Ming politicians

Chapter 462 Muslim Funeral

() There are 8 Tartars led by Azig. The adoption of this charging mode is also the result of careful consideration. All 8 people charge, and the formation cannot be adjusted. This is an attack, not chasing deserters. It was this kind of arrangement that temporarily saved the fate of the Tartars. If 8 people rushed over together, the power of the artillery would be brought to the extreme.

Seeing such a charge by the Tartars, Su Tiancheng felt a little uneasy. The lethality formed by the artillery battalion and the Shenji Battalion is not too great. After such a long time, the loss of the Tartars is only a few thousand people. After all, the power of the cannonball is not that great, it's just that the momentum of the Tartars has weakened.

Relatively speaking, the power formed by the flintlock guns made the Tartars even more discouraged. The tactics were like cutting leeks. All the Tartars who rushed out of the coverage of the artillery fire fell under the flintlock guns. No one could rush to God. In the range of ten meters in front of the aircraft battalion, it can be said that this is a fatal blow to the Tartars.

People are afraid of death. If they are beaten for a long time and have no power to fight back, it is impossible to maintain their morale.

The momentum of the Tartars' charge has been greatly weakened. The third wave of Tartars has been very cautious when they charge, and the formation is widened. good idea.

With such a formation, it was time for the Jiangning Battalion to charge.

The Tartar cavalry were scattered and unable to form a concentrated strike force. In the atmosphere of their own battles, the cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion, at this time, could form a fist and deal a fatal blow to the Tartar. The battalion won the victory, and the Tartars could not withstand such a big blow, and they would definitely retreat across the board.

Wang Dazhi raised the red flag, which was an order for the Jiangning battalion cavalry to prepare to attack.

The artillery fire suddenly became violent, and the Shenji Battalion also began to shoot lead bullets, almost without interruption.

The Tartars were turned on their backs by the bombers, and some Tartars had already started to retreat.Although it is said that coach Azig did not give an order to retreat.

Azig finally couldn't hold on any longer and gave the order to retreat.

Thousands of brothers have been lost, and the artillery fire they deal with is still fierce. Who knows how many artillery shells the Ming army has, using the lives of brothers to contend with the shells, such a thing, Azig will not persist for a long time.

Just when the Tartars began to prepare to retreat.The artillery fire stopped suddenly, and the deafening drums sounded.

The soldiers of the Shenji Battalion quickly separated towards the two sides.

The cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion began to attack.

This overwhelming momentum made Azig feel fear, and this fear came from the heart.

His thinking is the same as that of Aduoga back then.Previously, there was an illusion that the Ming army did not have such a great ability to wipe out [-] soldiers of the Qing Dynasty. Now it seems that those [-] soldiers are more than auspicious, and they have lost thousands of soldiers.He hadn't been able to start a frontal fight with the Ming army. Just when he was about to retreat, the Ming army launched a charge. This kind of calculation and planning, as well as precise grasp, only the emperor's elder brother can do.

Azig, who felt that the six gods had no master, raised the steel knife again.

Lifting the steel knife this time was somewhat fatal.

The soldiers in front are retreating.The soldiers at the back saw Azig raise the steel knife and began to charge, and the camp suddenly became chaotic.

Azig quickly discovered the problem, but there was no time to adjust.

The cavalry of the Jiangning Battalion had already rushed over.

The Tartars in a panic began to adjust quickly, and some Tartars scattered towards the two sides.They tried to make room for the charging Tartars, but they didn't expect that the charge of the Jiangning battalion was too violent.

As soon as the cavalry on both sides exchanged fire, the Tartars showed signs of defeat.All this came too suddenly.

Like the autumn wind sweeping away the fallen leaves, the tartars who were trying to disperse chased and fell off their horses one after another, and it was too late to make room.

Azig finally came to his senses, he couldn't go on like this, who knows how many such sergeants the Ming army had, if they kept going, the army might be completely defeated.

He finally made up his mind and prepared to retreat in an all-round way.

The sound of the golden gong sounded. Although it was faint, it was the sound that the Tartars had been looking forward to for a long time.

The Tartars began a large-scale retreat.

Standing on a high place, Su Tiancheng watched all this with cold eyes. As soon as the cavalry of the Jiangning battalion launched an attack, Azig issued an order to retreat. It seemed that the infantry battalion could not be used.

He is very clear-headed, and it has been a long time since he was able to fight like this. He wiped out thousands of Tatars, and hit the arrogance of the Tartars to the greatest extent. From this moment, the Tartars will re-examine the Ming army.

The dense drums sounded again, this is the order for the general attack.

The infantry battalion attacked, although the effect could not be too great, but the momentum formed shocked all the Tartars.

The dense phalanx rushed over.

The Tartars, who hadn't had time to retreat, were already weak in their hands and feet. Being trapped in such a tight siege, it was definitely hopeless for them to survive.

