Ming politicians

Chapter 464 The decision that must be made

() The Jiangning Battalion won again, drove away the 3 army led by Azig, and wiped out nearly [-] Tartars. This is already shocking. In a few days, they won three consecutive victories and wiped out nearly [-] Tartars. , especially the third time, was achieved with fewer battles and more victories, which is enough to be proud of.

But Su Tiancheng did not agree to the suggestion of celebrating made by some adults in the court.

There are too many lessons to beat a snake and not die but suffer from it.

Azige led the army to leave, and a lot of belongings were scattered along the way, all of which were picked up by the soldiers of the Jiangning Camp, which increased the income of the Jiangning Camp again, but this detail aroused Su Tiancheng's thinking.

What is Azig's purpose in going deep into the pass? Later Jin founded the country and sent a large army into the pass to show off his strength. However, Houjin's military system has not changed. The soldiers of the Eight Banners of Manchuria still have no military pay. They relied on looting to obtain supplies. This time when the army entered the pass, if they could not get money from looting, then Azig would still be able to command so many soldiers.

Not to mention Azig, even the Jiangning Camp dare not neglect the treatment of the soldiers. No matter what the situation is, the soldiers’ salaries must be guaranteed. This is the foundation. It means fighting, it means fighting, it means that life may be lost at any time, and people are not obliged to abandon their lives casually.

The system of the military households in the Ming Dynasty has come to a dead end. The treatment of sergeants is extremely low, which has seriously affected the combat effectiveness of the army. Is it feasible for the army to rely solely on mental flickering? Certainly not. Material encouragement plays a large role.

To put it bluntly, every time the Houjin Tartars invaded the pass, they got great benefits.Some Tartars even got rich overnight. Under such circumstances, who wouldn't try their best.

Of course, the bravery of the Jiangning battalion is not only based on material encouragement, but also ideological education is indispensable. After all, an army needs a military spirit.Having a strong sense of honor, which money can't buy, is also vital.

Isn't that the case in the later Jin Dynasty? In their eyes, the Han people belonged to the inferior people, and the Tartars regarded their status very high.In the Qing Dynasty in history, there has always been such a problem. The Han people are the slaves of the Manchus. By conquering the slaves, they can gain a sense of victory and even rule the world. Such a beautiful wish.How can the sergeant not work hard.

After less than a day's rest, Su Tiancheng summoned Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang, Xiong Zijian and others to express his plan. Su Tiancheng believed that under the current circumstances, he must continue to chase after Azig and fight. Azige panted, trying to drive Azige out of the pass without stopping.The tasks of the Jiangning Camp and the Datong Frontier Army have not yet been completed. Although Azig has suffered a disastrous defeat, the main force is still there, and he still has extremely strong combat effectiveness. If he is not careful, he may make a comeback.

Su Tiancheng's proposal was approved without a doubt.Especially Sun Chuanting and Xiong Zijian, they all agreed with each other. They all felt that the last battle was very useless, and it ended with almost no effort.

When discussing which route to follow.Su Tiancheng pointed to the locations of Changping and Juyongguan without hesitation.

His reason is very simple. This is the closest route. Azig also came in from this route when he entered Xifengkou. He is very familiar with it. When he left, there was no reason to take the route. .

The 2 Jiangning Battalion soldiers and the more than [-] Tongbian Army were divided into the front army, middle army and rear army.

The former army is dominated by the Jiangning Camp Xiaoqi Battalion, the Vanguard Battalion, the Jianrui Battalion, the Infantry Battalion, the Personal Battalion and the Scout Battalion, with a population of 2. Part of the force is also 2 people, and the remaining more than [-] people are the rear army.

The responsibilities of the three armies are also different. The front army and the middle army are mainly chasing the attacking Tartar army, the rear army is mainly the logistics force, protecting food and money, and the rear army is mainly directly responsible for the law enforcement battalion of the Jiangning Battalion.

Su Tiancheng, Lu Xiangsheng and Sun Chuanting commanded the front army, Hong Chengchou and Bi Maokang commanded the middle army, and Xiong Zijian commanded the rear army.

In fact, Su Tiancheng already had an idea. He and Hong Chengchou had discussed that after the end of this campaign, all the more than 2 Datong frontier troops would join the Jiangning Battalion. In this way, the number of people in the Jiangning Battalion had greatly increased. .This group of Datong frontier troops have experienced brutal battles, and their physical qualities are good. In this way, the overall strength of the Jiangning Battalion will be greatly enhanced.

As for the governor of Datong, Liang Tingdong, there is no need to think about it. According to the judgment of Su Tiancheng and Hong Chengchou, Liang Tingdong probably should not think about returning to Datong.

Su Tiancheng even wrote a secret document and recommended Lu Xiangsheng to be the governor of Datong.

The army is starting.

Almost at the same time as he set off, Su Tiancheng got a report from the scouts.

