Ming politicians

Chapter 461 The Great Power of Cannons and Flintlocks

() The scouts reported that the Ming army had already set up a line of defense. It seemed densely packed, but there were still a lot of people. The front row was the Shenji Battalion, and the sergeants held matchlock guns in their hands.As for the layout behind it, I can't see clearly.

Azig had a cruel smile on his face.

Of course, he has been in contact with the Shenji camp of the Ming Dynasty. He also knows the power of the matchlock gun. All of this is due to Kong Youde and others who have defected to the Qing Dynasty. The Han military camp of the Qing Dynasty is a typical Shenji camp. Rely on artillery and arquebus to show off.

As far as the power of matchlock guns is concerned, there are indeed some, but there are many disadvantages of matchlock guns. The time interval between shots is long. Once the cavalry breaks through the line of defense, the sergeant will become a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

The cavalry of the Qing Dynasty charged very fast, and the sergeants of the Ming Dynasty could fire one round at most. I am afraid that it would be too late to change their medicine, as the cavalry had already arrived.

Azig had also seen such formations of the Ming army. In the end, the cavalry of the Qing Dynasty defeated the Ming army. After the battle progressed, it became a massacre.

Azig will not launch an attack hastily. After all, the information he has obtained shows that 2 people have been lost in the front. Not to mention whether the news is true or not, at least it shows that the Ming army on the opposite side has a certain combat effectiveness.

A gust of wind blew over, Azig sniffed his nose, looked up at the sky, with an ecstatic expression on his face.

It's going to rain, and after it rains, the matchlock gun becomes a fire stick, which has no effect. In this way, the brothers can reduce casualties, and use the fastest speed to tear through the defense line of the Ming army.

Azig opened his mouth and ordered all the sergeants to wait in place.

Su Tiancheng was also looking at the sky, unexpectedly, at the critical moment, it was going to rain.

It has already entered summer, and the rain has obviously increased. In the past few years, the area of ​​Northern Zhili, including the area of ​​the Central Plains.I can't live anymore, but this year is strange, there is a lot of rain.

"Order all the soldiers, get ready, God is going to show his power, when it rains, it's the time for the Tartars to attack. Grasp the rhythm and kill the Tartars as much as possible."

Liu Tiehan beside him was eager to try, and after accepting the task of capturing Azig alive, he couldn't calm down.

Su Tiancheng glanced at Liu Tiehan.

"Tie Man, calm down. The battle hasn't started yet, don't worry, do it when you have a chance, don't force yourself if you don't have a chance."

The rain finally fell.

It was raining heavily, and it was pouring heavily.

The scout quickly returned to the camp to report.

"Report, the Tartars have begun to advance, and they are less than ten miles away from our camp."

"Explore again."

The sound of the rainstorm could hardly conceal the tremor of the earth.The momentum of the [-] cavalry was huge and frightening, and the distance was so far that the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion felt the shock.

Everyone's faces were very peaceful, including the more than 2 Datong border troops. After the last fight, they completely eliminated their fear. It turns out that the Tartars can also be defeated.

When the scouts came to report again.Azig had 1 strikers, only five miles away from the defense line of the Jiangning battalion.

The artillery battalion was ready for everything.

Heavy rain is more beneficial to the artillery battalion. It can greatly reduce the temperature of the gun bore, and make the tiger squatting gun and Fran cannon launch faster.

The scouts came to Su Tiancheng again, but they hadn't had time to speak.Su Tiancheng has already raised the drum hammer in his hand.

The rumbling drum sounded, accompanied by the sound of the horseshoes of the Tartars charging.

Two hundred artillery pieces roared at the same time.

Although the distance is a bit far, there is a huge sound of gunfire.The shock still caught the Datong frontier army off guard. Some people subconsciously covered their ears. The soldiers of the Jiangning battalion had long been used to it, and no one moved.

Azig led the striker and personally launched an impact.

He rejected the counselor's suggestion, took all the soldiers, and took the lead in launching the attack.

In the heavy rain, the sergeants of the Shenji Battalion, which were densely packed in front of them, had become the targets of massacres.

At this moment, the cannon rang.

Azige felt bad. His father had suffered a loss before. That time when he attacked the isolated city of Ningyuan, the Qing Dynasty suffered the most serious loss. It was because of the artillery. Unexpectedly, the Ming army prepared artillery. It seems that the Jiangning Battalion is still somewhat famous .

After suffering from artillery, the Qing Dynasty also specially studied artillery. At the beginning of the war, the power of artillery was indeed not small, but as long as it persisted, there were many cases of artillery explosions, and its power would gradually decrease.

Azig is still rushing forward. At this time, the faster he is, the more he can avoid the artillery.

What happened made him dumbfounded.

The cannon fell in the middle of the charging team, and it actually blossomed. As the cannons fell one by one, screams came and went, and many soldiers were rushed into the air by the strong air current. When they fell, they had no breath.

