Ming politicians

Chapter 458 Need to Cool Down

() Wen Tiren led Su Tiancheng, Sun Chuanting, Lu Xiangsheng and others directly into the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Above the main hall, Zhu Youjian was smiling, and he couldn't restrain his excitement. It is said that Zhu Youjian should wait for all the ministers to arrive before he would drive to the Hall of Supreme Harmony, but he couldn't help it.

Jin Yiwei watched over a dozen Tartar prisoners and waited outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Numerous ministers looked at a few Tartar captives in a state of embarrassment, and some impatient ministers even spat at the Tartar captives. Of course, they were much smarter than ordinary people, but judging from their eyes, if they were on the street, they might not Going forward, fists and feet are on the upper body, and the court ministers also hate Tartars.

"I greet the emperor, long live the emperor, long live, long live..."

"Mianli, Su Aiqing, Sun Aiqing, Lu Aiqing, you are the heroes of my Ming Dynasty, the biggest heroes."

Su Tiancheng's heart skipped a beat, this Zhu Youjian was too impatient.

"Your majesty, I don't dare. It is the duty of the Jiangning camp to defend the country and protect the Daming country. If the Tartars are allowed to plunder, it is a dereliction of duty. Although the Jiangning camp wiped out [-] Tartars, there are still some people led by Azig. The [-] Tartars are looting around Baoding Mansion, and the Jiangning Battalion still has heavy responsibilities, and the Jiangning Battalion will only be able to complete its mission if the Tartars are expelled from our Daming territory."

Su Tiancheng said this after careful consideration. He needs to cool down. The fighting power of the Tartars is extraordinary. Wan Tartar, if it is not done well, it may cause heavy losses. The emperor and court ministers must think that Jiang Ning is fighting the enemy.To be able to annihilate all Tartars, one must first define the target.

Zhu Youjian was indeed taken aback for a moment.

"Su Aiqing, the Jiangning Battalion has achieved such a huge victory, why didn't they take advantage of the victory to pursue and wipe out the Tartars?"

"Your Majesty. In the battle of Fangshan, the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army wiped out more than 4000 Tartars, but their own losses were also heavy, with nearly 7000 casualties, especially the Datong Frontier Army, which lost nearly 5 people. Master Hong led the rest The soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion arrived in Fangshan County today. The total strength of the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army is more than [-]. With these forces, it is possible to drive out the Tartars. But it is temporarily impossible to wipe out the Tartars.”

"Oh, the battle of Fangshan caused such a huge loss."

"That's right, my previous opinion was to start a decisive battle with the Tartars in the capital area. To hurt the Tartars, so that the Tartars would not dare to enter our Ming Dynasty in a short period of time, so that the court will do everything possible to wipe out the bandits and let the people live and work in peace and contentment. Under such conditions, you can consider taking the initiative to attack Houjin."

Zhu Youjian thought for a while, but didn't speak for a while.

Wen Tiren spoke.

"Your Majesty, I think what Lord Su said is feasible. There are [-] Tartars under Azig's leadership. After learning of the loss of [-] Tartars, they will definitely launch an attack. The responsibilities of the Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army are still heavy. , To resist [-] Tartars. We must be cautious. I think the emperor's plan is feasible. After expelling the Tartars, I ordered the Jiangning Camp to wipe out the rogues. The officials of the provinces, prefectures and counties are dedicated to the people's livelihood, so that the people can live and work in peace and contentment, and gather the strength of our Ming Dynasty. , when the time is right, attack Houjin and recover the lost land, Huolian Xingkong."

After Wen Tiren spoke, the rest of the cabinet ministers also expressed their views.

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly.

"Well, what you Aiqing said is all reasonable. I still say the same thing. When it comes to fighting the Tartars, Su Aiqing will stop at the first opportunity. Including me, I will not interfere with your deployment. You can fight as you want. A few days ago, Su Aiqing promised to exterminate [-] Tartars in front of me, but within a few days, the goal was achieved, but Su Aiqing is not satisfied, I look forward to a big victory for the Jiangning camp."

"The minister obeys the order."

Su Tiancheng breathed a sigh of relief. What he was afraid of was Zhu Youjian's request in the main hall, so that Jiang Ningying could not fulfill it, which might cause heavy losses.It now appears that such a situation has been avoided.

The next step is to offer prisoners.

A Duoga was a general, the family general of the county king Azige, and he was captured alive by Jiang Ning Ying, which was very encouraging.The significance of presenting captives this time far exceeds that of the previous ones. After all, rogue bandits belong to civil strife, and dealing with Hou Metal is like fighting against foreign aggression.

The court ministers also had the same understanding. Regarding the harassment of the rogues, including the mutiny of the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty, they all thought it was an internal problem, because life was unsustainable and could be forgiven, so after the leader of the rogues was captured, many people still complained They interceded, and many people agreed with the imperial court's policy of appeasement, but their attitude towards Hou Jin was completely different.

The people who everyone hated were Kong Youde, Geng Zhongmin and Shang Kexi. The three were generals of the Ming Dynasty, but they rebelled because of their own interests, and finally joined Houjin. This is not only a disgrace to Kong Youde and others, but also to the Ming The shame of the court, if such a person is captured, it is impossible to be lightly spared.

