Ming politicians

Chapter 463 Azig's Decision

() (Thanks to john01b for the reward, thank you. "The Road to Officialdom" will continue to be uploaded from today.)

Zhang Fengyi's life is very difficult these days. Although he was appointed as the Liaodong strategist, after the Jiangning camp conquered the Golden Tartars, the court seemed to have forgotten that he was the commander in chief of the Liaodong affairs. The battalion was taken away, and he stayed in Changping Mansion all the time, in a dilemma.

More than 2 soldiers are all waiting in Changping Mansion, and they dare not retreat. Who knows what the Tatars will do next. Changping Mansion is a relatively wealthy place. , I am afraid that he will take the blame and resign.Lu Xiangsheng, who was the most capable of fighting, was also transferred away, leaving Wang Pu, who was barely able.

The emperor's imperial edict finally arrived, and after receiving the imperial edict, Zhang Fengyi's lost emotions were lost, and what was exchanged was fear.

It turned out that the Houjin Tatars led by Azige lost their troops in front of the Jiangning Camp and were about to retreat from the Changping area to Juyong Pass and leave the pass through the Xifeng Pass. The speed at which Azig retreated or escaped.

Azig also led an army of [-]. With the [-] soldiers in Changping Fucheng, trying to stop Azig's army was almost the same as courting death. Under the current situation, Azig who fled in a hurry would never It will attack Changping Fucheng, that is to say, Zhang Fengyi must lead the army to stop Azig's army in the wild.

Thinking of such an arrangement, how could Zhang Fengyi not be terrified.

He didn't know that the emperor still had the problem of being overjoyed.

The Jiangning Battalion and the Datong Frontier Army faced the [-] army led by Azig head-on. In just over an hour, nearly [-] Tartars were wiped out. Azige led the remaining Tartars to retreat and began to escape.

After a few days, Su Tiancheng led the army and wiped out nearly [-] Tartars, according to Zhu Youjian.It is a huge victory, which shows that the Jiangning Battalion has the ability to wipe out more Tartars. Even if it cannot wipe out [-] Tartars, it must give the Tartars more lethality and win a greater victory.

Therefore, Zhu Youjian issued an imperial edict to Zhang Fengyi who was still in Changping, but he didn't know.The Jiangning battalion was different. The rest of the guard troops in Beizhili still had their feet trembling after seeing the tartars, for fear that they would run slower.

After receiving the imperial edict, Zhang Fengyi did not dare to delay.Immediately summoned Wang Pu and the commanders of Yanqingwei, and conveyed the emperor's imperial edict to them, especially emphasizing that the Jiangning battalion had won such a great victory, and now the tartars have become frightened, thinking about running away, such a moment.The defenders of Changping Mansion must slow down Azig's escape speed as much as possible. If they watch the Tartars escape, no one will think about having a good life.

Wang Pu had to make a statement. The reputation of the Datong Frontier Army was slowly spreading. Although the [-] Datong Frontier Army who fought with the Jiangning Camp had suffered heavy losses, they had already earned their reputation.I am the commander-in-chief of Datong, leading [-] soldiers to Changping Mansion, if I do nothing and just go back, I am afraid I will be ridiculed, let alone.The lesson of Liang Tingdong, the governor of Datong, is already in front of him, because he was afraid of the post-gold Tartars, he has not sent troops for a long time.Deprived of the power to command operations, it is estimated that he will be adjusted later. He is only the general soldier, and he angered the emperor and the court. Maybe he will be beaten to the end.

Besides, the Datong Frontier Army led by him, under the command of Lu Xiangsheng, also fought against the army led by Azig at Juyongguan, and persisted for three days, buying precious time for the imperial court to mobilize the Jiangning camp. One time, the same method can be used to deal with it.

The imperial decree is dead, but people are alive, so one has to figure out a way. Wang Pu pointed out that there are not many dangerous places around the city of Changping that can be guarded. The best way is to gather a part of the army to Juyongguan. Azig in the army will never attack the city of Changping, so it is said that 1 soldiers will be left to guard Changping, and the remaining [-] soldiers will all go to Juyongguan for reinforcements, guard the fortress, and delay the Tartars led by Azig. army.

Zhang Fengyi approved the proposal with little hesitation.

Everyone knows the tricks here. No one knows the escape route of Azig, and can only guess. Therefore, on the basis of guarding Changping Mansion, guard Juyongguan, and follow the requirements of the imperial decree, I have done a good job. For the corresponding deployment, as for Azig changing the marching route and leaving the pass from other places, it is not his own responsibility.

The only change that has been made is that the number of sergeants stationed in Changping Mansion must be kept at around 1, and the remaining 1 sergeants must rush to Juyongguan to strengthen the guards there.

The task of rushing to rescue Juyongguan naturally fell on Wang Pu.

Wang Pu was a little dissatisfied. He had long expected that he would be responsible for stationing Juyongguan, so when he made a suggestion, he wanted to bring as many sergeants as possible so that he could hold on for as long as possible while being stronger. If you are not afraid of [-], you are afraid of the eventuality. The possibility of Azig withdrawing from Juyongguan is still very high, and this road is the closest.

