Ming politicians

Chapter 465 Defending Changping

() Boiling oil, dung water, stones, wood and other items were all transported to the city wall, several cauldrons had been set up, the firewood under the iron pot was lit, and a large number of soldiers began to guard the city wall, facing the city wall. There were so many Tartars in front of the door, Zhang Fengyi put all his eggs in one basket.

He knew very well that there was no other way out except to resist desperately and defend the city. Because of negligence and taking it for granted, he failed to grasp the whereabouts of the Tartars, and failed to make an accurate judgment. It's useless, as long as we share our hatred with the soldiers and civilians in Changping Fucheng, there may be a glimmer of life.

There is no need to consider what will happen after the city is broken. The massacre of the city is certain. It is estimated that by then, nothing will be left in the huge city of Changping.

The common people were also organized. All young and strong people under the age of 50 and over 15 were all used as a reserve team and incorporated among the sergeants defending the city. All the houses near the city wall were demolished, and stones and wood were transported For the city wall, the remaining loose soil was transported to the city gate to block the city gate to prevent the Tartars from breaking through the city gate and rushing in.

All the preparations are going well.

Standing on the city wall, Zhang Fengyi looked at the black tartars below, and there was no fear in his eyes.

Once he entered such an atmosphere and environment, fear would not be of much use. He is the backbone of the entire Changping Mansion. If fear also appeared, there would be no need to defend the city, and he would open the city gate and surrender directly.

Azig is ready to attack.

The bow and crossbow he carried has never been used before. When he attacked the city, he broke through the city gate with two charges. It took almost no effort. Even when he attacked Baoding Fucheng, he was reluctant to take out the bow. The use of crossbows is finally coming in handy now.The sergeants he led would rather lose their gold and silver treasures.But you can't discard weapons, especially weapons with great power like bows and crossbows. If you discard weapons, you will be severely punished.

Seeing above the city wall, the sergeants of Daming were busy preparing, their spirits were not bad, Azig suddenly had a premonition.Could it be said that there are important officials of the Ming Dynasty in Changping Prefecture? After years of conquests, he still knows something about the situation. The fighting power of the Ming Dynasty's army is really not good.But if there are tough officers commanding, or if the ministers of the court take the lead, the sergeants below will still be able to resist.

Thinking of this, Azig, who had been sullen all this time, had a long-lost smile on his face. If it was true, he would be able to save some face.

Crossbowmen and archers are ready.Waiting for Azig's order.

The reason for waiting for a while is to let as many Ming soldiers as possible walk onto the city wall, so that the power of crossbows and bows and arrows can be exerted to the maximum. I believe that after several rounds of intensive arrow rain, most of the Ming soldiers defending the city are Crash, that time.The soldiers of the Qing Dynasty began to attack the city, which could reduce a lot of losses.

As Azig drew out the steel knife, the attack began.

Countless bows and arrows shot at the top of the city wall, and the powerful crossbow rushed to the top of the city wall with the sound of the wind.

In an instant, screams appeared, and there were several sergeants guarding the pile.Being shot by the rain of arrows, he screamed and fell off the city wall, so dead that he couldn't die anymore.

Tarzi's arrow rain is very tricky.And it was very powerful. Many soldiers on the city wall were caught off guard and were shot by the rain of arrows one after another. Even Zhang Fengyi was almost shot by the rain of arrows.

This is the gap in strength. The Ming army also had bows and arrows and crossbows, but compared with the Tartars, there is a big gap in strength and accuracy. But even if there is a gap, at this time, we have to make a move. After a while, the Tartar arrows rained more and more densely, and there were not many soldiers left on the city wall.

A part of the Ming army finally came to their senses and raised their shields to block the rain of arrows.

Zhang Fengyi also gave an order, and the crossbowmen and archers began to fight back. As for the injured sergeant, someone would naturally come up to help or lift him down.

The two sides started confronting her.

It is said that the army has the upper hand, after all, they shoot from high to low, but the actual situation is just the opposite. The rain of arrows shot by the Ming army was soft, and it didn't even hit the Tartar team, and it was light in mid-air. fell.

Seeing all this, Zhang Fengyi thought about cursing, how could a sergeant with such quality be able to fight against the Tartars, but he couldn't scold, since he had been Minister of the Ministry of War for so many years, if he said he didn't know anything about the following situation, it would be a lie , I have also received a lot of tribute, how can these gold and silver treasures be taken for nothing.

At this time, Zhang Fengyi could only hold on. Such a situation was a blow to morale. The difference in strength between the sergeants on both sides was fully revealed. The Ming army defending the city was in danger.

The rain of arrows was still falling, and the Tartars had already begun to attack the city.

Teams of Tartars, carrying ladders, began to rush towards the city wall. The Ming army on the city wall was overwhelmed by the rain of arrows and dared not raise their heads, ignoring the defense of the Tartars who were about to attack.