When A Duoga and others were escorted into the hall, there were hatred eyes in the hall.

Su Tiancheng was a little apprehensive. He didn't want to kill A Duoga. If he had such a thought, he would have done it as early as outside Fangshan County, and there was no need to escort A Duoga to the capital. Anyway, A Duoga His identity is the lieutenant general and the family general of the county king Azig. This is a good bargaining chip. It is the most cost-effective to exchange some things through Adoga.

For a brave general like A Duoga, there are still a lot of gold medals, and it is impossible to lose one person.

But seeing the eyes of the ministers, I can't wait to cut A Duoga and others into pieces.

Zhu Youjian tried his best to suppress his anger, and spoke slowly.

"Su Aiqing, these post-gold tartars, I will behead them and show them to the public, and let the people in the capital come to visit and take a look. This is the end of harassing my Daming."

Su Tiancheng gritted his teeth and spoke.

"Your Majesty, I have a different opinion."

The hall fell silent in an instant.

Wen Tiren, Yang Sichang and the others had pale faces. They thought that something was wrong with Su Tiancheng's head. They beheaded A Duoga and others to show the public, just to inspire the hearts of the soldiers and the common people. What's wrong with this? Could it be that Su Tiancheng Do you still want to surrender to A Duoga? After all, you are a foreign race, so how can you return to your heart?

"Su Aiqing, why do you say that?"

Zhu Youjian's tone was very bad. Although the expression on his face remained unchanged, it could be seen that he was dissatisfied.

"Your Majesty, I think that killing A Duoga will not bring you the greatest benefit, and keeping A Duoga to make a deal with Hou Jin is the most cost-effective thing."

Zhu Youjian was stunned for a moment, he didn't think of this level at all.

"Oh, let's talk about how Su Aiqing thinks about it."

"Your Majesty, A Duoga is the family general of the county king Azige, and he is a deputy general. His status is very good. I think that A Duo Ga can be exchanged for Kong Youde, Geng Zhongmin, or any one of Shang Kexi. The three of them defected to the enemy and betrayed the country. Being named a prince, presumably Huang Taiji would not make such a deal. In this way, wouldn't Huang Taiji have to face the accusations of Azig and the barbarians of Hou Jin? Why did he protect the Han people? I don’t want to exchange Da Ming’s 24 Prison Complete Readings. This will definitely cause disunity among them, which is beneficial to me, Da Ming.”

A smile began to appear on Zhu Youjian's face.

"If Huang Taiji is unwilling to exchange, at that time, it is feasible for the court to kill A Duoga again."

"Such a thing that has the best of both worlds, I think it must be possible to do."

Zhu Youjian nodded slightly.

"My loves, I think that Su Aiqing's proposal is indeed feasible. You might as well exchange A Duoga with that Huang Taiji of Houjin. What do you think?"

It was Wen Tiren who spoke first.

"Your Majesty, I think it's feasible, so the best of both worlds, I second my proposal."

Many ministers seconded the proposal one after another.

Zhu Youjian spoke with a smile on his face.

"Okay, that's it. Put A Duoga and others in prison and keep them under strict supervision."

After seeing A Duoga and others being escorted out, Zhu Youjian sighed softly.

"It would be great if Azig could be captured alive."

All the people in the hall heard this sentence.

Su Tiancheng's face turned pale, he captured Azig alive, what a joke, this is not a matter of casual talk, he is the king of Houjin, and there are many personal guards around him, if he could be caught so easily , that also shows that the fighting power of the Tartars is too insignificant.

Su Tiancheng lowered his head, pretending not to see the eyes around him.

At this time, he won't express his position, he won't say anything, it's obviously impossible, so it's better not to say anything.

Regarding the Jiangning battalion awards, it is not time to discuss, the [-] Tatars led by Azig are still looting around Baoding Mansion. Of course, Azig will soon get news that the [-] troops he brought have Twenty thousand troops were annihilated by the Daming Jiangning Camp. I believe that after Azig got the news, he would be furious and take all the Tartars to retaliate wildly.

Zhu Youjian did not retain Su Tiancheng and others.

Leaving the Hall of Mental Cultivation, Su Tiancheng walked out of the Forbidden City under the watchful eyes of all the ministers.

The eunuch who escorted Su Tiancheng out of the Forbidden City walked outside the Meridian Gate, took out a letter from his arms, and handed it to Su Tiancheng.

"Master Su, this is a letter that the prince asked his servants to bring to you."

Su Tiancheng nodded, took the letter, and handed the eunuch a gold ingot by the way.

The eunuch did not refuse, and a flattering smile appeared on his face.

Su Tiancheng didn't stay in the capital. He wanted to go back to Fangshan County immediately. The next plan had already been arranged. Hong Chengchou rushed to Fangshan County with [-] Jiangning battalion soldiers.

Su Tiancheng was going to continue to set up an ambush in Fangshan County, and beat the [-] Tartar army led by Azig here. This time, all the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion had arrived in the capital. Su Tiancheng had enough confidence to defeat the Tartars.

Of course, this is just a defeat. I dare not say that the Tartars were wiped out. There are 8 people.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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