Ordinarily, there is no problem with Changping Mansion. Unless Azig's brain is broken, it is impossible to attack Changping Mansion.

But Wang Pu couldn't raise any objection, Zhang Fengyi was the governor of Liaodong, and he had the imperial decree in his hand, if he didn't obey the command, don't wait for the emperor's imperial decree, Zhang Fengyi could push himself to the end.

At this moment, neither Zhang Fengyi nor Wang Pu would have thought that Azige's mind was really broken as they imagined.

Azig, who led an army of [-] into the pass, now led [-] brothers and began to retreat. He couldn't help being so angry. He lost nearly [-] soldiers and got nothing. The previous looting All the money in the city belonged to the Jiangning camp, and the money looted all over the city was also left on the way because of the retreat, so it goes without saying that it was also taken by the Jiangning camp.

Azig cannot accept such a great shame.

There are [-] troops around, these brothers come out, what is the plan, at least to plunder the money, if they go back empty-handed, losing troops and losing generals, the emperor's elder brother blames it, and he can't refute it.

After many thoughts came to his mind, Azig's thoughts changed quickly, and he fixed his eyes on Changping Fucheng.

The counselors around him also understood Azig's thoughts, and they all suggested that they could attack Changping Fucheng. As long as they were well prepared, they would surely be rewarded.

Under such circumstances, Azig began to arrange, [-] troops to attack Changping Fucheng, [-] troops to guard against reinforcements from the Ming army, and the remaining [-] troops to monitor the direction of Juyongguan and make preparations until the army captured Changping Mansion, after collecting all the money, retreated in the direction of Juyongguan.

Once the decision was made, the Tartars moved very quickly, and began to move rapidly in the direction of Changping Mansion.

Fangshan County is only more than 200 miles away from Changping Mansion. For Azig, this distance is nothing at all. He thinks what the counselor said is very reasonable. The Ming court probably thought that his main task was to escape. Leave the customs as soon as possible, and never think about attacking the city. Maybe the imperial court has already started to celebrate. At this time, if I attack Changping Mansion by surprise, and take Changping Mansion as quickly as possible, I will definitely have a huge harvest .

Although he has learned the strength of the Jiangning Battalion, Azig still doesn't pay attention to the other troops of the Ming Dynasty. Since entering the pass from the Xifeng Pass, the troops of the Ming Dynasty Guards have been running faster than rabbits. If you are afraid of the army, you will not be a warrior of the Qing Dynasty.

Azig's decision was indeed beyond most people's expectations.

Zhu Youjian was thinking of preventing Azig from escaping at various gates, so he issued an imperial edict to Zhang Fengyi who was still in Changping Mansion, but he never thought that Azige would send heavy troops to attack Changping Mansion. The ministers, including Wen Tiren and Yang Sichang, were very optimistic that Azig was completely frightened by the beating, and probably couldn't wait to escape from the pass.Yang Sichang also put forward a suggestion to continue to dispatch the Datong frontier army to work together to surround Azig.

Just when the imperial court was generally celebrating, the army led by Azig bypassed the capital and rushed towards Changping Mansion. At this moment, Yang Sichang, who got the news, still thought that Azige was running away. The routes are all according to the route I expected, from Changping Mansion to Juyongguan, and then to Daoxi Peak, which is the closest route.

In the early morning of June 29th, the sleepy Zhang Fengyi was awakened by the prefect of Changping Prefecture who suddenly came to report.

The prefect's face turned pale, and he said that outside Changping Mansion, a dense crowd of Tartars suddenly appeared, and they were already preparing to attack the city.

Zhang Fengyi, who hadn't thought about coming over yet, loudly reprimanded the magistrate. The Tartars had suffered heavy losses, so they thought about running away. How could they attack Changping Prefecture? The siege of the city is about to start, and the city is already in chaos. I implore Mr. Jinglue to take charge of the overall situation.

Zhang Fengyi didn't have time to wash up, and followed the magistrate to the city gate quickly.

Along the way, I saw panicked people running around like headless chickens.

The gate of the city has been closed, and all the soldiers guarding the city are on the wall.

Zhang Fengyi walked up the city wall and felt dizzy when he saw the densely packed Tartars outside.

He never imagined that at this time, the Tartars were still thinking about attacking Changping Fucheng. Just yesterday, Wang Pu led more than 1 soldiers to Juyongguan. There were only 1 defenders in Changping Fucheng. , is the weakest, and the soldiers are not mentally prepared at all, the Tartars will attack here.

Zhang Fengyi felt the seriousness of the problem, he thought of it, the decision of the Tatars, the court must have never thought of it, that is to say, there will be no reinforcements to reinforce the Changping Mansion, and the Tatars must be fully prepared to attack the city of Changping Be prepared, if the Tartars capture Fucheng, I am afraid there will be nothing left.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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