and Jiangning County became the most affluent place in Ming Dynasty. Afterwards, he let Zhu Shenxin Marrying Su Tiancheng, made Su Tiancheng a relative of the emperor, and then let Su Tiancheng go to Henan, stabilize his son in South Shanxi and even Shaanxi, and made the bandits frightened. The next step is to make Su Tiancheng move again. Sun Chengzong and Yang Sichang have suggestions on where to go.

After dawn, the stables became a sensation.

The news that the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army wiped out the [-] Tartars stationed in Fangshan and the [-] Tartars stationed in Fangshan County spread quickly.

The people in the stable are no strangers to the Jiangning camp. The Jiangning camp has won so many victories that many of the books in the teahouse in the stable are based on this theme. This time, within three days, the Jiangning camp wiped out two Wan Tartar, this kind of credit goes to heaven.The common people's understanding is very simple, the Tartars have invaded the capital and the land of the capital several times, and the brutality has already made the common people in the capital and the capital change their mood. My point of view, now that the Jiangning Battalion was born out of nowhere and became the nemesis of the Tartars, the common people are of course happy that they are protected, and the Tartars will not dare to invade Daming casually in the future.

Not long after, various rumors appeared in the stables, and some people even said that the Jiangning camp was an army sent by the Jade Emperor to protect the Daming country.

When Su Tiancheng brought Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and others to the gate of the stable, he was shocked by the scene in front of him.

The chief minister of the cabinet, Wen Tiren, stood outside the city gate, and many cabinet ministers stood beside him, obviously welcoming him.

Su Tiancheng quickly got off his horse and went forward to salute.

Wen Tiren grabbed Su Tiancheng.

"Master Su, the Jiang Ning camp has made great achievements. It should be the old man who saluted you. Many etiquettes have been omitted. Follow the old man to the Hall of Supreme Harmony. The emperor is waiting for news."

After entering the city gate, the soldiers of the five city soldiers and horses stood guard on both sides, and behind them, several people stopped and watched.

Su Tiancheng didn't dare to ride a horse anymore. The more he won, the more he had to pay attention to his words and deeds. There were too many lessons like this.

Wen Tiren saw Su Tiancheng's cautiousness, and spoke with a smile.

"Master Su, let's go on horseback."

There were too many people onlookers, Su Tiancheng, Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and A Duoga, including more than a dozen Tazi military officers, became the biggest highlight.

Especially A Duoga, who was tied to a horse, with a pale complexion, could not see the slightest arrogance. Some people threw melons, fruits and vegetables that had been prepared long ago at these tartars, and some even took off their shoes and threw To Adoka and others.

All the sergeants of the Wucheng Bingma Division were dispatched to maintain order, but they were familiar with such actions, and they were hit by melons, fruits and shoes a few times, which was very hurtful.

Su Tiancheng and others set off in the middle of the night.

He knew that with such a big victory, the capital must have been shaken. Daming had been aggrieved for many years in front of Houjin. The emperor must not be able to bear the news when he knew such news, so he needed to set off early and escort A Duoga and others rushed to the stables to report the victory. If they were delayed, Zhu Youjian would definitely be upset.

He did not expect such a large formation in the stable.

Although [-] Tartars have been annihilated, there are still [-] Tartars staring at them. Su Tiancheng dare not take it lightly. Fortunately, the Artillery Battalion of the Jiangning Battalion and the Shenji Battalion led by Hong Chengchou have already arrived. At this time, Su Tiancheng has If you have enough confidence to repel the Tartars, as for annihilating the Tartars, don't have such delusions for the time being.

Outside the Forbidden City.

All the Wu ministers of the imperial court were waiting here, and they did not enter the Forbidden City in advance.

Although the waiting time was very long, everyone's faces were full of excitement. Such a great victory was not easy. Daming finally had an army strong enough to fight against the Empress Jin Tartars. This is the most important thing up.

When there were still two miles away from the Forbidden City, Su Tiancheng insisted on dismounting.

On both sides of the road, Jin Yiwei was waiting.

At this time, Su Tiancheng is determined not to ride a horse anymore, don't look at the victory now, if he is not careful and is found fault by the incident or the censor, after this matter is over, it will not be worthwhile to accuse him of being arrogant .

Along the way, Wen Tiren was smiling, and he had been paying attention to Su Tiancheng.

The Jiangning Battalion won a huge victory, Su Tiancheng's expression was still calm, neither arrogant nor impetuous, he was able to control his emotions very well, and even when he entered the city gate, he was about to dismount. Such caution was indeed not easy.

When he came outside the Forbidden City, Su Tiancheng resolutely got off his horse. This was a sign of respect for the emperor and the imperial court.

Faintly, Wen Tiren felt that although Su Tiancheng was young, it would not take long for him to enter the cabinet. It might not take long for him, the chief assistant, to give way to Su Tiancheng.

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