Zhang Fengyi's heart was bleeding. If this situation continued, the Tartars could attack the city wall with a round of charge. At that time, any rhetoric would be useless.

When the sky ladder was erected, Zhang Fengyi made a bold move. He pushed away the sergeant beside him, picked up the steel knife, walked directly to the front of the battlements, and slashed at the ladder. But the greatest extent inspired the fighting spirit of the sergeants.

Soon, the sergeants on the city wall began to move. The commander stood beside the battlements, while avoiding the flying bows and arrows, while asking many sergeants to get ready. Some sergeants ignored the rain of arrows and began to push away the ladders that had been erected. Although there were certain casualties during this process, it was impossible for the Tartars to climb the city wall if their ladders could not be stabilized.

A sergeant started to move, and the rest of the sergeants on the city wall finally stabilized and no longer panicked. Although there were still arrows raining, they could not survive if they blindly avoided it. Therefore, under the command of the officer, the sergeant began to Returning to the designated position, launched a counterattack.

Azig under the city wall was surprised when he saw this scene.

When attacking the city, he didn't use a bow and crossbow. Just a round of arrow rain collapsed the soldiers defending the city. In a short time, the attacking brothers climbed the city wall and controlled the situation. Unexpectedly, the attack Changping Fucheng actually encountered such a situation.

There are still some differences between Changping Fucheng and Baoding Fucheng. Baoding Fucheng has artillery, which is taboo for Azig. Artillery can cause a lot of casualties and is a sharp weapon for defending the city. When Azig attacks, in order to avoid many There were no forced attacks, but Changping Fucheng had no artillery and relied entirely on sergeants for guarding. It was unexpected that it could resist round after round of arrow rain.

After discovering such a situation, Azige believed that there must be an important official of the Ming Dynasty in Changping Mansion City. If Changping Mansion can be taken down and this important official is captured alive, everything will be fine.

Azig would not care too much about losses. The siege battle was full of dangers. The more he was afraid of losses, the greater the losses would be. He issued an order to attack.

The storm began, and the pressure on defending the city suddenly increased.

Countless crossbows, bows and arrows were shot on the city wall, the casualties of the sergeants increased significantly, and more Tartars charged.

Zhang Fengyi no longer cared about his own safety. The Tartars' first round of charge was the most powerful, and they had to be defended. This would increase the confidence of the soldiers and also combat the arrogance of the Tartars.

Boiling oil and boiled dung were poured down, the smell of oil and the stench of dung were intertwined, and accompanied by bursts of screams, the corpses of Tartars began to appear at the foot of the city wall.

A lot of stones were also thrown downwards. The sergeant's archery skills were not good, but he could still hit the climbing Tartars. By this time, the sergeant could no longer think of being afraid unless he fell down. Otherwise, defend the city wall and prevent the Tartars from attacking.

A group of Tartars carried the wood and began to hit the city gate. Unfortunately, they found out that the city gate was blocked and it was impossible to break open.

After half an hour, the first round of strong attack stopped.

Azig looked at the Ming army on the city wall with red eyes, wishing he could kill them with his eyes.

The counselors suggested that they should attack in an all-round way from the remaining directions and disperse the Ming army's forces. After the Ming army's defenders were dispersed, they would seize the opportunity to break through the city wall from one direction.

Azig agreed to such a suggestion.

When Zhang Fengyi found out that the Tartars began to divide their troops, he felt very bad. There were quite a few people defending the city, but not many were truly capable of fighting. The people in Fucheng could only mobilize under desperate circumstances. Those who walk up the city wall need to be encouraged constantly. The common people are different from the sergeants, and they have hardly seen such bloody scenes. If they get scared, or even run away before the battle, it will greatly affect the morale of the army.

But it is unrealistic not to divide the troops, if the Tatars break through from the direction of the other gates, everything will be over.

The sergeants guarding the front had to be transferred to other directions.

There are sergeants guarding the four sides of the southeast, north and west.

Zhang Fengyi was still waiting in the direction of the main entrance.

The Tartars in the other three directions were small in number, around 2000, and they did not launch an attack.

Zhang Fengyi had already discovered the purpose of the Tartars, but he had no choice. He had not many troops, and he had to be on guard in any direction, otherwise he would be in danger of being destroyed. Once the Tartars reached the city wall, all efforts would be in vain Turned into nothing, the sergeants guarding Changping Mansion were not the kind of sergeants who were particularly capable of defending the city.

The situation is getting more and more dangerous, Zhang Fengyi's heart is sinking continuously, it has reached a critical moment, he doesn't know how long he can hold on, if the city is broken, he has no choice but to commit suicide, the humiliation of being captured alive by the Tartars is unbearable for him.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. . )

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