Ming politicians

Chapter 460 The meaning of the letter

() The reason why Su Tiancheng made such an arrangement is also somewhat regrettable.most

In the Qing Dynasty in history, the status of soldiers was very special. They were very honorable and paid a lot of money, but the requirements were also very harsh. Just like the soldiers around Azig, these soldiers were like Azig’s family members. The salary in Japan is very high, and it is by no means comparable to ordinary sergeants. Some officers in the Eight Banners dare not easily offend these soldiers, but their responsibilities are also heavy. If there is a problem with the commander, they will not survive. , Either desperately protect the coach, or commit suicide to follow the coach.

Therefore, it is conceivable that it is difficult to capture Azig alive.

Through the captured Tartar officers, Su Tiancheng already knew that there were two thousand soldiers around Azig. Something went wrong, they couldn't survive, and everything was in vain. Under such circumstances, they didn't protect Azig with all their might.

After capturing A Duoga alive, Su Tiancheng saw with his own eyes that the soldiers around A Duoga committed suicide.

In his heart, Su Tiancheng didn't want to make such an arrangement. The personal army battalion and the scout battalion were also the elites of the Jiangning battalion. With one enemy ten, they had the courage of ten thousand men. The two battalions lost more than 800 soldiers, and Su Tiancheng's heart was bleeding from pain.

But he had to make such an arrangement, all because of the letter written by Wang Chengen.

In Wang Chengen's letter, there were many words of praise and greetings. Su Tiancheng was not interested in these contents. The key point is that Wang Chengen specifically mentioned later that the allusion of capturing the thief first captured the king, and Su Tiancheng understood the meaning.

Wang Chengen definitely didn't mean to write this letter. He, Su Tiancheng, is also majestic now, and he is one of the important ministers of the Ming Dynasty.Wang Chengen would not do anything behind Zhu Youjian's back. Besides, Wang Chengen's heart was all for Zhu Youjian, so it was actually Zhu Youjian's intention.

Under such circumstances, of course Su Tiancheng would not be careless.

To say that Azig can be captured alive.That's worth it, at least [-] Tartars lost their commander, and the morale of the army must be slackened. Not to mention continuing to loot in the pass, it is not easy to escape out of the pass.

under such circumstances.Su Tiancheng had no choice but to arrange Liu Tiehan to complete this arduous task.

Liu Tiehan has a solid eye. Once he accepts the task, he doesn't think about anything. He only thinks about completing the task. If he can't complete it, he won't be able to eat well or sleep well.Can't recover for a long time.

If Liu Tiehan couldn't complete the task, it would be useless to hand it over to others.

Wang Dazhi came in with a small boy.

Seeing someone coming, Su Tiancheng stood up. This young man was a servant in his mansion in the capital, and he followed the steward all the time. This time, Su Tiancheng led the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp to read through the super karma lottery.When I came to the capital, I passed by the house twice, but didn't go in.

The two great victories achieved by the Jiangning Battalion spread throughout the capital. It is impossible to say that Zhu Shenxin and the others did not know about it, but Su Tiancheng has no time to go home for the time being.The heavy military affairs made him breathless, unless he defeated the [-] Tartars led by Azig and drove the Tartars out of the customs, he could go home and have a look.

"Master. The younger one has brought a letter from the madam."

"Oh, madam is fine, everything is fine at home."

"The madam is fine, but I'm just worried about the master. The second lady, the third lady, and the fourth lady are all well. The third lady and the fourth lady are about to arrive. Madam said that if the master finishes his work, he must go home and have a look."

"Ming Jie and Ming Yue are both fine."

"The young master and the young lady are both very good, but they just wanted to see their father, so the madam said that when the master is free, he went back home to have a look."

"Okay, I see. You have come to Fangshan County. You have worked hard. Go to eat and wash up. After you go back, tell your wife and the ladies that I will definitely go back after I finish my work."

The boy was taken to dinner, Su Tiancheng signaled to Wang Dazhi to take out an ingot of gold, a full ten taels, and give it to the boy as a reward. The road was full of chaos, and it took a certain amount of courage to come to Fangshan County.

Of course Wang Dazhi knew the seriousness. After he went out, he arranged for two personal soldiers to escort the boy back to the capital after he had eaten. I'm coming to Fangshan County soon, this is not a place to stay for a long time.

Su Tiancheng opened the letter.

Zhu Shenxin's delicate handwriting caught his eyelids, and Zhu Shenxin's handwriting was better than Su Tiancheng's.

Zhu Shenxin mainly told Su Tiancheng to take care of his body. The prestige of Jiangningying had already spread in the capital, and Su Tiancheng had been regarded as a great hero. The common people even thought that if the Tartars met Su Tiancheng, they would be defeated without a fight.

