Ming politicians

Chapter 466 Escape from the Dead

() The actions of the Jiangning Battalion were sped up, which was Su Tiancheng's request. After the rendezvous of the front army and the central army, the number of troops reached more than [-]. The captured war horses played a huge role in ensuring the marching speed.

Su Tiancheng, Hong Chengchou and others have analyzed it carefully. According to Azig's thinking, they will definitely use a strong attack to try to take down Changping Prefecture in the shortest possible time. There is no army around Changping Prefecture that can reinforce it, let alone Azig Zige still has an army of [-]. Even with reinforcements, the front and rear roads are blocked.

In this analysis, everyone came to the conclusion that only the Jiangning Camp can support Changping Mansion and prevent Azig from achieving his goal.

There is no tactical arrangement, just keep moving forward, rely on the artillery battalion to open the gap, force the large troops to pass through, and directly reinforce Changping Mansion, other than that, there is no good way.

This is indeed an adventure. If Azige ignores everything and leads an army of [-] to fight Jiangning camp desperately, it will end in a loss for both sides. However, Su Tiancheng has such confidence that Azige dare not take risks. There are not so many sergeants to waste, and the total number of their soldiers is far less than that of Daming, although it is said that Daming's guards are somewhat in name only.

This time Azige led all the elite soldiers, the authentic Manchu Eight Banners, not to mention Azige, even Huang Taiji was reluctant to abandon so many soldiers in Daming territory.

The soldiers of the scout battalion were the hardest. They had to risk their lives to detect the whereabouts of the Tartars and provide accurate information for the march of the large troops.

In the constant stream of intelligence from the scouts, the army was only twenty miles away from the [-] Tartars defending, and another fight was imminent.

The information was very clear. The [-] Tartars who defended chose a hillside.Being condescending, the official road passes through the middle of the hillside. If the Jiangning Battalion passed through the official road, the Tartars would have too many means of attack. Stones and wood are weapons, which would cause heavy casualties to the Jiangning Battalion.Once the official road in the middle of the valley is blocked, it will be difficult to move forward and backward, and it will be compressed in the middle of the hillside, only to be beaten.

If you bypass the official road, there is also a road to go there, but the mountain road is difficult.The distance is also much farther. It is estimated that after going around, Azig has already attacked Changping Fucheng.

Rushed from here, only five miles away from Changping Fucheng, the cavalry rushed over, and arrived in less than half an hour.

This seemingly dangerous situation.But it wasn't what Jiang Ningying was afraid of.

The Jiangning Battalion has an artillery battalion. The artillery was once hailed as the God of War by a great man hundreds of years later. This fully demonstrates the great role of the artillery. It is said that the Tartars have already suffered heavy losses from the artillery battalion. Unexpectedly, this ambush, It was still carried out according to the old tune, without taking into account the possible blows caused by the artillery.

More than 100 artillery pieces are ready.

Following Bi Maokang's order, the deafening cannons sounded again.

The artillery roared at the hillsides on both sides.One after another, the cannons fell on the hillsides on both sides, the trees were blown away, stone fragments were flying everywhere, and blood could be seen occasionally.

Bi Maokang also went all out, the blossoms are very precious, and they bloomed one after another.It is also easy to scrap the artillery. Such a waste is distressing, but the situation is different.In order to open the channel earlier and reduce the casualties of soldiers, it is impossible to consider other things.

The artillery fired for half an hour.

The time was ripe, Su Tiancheng led the front army and began to rush towards the official road in the valley.

Like the wind and clouds, the cavalry began to enter the valley in a steady stream.

The artillery battalion continued to fire towards the hillsides on both sides, and one by one cannons exploded on the hillsides.

Amidst the sound of explosions one after another, the former army began to pass through the valley without encountering any resistance.

When passing through the valley smoothly, a smile appeared on Su Tiancheng's face. This move was indeed very good, and it achieved unexpected results. The Tartars obviously did not expect it. Although the artillery battalion refused to cause heavy casualties to the Tartars, after all The hillsides on both sides are very large, and the Tartars can avoid the artillery as long as they retreat a little bit, but the front army passed the valley safely, which is a victory.

Changping Fucheng is in jeopardy.

The attacks of the Tartars became more and more fierce. The Ming army on the city wall suffered heavy casualties. I don’t know where the Tartars got so many bows and arrows. Before he could use it, he was killed by the bow and arrow. The boiling oil and dung were used up, and the stones were almost thrown, and the bow and arrow were about to run out.

The loss of the Tartars was not very large. Compared with the [-] army, the loss of more than a thousand people is nothing.

Zhang Fengyi began to despair. At this time, the people who had been formed temporarily had already started to climb the city wall to kill the enemy.

These ordinary people, who have never had the experience of fighting, almost screamed when they came up rashly, and they were at a loss. Some people even trembled and couldn't stand firmly.

