Ming politicians

Chapter 459 Can't Relax

() (Thanks to fgxr2011, wh946220, and He Tiantian for the valuable monthly tickets, thanks to john016, book friend 110320135454338 for the reward, and thanks to 13338185955 for the update ticket, thank you.)

Fangshan County, as the temporary garrison of Jiangning battalion soldiers and Datong frontier army, seemed very empty. Inside the huge county town, there were broken bricks and tiles, which obviously suffered from the baptism of war and had tragic experiences.

Of the tens of thousands of people captured by the Houjin Tartars, only a small number went home, and most of them stayed in the county. Moreover, some people came from the residents of Fangshan County. It will dissipate, but the two big victories of the Jiangning Camp have made these people feel a little more at ease.

Su Tiancheng had to arrange special personnel to take care of the lives of the common people. Some residents returned home and began to reorganize the burnt houses.Yang Sichang said that the imperial court will send a new county magistrate to deal with people's livelihood issues, but Fangshan County is still at the forefront. It is obviously inappropriate to mention people's livelihood matters at this time, so the new county magistrate has not been appointed for the time being.

There is still food to worry about, and a lot of it has been seized from the Tartars, but the cost is also very high. The most important thing is that it is still impossible to return to normal life. The wheat seedlings in the fields have basically been destroyed by the Tartars.

Seeing these situations, Su Tiancheng felt that the responsibility was heavy and he had to expel the Tartars.

Azige led the soldiers to attack Baoding Prefecture, but the effect was not very good. He turned to attack the county seat. This step of change benefited the Tartars a lot, and it only took one day.They attacked Mancheng County not far from Baoding Mansion.

It was at this time that news came that the army that had participated in the rescue of Fangshan County had been annihilated.

Azige, who was furious, firstly did not believe that Ming Dynasty did not have such an army that could wipe out [-] Qing soldiers.The second is to vent. Mancheng County was wiped out overnight, no matter young and strong, old or weak, women and children, they were all killed, and the county town was also burned.

A full [-] soldiers.It was actually wiped out by the Ming army.

While Azig was furious, he thought of revenge. It didn't make much sense to just target the common people. He had to attack the Ming army, if he couldn't defeat the Ming army.Azig couldn't explain.

Azig finally found out about Jiang Ningying.

He had never heard of the Jiangning Battalion. The Guanning Cavalry left a deep impression on him. Could it be that the Jiangning Battalion was even more powerful than the Guanning Cavalry? This is impossible, as he had never heard of it.

Azig could no longer listen to the counselor's suggestion.

He leads the army.Headed towards Fangshan County.

The two armies were concentrated. At such a moment, Azig would not divide his troops. The painful lesson was in front of him. If he continued to divide his troops, it would be tantamount to self-destructing the Great Wall.

An army of [-] came towards Fangshan County. Along the way, Azig's temper became weird and irritable.The counselors under him did not dare to open their mouths to make suggestions. One of the counselors who did not know what to do suggested that the army should suspend the action and investigate the details of the Jiangning camp.This is a good suggestion, but the counselor was hit by a whip and couldn't stand up, and the other counselors, who would speak.

In the eyes of Azig, the gold and silver treasures, including food, etc., are not worth mentioning. His greatest wish is to defeat the Jiangning camp and use the blood of the soldiers of the Jiangning camp to pay homage to his dead brothers.

Until this time, Azig still didn't believe in the bravery of the Jiangning camp, nor did he fully believe in the annihilation of [-] soldiers, and he didn't even believe in the news that A Duoga had been captured.

After entering the entrance of Xifeng, Azig regarded the inside of the pass as a horse ranch, he was at ease, and he couldn't see the soldiers of Ming Dynasty. If it wasn't for the high walls of Beijing, he would even plan to attack Beijing city in one go. , I can immediately become famous, and my military achievements even surpass the emperor's elder brother and the deceased father.

Azig didn't think of so much after fighting all the year round. He thought blood debts were the last word, and the rest didn't need to be considered. As for the Ming army, including the Jiangning battalion, who would design ambushes, he didn't think about it at all. There is no army that dares to set up an ambush against [-] soldiers of the Qing Dynasty.

Azig still did not hide the whereabouts of the army, and galloped all the way towards Fangshan County. This kind of mentality was no different from that of Aduoga back then.

It can be said that what kind of master there is, there is what kind of servant.

Su Tiancheng will not be careless.

Azig led an army of tens of thousands and came towards Fangshan County aggressively, without the slightest fear, as if the annihilation of [-] Tartars ahead did not exist.

Such an opponent made Su Tiancheng dumbfounded.

This is really God's help. The more arrogant Azig is, the greater the blow he will suffer. At this moment, Su Tiancheng even thought that the emperor's request to capture Azige alive is not impossible. Achieved.

Fantasies are fantasies, Su Tiancheng will not slack in the slightest in the face of the upcoming fierce battle.

The headquarters is still located in the county government office. Fortunately, it has not been completely burned down here. After simple repairs, it can be regarded as the best place in the county.

Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others gathered here. There is also a special person, Xu Eryi, the right servant of the Ministry of War, who is also here. Xu Eryi came to supervise the battle on behalf of the court and the Ministry of War.

"Everyone, Azig is leading an army of [-] Tartars, and they are approaching aggressively. Let's see, how should we deal with it?"

Because [-] Tartars had been annihilated, the atmosphere in the room was relatively relaxed. Although the Jiangning Camp also lost nearly [-] brothers, there were always casualties in conquests.

Hong Chengchou spoke directly.

"Master Su, if you have any ideas and arrangements, just tell them directly, and I will just follow the instructions."

The rest nodded in agreement.

"Well, I'll make the arrangement. You all have a good mentality. This is worthy of recognition, but I once said that we can underestimate the Tartars strategically, but we must pay attention to the Tartars tactically. The previous victories are over. We are about to usher in the most crucial battle, and I can be sure that this battle is won. In two to three years, there will be no war in the north."

Everyone's expressions became serious.

"There are 5000 Tartars, and their fighting power is extraordinary. In the last battle, there were only 8000 Tartars, but we dispatched [-]. In terms of numbers, we have an absolute advantage, and we can end the battle in half a day. It also relied on the arrogance of the Tartars and the absolute superiority in numbers, this time these advantages do not exist."

"Azig is known as the No. [-] warrior in the late Jin Dynasty. He is by no means ordinary. Although he led the army aggressively and did not have any defenses along the way, it was also based on a high degree of self-confidence. I believe that when the Tartar army approached In Fangshan County, Azig will definitely be cautious."

"Our total strength is 3000. Among them, the Jiangning Battalion has about 3000 people, and the Datong Frontier Army has about [-] people. In terms of strength, we have no advantage. The Tartars are all cavalry, and they move quickly. Although some soldiers in the Jiangning Battalion can handle it. But the Artillery Battalion and Shenji Battalion, including the Infantry Battalion, still can't keep up, and the Datong Frontier Army can't keep up either, so on the surface, we don't have any advantage."

"The best way is to guard Fangshan County, let Azig lead the Tartars to attack, and we will inflict great damage on them. However, the flaw of this method is also obvious, that is, Azig is always in the active position superior."

"I've thought about it. We still have to follow the deployment of the last battle and fight the Tartars. From the perspective of momentum, we will completely defeat the Tartars."

"To fight this battle well, the role of the Artillery Battalion and the Divine Machine Battalion are crucial, even decisive. What the cavalry fear most is artillery. Azig never imagined that we would use two hundred artillery pieces to fight the battle." wait for his army."

"So, my deployment is that the Shenji Battalion is on the first line, the Xiaoqi Battalion, Jianrui Battalion, and Vanguard Battalion are on the second line, and the Infantry Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army are on the third line. The distance between the three lines should not exceed one mile. As for the artillery battalion, it is on the same line as the infantry battalion, and they are the first to attack."

"The personal battalion and the scout battalion suffered a lot of losses this time, as a reserve team."

"I would like to emphasize that everyone must have a clear understanding, and don't think about annihilating the [-] troops of the Tartars. We can't swallow this pie. It's too big to prevent us from being stuffed to death."

"There is no ambush in this head-to-head confrontation, and don't try to block the escape route of the Tartars."

"Once the Tartars flee, the pursuit distance cannot exceed ten miles, and we must shrink. We must understand this truth. We must not rush to attack these [-] Tartars. You all know the game of cat and mouse. Take it easy. Play slowly, consume the power of the Tartars step by step, and let the Tartars know that this is my Da Ming's territory."

"I am the master of my territory. The Tartars have no stronghold and cannot get supplies. I believe it will not take long for the Tartars to be dragged down and run away desperately."

When Su Tiancheng said these arrangements, his expression was relaxed.

The officers of Jiangning Battalion believed it completely. The battlefield described by Su Tiancheng seemed to be presented in front of their eyes.

Lu Xiangsheng also believed that after the last battle, everything Su Tiancheng described could become a reality. The only thing he didn't understand was the artillery battalion. This was the first time he heard this word.

Xu Eryi can't speak, his task is to supervise the battle.

"Specific command officers, I will make the following arrangements. Hong Chengchou will command the first-line troops, Lu Xiangsheng will command the second-line troops, Sun Chuanting will command the third-line troops, Bi Maokang will command the artillery battalion, and the pro-barracks and scout battalions will follow me."

After everyone left, Su Tiancheng found Liu Tiehan.

"Liu Tiehan, I have given you a task. The scout battalion will not participate in the direct attack this time, but your responsibility is the most important. Let me keep an eye on Azig. Only this time, Azig led the army to come. It's very arrogant, after the artillery battalion launches an attack, their team will definitely be in chaos, it is an excellent opportunity, if the scout battalion can catch Azig, no matter how much it costs, it will be worth it."

After a pause, Su Tiancheng spoke again.

"Tiehan, you have been fighting with me for many years. Your courage is commendable, but in terms of strategy, you still need to sharpen. Although the scout battalion has accepted the task of capturing Azig alive, you must judge the situation and never act recklessly. You must avoid unnecessary sacrifices. Do you understand?" To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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