Zhu Shenxin didn't talk much about the family affairs, she mainly talked about Su Mingjie and Su Mingyue, the two children's personalities were a bit reversed, Su Mingjie was quiet, Su Mingyue was lively, the roles of boys and girls seemed to be It was swapped.

Looking at Zhu Shenxin's letter, a smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

For such a long time, he is almost unfamiliar with such letters between husband and wife. Hundreds of years later, there is no such thing as letter writing. Mobile phones and computers are flooding the world, and they can greet each other at any time, even if they are far away Immediately contact, but this is not the era, must rely on letters to transmit information.

What Su Tiancheng thinks of the most is to change the history and make the country strong. He really cares less about the family affairs. .

After reading the letter, Su Tiancheng quickly replied.

The boy had already eaten and was still waiting for a reply.

Half an hour later, the servant took Su Tiancheng's reply letter and an ingot of gold, and under the escort of two personal soldiers, he left Fangshan County and returned to the capital.

After Wang Dazhi came in, Su Tiancheng suddenly thought of something.

"Dazhi, sit down, I have something to say."

Wang Dazhi stood opposite Su Tiancheng and did not sit down.

"Dazhi, you have been with me for so long. We have spent more time together than anyone else. Over the years, I have been persuading you to start a family, but you always refuse. I know you are afraid that after you start a family, you will not have much time to spend Today I want to make it clear that you must start a family. After this battle, I will personally preside over the wedding ceremony for you. In the reply letter to Madam, I have already mentioned this matter. In the middle, carefully select a girl for you. Unfilialism has three queens. Your mother is in the capital and is very lonely. She always wants you to get married. Can you not get married because of me? If so, I am embarrassed to see you It's up to your mother to become the enemy and upgrade to king."

Seeing that Wang Dazhi still wanted to speak, Su Tiancheng waved his hand to stop him.

"This is an order, you must start a family, otherwise don't stay by my side."

As soon as Su Tiancheng finished speaking, Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Bi Maokang, Qu Qingze, Xiong Zijian and others hurried in.

Su Tiancheng knew that Azig's army was not far from Fangshan County.

Sure enough, Qu Qingze spoke.

"My lord, the Tartars led by Azig are still thirty miles away from Fangshan County. The scouts reported that Azig didn't intend to set up camp, but seemed to be planning to attack directly."

A sneer appeared on Su Tiancheng's face.

"Jun Hong, is everything ready?"

"Everything is ready, just waiting for the order from the adults."

"Okay, tell all the brothers to get ready. Master Bi, let me emphasize again that the role of the artillery battalion is very important. Don't feel sorry for the artillery, and don't be afraid that the artillery will be scrapped. Beat it hard and let the Tartars die." Can't find southeast, northwest."

Everyone went out, leaving Su Tiancheng alone in the room. This is also the rule of the Jiangning camp. Before each battle, Su Tiancheng always has to stay alone for a while.

Xu Er came in.

When Su Tiancheng, who was in deep thought, was about to get angry, he turned his head and saw Xu Eryi, and quickly spoke.

"Master, the battle is imminent, and it is dangerous here. I will send soldiers to protect your safety."

"Kun Yuan, what are you talking about? I am here to supervise the battle on behalf of the imperial court. There is no reason to stay behind and hide. I just came to tell you. I want to follow out of the city and watch the soldiers kill the enemy with my own eyes."

"Master, this is not good, it is very dangerous."

"Aren't you in danger, Kun Yuan? To be honest, your current status is much more important than mine. Daming cannot do without you, nor can he do without the Jiangning Camp. All the court ministers know that you are the soul of the Jiangning Camp. , the Jiangning camp cannot do without you, even you went to the battle and commanded it yourself, and I, an old guy, hid behind, where do you put my face."

Su Tiancheng blinked, not knowing what to say.

Su Tiancheng and Xu Er walked out of the room.

"Commander Sun, I've given you a mission."

Sun Yuankun hurried forward.

"Master Xu came to supervise the battle on behalf of the emperor and the imperial court. He must follow to the front line and watch the brothers kill the Tartars with his own eyes. This is the glory of the brothers. The safety of Master Xu is entrusted to you. You cannot show up. For any questions, you have to follow Mr. Xu every step of the way, understand."

Sun Yuankun clasped his fists and saluted, without saying anything, he stood beside Xu Eryi.

Seeing many officers waiting, Su Tiancheng spoke slowly.

"Brothers, the Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army are facing fierce battles. I don't want to talk too much. It's useless to talk too much. The brothers understand the specific deployment. Next, we will perform well. We must persevere, work hard, completely defeat the Tartars, and drive them out. Officers must take the lead, and must be the first to charge and endure hardships. Only in this way can the fighting spirit of the soldiers be stimulated to the greatest extent. The final result depends on everyone's performance." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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