() Thanks to Shuhaiyunyouxianren, I only love you vwei, Xinghanma, zhfz345 for casting valuable monthly tickets, and thanks to john01b for the reward, thank you

It took a lot of perseverance to suppress the rage in Azig's heart.

Seeing that Changping Fucheng was about to be breached, but the scouts came to report that tens of thousands of troops from the Jiangning Battalion had broken through his specially set up defense line and were heading towards Changping Fucheng. This news made Azige feel cold inside, He has no place to vent his anger, and he never dares to take risks. If he continues to increase his losses and go back by himself, it may not be as simple as cutting off his position.

The warriors of the Qing Dynasty are very precious. I lead the elite children of the Eight Banners Army. The tribe is not big, young and strong. The father and emperor worked hard to develop, and the emperor's elder brother also worked hard to cultivate elite full Eight Banners. In my own hands, the loss is too great, and I am a sinner. Even if the emperor's elder brother doesn't punish, I will have no face to live on.

It was also for this reason that Azig did not dare to take risks when he heard that the Jiangning battalion broke through the defense line he had set up. He had to be cautious. He had seen the combat effectiveness of the Jiangning battalion before, and he would never dare to continue to be arrogant.

Entering the customs this time, I thought it would be taboo and even create some miracles, but the reality is shocking. In less than a month, [-] soldiers and horses were lost. Never had a loss.

Azig is a warrior of the Qing Dynasty, he was once praised by his father and the emperor's elder brother, but Azige is by no means a resourceful man, this time leading the army into the pass, the emperor's elder brother repeatedly urged him to listen to the adviser Azig didn't care about the opinion of the military officer. He couldn't make a decision when he should make a decision, and made a statement when he shouldn't. He had an inescapable responsibility for causing such a huge loss.So, up to now, Azig's heart is at a loss, and he doesn't know what to do.

The opinions of the counselors and military officers are very clear, immediately withdraw from the customs, do not continue to stay in the territory of Ming Dynasty, and preserve their own strength.Looking for an opportunity to make a comeback, this time I suffered a heavy loss and need to go home to rest.

Azig can only listen to such opinions.

The army began to retreat, Azig was ignorant, and was guarded by his own soldiers in the middle, after being furious.He needs to think about the way out, how to explain after returning.

The counselors came up with ideas, because of the rise of the Jiangning battalion of the Ming Dynasty, the Qing team, which was caught off guard, suffered heavy losses, of course.The artillery of the Jiangning Battalion will be reported as a key issue. The warriors of the Qing Dynasty suffered very heavy losses under the artillery attack. The artillery of the Jiangning Battalion is very different from the past and is much more powerful.Having explained these reasons, Azig, as the commander-in-chief, has little responsibility.

Coach Azig no longer makes decisions, and the opinions of the counselors are military orders.

The news of the general retreat was passed on.

After all, the Tartars were well-trained, and within a short time, they began to retreat in an orderly manner.

The counselor is still confident in his heart, the scout who came to report the letter earlier.It is said that the sergeant in charge of defense quickly headed towards Juyongguan according to the prior arrangement, without much loss.It was just stunned by the artillery bombardment, and hundreds of people were lost.

In this way, in one day, the loss of sergeants does not exceed 2000, and it is still about [-] troops. Such a large army, the Jiangning camp cannot sustain, but it still needs to retreat quickly, so that it cannot be chased by the Jiangning camp. The artillery of the Jiangning Battalion was so powerful that it was impossible to defend against it.

The scouts quickly reported the news of the Tatars' retreat to Su Tiancheng.

Unexpectedly, Su Tiancheng ordered the army to suspend their actions and slowly move towards Changping Mansion.

Hong Chengchou couldn't understand it. In his opinion, the Tartars had suffered a heavy blow and were already retreating in the direction of Juyongguan. At this time, the army could chase them all at once and continue to wipe out the vital forces of the Tartars.

Almost all the soldiers held this view.

Su Tiancheng knew that he had to explain it, otherwise everyone must have doubts in their hearts.

All the officers above the commander of the Jiangning battalion and guard came to Su Tiancheng's side, and they wanted to hold an impromptu meeting.

Su Tiancheng looked at the officers around him, everyone's eyes were full of desire, it was the desire to conquest, the desire to attack the Tartars again.

"Brothers, I understand your thoughts, but we can't chase after them desperately."

"In this battle, we annihilated more than 3 Tatars and achieved a great victory. But how to achieve such a victory, the brothers must be clear. In Fang County, we wiped out [-] Tatars. The reason is that they were completely wiped out by us before they had time to resist, because they were unprepared, and in Fangshan County, the territory is narrow, and there is no preparation for the use of the Tartar method, only to be beaten."