Azig led the army, surrounded Changping Fucheng, and had already begun to charge. The [-] army led by Azig was divided into three parts. Alert, [-] troops went to Juyongguan to open up the way to retreat.

Unexpectedly, Azig personally led the army to attack Changping Mansion.

Upon hearing this news, Hong Chengchou and others were very anxious, thinking that the Jiangning camp should step up and go to aid Changping Fucheng. Lu Xiangsheng told Su Tiancheng that Master Zhang Fengyi, the Liaodong Economic Strategist, should be in Changping Fucheng. If the Tartars broke through Changping Fucheng and killed Mr. Zhang Fengyi, the face of the imperial court will be gone. The Liaodong economic strategy who commanded the fight against Houjin has been killed by the Tartars. What is the matter of fighting against Houjin?

Su Tiancheng didn't express his opinion right away. He carefully looked at the map drawn by the scouts, which marked the positions of the three armies of the Tartars.

Su Tiancheng knew that his judgment was accurate. Azig didn't know that Zhang Fengyi, the Ming Dynasty's Liaodong Economic Strategy, was in Changping Fucheng. If he knew the news, he would attack Changping Fucheng even more frantically. Such a victory is also remarkable, and it can cover up the loss of [-] sergeants.

Rescue is necessary, Azig cannot be allowed to break through the city of Changping, otherwise the lives will be ruined, and many people will be killed or injured. Coming down to Changping Fucheng, he must be an omnipotent maniac who does not leave a blade of grass.

In the past, when such a situation occurred, the imperial court would not make any other sounds except sighs and anger, but the Jiangning camp appeared, severely injured the Tartars, and won three consecutive victories. Under such circumstances, if the Tartars continue to massacre In such a situation, I am afraid that there will be countless cases to impeach Jiang Ningying and Su Tiancheng.

This is the reality. If you have the ability, you have to take on great responsibilities, no matter whether you can bear it or not.

Hong Chengchou, Lu Xiangsheng and others stared at Su Tiancheng, waiting for him to make a decision.

This scene is very interesting. Hong Chengchou and Lu Xiangsheng are also dignified members of the party. They used to dominate the battlefield and command thousands of troops, but now they surround a young man without expressing their opinions. This is the embodiment of strength.

Su Tiancheng has already demonstrated his formidable strength, under such circumstances, no one would speak easily.

The army continued to move forward, while Su Tiancheng and others stayed on the side of the road, looking particularly weird.

Finally, Su Tiancheng spoke.

"Everyone, Azig has made sufficient preparations this time, and the situation has changed. If we rely on the former army and launch a charge alone, it may not be able to have good results. Azig's attack on Changping Mansion may not necessarily know Zhang Fengyi My lord is in Changping Fucheng, his purpose is mostly to vent his anger and plunder money, judging from the current situation, his attack will be very violent, and he will try to capture Changping Fucheng in the shortest possible time."

"Azig left [-] troops on guard. This force should not be underestimated. If we exchange fire with the [-] Tartars who are in charge of defense, no matter what the outcome of the battle, once Azig captures the city of Changping, our rescue operations will count. It was a complete failure, so, according to my consideration, the former army and the Chinese army will reconcile, use the Chinese army to deal with the defending Tartars, and the artillery battalion will be responsible for prying open their defense line, and the former army will rush over quickly to help Changping Mansion."

"This move is very risky. If the 2 Tatars are in charge of defending and the 2 people in charge of attacking Changping Mansion join forces, we will have an army of 2. Our front army only has 2 people, and 4 people will fight against [-] people. , it's not easy."

"Azig dared to make such an arrangement because he was on guard. However, he still underestimated our Jiangning camp. He knew that there were tigers in the mountain and went to the tiger mountain. That's what Jiangning camp does."

"Do you have any other comments?"

Lu Xiangsheng spoke.

"Is it possible to defeat the [-] Tartars who were in charge of the defense in one fell swoop, creating a huge momentum, making Azige attack the city with all his strength, and even leading a large army to come for reinforcements, and giving up attacking Changping Fucheng?"

Su Tiancheng shook his head slightly.

"Lord Lu, since Azig has made such an arrangement, he has a certain amount of mental preparation. The [-] Tartars in charge of defense must also be ready for battle. We are not so sure that we will defeat them in a short period of time. "

The rest fell silent.

"Since you don't have any opinions, let's implement it according to this method. Time is tight and there must be no delay."

Su Tiancheng raised his head.

"Sun Yuankun."

Sun Yuankun ran over in response.

"The pro-barracks immediately informed the front army and the middle army to increase the marching pace, march at the fastest speed, and prepare for battle along the way."

Turning his head, Su Tiancheng spoke to Hong Chengchou and Bi Maokang.

"Supervisor Hong, after commanding and knowing, the artillery battalion still has to play a key role, including the Shenji battalion. This time we are taking the initiative to attack the Tartars. We must use the maximum power of our firearms to minimize the casualties of the soldiers. In this battle, Life and death are at stake, please." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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