Ming politicians

Chapter 468 Can't Forgive

() When Su Tiancheng left the capital, the envoy sent to Houjin returned, and Huang Taiji did not agree to the exchange, that is to say, A Duoga was abandoned by Houjin.

Su Tiancheng admires Huang Taiji very much. They belong to different camps, but they are all visionaries. It takes great courage for Huang Taiji to make such a decision. After all, A Duoga is Manchu, Kong Youde and others, but They are Han people, and in the eyes of the Manchus, the Han people are an inferior race and servants of the Manchus.Huang Taiji made such a decision, which stabilized Kong Youde and others to the greatest extent. I believe that in the days to come, Kong Youde and others will devote their lives to Houjin.

There is also the most critical one, the Han people who took refuge in Houjin can also stabilize their minds and not be suspicious.

No wonder Hou Jin was able to rise in a short period of time, and it has a direct relationship with Nurhachi, Huang Taiji and others.

Another news that Su Tiancheng got was that Gao Yingxiang and the others started to act when the Tatars were attacking Beizhili, and they made a big fuss. If the Jiangning Battalion hadn't effectively resisted the Tartars, Daming would have suffered this time. There is a danger of fighting on two fronts and losing on both fronts.

Su Tiancheng's views on Gao Yingxiang, Luo Rucai, Li Zicheng and others completely changed at this moment. If it is said that before, he still had a little understanding of Gao Yingxiang and others in his heart, but now this basic understanding has disappeared.

Gao Yingxiang and the others were very smart and knew what time to choose. The Tartars were causing trouble in Beizhili, and the Ming court was shaking. At this time, launching an attack just hit the court's sore spot. It has to be said that after many years of conquest, Gao Yingxiang and others Cognitive ability has undergone earth-shaking changes.

But Su Tiancheng felt very uncomfortable in his heart. He knew that Gao Yingxiang and others decided to launch an attack at this time because they wanted to fish in troubled waters, take the opportunity to strengthen their strength, and once again break through Shaanxi.Entering Shanxi and Henan, discussing the facts, from the perspective of the battle, Gao Yingxiang made a very correct decision.But the Tartars entered the customs and ravaged them, and their nature was different. Gao Yingxiang's actions indirectly helped the Tartars.In a certain sense, it is cooperating with the Tatars internally and externally, trying to overthrow the Ming Dynasty.

This was something that Su Tiancheng could neither forgive nor understand.

The emperor and the court still have sympathy for the rogues, and don't necessarily want to kill them all.But Gao Yingxiang and the others will not buy it, will not be grateful, and still want to rebel without losing the opportunity.

Although the actions of Gao Yingxiang and others caused a certain impact and the court was shaken, it is a pity that they were responsible for exterminating the bandits.It was Sun Chengzong with outstanding merits. Sun Chengzong had discovered the tricks of the rogues a long time ago. He sent a large army to guard the important strongholds. Don't take the initiative to fight.There was no chance to break through the defense line. Under such circumstances, the rogues trapped in Shaanxi quickly became honest.

Su Tiancheng secretly rejoiced that he recommended Sun Chengzong, who played the role of a mainstay at the critical moment.You know, stabilizing Shanxi, Shanxi and Henan means stabilizing the rear of the Jiangning camp. If the Henan government is robbed.The Jiangning camp will suffer a major blow.

From this moment, Su Tiancheng made up his mind to wipe out the bandits with iron and blood.

On July [-]th, Su Tiancheng finally returned to Luoyang.

The governor of Henan and other officials were all waiting for Su Tiancheng and Jiangningying in Luoyang. This time, Jiangningying's contribution shocked all parts of the Ming Dynasty and wiped out [-] Tartars. This was an unprecedented feat.

Sun Chengzong also went to Luoyang to wait for Su Tiancheng.

Welcoming and seeing off are indispensable. However, Su Tiancheng has always been very low-key. He did not appear complacent because of Jiang Ningying's great achievements. He respects the governor's superiors very much. Even when facing some officials of the same rank as him, Courteous, won the unanimous praise of everyone.

During such a banquet, three days passed.

Su Tiancheng and Sun Chengzong finally had a chance to be alone together.

Sun Chengzong has been paying attention to Su Tiancheng's performance all the time. Seeing that Su Tiancheng handles things with ease, low-key and calm, he feels more and more that Su Tiancheng has a bright future.

The weather was hot, so Su Tiancheng was neatly dressed and appeared in front of Sun Chengzong.

Seeing Su Tiancheng saluting respectfully, Sun Chengzong quickly spoke.

"Kun Yuan, between you and me, there is no need to be so polite. This time, the old man came to Luoyang and wanted to discuss something with you."

"If you have anything to do, just arrange it, and the younger generation will definitely do it."

"Hehe, the old man is not here to arrange you to do things, the old man is here to consult some things."

Su Tiancheng was stunned for a moment. Sun Chengzong presided over the extermination of the rogues, and he did a very good job. At least the rogues were trapped in Shaanxi, and they could not intrude everywhere at will. This is already a great credit. The court is very satisfied. After the After such a long time, Zhu Youjian finally understood a little bit, haste makes waste, and there are some things that it is useless to worry about.