Many Tartars began to desperately want to retreat, but unfortunately their wishful thinking was wrong. The Jiangning cavalry rushed over, like two sharp swords, cutting off the retreat of the Tartars. Thousands of Tartars were killed. Besieged in the middle, unable to retreat.

Azig was surrounded by his own soldiers, and he fought his horse back desperately. The previous arrogant arrogance disappeared without a trace. At this time, to preserve his strength to the maximum and withdraw from the pass as soon as possible is his main consideration. problem.

He no longer dared to continue to send troops to attack, and he would never forget the loss caused by this charge for the rest of his life.

Liu Tiehan next to Su Tiancheng saw the Tartars retreating, puffed up his eyes, and was ready to move.

"Iron man, don't be reckless."

"My lord, Azig is about to run away."

Seeing Liu Tiehan's unwilling expression, Su Tiancheng became angry and anxious, and his tone became severe.

"In such a situation, if you want to capture Azig alive, you are looking for death. The Tartars still have [-] troops to charge, and there are only so many people in the scout battalion. How can it be possible to capture Azig alive? I have already said that , You need to think carefully and make accurate judgments to do things, if you rush up with the brothers from the scout battalion, wouldn't you be courting death?"

Liu Tiehan finally calmed down, looking at the Tartars who were retreating across the board, feeling unwilling.

Su Tiancheng's order was quickly carried out. For the retreating Tartars, don't pursue them, but eliminate the Tartars who are still resisting on the spot to consolidate the results of the battle.

The besieged Tartars finally gave up resistance. The large forces had withdrawn. They had no hope. In fact, when Azig gave the order to retreat, they had already lost most of their fighting spirit. Their previous courage was destroyed by artillery fire and flintlocks. There are not many left to be tortured by guns. Seeing the densely packed Daming soldiers, resistance is a dead end.

This battle did not last long, only an hour before and after.

The operation to clean up the battlefield has begun.

What Su Tiancheng didn't expect was that a large number of ordinary people rushed out from Fangshan County and started to help clean up the battlefield. The ordinary people had hatred in their eyes, and when they saw the Tartars kneeling on the ground, they searched for stones and The wooden stick was beaten fiercely, and many surrendered Tartars were bleeding instantly from the beating on their faces, which mixed with the blood that flowed out earlier.

Sun Chuanting quickly asked the soldiers to stop the behavior of the common people. The Tartars had already surrendered. How to deal with it is a later matter.

Azig ran wildly all the way with a large army, and stopped after a full hour.

He quickly began to count the number of people.

Half an hour later, the results of the count came out. More than 9000 brothers disappeared, and there were only [-] left in the [-] army. I led a [-] army and entered the pass from Xifengkou. How long did it take? , nearly [-] brothers are gone. Azig couldn't believe such terrible news.

The furious Azig wanted to go back immediately and fight to the death with that Jiangning camp.

Looking at the panting soldiers, Azig held back.

He finally remembered that he had to discuss with the counselors around him. At this point, if he continued to work blindly and brought greater losses, he might not be able to keep his head when he returned to Shenyang.

The counselors were surprisingly unanimous in their opinions, and immediately withdrew from Xifengkou, the faster the action, the better, the army did not have a fixed stronghold, if the Jiangning Battalion continued to pursue behind, the loss would be even greater.

Azig painfully accepted this opinion.

In the Jiangning battalion, Sun Chuanting was the most unwilling. Seeing the Tartars retreat, the third-line troops under his command only surrounded the Tartars who had not had time to retreat. The entire battle, the infantry battalion became soy sauce. Root didn't play a role, think about the last fight, how exciting it was.

The results are counted.

The losses of the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army were not large, and could hardly be counted.

The Artillery Battalion reimbursed more than 20 artillery pieces. Because of the excessively intensive firing, the barrels still exploded. Fortunately, not many soldiers were injured.

This time, more than 7000 Tartars were wiped out, and more than 1000 were captured. Such a result is not bad, but compared with the battles of the previous two days, it always feels somewhat insufficient.

Xu Eryi, who was in charge of supervising the battle, laughed excitedly. He finally saw that the Tartars were defeated and fled, and there were so many Tartars. After the battle, Xu Eryi went to the front to see in person. The once arrogant and invincible Tartars were downcast and could not see a trace of ruthlessness.

Su Tiancheng was indeed dissatisfied, the main reason was that Azig retreated in time, which prevented the Jiangning battalion from using all its strength.

However, after this battle, his thinking changed completely. It turned out that everyone respected the Tartars as gods and feared abnormalities. In three battles, the Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army wiped out nearly 3 Tartars. Well, if the Jiangning Battalion continues to expand its scale and recruit more soldiers, one day it will even be able to go directly to Changbai Mountain and drive all the Tartars down the Yalu River to feed the bastards.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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