The war horse was frightened and became disobedient.

The concentration of cannons has reached a frightening level. A few meters away from Azig, a cannon fell to the ground. up.

This is a cannon that Azig has never seen before. What's going on? When Kong Youde surrendered to the Qing Dynasty, he also brought a cannon, and it was a red cannon with great power. But the cannon doesn't seem to bloom. Does it mean that What kind of weapons did the army have, or Kong Youde kept a hand.

Seeing that the charging team was in chaos, many brothers had already fallen in a pool of blood, unable to stand up forever, Azig's eyes were red, and he raised his steel knife.

No matter how powerful the artillery of the Ming army is, I must lead my brothers to win this battle.

The second group of Tartars began to charge, also 1 people.

2 people have already been mobilized without contact with the Ming army sergeant, which is beyond Azig's expectation.

Su Tiancheng, who was standing on a high place, looked at all this with cold eyes. He vaguely remembered that before crossing, he had watched a movie. He forgot the name. It seemed to reflect that when the Eight-Power Allied Forces invaded China, the Qing soldiers also rushed like this. , Facing the cannons and flintlock guns of the Eight-Power Allied Forces, all of them were finally killed in battle.

Everything in front of me seems to be a true portrayal of the movie.

Aziggen didn't know the power of artillery and flintlock guns, and the blind charge could only cause great losses. The more concentrated the charging personnel, the greater the power of the artillery.

Watching the cannons fall on the Tartars' charging team, with rounds of blood flashing, Su Tiancheng knew that he had succeeded, and that he could kill the Tartars to the maximum extent today. After this battle, the Tartars had no choice but to run for their lives. The Jiangning battalion can chase after the Tartars and attack with confidence.

Of course, it would be the best to be able to capture Azig.

It's not too far from Xifengkou here, and according to the escape speed of the Tartars, it is still possible for a son-in-law to go there. The key is that the Ming troops in Changping, Juyongguan and Xifengkou are really cowards, and they don't have the courage to resist the Tartars. Not that kind of strength.

The huge power of the artillery made Azig a little confused. The loss was too great. Why were the artillery of the Ming army so powerful? They fired continuously, and the falling cannons kept blooming. Sergeants were thrown into the air, which seemed to be a regular pattern.

Several cannons had already bloomed around him, and there was no problem because of the desperate guards of the guards.

But the charge team has already been formed. At this time, it is impossible to retreat. Even if there are mountains of swords and seas of fire, they have to charge up. As long as they break through the coverage of this layer of artillery, all problems will be solved.

I don't know how much time has passed, Azig was pleasantly surprised to find that quite a few brothers had already rushed over, not far from Sergeant Daming.

He saw the hope of victory. Although the rain was a little less, the arquebus was useless. It was ridiculous that Daming's Shenji Battalion was still placed at the front.

The continuous sound of firecrackers sounded, and the brothers rushing over, like harvested leeks, fell down in rows, no one could be spared, leaving the horses neighing in grief and indignation.

Azig thought there was something wrong with his eyes.

Isn't it raining? Why is the arquebus still firing? What is going on? Could it be that God is helping the Ming army? This is impossible.

The Tartars who are charging have already hesitated. Bombs are constantly falling around them, and there are matchlock guns waiting in front of them. No matter how you look at it, it is a dead end. Under such circumstances, is it necessary to charge? After all, the so-called sacrifice is unnecessary .

But at this time, no one dared to escape, or retreated in front of the battle, and there was no chance to retreat. If no one commanded, the sergeants before and after the blind retreat collided with the horses, it would be really miserable, and everyone was ready to sleep forever here it is.

Regardless of their own safety, some soldiers reminded Azig loudly whether they should retreat temporarily to avoid causing big losses.

Azig stared, but did not announce the order to retreat.

It was also because of this attachment that he plunged himself into a deep quagmire.

The tactics of cutting leeks continued to be staged. Groups of sergeants who rushed through the area covered by the artillery fire fell under the guns of the flintlocks. No sergeant could break through the defense line of the Shenji Battalion.

Azig, who woke up like a dream, hesitated whether to issue an order to retreat.

If they don't retreat, [-] soldiers will be buried here, and the remaining [-] soldiers may be really in danger.

But Azig was still a little unwilling, and lost thousands of brothers, was this the result in return? Could it be that he was going to retreat without even contacting the Ming army?

The red-eyed Azig is ready to take a gamble.

He raised the steel knife again, and when the surrounding soldiers turned pale in shock, the third group of ten thousand Tartars charged.

Su Tiancheng who was standing on a high place could only sigh. If all the commanders of the Houjin had such virtues, it would probably not take long for them to die. Stupid question, it's just looking for death.

Such a good opportunity, how could Su Tiancheng miss it.

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