"Our annihilation of 8000 Tartars is a direct confrontation, a real victory, but this victory also has many favorable conditions. Our force is [-], three times more than the Tartars. Times, we have already prepared, the Tartars came here in a hurry, the most important thing is, the Tartars are arrogant, they only want to eat us, and they know nothing about the fighting power of the Jiangning Battalion, and they don't even hide their own selfishness. Without making relevant preparations, we thought that after a few shocks, we would collapse. From the beginning of the battle, they invested all their troops, without planning, without a reserve team. This kind of extreme arrogance ruined them. "

"Finally, let's talk about the annihilation of nearly [-] Tartars. We rely on the artillery battalion. It can be said that the artillery has broken the psychological defense line of the Tartars to the greatest extent. They have never seen the flowers. They suffered heavy losses and were at a loss. But we can also see that the Tartars have a good tactical quality. From the initial concentrated charge to the subsequent scattered charge, we can avoid casualties to the greatest extent. Our flintlock guns also played an unexpected role. The shooting became the last straw that crushed the Tartars' psychological defense, and it was under such circumstances that we achieved an unexpected victory."

"Up to now, all our advantages have been revealed. It can be said that the Tartars are fully prepared."

"There are still 7 people in Azig, and we only have more than 5 people. Once we push the Tartars into a corner and they are killed, we may not be able to completely defeat them."

"What I mean by this is not that I'm afraid of fighting. There are always casualties and losses in a war. It's not a big deal. But what is our purpose? Are we thinking about annihilating one hundred thousand Tartars at once? You're welcome. Said, we don't have that kind of strength, and we can't do the thing of annihilating [-] Tartars. Since we can't do it, we can't push the Tartars into a hurry, and the dog jumps over the wall."

"Our goal has been achieved. The Tartars have suffered heavy losses. After returning, they dare not enter the customs in a short time. Using this period of time, the Jiangning Battalion will gather troops and horses, gather strength, and fight for the shortest possible time. , to be able to start the final decisive battle with the Tartars."

"The Tartars failed to break through Changping Fucheng. We rescued Changping Fucheng. The next step is to follow Azig and drive him out of the prison."

"Okay, if you have any different opinions, just say it."

Everyone was silent for a long time.

In the end, it was Hong Chengchou who spoke.

"Your Excellency is right. I have no objections. The brothers just want to kill the Tartars. I haven't analyzed the rest of the matter. The truth that your Excellency said is indeed the case. If the Tartars are really in a hurry, the next Things are unpredictable."

After Hong Chengchou finished speaking, Su Tiancheng looked at Lu Xiangsheng, Sun Chuanting, Bi Maokang and others, but no one spoke.

"Okay, let's make a decision like this. In the next time, we will follow the Tatars and send them out of the pass. If my prediction is correct, the Juyongguan army will not make any moves. As for Azig , If you are still awake, you will not make any stays."

On July 3, the ninth year of Chongzhen, one hundred thousand Tatars who entered the customs aggressively through the Xifeng Pass lost [-] people, and then left in despair.

The border of the Ming Dynasty became quiet again.

And after this time, for a long time, the area around Datong, Yulin, and Xuanfu became very peaceful, and the Tartars did not launch any raids rashly. As for the Ningjin defense line, it remained the same as before.

It is said that after Azige returned to Shenyang, he reported the situation to Huang Taiji. Huang Taiji's face turned pale and he spat out a mouthful of blood, but he did not blame Azige.

Perhaps Huang Taiji's ambition suffered an emotional blow. In his eyes, the weak Sergeant of Ming Dynasty suddenly became so powerful. This is the biggest threat to him.

The title of Jiangning Battalion deeply entered Huang Taiji's mind. If the loss of [-] to [-] sergeants is a mistake in command, it can be tolerated, but the loss of [-] sergeants is not something that ordinary troops can do. Yes, this shows that the combat effectiveness of the Jiangning Battalion is extraordinary. The sudden appearance of such an army is a huge threat to the newly established Qing Dynasty.

Since then, the intelligence work against the Jiangning camp has been carried out in an all-round way.

Huang Taiji strictly ordered the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty not to think about revenge, but to continue to consolidate their own strength, and strive to deal a devastating blow to the Jiangning camp in the shortest possible time.

After completing the mission, Su Tiancheng and the Jiangning Camp were ready to return to Henan Mansion. Of course, Su Tiancheng made a request, begging to transfer more than 2 Datong frontier troops to the Jiangning Camp, and at the same time recommended Lu Xiangsheng to Wen Tiren and Yang Sichang , It is suggested that Lu Xiangsheng be appointed as the governor of Datong.

During this period, Su Tiancheng returned to the stable's house, and stayed there for half a month with peace of mind. He only left when Henan Mansion was about to enter the autumn harvest season. It was a pity that he could not wait until Wang Furong and Liu Rushi had a child. .

Su Tiancheng already knew that he was about to leave Henan Mansion, so when he returned to Henan Mansion this time, there were many things that needed to be dealt with.

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