Under such a good situation, what else does Sun Chengzong need to consult.

"Kun Yuan, the Jiangning Camp has made great achievements this time, and the team has grown stronger. Congratulations. The size of the Jiangning Camp has already exceeded 5 people. I didn't expect that, but in a few years, you will be able to A team of this size has been developed to severely injure the rogues and Tartars and shock Ming Dynasty, it seems that the task of exterminating the rogues and Tartars belongs to you.”

"Your Excellency, please don't say that. The Jiangning Battalion's success is the result of the hard work of the soldiers. The Jiangning Battalion has also received a lot of support. It is difficult to support the Jiangning Battalion alone. Especially this time, the Jiangning Battalion was able to recruit so many soldiers. Received the support of the Datong Frontier Army.”

"It's good to be humble and low-key, but if you have merit, you should be praised and rewarded. You have always been low-key. This is your advantage. This old man also sees it, but you still have to show your thunderbolt skills. The imperial court Inside, it's not so peaceful, you control the Jiangning camp, who knows what some people will think, you still have to pay attention to this aspect."

Su Tiancheng nodded. The self-respect of the soldiers has existed for a long time. This is also because the court's money is insufficient and cannot solve the army's salary well. Under such circumstances, some generals have to find ways to support the army. Scholars regard them as their own personal belongings, and they violate the imperial edict and the emperor's will. Zhu Youjian has noticed this for a long time, but there is no good way to solve it.

"By the way, the emperor asked the old man for his opinion. It is said that you recommended Lu Xiangsheng to the court to be the governor of Datong. Is there such a thing?"

"Indeed, this junior and Mr. Lu fought together against the Tartars this time, and I admire Mr. Lu's wisdom and bravery. The combat effectiveness of the Tartars is not weak. The Datong frontier army directly confronts the Tartars, and the responsibility is heavy. The junior thinks that Lu My lord can fight the Tartars very well."

"Well, this old man also thinks so. Lu Xiangsheng once worked with this old man, and it is very good. If he becomes the governor of Datong, I believe that the life of the Tartars will not be so comfortable. In this way, Mr. Zhang Fengyi will be appointed as the Liaodong economic strategist. , hold the Ningjin defense line, and Lu Xiangsheng hold the Datong area, and I, Ming, can get a period of recuperation."

"Your Excellency also agrees with Master Lu to be the governor of Datong."

"Lu Xiangsheng is much stronger than Liang Tingdong. This is how I see it. Liang Tingdong, as the governor of Datong, is afraid of the Tartars entering the customs and plundering. With such a performance, how can he continue to serve as the governor of Datong."

Speaking of this, Sun Chengzong looked at Su Tiancheng.

"My soldiers in Ming Dynasty are generally afraid of Tartars. This battle of Jiangning Battalion has dispelled the sergeant's worries to the greatest extent. Tartars are not invincible. Jiangning Battalion wiped out [-] Tartars and forced Aji Ge led the rest of the Tartars and fled in a hurry, from this aspect, the Jiangning camp has made great contributions."

Su Tiancheng didn't say anything. He had a clear understanding of the fighting power of the Tartars. This would involve the future tasks of the Jiangning Camp. The battalion suffered heavy losses as well.

"The old man has already suggested to the emperor. Some people in the imperial court proposed to disperse the command of the Jiangning battalion. The old man firmly opposes it. This is tantamount to self-destruction. I really don't know what those people think. Well, the old man has said so much, there are two things, I want to hear your opinion, first, how to deal with Adoka, and second, the attitude towards the rogues."

Su Tiancheng stood up.

"My lord, this junior has already thought about these two things. A Duoga and the rest of the Tartar officers who were captured will be killed without mercy. Since Huang Taiji doesn't want them, there is no need for the court to keep them. These people cannot return to their hearts. , kill them, and warn the Tartars, I, Ming, will wipe them out one day."

"As for the rogues, the younger generation's opinion is that they should be completely wiped out without mercy. This time the Tatars entered the customs and plundered, and the situation in Beizhili was turbulent. Under such a critical situation, the rogues took advantage of the troubled waters. They should be clear that at this time, chaos will form What kind of consequences, so the behavior of the rogues cannot be forgiven, the court's attitude towards the rogues needs to be completely changed, and there is no need to sympathize with them."

Sun Chengzong nodded frequently, and after Su Tiancheng finished speaking, a smile appeared on his face.

"Kun Yuan, the old man also sees it this way. The Tartars have suffered heavy losses. They will not enter the customs in a short time. This time is very precious. We must find ways to completely wipe out the bandits and stabilize the interior. Since you have such a If you know him well, this old man will recommend you to the imperial court to take on the important task of exterminating the bandits."

"Your Excellency, please don't do this. Under the leadership of your lord, the younger generation will lead the soldiers of the Jiangning Battalion to wipe out the bandits."

"Well, the old man knows your worries. You are still too young. Some people will be jealous if you suddenly take on such a heavy responsibility. It's okay, I will do it according to your opinion. However, you have to be prepared, it is impossible to stay In Henan Mansion." To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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