Ming politicians

Chapter 469 The Pain of the Qing Dynasty

()Half a month has passed, and Huang Taiji still feels heartbroken. He suffered such a huge loss. In his opinion, it is not only the loss of the lives of the sergeants, but the greater worry comes from the strength of the Ming army. .

Establishing the Great Qing Dynasty and ascending to the throne was no easy matter for Huang Taiji. This also indicated that Huang Taiji had expressed his determination, and his ultimate wish was to overthrow the Ming Dynasty and unify the Central Plains.With this kind of thinking, it is a good thing to have harassing bandits and encounter disasters within the Ming Dynasty, including the struggle between ministers. These can weaken the strength of the Ming Dynasty to the greatest extent and give the Qing Dynasty a chance. The Ming Dynasty gradually declined, especially the imperial court was unable to support the army, so some soldiers of the Ming Dynasty defected to the Qing Dynasty.

The sergeants of the Qing Dynasty returned with full rewards in the several battles they entered the customs. They hit the Ming Dynasty to the greatest extent and caused heavy damage to the Ming Dynasty. It even reached the point where the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty avoided the Qing soldiers. It was just because the strength of the Qing Dynasty was not enough. It is impossible to fully invade and overthrow Daming, and the Ningjin defense line of the Ming Dynasty is also an unbreakable pass. Huang Taiji dare not go all out to take risks. If all the soldiers of the Qing Dynasty bypass the Ningjin defense line and go deep into the pass, once Encountering an accident, encountering the pincer attack of the Ningjin defense line and the Guannei Ming army, that is the danger of subjugation.

However, small-scale entry is still allowed, especially this time, Azig led the [-] elite sergeants of the Qing Dynasty. Stern warning.

But this is the most critical time of entering the customs. Azig led [-] soldiers to enter the customs, and suffered such a heavy loss.

This was a severe blow, Huang Taiji sensed the danger, and the name of Jiang Ningying had already entered his mind.

The intelligence system was fully activated to investigate the news of Jiangning Camp.Not long after, Su Tiancheng's name appeared in the information more than once. What Su Tiancheng did made Huang Taiji feel terrified. He knew that he had met a powerful opponent.

In just a few years.The Jiangning Camp jumped up, not only accompanied by the strength of the army, but also the achievements of local construction. If this trend continues, the Ming Dynasty will slowly recover, and the Qing Dynasty will be in danger.

There are two aspects to the response.

One is to sow discord.It is the most appropriate way for the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to suspect Su Tiancheng, deprive Su Tiancheng of his power, and then take Su Tiancheng's life.

But judging from the current situation, the possibility of using such a method is too small, and Qing Dynasty doesn't understand Su Tiancheng.I don't know what Su Tiancheng did on weekdays, so he couldn't send people to infiltrate Su Tiancheng's surroundings. Besides, Su Tiancheng has established such a great military exploit, the court will not easily believe the slander from outside.

The second is to work hard to build the Qing Dynasty well, and to strengthen its own strength in the shortest time. The Ming Dynasty is like a tiger that has passed its peak.Although the strength is still very good, but this tiger has slowly aged, decayed, and consumed more and more, and its physical strength and strength are not good. On the other hand, in the Qing Dynasty, it is like a growing lion.Although it is not yet possible to dominate the forest, as long as we work hard, that day will always come.

Huang Taiji's consideration is a two-pronged approach.

On the one hand, strengthen self-construction.On the one hand, it prompted the emperor of the Ming Dynasty to suspect Su Tiancheng, alienate him, and even kill Su Tiancheng.

Having become the emperor, Huang Taiji still has some understanding of the emperor's mind. Su Tiancheng must be a capable person. Such a capable person is prone to encounter suspicion. As long as there is an external force, the emperor will definitely become suspicious. Snoring, who knows if some capable people become stronger and will threaten the imperial power. The emperor Zhao Kuangyin of the Song Dynasty is a good example.

Of course, to do such a thing, you can't be in a hurry, you need to take your time.

Huang Taiji's subordinates have a large group of talents, but there are still not many ministers, and they are all mainly Han Chinese. After such a long time, Huang Taiji has long understood that relying entirely on force to unify the world is an act. Those who are unreasonable will eventually encounter failure. Immediately they can conquer the world, but immediately they cannot rule the world.

However, around Huang Taiji, there are still mainly Manchus. The powerful ministers counted and counted are all his brothers and nephews, including the most important seven people: Prince Li Daishan, Prince Zheng Jierhalang, Prince Rui Prince Dorgon, Prince Su Haoge, King Azig of Wuying County, King Duoduo of Yujun County, and Adali King of Yingjun County, these people are almost all generals. Among them, Dorgon still has some strategies and is good at fighting. Outstanding, as for Azig, his mind is much simpler.

The one who really became Huang Taiji's think tank was Han Fan Cheng.