There was no time to clean up the corpses on the city wall. Some officers suggested that the corpses should be thrown at the Tartars who were besieging the city. Zhang Fengyi sternly rejected this suggestion. Who would dare to do that? Drink poison to quench thirst. In this way, there is no need for Tartars to attack , the Ming army will immediately mutiny.

The battle entered a fierce stage.

Azige's eyes were red, and he kept urging the attack. He had made up his mind that he must capture the high-ranking officials of the Ming Dynasty in Changping Fucheng alive. After capturing Changping Fucheng, nothing would be left behind.

A scout flew over to report.

Soon, Azig stood up abruptly, glared at the scouts, stretched out his hand to the sword, with a ferocious expression on his face.

The faces of the surrounding strategists and several officers also changed.

The counselor walked up to Azig and said something passionately.

Azig looked at the counselor fiercely, it seemed that the counselor on the opposite side was the Ming army in Changping Fucheng.

But the counselor didn't back down, he was still chattering, his voice was still loud, and as the counselor spoke, the others also started to speak.

The violent expression on Azig's face became more and more severe, and he seemed to be unable to control it.

Finally, an elderly officer walked up to Azig's side and whispered something in his ear. Azig's body trembled, as if he suddenly woke up.

The golden gong struck.

The attacking Tartars retreated like a tide.

Under the city wall, some Tartar corpses, including those of the Ming army, were left behind, which looked extremely bloody.

Zhang Fengyi, who was already a little unsteady, was stunned by such a scene. Why is this? Seeing that Changping Prefecture is about to be attacked, why did the Tartars call for money to withdraw their troops? This is too abnormal. Could it be that the Tartars need It is completely unnecessary to recharge your batteries and start to attack violently.

A few minutes later, several groups of Tartars rushed to the bottom of the city wall and began to restrain the bodies of the Tartars. The Ming army above the city wall watched helplessly without any movement.

Sweeping the battlefield means taking a break, at least not launching an attack right away.

The Ming army guarding the city of Changping has already been disabled. More than half of the more than 1 Ming army lost.It can be said that if the Tartars launch a general attack, they can capture Changping Fucheng in the blink of an eye.

The Tartars outside the city wall began to assemble in an orderly manner, and slowly began to retreat.

Many soldiers and civilians guarding the city wall slowly stood up and watched this scene.

In the blink of an eye, an accident suddenly appeared.

Countless bows and arrows were shot at the top of the city wall. These bows and arrows were all ignited rockets. The soldiers and civilians who were caught off guard were shot by the rockets and became people of fire. They rolled over the city wall, and some even fell directly off the city wall.

Zhang Fengyi's official robe was also set on fire, and the sergeants around him hurriedly put it out.

Zhang Fengyi's heart was cold, he thought that the Tartars were about to launch a general attack soon.

The officers roared angrily, asking the soldiers and the people to cheer up and prepare to deal with the general attack of the Tartars. Do your best and rely on God's will. If the city is broken, everyone should not think about surviving. There is no place to escape.

Morale was extremely low, and everyone was thinking that there was no hope. After the city was destroyed, there was nothing left. Everyone knew the brutality of the Tartars. There are no intact houses for living people, not to mention the news that the whole city was massacred, all the officials in Changping Mansion knew about it.

Just as many soldiers and civilians were trying to gather their spirits and were about to start resisting, a situation that stunned them appeared, and the Tatars began to retreat on a large scale.

No one knew why, including Zhang Fengyi, who didn't know why it happened.

Seeing that the city of Changping was about to be breached, why did the Tartars retreat? Zhang Fengyi knew the number of the Tartars' troops. With such a large army, no army would dare to attack directly, unless it was the Jiangning Battalion.

As if a ray of light appeared in his mind, Zhang Fengyi suddenly walked to the edge of the battlements, looked at the retreating Tartars, and muttered to himself.

"Could it be that the Jiangning Battalion has come, the Jiangning Battalion has come to rescue Changping Fucheng..."

The military officers around him and the officials of the Changping government office heard these words, and everyone didn't care whether it was true or not. Immediately, some people began to spread the word, saying that the Jiangning camp had come to rescue Changping city under the emperor's imperial decree. Fearing the Jiangning camp, they withdrew and did not dare to attack Changping Fucheng.

The news spread like a gust of wind.

This news greatly encouraged the officers and soldiers and the common people. Soon, some young men who were temporarily incorporated into the army and prepared to go up the city wall to resist, went up the city wall one after another, looked at the retreating Tartars, smiled on their faces, and even Some people have said that the Tartars are not very good. It is not that they have not been able to attack the city of Changping. These people have completely forgotten that just a few minutes ago, Changping Mansion was on the verge of breaking the city.

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