Although Fan Cheng only has the status of a student, his talent and learning are no less than that of the Jinshi of the Ming Dynasty. In Huang Taiji's eyes, the number one scholar in the palace examination of the Ming Dynasty is not as good as Fan Cheng.

However, Huang Taiji was also annoyed. Fan Cheng was very loyal, and made great contributions every time he put forward outstanding suggestions. However, in the Qing Dynasty, the Manchus looked down on the Han people from the bottom of their hearts. When facing many princes, county kings, and Baylor's sons, one still has to be cautious and trembling, for fear of offending any royal family member accidentally and encountering a tragic fate.

In this regard, Huang Taiji didn't have much to do. After all, the Manchus were the main supporters for him. He is still the emperor of the Manchus, not the Han.

When Fan Cheng entered the palace, he felt a little uneasy.

He knew everything about Azig's defeat, and after some analysis, he had some thoughts in his heart, but he still didn't dare to say some things. He was more of a Han Chinese. If you are humble, if you are a little careless, if you are caught by the Manchu nobles, your life will be very difficult.

Fan Cheng was educated in Confucianism and knew the cruelty of political struggle. As a Han Chinese, he was considered a traitor after joining Hou Jin, and it was impossible for him to be forgiven by the Ming Dynasty. Only by helping Hou Jin to unify the world can he live a stable life, so he spared no effort to make suggestions, fight on the battlefield, and make achievements.

Worry also exists.

The struggle within the Hou Jin was even more cruel. The emphasis here is on force. I am not very interested in the Confucian principles of propriety, justice, benevolence, wisdom and trust. Even Huang Taiji, who has become the emperor of the Qing Dynasty, still has to pay attention to dealing with many The relationship, taking care of many Manchus, Manchus bullying Hans, can be found everywhere, and Huang Taiji doesn't have much energy to deal with it. Such a situation clearly shows that he is still Manchus in the end. A slave cannot raise his head to be a master.

Huang Taiji trusts him very much, but who knows how long Huang Taiji can live, Dorgon, Hauge, Azig and others are staring at him, all of them are not fuel-efficient lamps, and he is in the center of power, when will he offend these people? People are dead, I don't know how they died.

"Cheng, what do you think of Azig's fiasco this time? I am very worried about Jiang Ningying and Su Tiancheng. Do you have any good ways to deal with it?"

Fan Cheng stabilized his mind, the question raised by Huang Taiji was within his expectation.

"Your Majesty, this servant thinks that Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying are nothing to worry about."

"Oh, why do you think so?"

"The servant thinks that the Ming Dynasty has rotted from the root, and that only Su Tiancheng, including the Jiangning Camp, cannot play the role of the mainstay. Qing will build with peace of mind, strengthen its own strength, and in the not-too-distant future, it will be able to destroy Daming."

Huang Taiji nodded.

"What you said makes sense, but I still feel worried about Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying."

"Su Tiancheng and Jiang Ningying are very good, but the servant thinks that it is because Su Tiancheng is good, so as long as the Ming Dynasty stabilizes a little bit, Su Tiancheng's life will be difficult. If the Ming Dynasty has no more Anxiety, the ministers in the court are happy to miss Sichuan, and all they can think about is fighting for power and gain. Su Tiancheng has made such great contributions, so he will naturally become the target of public criticism. The servants have also heard that Su Tiancheng is very young and has no foundation in the court. He didn't even work in the imperial court, he was always in the local area, and under such circumstances, his situation is even more dangerous."

A smile appeared on Huang Taiji's face, and Fan Cheng was able to get to the point every time.

"The slave thinks that my Qing Dynasty can use countermeasures. During this period of time, we will strengthen our own construction, and at the same time continue to spread news that is not good for Su Tiancheng. The three of us will become tigers. Take the blame, and my chance to clean up has come."

"Well, what you said is very good. You know the court of Ming Dynasty very well. Most of the generals around me are generals. In my opinion, you are directly responsible for dealing with Su Tiancheng. You need gold, silver, treasures, manpower and material resources. , just open your mouth, don’t worry about this matter, take your time, I have time.”

"The slave obeys the order."

"I know that you have worked hard and are loyal, but some people in the court have some opinions about you, which makes you uneasy, but you don't have to think about these issues. I am your backer, and I will definitely support you."

After Huang Taiji said these words, Fan Cheng quickly knelt down.

"Your Majesty's kindness to you, slaves can't repay you, only do your best, slaves will do their best, live up to the emperor's great trust, slaves don't ask for anything in return..."

"Okay, you can do things with peace of mind, I know it well."

When Fan Cheng left the main hall, he was very happy in his heart. No matter what, with the full support of Huang Taiji, his position was temporarily consolidated. It was human effort, and he had to go all the way. There must be a way before the car reaches the mountain.

Unfortunately, this time, Fan Cheng was wrong, he accepted an impossible task.To be continued. , You are welcome to come to the starting point (qidia) to vote for recommendation votes and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. mqidia read. )

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